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Health Technical Memorandum

01-06: Decontamination of
flexible endoscopes
Part E: Testing methods

March 2016
Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

Health Technical Memorandum

01-06: Decontamination of
flexible endoscopes
Part E: Testing methods

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Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods


Introduction The purpose of HTM is to help health

organisations to develop policies regarding the
This HTM supersedes the Choice Framework management, use and decontamination of
for local Policy and Procedures (CFPP) series, reusable medical devices at controlled costs
which was a pilot initiative by the Department of using risk control.
This HTM is designed to reflect the need to
The CFPP series of documents are reverting to continuously improve outcomes in terms of:
the Health Technical Memorandum title format.
This will realign them with HTM 00 – ‘Policies • patient safety;
and principles of healthcare engineering’ and • clinical effectiveness; and
‘HTM 01-05: Decontamination in primary care
dental practices’ and the naming convention • patient experience.
used for other healthcare estates and facilities
related technical guidance documents within
England. It will also help to address the Essential Quality Requirements and
recommendation to align decontamination Best Practice
guidance across the four nations. The Health Act Code of Practice recommends
that healthcare organisations comply with
In 01-01 and 01-06 DH will be retaining the
guidance establishing Essential Quality
Essential Quality Requirements and Best
Requirements and demonstrate that a plan is in
Practice format, this maintains their alignment
place for progression to Best Practice.
with HTM 01-05 and the requirement of ‘The
Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of Essential Quality Requirements (EQR), for the
Practice on the prevention and control of purposes of this best practice guidance, is a
infections and related guidance’ which requires term that encompasses all existing statutory
that “decontamination policy should and regulatory requirements. EQRs incorporate
demonstrate that it complies with guidance requirements of the current Medical Devices
establishing essential quality requirements and Directive and Approved Codes of Practice as
a plan is in place for progression to best well as relevant applicable Standards. They will
practice”. We are aware that policy within the help to demonstrate that an acute provider
devolved nations differs on this particular issue operates safely with respect to its
but the aim is that the technical content should decontamination services.
be consistent and able to be adopted by the
devolved nations so that the requirements of Local policy should define how a provider
the ACDP-TSE Subgroup’s amended guidance achieves risk control and what plan is in place
can be met. to work towards Best Practice.

Best Practice is additional to EQR. Best The HTM 01 suite is listed below.
Practice as defined in this guidance covers
non-mandatory policies and procedures that • HTM 01-01: Management and
aim to further minimise risks to patients; deliver decontamination of surgical instruments
better patient outcomes; promote and (medical devices) used in acute care
encourage innovation and choice; and achieve • HTM 01-04: Decontamination of linen for
cost efficiencies. health and social care
Best Practice should be considered when • HTM 01-05: Decontamination in primary
developing local policies and procedures based care dental practices
on the risk of surgical procedures and available
• HTM 01-06: Decontamination of flexible
evidence. Best Practice encompasses
guidance on the whole of the decontamination
cycle, including, for example, improved
instrument management, where there is Note
evidence that these procedures will contribute
to improved clinical outcomes. This guidance remains a work in progress
which will be updated as additional evidence
becomes available; each iteration of the
guidance is designed to help to
incrementally reduce the risk of cross-

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods


ACDP: Advisory Committee on Dangerous EWD: endoscope washer-disinfector

HCAI: healthcare-associated infections
ACDP-TSE [Subgroup]: Advisory Committee
on Dangerous Pathogens – Transmissible HCAI Code of Practice: DH’s ‘Health and
Spongiform Encephalopathies [Subgroup] Social Care Act 2008: Code of Practice for the
NHS on the prevention and control of
AE(D): Authorising Engineer (Decontamination) healthcare associated infections and related
BS: British Standard
ISO: International Standards Organisation
CJD: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
MHRA: Medicines and Healthcare products
CQC: Care Quality Commission Regulatory Agency
DH: Department of Health sCJD: sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
DIPC: Director of Infection Prevention and TSEs: transmissible spongiform
Control encephalopathies
EN: European norm vCJD: variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Executive summary

Health Technical Memorandum (HTM) 01-06 • Part C ‘Operational management’ gives

provides best practice guidance on the guidance on operational responsibility
management and decontamination of flexible together with advice on the procurement
endoscopes (principally gastrointestinal scopes and operation of an endoscope washer-
and bronchoscopes). In addition, this guidance disinfector (EWD).
also provides advice on the management and
handling of an endoscope following use on a • Part D ‘Validation and verification’
patient at increased risk of vCJD. highlights the types of tests and
maintenance procedures that are needed
This document covers flexible endoscope to ensure that decontamination has been
management and decontamination only. achieved.
Clinical issues relating to endoscopy or the • Part E ‘Testing methods’ discusses the
manufacture of EWDs are not discussed. In principles and methods that are used in
addition this document does not cover the the tests described in this HTM and the
processing of flexible endoscopes used to tests detailed in BS EN ISO 15883-4.
examine sterile body tissues. These
endoscopes should be sterile, possibly using
low temperature gas sterilization (for compatible Why has the guidance been
processes, see HTM 01-01 Part E). updated?
HTM 01-06 is divided into five parts: HTM 01-06 has been updated to take account
of changes to the ACDP-TSE Subgroup’s
• Part A ‘Policy and management’ sets the general principles of decontamination (Annex
Department of Health’s (DH) policy C). In relation to the decontamination of flexible
context and discusses the Essential endoscopes, paragraphs C5 and C20 from the
Quality Requirements and Best Practice Annex state:
recommendations for an endoscope
decontamination service. Transmissible Paragraph C5:
spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) For endoscopes, the bedside clean should take place
infectious agents are discussed and immediately after the procedure has been carried out, and
guidance is given on the management it is recommended that the endoscopes should be
manually cleaned according to the manufacturer’s
and handling of an endoscope after it has recommendations and passed through an Endoscope
been used on a patient at increased risk Washer Disinfector as soon as possible after use.
of vCJD.
Paragraph C20:
• Part B ‘Design and installation’ gives A routine test for washer disinfectors could be developed
guidance on the design and fitting of to measure the cleaning efficacy at validation and routine
endoscope reprocessing units. testing, such as daily or weekly tests. This method could
be based on a process challenge device system that will
monitor the optimised wash cycles; the results must be
quantifiable and objective.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

Essentially, therefore, this update focuses on

improving the washing and cleaning process, Note
reducing the time from patient use to the
decontamination process, and monitoring the This remains a work in progress which will
cleaning efficacy of endoscope washer- be updated as additional evidence becomes
disinfectors. available.

It is also important to point out that the ACDP-

TSE Subgroup’s Annex C deprecates the use List of major changes to Part E
of ninhydrin in the detection of protein levels
because of its insensitivity. Alternative available
since the 2013 edition
technologies should be considered for the • CFPP 01-06 has reverted to the Health
detection of residual proteins on the internal Technical Memorandum title format and
surfaces of flexible endoscopes following now becomes Health Technical
reprocessing. Therefore reprocessing units Memorandum 01-06.
should: • “Automatic control test” changed to daily
a. consider the available technologies and test from weekly test to make it
make a risk-based decision on the consistent with schedule in HTM 01-06
methodology to be adopted (for Part D. This was an error in the previous
example BS EN ISO 14971); edition.

b. use technologies with the best available • New process challenge device efficacy
sensitivity, consistent measurement test introduced.
standards and quantifiable results to • New advice on tests for residual protein
measure effective control of residual detection introduced.
protein levels;
• Previous tests for residual soil using
c. use trend analysis as a tool for self- ninhydrin and alternative methods now
improvement to demonstrate decreasing removed as they are no longer
protein levels over time both on the applicable.
outside of the endoscope and the
lumens using available testing • New test given in Chapter 6 for detection
technologies. of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in final
• All references updated.


Andrew Bent Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agenc

Anita C. Jones University of Edinburgh
Bill Keevil University of Southampton
Brian Kirk IHEEM Decontamination Technology Platform
Clive Powell Association of British Healthcare Industries
David Perrett Queen Mary University of London
Geoff Sjogren Institute of Decontamination Sciences
Geoffrey L. Ridgway, OBE, MD Clinical Microbiologist
Gerry McDonnell Association of British Healthcare Industries
Graham Stanton NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership – Facilities Services
Helen Griffiths Joint Advisory Group on gastrointestinal endoscopy (JAG)
Jackie Duggan Public Health England
James Ironside University of Edinburgh
Jimmy Walker Public Health England
John Singh Health Estates, Northern Ireland
Karen Chell NHS Supply Chain
Katy Sinka Public Health England
Mike Painter Public Health Physician
Mike Simmons Public Health Wales
Miles Allison British Society of Gastroenterology
Peter Hoffman Public Health England
Robert Kingston IHEEM Decontamination Technology Platform
Rod Herve University of Southampton
Sulisti Holmes Health Protection Scotland
Tony Young Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Tracy Coates Association for Perioperative Practice

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods


Preface������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� iv
Abbreviations��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� vi
Executive summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� vii
Acknowledgements����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ix
1 Introduction��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1
2 Terminology��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
3 Automatic control test����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
4 Drainage��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
5 Venting system���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
6 Water system������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
7 Doors and door interlocks�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
8 Chemical dosing�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
9 Instrumentation fitted to an EWD�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
10 Load carriers��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
11 Thermometric tests����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
12 Load dryness�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
13 Chemical additive residual levels�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
14 Air quality��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
15 Sound pressure test���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������30
16 Cleaning efficacy tests����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
17 Leak and patency testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
18 EWD self-disinfection test������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39
19 Disinfectant concentration test���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
20 Microbiological and temperature tests of disinfection efficacy��������������������������������������43

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 This volume discusses principles and be processed will not withstand the high
methods that are used in the tests described in temperatures required for thermal disinfection. It
this HTM and those detailed in BS EN ISO is necessary to ensure that the disinfectant is
15883 Parts 1 and 4. removed from the endoscope before it is used
on a patient; this is achieved by a post-
1.2 EWDs for flexible thermo-labile endoscopes disinfection rinsing stage. Some EWD process
are machines of Type 1 or 2: cycles are available that add disinfectant to the
final rinse-water. The level of disinfectant at this
• Type 1 EWDs have a single door or lid
stage should be shown to be non¬toxic to
patients. The microbiological control of this
• Type 2 EWDs have two doors and a stage is of critical importance to the microbial
pass-through facility. status of the reprocessed endoscope. A
number of additional tests are required to
1.3 (Rigid endoscopes able to tolerate terminal ensure that this aspect of the process is
steam sterilization are considered under WDs properly controlled.
for surgical instruments.)
1.5 Periodic storage cabinet tests for flexible
1.4 EWDs are characterised by a chemical endoscopes are given in Chapter 6 of HTM 01-
disinfection stage because the endoscopes to 06 Part D – ‘Validation and verification’.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

2 Terminology

Cycle variables disinfection temperature, and a maximum

allowable temperature define the disinfection
2.1 The cycle variables are the physical and temperature band.
chemical properties such as time, temperature,
pressure, flow rate, concentration, chemical 2.8 Flexible endoscopes can withstand
composition that influence the efficacy of the temperatures up to 60°C, above which damage
cleaning and disinfection processes. Many of the is likely to occur. EWDs that dilute disinfectant
tests described in this HTM require the values of with water directly from the supply will vary in
cycle variables to be determined experimentally their operation owing to the variation in the
and then compared with specified or standard supply water temperature and chemistry,
values. particularly between seasons. The disinfectant
contact concentration is specified by the
2.2 An indicated value is that shown by a minimum acceptable concentration in contact
visual display fitted to the EWD. with the load to be disinfected and the maximum
allowable concentration.
2.3 A recorded value is that shown on the
output of a recording instrument fitted 2.9 For those EWDs in which the chemical
permanently to the EWD. disinfection stage, or the cleaning stage, is
thermostatically controlled at elevated
2.4 A measured value is that shown on a test temperature, the duration of the exposure to the
instrument, for example, a temperature recorder chemical may be determined thermometrically.
attached to the EWD for test purposes. In most cases, investigation of the performance
of chemical disinfection processes can only be
2.5 A noted value is that written down following
carried out successfully using microbiological
personal observation of an indicated, recorded
test methods in conjunction with physical
or measured value.
Disinfection conditions 2.10 The disinfection temperature band (if above
2.6 The disinfection conditions are the ambient) may also be quoted for liquid chemical
ranges of the cycle variables that may prevail disinfection/sterilization processes, but is not a
throughout the chamber and load during the complete specification of the disinfection
holding time. conditions, since the efficacy of such processes
also depends on the concentration of the
2.7 Endoscope disinfection conditions are chemical agent.
specified by the disinfection temperature
band (if above ambient) and disinfectant 2.11 Some EWDs use elevated temperature for
concentration range. The disinfection the self-disinfection stage. Control of this stage is
temperature band may be ambient temperature critical and should be monitored
or elevated above the incoming water thermometrically to determine the correct
temperature to a defined level. A minimum conditions have been met in all parts of the EWD
acceptable temperature, known as the chamber.

3 Automatic control test

3 Automatic control test

3.1 The automatic control test is designed to 3.5 The test should be considered satisfactory
show that the operating cycle functions if the following requirements are met:
correctly as shown by the values of the cycle
variables indicated and recorded by the a. A visual display indicating “cycle
instruments fitted to the EWD. complete” occurs.
b. During the whole of the operational
3.2 In the absence of an independent cycle, the values of the cycle variables
monitoring system (IMS), this test is carried out as indicated by the instruments on the
daily and is the main test for ensuring that the EWD or shown on the batch process
EWD continues to function correctly within the record are within the limits established
validated parameters. The IMS records should as giving satisfactory results either by
be checked in conjunction with the test. the manufacturer or during validation.
c. If elevated temperatures are used during
Test procedure the routine cycle, the time for which the
3.3 Place a test device or a routine endoscope temperature is maintained is not less
in the chamber. Select the routine operating than that established during validation.
cycle and start the cycle.
d. The door cannot be opened until the
3.4 Ensure that a traceability record is made of cycle is complete.
the test. Note chamber temperatures (if e. The person conducting the test does
appropriate), leak test pressure and time at all not observe any mechanical or other
significant points of the operating cycle, for anomaly.
example the beginning and ending of each
stage or sub-stage.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

4 Drainage

4.1 It is important to vent the EWD externally to trap or a large ballvalve is used to obstruct the
prevent any hazardous fumes entering the discharge from the drain.
workspace. This applies both to the drains that
should be sealed within the EWD work area Method for EWDs with sealed doors
and to the EWD cabinet. There is no test to
determine if any gas contents of the EWD 4.6 Introduce the metal sphere (or equivalent
chamber or drain enter the workspace. device) to block the drain, or fit a large ballvalve
Therefore if a potentially hazardous chemical is and close the valve.
used as the disinfectant, such as peracetic
acid, gas measurements should be taken 4.7 Close the door and start the operating
around the EWD during operation to determine cycle. On completion of the operating cycle,
whether there are any leaks in the system. attempt to open the EWD door using the
normal release procedure.

Blocked-drain protection 4.8 If the door opens and the water level is
below the door seal, close the door and start
4.2 If the drain from the EWD chamber another operating cycle.
becomes blocked, continued operation of the
EWD would allow water and suspended soil to 4.9 Repeat the operating cycle as many times
be discharged onto the floor either during the as necessary for either the water level at the
operating cycle or, for cabinet-type EWDs with end of the cycle to be above the level of the
sealed door(s), by sudden discharge when the door seal or a fault to be indicated.
door is opened at the end of the cycle.

4.3 The purpose of blocked drain protection is Method for EWDs without sealed doors
to prevent unacceptable spillage and minimise 4.10 Introduce the metal sphere (or equivalent
the risk of cross-infection. device) to block the drain or ballvalve adjusted
to the closed position.
4.4 In the test, the drain is deliberately blocked,
and successive operating cycles are run until 4.11 Start the operating cycle. On completion of
the water level is above the level of the door the operating cycle, if no water has been spilled
seal. The test is intended for use both as a type from the EWD and no fault has been indicated,
test (and as such is a requirement of BS EN start another operating cycle.
ISO 15883-4) and as an operational or
installation test. 4.12 Repeat the operating cycle as many times
as necessary for either water to be spilled from
Equipment and materials the EWD or a fault to be indicated.

4.5 Either a solid metal sphere of diameter 10–

15% greater than the internal diameter of the

4 Drainage

Results for EWDs with sealed doors Efficacy of discharge through the
4.13 A fault should be indicated when, or trap
before, the water level in the chamber reaches 4.17 The test is intended to verify that the
the level of the door seal. The door should not operating cycle is effective in purging the trap of
be capable of being opened by the normal all waste and soil.
release procedure; a tool, key or code should
be required.
Equipment and materials
Results for EWDs without sealed doors 4.18 The following equipment and materials are
4.14 A fault should be indicated before water is
spilled from the EWD. The operating cycle • test soil appropriate to the type of EWD
should be stopped preventing further inflow of being tested (see guidance given in
water. A tool, key or code should be required to ‘Performance qualification tests’ in the
restart the EWD. ‘Validation and verification’ volume);
• sampling tube of sufficient length to
Note reach the water trap in the drain of the
This test might not be required if the design EWD and a sampling pump (for example,
of the EWD prevents the water level within a pipette pump or syringe).
the chamber or bowl reaching the level of the
opening. Method
4.19 The test may be carried out as part of the
cleaning efficacy test during operational testing.
Free draining of tanks, chamber,
load carriers and pipework 4.20 On completion of an operating cycle to
test the cleaning efficacy by processing a full
4.15 Residual water that does not drain from
load contaminated with an appropriate test soil,
the internal pipework of the EWD may provide
place the sampling tube into the water trap and
an environment for microbial growth; these
remove a sample for examination.
microorganisms may recontaminate the
disinfected load. 4.21 Examine the water sample from the trap
for residual test soil using the detection method
4.16 The following checks should be carried
appropriate to the test soil.
out during type-testing, works testing and
installation testing to verify that – as designed,
built and installed – the EWD will effectively Results
discharge all the water from the system: 4.22 The water in the trap should be free from
a. free draining of chamber and load residual soil at the same level of detection as
carriers – test by visual observation at that specified for the load items.
end of the cycle;
Residual soil in the trap may present an
b. free draining of tanks – test by visual infection or recontamination hazard.
observation on draining the tanks;
c. pipework flow to discharge point – test
by visual observation including use, Estimation of dead volume of
when necessary, of a spirit level. pipework
4.23 Residual water that does not drain from
the internal pipework of the EWD may provide

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

an environment for microbial growth; these reassembly or purging with dry compressed air
microorganisms may then recontaminate the for not less than 30 minutes) is flushed with a
disinfected load. known volume of water (simulating the flow that
would occur in normal use).
4.24 The test is intended primarily as a type
test but may also be of value, if possible, as an 4.28 The volume of water flushed through the
operational test or when investigating microbial system should be twice that determined as the
contamination occurring in an EWD. volume used per operating cycle given in the
manufacturer’s data sheet. The volume of water
4.25 The test should only be carried out after discharged is measured, and the dead volume
completion of the checks for free drainage (see (estimated as the volume retained) is calculated
paragraph 4.15, ‘Free draining of tanks, from the difference between the two values.
chamber, load carriers and pipework’) have
been satisfactorily completed. 4.29 When the EWD has two or more pipework
systems that are entirely separate (for example,
Equipment for flushing water, wash-water, rinse-water, final
rinse-water), each system may be tested
4.26 Volumetric measuring vessels of separately.
appropriate size are necessary.
4.30 The volume of retained water should be
4.27 The pipework of the EWD that is known to less than 1% of the volume of water used.
be dry (either following disassembly and

5 Venting system

5 Venting system

Load contamination from ductwork 5.6 If the mirror shows any signs of misting or
the presence of droplets, its position should be
5.1 The evolution of water vapour from the noted.
chamber during the washing stage, disinfection
stage and drying stage may result in
condensation occurring in the ductwork and in
the condenser (if fitted). The ducting is 5.7 There should be no misting of the mirror or
commonly arranged to allow this condensate to droplets present. Misting or droplets on the
drain back into the chamber or drain. This mirror indicates the discharge from around the
condensate is likely to become contaminated door or lid.
and there is a risk that it could come in contact
with the load. The ductwork should be checked
at installation to confirm that any condensate
Chemical vapour emission
from the ductwork cannot drain into the EWD 5.8 EWDs use chemical additives for which
chamber and onto the load. there may be specified exposure limits (usually
disinfectants) under the COSHH Regulations. It
must be ensured that emissions from the EWD
Droplet emissions do not cause personal exposure to exceed the
5.2 Emissions of water droplets present a risk legal limits.
of transmitting infection from contaminated load
items. The test is designed to be carried out as Method
an operational test.
5.9 The method of sampling for airborne
emissions and the method of analysis or
Equipment and materials detection will be specific to the chemical
5.3 The following equipment is necessary: cold additive(s) being used. Advice should be sought
hand mirror. from the EWD manufacturer, the supplier of the
chemical additive(s) and/or the Health & Safety
Method Executive (HSE) in order to determine an
appropriate test method.
5.4 The EWD should be operated with the
chamber empty except for any chamber
furniture (for example, load carrier). Any
chemical additives used should be replaced 5.10 Emissions from the EWD during normal
with water. operation and maintenance, including when
opening the EWD at the end of the cycle or
5.5 Close the door of the EWD. Initiate an when changing or refilling chemical additive
operating cycle. The cold mirror is moved reservoirs, should not expose personnel to
around the edge of the door or lid at a distance concentrations in excess of the legal maxima.
of 50–100 mm from the door or lid.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

6 Water system

6.1 A continuous supply of water of the Water samples

specified chemical and microbial quality is
essential to the correct functioning of all EWDs. 6.4 Water samples should be obtained from
Water that is too hard or has too high a either:
concentration of total organic carbon may • draw-off points installed at convenient
impair the activity of detergents (or require the locations within the system for testing the
use of increased quantities of chemical supply; or
additives) and cause deposits, scaling or
corrosion of the items being processed. • the EWD chamber or bowl for testing the
water rinsing the endoscope.
6.2 Water containing high numbers of
microorganisms may recontaminate disinfected 6.5 The sampling containers used should be
items. For all these tests, the water should be specific for the contaminants of interest. This
sampled from the water supply to each EWD or should include, as appropriate:
the EWD chamber/bowl. Additional samples
a. 250 mL sterile, chemically clean, single-
may need to be taken from any water treatment
use containers (for determination of TOC
plant when trying to identify the cause of
levels and/or total viable count);
b. containers supplied by the laboratory for
6.3 Periodic final rinse-water tests and measurement of chemical contents, for
satisfactory results are shown in Table 1. example:
Table 1 Periodic final rinse-water tests: satisfactory results
(i) 1 L acid-washed borosilicate bottles,
Water test Satisfactory Frequency (for determination of cations);
(click on link) results
(ii) 1 L polypropylene bottles (for
Total organic carbon Less than 1 mg/L Yearly
determination of anions and total
Appearance Clear, bright and Yearly
dissolved solids);
pH 5.5 to 8.0 Yearly (iii) 100 mL high-density polyethylene
Electrical conductivity Less than 40 µS/cm Weekly bottles (for determination of pH and
at 25ºC
Hardness Less than 50 mg/L Weekly (if
CaCO3 appropriate)
6.6 The first 100 mL of sample taken at each
Total viable count Less than Weekly sampling point should be run to waste.
(see also Table 3 in HTM 10 cfu/100 mL
01-06 Part B) acceptable
6.7 Samples for TVC should be chilled and
Environmental Non-detected in Quarterly
mycobacteria 100 mL samples tested within four hours of collection or stored
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Non-detected in Quarterly at 2–5°C and tested within 24 hours of
100 mL samples collection.

6 Water system

Water quality tests receive appropriate training before attempting

to carry out this work. Recourse to more
6.8 The following sections describe analytical precise analysis may be needed in the event of
methods that may be used to determine the a dispute between two parties.
various biological, physical and chemical
properties of water samples.
Water supply temperature
6.9 The methods of analysis required to detect 6.15 The water supplied to the various stages
chemical contaminants at low concentrations of the EWD operating cycle should be at an
with a high level of accuracy require the use of appropriate temperature. If the temperature of
a laboratory with appropriate expertise, facilities the water supplied to the flushing stage is too
and experience. Other tests can be carried out high (>45°C), there is a risk of coagulating
on-site or with limited laboratory facilities; these proteinaceous soiling, which will inhibit the
lack the precision and sensitivity of laboratory cleaning process. If the temperature of water
tests, but are sufficient for most purposes. supplied to the EWD is heated and its
temperature is too low, washing, rinsing and
6.10 This HTM contains detailed procedures for disinfection stages may be greatly extended or
tests that may be carried out on-site or with ineffective.
very simple laboratory equipment at, or shortly
after, the time of sampling. 6.16 Water supplied to an EWD may be limited
to 30°C within the EWD; therefore, water supply
6.11 The precision, accuracy, sensitivity and pipes running parallel to a hot water supply may
limits of detection of these methods are usually not be cool enough in warm weather to be
inferior to those of laboratory methods. They acceptable.
are useful, however, in that they provide
evidence of any gross failure, and the results 6.17 Storage of water between 10°C and 55°C
are available immediately, making them of is liable to become contaminated unless good
diagnostic value during a fault-finding exercise. water hygiene is practised (see Health Technical
Memorandum 04-01 for further guidance).
Choice of method
6.12 For any given determinant there will usually Equipment
be several methods that are suitable and cover 6.18 An indicating or recording thermometer is
the range of concentrations of interest. The necessary.
methods given in this section are examples of
tests that may conveniently be carried out on
6.19 The temperature of the water supply
6.13 A number of test systems are available should be measured from a sampling point as
commercially. Before adopting one of these close to the EWD as possible. Place the
methods, care should be taken to ensure that temperature sensor in the middle of the flowing
the test(s) provides results of sufficient accuracy stream as close as practicable to the sampling
and sensitivity. The User is responsible for point. Allow the water to flow for at least a
obtaining the test data and will require the minute before the temperature is read.
assistance of the AE(D) and AP(D) to decide
how the tests are carried out and who carries Alternative method (for periodic testing)
them out.
6.20 When it is not convenient, or practicable,
6.14 It is not necessary to use experienced to run the water to waste from a sampling point
chemical analysis staff to undertake these on- close to the EWD, the water temperature may
site tests. It is, however, essential that personnel be estimated by measurement of the

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

temperature of the outer surface of the supply Method

pipe. If this method is to be used, the
6.26 The pressure sensor should be connected
correlation between the temperature of the
to each of the water supply pipes to the EWD,
water flowing out of the pipe and the surface
as close to the EWD as may be practicable, on
temperature of the pipe at a particular point
the supply side of the EWD isolating valve for
should be established during installation testing.
that supply. The static pressure when the valve
The surface temperature should be measured
is closed and the pressure indicated throughout
using a sensor designed for the purpose, and
a normal operating cycle should be recorded or
the manufacturer’s instructions for ensuring
observed and noted. When the water service
good thermal contact with the surface should
also supplies other equipment on the same
be followed. The temperature should be noted
supply line, the test should be run both with the
or recorded during a normal operating cycle not
other equipment operating throughout the test
less than 30 seconds after the start of water
(or their operation simulated by an appropriate
flow through the pipe to the EWD.
discharge to waste) and with no other
equipment operating.
6.21 The noted value should be within the Results
temperature range specified for the installation.
6.27 The water pressure should remain within
the supply pressure limits specified by the EWD
Water supply pressure manufacturer. The test may be repeated if there
6.22 If the pressure of the water supply to the is more than one water supply (for example,
EWD is below the minimum pressure specified mains water and pure water).
by the manufacturer, the performance and
productivity of the EWD will be adversely Appearance
6.28 All the water supplied to the EWD should
6.23 If the pressure of the water supply to the be clean, colourless and free from visible
EWD is above the maximum pressure specified particulate matter. The appearance of the
by the manufacturer, the capacity of overflow sample is assessed visually.
devices may be inadequate, the designed
performance characteristics of valves etc may Equipment
be exceeded, and in extreme cases there may 6.29 The following equipment is necessary:
be the risk of damage to components of the
EWD or to the products being processed. (For • clean clear-glass bottle and stopper;
example, many flexible endoscopes are likely to
be damaged if subjected to internal pressures • filter paper (qualitative grade), filter funnel
greater than 35 kPa.) and holder.

6.24 This test should be carried out as an Method

installation and/or operational test. It should be
6.30 A water sample should be transferred to a
repeated when any change is made to the
clear colourless glass bottle, which should then
water services supplying the EWD (including
be tightly stoppered. The sample should be
the connection or removal of additional
shaken well and examined visually against a
white background with a black line running
through the middle, preferably in a north light.
6.25 A pressure indicator or recorder (0–10 bar) 6.31 If the sample is turbid, it should be filtered
is necessary. through a qualitative grade filter paper. The filter

6 Water system

paper should be examined and a description of in water of high purity may give
the retained material reported. The filtrate unstable or unreliable readings.
should then be visually examined for deposits.
(ii) Only those pH meters specifically
6.32 The appearance should be reported in designed for the measurement of low
terms of both colour and the intensity of any ionic strength solutions should be
colour. If the sample is coloured, it should be used for determining the pH of
examined carefully to see whether evidence of deionised or RO water.
colloidal material is present. b. Colour disc comparator:
6.33 To determine whether there is a problem (i) Colorimetric tests for pH are suitable
with water deposits, draw off approximately for high purity, low conductivity, and
300–500 mL of water into a clean glass beaker water samples of the type to be
or jar. Allow the water to settle and any air tested.
bubbles to disperse. Then examine the sample
against a white sheet with a black line across (ii) Since colorimetric methods are being
the centre under a good light. The water should used for other field tests, this may be
appear crystal clear with a distinct line between the more appropriate method.
the black and white areas. The presence of fine (iii) The accuracy is limited and
deposits will be seen as slight opalescence and discrimination may not be better than
a slightly indistinct edge to the black to white 0.2 pH. This is, however, quite
areas. suitable for field tests.

(iv) Colour, turbidity or strong oxidants in
the sample all interfere with the test.
6.34 All the samples tested should be clear,
bright and colourless. (v) A narrow range indicator (or two for
use on successive samples) should
be chosen to cover the required pH
range from 4 to 8. Manufacturers of
6.35 Two suitable methods for on-site colorimeters usually provide
measurement of pH are available; the colour indicators to cover a range from 2 or
disc comparator and portable pH meter. If 3. Wide range indicators should not
colour comparators are used, the operator be used because of their poor
should undertake a colour blindness test to discrimination.
confirm they are able to read the results.
6.37 The test kit should be operated in
6.36 The following equipment is necessary: accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. Particular attention should be paid
a. pH meter:
to using accurate volumes of both sample and
(i) There are several commercially reagent, and monitoring both temperature and
available small, portable pH meters. reaction time.
A number of these include built-in
temperature compensation. Although 6.38 The colour of the reacted sample is
they provide suitable accuracy for matched against the calibrated colour disc
most general applications, they are viewed through a blank sample. The value in
not well suited to measurement of pH units is read directly from the disc.
pH in solutions of low ionic strength.
Their use for the determination of pH

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

6.39 The calibration should be verified using at 25ºC and traceable to national standard
standard buffer solutions made up in advance reference materials.
and kept in capped bottles until required. The
buffer solutions should be chosen to have a pH 6.47 After calibration, the sample cup, or
in the midpoint of the range of calibrated colour immersion probe, should be thoroughly rinsed
discs to be used in the determination. with pure water.

6.48 The sample should be collected in a high-

Results density polyethylene bottle and tested as soon
6.40 The indicated value should be in the range as practicable.
5.5 to 8.0.
6.49 An aliquot of the sample should be poured
into the sample cup of the conductivity meter
Note or, for meters with an immersion probe, into the
Photometric apparatus with somewhat better clean beaker. The meter manufacturer’s
discrimination is also commercially available. instructions for making the measurement
should be followed; this will usually require a
short stabilisation period before noting the
Electrical conductivity reading.

Equipment and materials

6.41 A meter suitable for measuring the final
6.50 The conductivity at 25ºC should not
rinse-water of a EWD should cover the following
exceed 40 µS/cm for final rinse-water in contact
with the reprocessed endoscope, unless it
contains a biocide.
Range Resolution Accuracy
0–199 µS/cm 0.1 µS/cm ±1% full scale
6.42 It should be temperature-compensated
over the range 0–40ºC. 6.51 Hardness of water is due to the presence
of dissolved salts of the alkaline earth metals
(calcium, magnesium and strontium). Their
Method presence causes limescale formation from
6.43 The meter’s calibration should be verified heated or evaporated water. This may inactivate
against commercial standards or 0.0005 molar detergents and disinfectants and cause scaling
solutions of potassium chloride and pure water on load items.
can be used as working standards. These give
conductivities at 25ºC of 84 µS/cm and <0.06 Method a: ISE method
6.52 Ion-selective electrodes (ISE) can detect
6.44 The potassium chloride solutions may be calcium and divalent cations (total hardness).
prepared by dilution of a 0.1 molar solution. ISEs are not specific for a particular ion but
have a relative selectivity for a particular ion or
6.45 The working standards are stable for up to group of ions. They provide a potentiometric
one week when stored in cool condition, in a response to the activity of the ions in solution.
well-stoppered container. The activity is proportional to the concentration
for solutions of the same ionic strength.
6.46 A comprehensive range of standard
conductivity reference solutions, including pure 6.53 Both analyte and calibration standard
water standards (also known as absolute solutions should be adjusted to the same ionic
water), are available commercially, standardised strength. A high impedance millivoltmeter is

6 Water system

used to measure the potential between the ISE determined using Patton and Reeder’s indicator
and a suitable reference electrode. The as a complexometric indicator.
measured potential is proportional to the
logarithm of the concentration of the ion(s) in 6.60 The commercially available kits often use
solution. novel titration methods instead of burettes. The
test reagents are specific to each kit. The
6.54 The optimum working pH range is 4–9 manufacturer’s instructions should be followed.
and the ionic strength of the sample should be
adjusted for ionic strength. An adjustment Range
buffer consisting of 4 M potassium chloride
solution is often used. Phosphate buffers 6.61 Determinations within the range 5–400
should not be used, since the calcium activity mg/L can be made. The method is not
will be lowered by complexation or precipitation. applicable to purified water or condensate from
clean or pure steam, which should have
6.55 The electrodes are free from any major calcium concentrations well below the range for
interference except zinc ions. They are however accurate determinations.
poisoned by a number of biological fluids.
6.56 The calcium electrode requires a single
junction reference electrode. Calibration is 6.62 The hardness expressed as mg/L CaCO3
made against two or more standard solutions. should be within the following parameters:
These are commercially available. • <50 mg/L for final rinse-water and water
used to dilute chemicals;
• 50–200 mg/L for water used in the
6.57 Calcium-selective electrodes should have rinsing stages;
a Nernstian response for concentrations from 1
M down to about 5 x 10–6 M and a selectivity • >200 mg/L not suitable for use in an
ratio of better than 2000 against magnesium. EWD (if this is the only water grade
This range is suitable for analysis of softened available, pre-softening is essential).
water and purified water (RO or deionised
water). Total viable count
6.63 Endoscopes should be rinsed after the
Method b: titrimetric method disinfection stage to remove any residual
6.58 Commercially available kits for the chemical toxicity. The rinse-water should be
titrimetric determination of both total hardness free from extraneous material, both inorganic
and calcium hardness are available. They are and organic including microorganisms, which
based on the same reaction in which divalent could compromise the patient. Routine total
cations are complexed with the disodium salt of viable counts (TVCs) should be made on the
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). When final rinse-water. If this water is collected from
the reaction is carried out, at pH 10–11, with the EWD bowl/chamber, it will have passed
Eriochrome Black as the complexometric through the water treatment system and internal
indicator, all the calcium and magnesium ions pipework of the machine. The TVC results will
are chelated by the EDTA, and the absence of give an indication of the water treatment system
free calcium and magnesium ions causes a performance and microbial colonisation of the
colour change in the indicator. EWD pipework. If the TVC is high, additional
samples can be taken to determine the
6.59 At pH values above 12, magnesium ions problem source.
are precipitated as the hydroxide and do not
react with the EDTA. Calcium hardness can be

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

6.64 The following test should be carried out as stopped during the final rinse with the bowl full
an installation or operational test and as a of water.
weekly periodic test for EWDs. It should be
carried out by a microbiologist or those trained 6.69 During the final-rinse stage of the EWD
in aseptic techniques. cycle, stop the machine and the open the lid or
door. With gloved hand, remove the sterile
sampling tube from its wrap and place the
Equipment and materials weighted end in the EWD bowl final rinse-water.
6.65 The following equipment and materials are
necessary: 6.70 With the syringe pushed onto the open
end of the sampling tube, draw water down the
a. sterile single-use containers with a tube with the valve open. When the tube is full,
volume of at least 250 mL; close the valve and remove the syringe.
b. sterile filter membranes (47 mm
6.71 Allow water to flow from the sampling tube
diameter, <0.45 µm pore size);
to waste, then open the sampling bottle and
c. suction filtration apparatus; direct the water sample into the bottle. When
the sample bottle is full, cap and label the
d. incubator at 30±2ºC; container with details of the sampling point and
e. R2A agar (see BS EN ISO 15883-1, the time and date the sample was collected.
Annex D) (alternatively yeast extract agar
(2) Using a sample bottle included in the EWD
(YEA) or tryptone soya agar (TSA) may
be used;
f. f70% alcohol and non-woven wipes. 6.72 This is an alternative method of sample
collection with two outlets fitted to the lid. One
connection is fitted to an EWD outlet via a
Method: sample collection
length of plastic tube. The other connection is
6.66 Samples of final rinse-water should be fitted with a short length of tube and left open.
taken from the EWD using aseptic techniques
following the manufacturer’s instructions. If 6.73 During the EWD cycle, the bottle is
these are not available, the advice of the AE(D) irrigated by the EWD process liquids, with the
should be sought. One of the following last liquid being the final rinse-water. On
methods may apply. completion of the cycle, or if aborted at the end
of the final rinse stage, the bottle is removed
(1) From the EWD bowl – recommended from the EWD and the connections removed
from the bottle and the openings sealed. The
6.67 The following equipment will be required: full bottle of final rinse-water is labelled with
• A sampling tube made up of a length of details of the sampling point and the time and
heat-resistant tube from the EWD bowl to date the sample was collected and sent to the
a sampling bottle held below the bowl microbiology laboratory.
water level. The tube should be fitted with
6.74 The EWD manufacturer may describe
a normally closed valve and a weight
other methods of final rinse-water collection.
attached to one end. The tube and
fittings should be sterilized before use.
• A water sampling container.

6.68 The EWD is run with an empty bowl using

a special cycle that allows the cycle to be

6 Water system

will be required. One end of the tube is

Note anchored in the bowl that is full of test water,
The final rinse-water may contain antibacterial the other end attached to the syringe and a
chemicals. If this is likely, a sterile neutralising siphon set up so that the bowl water sample
agent should be added to the container can be delivered into the test bottle without
before sterilization. This will prevent bacteria contamination.
from dying during transport to the laboratory.
6.79 The sample should be chilled, transferred
As disinfectants used in EWDs contain a
to the laboratory and tested within four hours; if
mixture of antibacterial agents, advice from
this is not possible, the sample should be
the disinfectant manufacturer will be required
stored at 2–5ºC for not more than 24 hours
to select a suitable neutralising agent.
before testing.

(3) From a collection tap

Method: testing
6.75 Wipe the discharge surfaces of the 6.80 Filter a 100 mL aliquot of the sample
sampling point thoroughly with 70% alcohol, through a 0.45 µm filter. Aseptically transfer the
and allow to evaporate to dryness. filter to the surface of a R2A, TSA or YEA plate
and incubate at 30±2ºC. Examine the plates
6.76 Run off not less than 500 mL through the after 48 hours’ incubation and at five days. If an
sampling point and discard. urgent report is required, preliminary readings
could be made at 48 hours’ incubation and a
6.77 Using aseptic handling techniques, collect final report issued after five days’ incubation.
not less than 250 mL of sample in the sterile Carry out the test in duplicate.
container from running water and close the lid
securely. Label the container with details of the 6.81 Examine the filters and record the number
sampling point and the time and date the of colony forming units (cfu) that are visible.
sample was collected.
6.78 If a sample is to be taken from an EWD
6.82 For EWD final rinse-water, see Table 2.
bowl, a length of sterile tube and sterile syringe

Table 2 Total viable count results guide

Aerobic colony count in 100 mL Interpretation/action Colour grade

Less than 1 Satisfactory
1–9 on a regular basis Acceptable – indicates that bacterial numbers are under a reasonable level
of control Yellow

10–100 Risk assessment required to investigate potential problems and super-

chlorinate or repeat EWD self-disinfect Orange

Over 100 Risk assessment required to consider taking EWD out of service until
water quality improved Red


Microbiological results from weekly tests should be plotted on a graph to give a trend. This will allow the “normal” and “unusual” results
to be distinguished for a particular situation. Investigation of unusual or unsatisfactory results can then be undertaken if results demand
(for example, if routine results are below 10 cfu/100 mL, occasionally some of the results may be above 10 cfu/100 mL).

If a bacterial count above 10 cfu/100 mL is obtained from test water, identification of the species is advised. If a significant proportion of
the microbes appear the same species from their colonial morphology, carry out an oxidase test to presumptively identify Pseudomonas
spp. Then if the test is positive, further investigations are required to determine whether Pseudomonas aeruginosa is present.

Adapted from: Willis, C. (2006). “Bacteria-free endoscopy rinse water – a realistic aim?” Epidemiology and Infection. Vol. 134 No. 2, pp.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

6.83 The above levels are suggested values • 70% alcohol and non-woven wipes.
(see the ‘Water quality and water treatment’
section in the ‘Design and installation’ volume); Method: sample collection
if an endoscope requires a higher level of
6.86 The sample is best collected from the
decontamination, a risk assessment will be
EWD chamber or bowl.

Environmental mycobacteria Method: testing

6.84 Environmental non-pathogenic 6.87 Filter a 100 mL aliquot of the sample
mycobacteria present a particular problem through a 0.45 µm filter. Aseptically transfer the
when they occur in the final rinse-water of some filter to the surface of a Middlebrook 7H10 agar
instruments used for diagnosis. Cells of the plate (or alternative media) and incubate at 30°C
environmental mycobacteria are easily ± 2°C for 28 days.
confused, on initial detection, with pathogenic
mycobacteria and may lead to misdiagnosis. 6.88 Examine the cultures weekly and record
Other mycobacteria that occur in water, for the number of colony forming units that are
example Mycobacterium kansasii and M. visible.
chelonae, are opportunistic pathogens. The
test is intended as a performance qualification 6.89 If growth is observed, the cultures should
test and periodic test. It should be carried out be transferred to a laboratory with established
in a suitable microbiology laboratory. expertise in mycobacterial identification so the
strains isolated can be identified.
Equipment and materials
6.85 The following equipment and materials are
necessary: 6.90 For EWDs in which the product is rinsed
after the disinfection stage, there should be no
• 250 mL sterile single-use containers; recovery of mycobacteria from 100 mL of final
• sterile filter membranes (47 mm diameter;
≤0.45 µm pore size);
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• suction filtration apparatus;
6.91 Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterium
• incubator at 30±2ºC; commonly found in water but has a greater
potential to cause infection, particularly in body
The sample should be taken downstream of sites that are normally sterile, than most other
any filter or other device or equipment bacteria found in that environmental niche.
intended to remove or control microbial
contamination in the water supply. 6.92 The procedure for enumeration of
P. aeruginosa from EWD rinse water is based
on that in the HTM 04-01 suite of documents.
• Middlebrook 7H10 agar plates;
6.93 A water sample should be taken and
Viable counts of a test suspension on the processed as for environmental mycobacteria
medium of choice should not be statistically but with the variations given in paragraphs
different from those obtained on a published 6.94–6.95.
quality control medium (Middlebrook 7H10)
proven to be appropriate for environmental
Equipment and materials
mycobacteria. The use of alternative media
may allow for a shorter incubation time if 6.94 The agar the filter should be transferred to
validation data is available. is CN agar containing cetyl trimethylammonium

6 Water system

bromide and nalidixic acid at concentrations Equipment and materials

that will inhibit the growth of bacteria other than
6.99 A water flowmeter (or volumetric
P. aeruginosa (commercial, validated
measuring equipment) is necessary.
supplements for this purpose are available).
Other selective and differential agars are
available and acceptable if validated. Method
6.100 Three methods are available for
Method determining the volume of water used. The
method chosen will depend on which is most
6.95 The agar should be incubated at 37°C
convenient for the particular installation.
(+0/–2°C) for 2 days. Any colonies that show a
blue-green pigmentation can be reported as 6.101 A water flowmeter may be fitted in each
P. aeruginosa. Should there be any doubt, of the water supply pipes, consecutively or
colonies can be subcultured from the concurrently, and the flow over each period of
membrane onto milk cetrimide agar and delivery is used to calculate the total volume of
incubated at 37°C (+0/–2°C) for 1 day. Examine water consumed during each stage of the
the plates for growth, pigment, fluorescence process. The EWD should be operated with the
and casein hydrolysis (clearing medium’s chamber empty apart from the chamber
opacity around the colonies). If the pigment furniture. The flowmeter manufacturer’s
production is poor, expose the milk cetrimide instructions for installation should be followed.
agar to daylight at room temperature for 2–4 Particular attention needs to be paid to the
hours to enhance pigment production and re- length of uninterrupted straight pipe required on
examine. Other validated confirmatory testing either side of the meter.
for identification of P. aeruginosa can be used.
6.102 When the EWD is supplied from a readily
Results accessible tanked supply, the make-up to the
tank may be interrupted and the water level
6.96 There should be no P. aeruginosa in
marked. The volume of water required to
100 mL of final rinse-water.
restore the level after an operating cycle stage
may then be determined by the addition of a
Volume of water used per stage measured volume of water.
6.97 During type-testing, the manufacturer
should be required to determine the volume of 6.103 For those EWDs that discharge all the
water used during each stage of the cycle. water from each stage at the end of each
These data are used in calculations of the stage, a suitable estimate of the volume used
service requirement. may be obtained by volumetric measurement of
the discharge from the drain.
6.98 In addition, during installation or
operational testing, the volume of water used Results
for each stage should be verified. If the volume
6.104 The volume of water used for each stage
of water used is insufficient, the efficacy of the
of the cycle should be within ±5% of the volume
cleaning and disinfection process may be
specified by the manufacturer.
adversely affected. If the volume is greater than
that specified, an unexpected heavy demand
might be placed upon the water supply.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

7 Doors and door interlocks

Cycle start interlock Double-ended EWDs

7.1 The interlock should prevent a cycle being Method
started with the door or lid open.
7.8 Both during and between cycles, attempts
should be made to open both the loading door
and unloading door of the double-ended EWD.
7.2 Leave the doors open and unlocked.
Ensure that all services are connected. Make Results
an attempt to initiate an operating cycle.
7.9 It should not be possible to open the
7.3 Close and lock the doors and make a unloading door after initiation of a cycle until a
further attempt to initiate an operating cycle. cycle has been completed satisfactorily.

7.10 It should not be possible for both doors to

be opened at the same time.
7.4 It should not be possible to initiate a cycle
with the door(s) left open. With the door(s) 7.11 It should not be possible to open the
closed it should be possible to initiate an loading door until a cycle has been satisfactorily
operating cycle. completed and the unloading door has been
opened and closed.
In-cycle interlock
7.5 An interlock is required to ensure that the On sensor failure
door(s) cannot be deliberately or inadvertently Method
opened while the EWD is in operation.
7.12 Each sensor should be disabled in turn
and an attempt made to open each of the
door(s). Disabling sensors may be achieved
7.6 Close and lock the door(s) and start the either by disconnecting the transducer or by
operating cycle. While the operating cycle is in switching software in “engineers’ mode” to
progress attempt to unlock each of the doors. simulate a sensor fault.
Where practicable, visually inspect the
interlocks to verify engagement before Results
attempting to open the door.
7.13 In each case it should not be possible to
open the door(s).
7.7 In these circumstances it should not be
possible to unlock any of the doors.

7 Doors and door interlocks

Door opening force Method

7.14 The mechanism for opening the EWD door 7.21 During an operating cycle, one or more of
should not require the use of excessive force. the services to the EWD should be interrupted
sufficiently to cause a cycle failure.
7.15 The following equipment is necessary: Results
7.22 A fault should be indicated. For double-
a. spring balance calibrated in kilograms ended EWDs it should not be possible to open
with a range including 0–100 kg and the unloading door or lid; it should only be
with an accuracy of ±1 kg over the range possible to open the loading door or lid by
0–100 kg; means of a special key, code or tool. Single-
b. non-extensible means of attachment of door or single-lid EWDs should remain locked
the spring balance to the door and require the use of a special key or code for
mechanism. access to the chamber.

Method Fault indication on sensor failure

7.16 The force required to initiate and sustain 7.23 A failure of any sensor used as part of the
the movement of the door-opening mechanism control system of the EWD should cause a fault
is measured by interposing a spring balance, to be indicated by the automatic controller.
aligned coaxially with the direction of movement
of the door-opening mechanism, between the
operator and the mechanism.
7.24 Each automatic control sensor is disabled
7.17 Where practicable, the undertaking of in turn to establish that a fault is indicated.
checks should be avoided during an operating
cycle. 7.25 An operating cycle should be started.
During or before the stage of the cycle at which
7.18 Attach the spring balance to the door- the sensor is intended to provide data used to
opening mechanism. Open the door, note the determine the control of the cycle, the sensor
force required to initiate the movement and to should be disabled.
sustain the movement.
7.26 Each sensor should be tested in both
Results open-circuit and short-circuit failure modes.

7.19 The indicated value required to initiate or

sustain the movement of the door-opening
mechanism should not exceed 25 kg. 7.27 A fault should be indicated during or at the
end of the cycle. It should not be possible to
open the door on a single-ended EWD or the
Failed cycle interlock unloading door of a double-ended EWD.
7.20 The interlock should prevent an operator
from removing a load in the normal manner at
the end of a failed cycle.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

8 Chemical dosing

Reproducibility of volume admitted Indication of insufficient chemical

8.1 The test is intended to verify the setting for additives
the dispensed volume of chemical additive(s) 8.8 The use of the correct volume of chemical
and to ensure that it is reproducible within additive(s) is necessary for the correct
defined limits. The test should be carried out for functioning of the EWD. The EWD should be
each chemical dosing system on the EWD. equipped with means to ensure that a cycle is
not initiated when there is insufficient chemical
additive remaining in the reservoir to complete a
8.2 A measuring cylinder to BS EN ISO 4788 is cycle.
necessary when compatibility with the chemical
additive to be measured has been established. 8.9 The test should be carried out for each
The size of measuring cylinder should be chemical dosing system on the EWD.
appropriate to the volume of chemical additive
to be dispensed. Method
8.3 Alternatively a flowmeter of appropriate 8.10 A low level of additives is placed in the
range may be used. dispenser reservoir and repeated cycles are
a. Disconnect the supply line to the 8.11 Care is required since many of the
chamber as close as possible to its concentrates used are irritant or corrosive.
discharge point into the chamber or Water may not be an acceptable substitute
water circulation system. because, for many dosing systems, differences
in viscosity can affect the dispensed volume.
b. Actuate the dosing system and collect
the discharged volume of the chemical 8.12 Fill an otherwise empty container with
solution in the measuring cylinder. sufficient chemical for more than two, but fewer
than four, operational cycles. Run the EWD on
8.4 Repeat the test three more times. Record three consecutive cycles. Estimate the volume
the volume dispensed on each test. remaining at the end of each cycle (pre-marked
container, dipstick, or weight).
8.5 Take care when carrying out this test
as concentrated chemical may leak. Wear
gloves, full face visor and apron.
8.13 The EWD should indicate at the beginning
Results of the third or fourth cycle that there is
insufficient chemical remaining to complete a
8.6 Ignore the result of the first test. cycle and should fail to initiate a new cycle until
8.7 The mean collected volume from the final sufficient chemical is available in the reservoir.
three tests should be within ±5% of the nominal
dispensed volume.

9 Instrumentation fitted to an EWD

9 Instrumentation fitted to an EWD

Verification of calibration example the pump pressure during the wash

9.1 The calibration of instrumentation, including
recording systems, fitted to the EWD should be 9.2 This may be carried out concurrently with
verified by comparison with calibrated test other testing, for example during the automatic
instruments during steady-state conditions, for control test of the quarterly periodic test (see
Chapter 3, ‘Automatic control test’).

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

10 Load carriers

10.1 Load carriers come in a variety of forms their connection to endoscopes should be
including cages, carriages and baskets. Their verified by visual observation.
correct functioning is essential to the successful
outcome of an EWD operating cycle. It is 10.3 Load carriers with rotary spray arms
important that they cannot easily be misaligned, should be checked to ensure that the spray
that they function correctly and that, when arms are free to rotate, both when the load
applicable, they make good connection with carrier is empty and when fully loaded.
service supply points in the chamber and with
load items (when necessary). 10.4 Load carriers that have lumen connections
as part of their structure require special
attention. The connection from the body of the
EWD to the load carrier needs to be good else
10.2 The alignment of load carriers, their fluids and air may leak from the connections,
connection to water, air or chemical additive invalidating system checks within the EWD.
supply in the chamber (when applicable) and

11 Thermometric tests

11 Thermometric tests

11.1 Thermometric tests are required for both EWD's process control sensor and a probe
thermal disinfection processes and chemical positioned in the centre of the chamber free
disinfection processes if elevated temperature space.
forms part of the process cycle. If during the
self-disinfect or routine cycles elevated 11.6 The temperature attained should be
temperatures form no part in the process, measured throughout three self-disinfect
these tests do not apply. cycles; they should be at least 60 minutes since
the machine was last used (a “cold start”).
11.2 For self-disinfection, the time/temperature
of an A0 of 600 (for example, 80°C for 10 11.7 The EWD should be operated empty
minutes) or higher is suitable (see BS EN ISO except for chamber furniture (for example, load
15883-1, Annex B, for details of the A0 concept carriers).
and time/temperature relationships). The
disinfection temperature is measured at the 11.8 Multi-chamber EWDs may be tested with
coolest surface to be disinfected. each chamber tested consecutively or
concurrently. In the latter case eight sensors will
11.3 The reference test loads to be used for be required for each chamber.
thermometric tests are given in paragraph
16.19, ‘Test loads’. Results
11.9 The results should be the following:
Chamber wall temperature for the a. The temperatures recorded on the
self-disinfection cycle (if applicable) surface of the chamber should be within
0–5°C of the cleaning/disinfection
Equipment and materials temperature throughout the holding
11.4 A temperature recorder complying with the period for the cleaning/disinfection
requirements specified in BS EN ISO 15883-1, stage.
clause 6.2.1, and having no fewer than 10
b. The temperatures recorded on the
sensors is necessary.
surface of the chamber should be within
±5°C of the set temperature for the
Method relevant stage throughout the holding
11.5 Thermocouples should be located one in period for each of the other stages.
each corner of the chamber, one in the centre c. The temperature indicated/recorded by
of the two side walls, one in the centre of the the EWD instruments should be within
roof of the chamber and one adjacent to the ±2°C of that recorded by the test
temperature sensor used as the reference instrument from the sensor adjacent to
sensor for chamber temperature. In addition, a the reference sensor throughout the
probe should be positioned adjacent to the holding period for the disinfection stage.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

d. The temperature profile obtained for the a. The temperatures recorded on the
operating cycle should be consistent surface of the load carrier should be
within ±2°C for three test cycles. within the range 0–5°C of the
disinfection temperature throughout the
holding period for the disinfection stage.
Load carrier temperature during
self-decontamination (if temperature b. The temperatures recorded on the
surface of the load carrier should be
used) within ±5°C of the set temperature for
the relevant stage throughout the
Equipment and materials holding period for each of the other
11.10 A temperature recorder complying with stages.
the requirements specified in BS EN ISO
c. The temperature indicated/recorded by
15883-1, clause 6.2.1, and having no fewer than
the EWD instruments should be within
four sensors is necessary.
±2°C of that recorded by the test
instrument from the sensor adjacent to
Method the reference sensor throughout the
11.11 Temperature sensors should be located holding period for the disinfection stage.
at two diagonally opposite corners of the load d. The temperature profile obtained for the
carrier, in the approximate geometric centre of operating cycle should be consistent
the load carrier and adjacent to the temperature within ±2°C of the reference temperature
sensor used as the reference sensor for on all test points for all three test cycles.
chamber temperature.
11.17 Three independent data-loggers and a
11.12 The temperature attained should be temperature recorder having at least one
measured throughout three operating cycles, sensor may be used as an alternative.
which should be at least 60 minutes since the
machine was last used. The EWD should be
operated empty except for the endoscope Over-temperature cut-out (when
carrier. temperature is used for self-
11.13 The load carrier should be replaced disinfection)
between cycles with a load carrier at ambient 11.18 The EWD is fitted with an over-
temperature. temperature cut-out to ensure that, in the event
of the automatic control failing to control the
11.14 Multi-chamber EWDs may be tested with
temperature in the EWD, the temperature will
each chamber tested consecutively using
not rise to a level that would damage the EWD.
independent data-loggers to record the
temperature of the load carrier. A temperature 11.19 This test can also be used if temperature
recorder with fixed sensors may be used to forms part of either the wash or disinfection
record the temperature adjacent to the stage of an operating cycle. Over-temperature
reference sensor. during these stages is likely to damage
endoscopes being processed.
11.15 This test may be run simultaneously with
the chamber wall temperature test.
Equipment and materials
Results 11.20 A temperature recorder complying with
the requirements specified in BS EN 15883-1,
11.16 The results should be the following.
clause 6.2.1, and having no fewer than four
sensors is necessary.

11 Thermometric tests

Method • One adjacent to each temperature

control sensor.
11.21 Temperature sensors should be located
at two diagonally opposite corners of the load • One adjacent to each temperature
carrier, in the approximate geometric centre of process recorder sensor.
the load carrier and adjacent to the temperature
• One attached to the endoscope control
sensor used as the reference sensor for
head in contact with the metal surface.
chamber temperature.
• At least one probe into a distal end
11.22 The EWD, empty except for the load lumen of the endoscope to a depth of
carrier, should be operated on a normal not less than 100 mm.
operating cycle.
• Remaining probes distributed on the
11.23 During the stage of the cycle when the outer surface on the insertion tube and
maximum temperature is attained, the umbilical cord spaced at interval of 750
temperature control system should be disabled. mm, or less.

Results 11.28 The probes should be positioned in good

contact with the surfaces being tested. In
11.24 The over-temperature cut-out should addition probes should be positioned to
operate at a temperature no more than 5ºC monitor the slowest part of the chamber or load
higher than that provided by any temperature that has been found, by previous testing, to be
control or temperature-limiting device. the slowest to warm up.

11.29 Run the cycle used for the routine

Temperature during routine cycle processing of flexible endoscopes. If more than
11.25 Thermometric tests are required if the one cycle is used for this purpose, and they
EWD cycle uses temperature as part of the both use elevated temperature during the
routine cycle, either during cleaning, rinsing or process, both cycles will need to be tested.
disinfection. If the EWD is not fitted with a water
heater or warm water is not supplied from an Results
external source, these tests are not required.
11.30 Note the maximum and minimum
temperatures for each probe throughout the
Equipment cycle:
11.26 Temperature sensors should comply with
a. The temperatures recorded on the
BS EN ISO 15883-1, clause 6.2.1. The diameter
surface of the chamber should be within
of the probes should be suitable for the internal
5°C of the cleaning/disinfection
diameter of the lumens to be tested and not
temperature throughout the holding
reduce flow to an extent that reduces the
period for the cleaning/disinfection
operation of the EWD.
b. The temperatures recorded on the
Method surface of the chamber should be within
11.27 Twelve temperature sensors are used ±5°C of the set temperature for the
and placed in the following positions: relevant stage throughout the holding
period for each of the other stages.
• At two diagonal positions in the
chamber. c. The temperature indicated/recorded by
the EWD instruments should be within
• One in the geometric centre of the lid
±2°C of that recorded by the test
or door.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

instrument from the sensor adjacent to e. If temperature is combined with a

the reference sensor throughout the chemical for cleaning or disinfection, the
holding period for the disinfection stage. chemical manufacturer should define
the minimum temperature required.
d. The temperature profile obtained for the
operating cycle should be consistent
within ±2°C for three test cycles.

12 Load dryness

12 Load dryness

12.1 The presence of residual water on cleaned connect to an air supply with a pressure of
and disinfected items may interfere with the 105–120 kPa. Place the distal end of the lumen
correct functioning of the item, promote 50–100 mm above a sheet of coloured crepe
recontamination and microbial growth or paper.
prevent satisfactory subsequent disinfection.
12.4 Pass air down the test lumen and examine
12.2 The ability of the EWD to externally dry an the paper for dampness denoted by dark spots
endoscope may be evaluated visually, but the on the paper.
internal lumens and valves are hidden from view
and require an additional test. If the EWD cycle 12.5 Tests on endoscopes should be made on
claims to include a drying stage, this test all lumens, with the the air supply connected
should be use to determine if the EWD lumens from the control valve and the umbilical end.
have been adequately blown.
Method 12.6 Report any water droplets that are
12.3 Process the test device through a routine discharged from the test device. There should
cycle. On completion remove the load and be no water droplets discharge.

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

13 Chemical additive residual levels

13.1 See ‘Residual chemicals’ from the

‘Operational management’ volume.

13.2 The efficacy of the rinse process should
be tested using the normal dose of the
chemical additive on a normal operating cycle
with a surrogate device to simulate an
endoscope (see the ‘Performance qualification
tests’ section in the ‘Validation and verification’
volume). Analysis, by the method
recommended by the manufacturer, should be
carried out on the final rinse-water and on the
surrogate device.

14 Air quality

14 Air quality

14.1 Many EWDs are fitted with air filters to

remove particulate material from the air
supplied to the drying stage. These filters are
often HEPA filters (for example, EU 12/13) of the
type used to remove bacterial contamination
from the air supply. When they are used as
general particulate filters, performance tests will
not normally be required for the filter or the filter
housing. If a filter is fitted to provide air free
from bacterial contamination for flushing an
endoscope without further processing, a
certificate of conformity should be available.

14.2 Microbial sampling will not normally be

required for either system unless otherwise

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

15 Sound pressure test

15.1 This test measures the total sound power Method

radiated from the machine and should be
15.5 Use the procedure specified in BS EN ISO
performed in a specially designed and
3746 for both the loading and unloading area if
equipped test room. It is neither necessary nor
these are not common (and plantroom if
practicable to repeat the test on an installed
present), to determine the following:
a. the mean A-weighted surface sound
15.2 The perceived level of noise in the pressure level;
immediate vicinity of the equipment during
operation is, however, of concern. The b. the peak A-weighted surface sound
perceived noise level depends not only upon pressure level.
the sound power level of the equipment but
also on the acoustic properties of the Results
environment and other sources of noise. It
15.6 The test should be considered satisfactory
should necessarily be determined with the
if the following recommendations are followed:
EWD installed and working normally.
a. the mean A-weighted surface sound
15.3 A failure of the sound pressure test need pressure level does not exceed:
not be an indication that the machine is faulty.
The problem might lie in the acoustic properties (i) 55 dBA for an EWD installed in an
of the room in which the machine is installed. operating suite, ward, treatment
room or other noise sensitive area;
15.4 The sound pressure test should be carried
(ii) 70 dBA for and EWD installed in an
out in accordance with BS EN ISO 3746 by
endoscopy reprocessing unit;
suitably trained and experienced personnel.
The guidelines given in the following two b. in both the loading and unloading area
paragraphs are intended only for additional the peak A-weighted surface sound
guidance and are not the complete test pressure does not exceed the mean
method. A-weighted surface sound pressure level
by more than 15 dBA.

16 Cleaning efficacy tests

16 Cleaning efficacy tests

Test soils/process challenge Type tests

Using the test soil given in paragraph 16.5,
16.1 These tests are used to demonstrate the this test can be used as an optional test to
ability of the EWD to remove soil and determine the water distribution and
contamination from the chamber, carriage and cleaning efficiency of the chamber and load
channels to ensure the EWD is working to a carriers to ensure a good water distribution.
defined level of cleaning efficacy. Test soils are
used to simulate naturally occurring
contamination since the latter shows 16.3 Cleaning efficacy should be determined
considerable variation and is therefore more using the relevant test soil listed in ISO/TS
difficult to use for standardised testing. 15883-5. This soil is used to test instruments
after an EWD cycle.
16.2 Process challenge devices containing
cleaning efficacy indicators are used to verify 16.4 The relevant test soil in ISO/TS 15883-5 or
that cleaning has been achieved. There are validated equivalent is applied to a reference
many devices available for use. It is important load or surrogate device of demonstrated
that manufacturers’ instructions are followed relevance (see BS EN ISO 15883-4 Annex F or
correctly to ensure the EWD is working to a as specified in the relevant part of BS EN ISO
defined level of cleaning efficacy. They can also 15883-4).
be used as an independent audit tool to
compare performance of processes. See also 16.5 The test soil can be made from:
paragraphs 4.20–4.21 in HTM 01-06 Part D – • water, 50 mL;
'Validation and verification'.
• glycerol, 30 mL;

Note • horse serum, 30 mL;

• dehydrated hog mucin, 5 g;
Commercial process challenge devices are
being developed whose challenge simulates • unbleached plain flour, 2 g;
the attachment of prion protein to
endoscopes and whose analysis is • aqueous safranine solution, 2 % mass
quantitative. When these become available fraction, 1 mL.
and have been validated, reprocessing units
are advised to consider their use in addition Preparation and storage
to process challenge devices based on soils
16.6 Mix all the constituents together and
in BS EN ISO 15883-5 Annex R.
agitate in a stomacher to give a liquid of uniform
consistency. Use immediately or store in an
airtight container at 2–5ºC for not more than

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

one month or follow the manufacturer's be aborted, if possible. The test load should be
recommendations. removed and examined for the presence of
residual soil. This test should be run in
Application and use duplicate.
16.7 If the soil has been stored, allow it to 16.12 The manufacturer should establish worst-
equilibrate to room temperature before use. case conditions of temperature, detergent
concentration, surrogate device configuration,
16.8 The test should be carried out using water based on illustrations in BS EN ISO 15883-4
of a quality suitable for the system requirements Annex F, and water pressure/flow rate for use
using a detergent recommended by the EWD during testing.
manufacturer. The EWD manufacturer should
provide guidance on the minimum water quality 16.13 By analysing the fraction of soil removed
suitable for the detergent recommended. All during the cleaning process when operated for
tests should be run in triplicate and for each various time periods shorter than those that will
series of tests each of the three tests should normally be used, a quantitative comparison of
meet or exceed the minimum acceptance cleaning efficacy can be made.
16.14 The recommended minimum operating
Method of application conditions given by the manufacturer should be
based on these data, which should be made
16.9 Apply soil to the inner surface of the test available to the User as part of the type-test
pieces by injecting the soil into the tubes of the data sheets.
surrogate device (approximately 5 mL into the 1
mm inner-diameter tube and 20 mL into each of
the 2 mm inner-diameter tubes). Lay the tubes Operational tests
on a horizontal surface and roll them to 16.15 During operational tests of cleaning
distribute the soil over the inner surface. efficacy with test soils, the disinfection stage
and drying stage should be disabled, unless it
16.10 Hold them vertically to allow excess soil
can be demonstrated that inclusion make little
to drain away. Apply a small amount of air to
difference to the results.
each soiled tube from a syringe full of air to
blow out any residual soil. Then apply an even
coat of soil to the outer surface using the Test soils
paintbrush. Allow excess soil to drain from the 16.16 The choice of test soil to be used should
items and allow them to dry at room be that specified in the type tests or that
temperature (15–25°C) for not less than 30 described in paragraph 16.2, which represents
minutes and not more than two hours. To dry a more realistic tissue residue.
the inner surface of the tubes, connect each
tube to a small air pump and pass air down the 16.17 Drying the deposited test soil is
tubes for the drying time. important, as it has an influence on the difficulty
of cleaning. At least two hours plus or minus 15
Method of use minutes’ drying time is required, including
lumens. The soil should be spread on such that
16.11 Connect each surrogate tube to the EWD it appears dry within the specified drying time.
outlets with suitable connectors: one of the 2 After soiling lumen may be dried, by passing
mm inner-diameter tubes connected to the down low pressure dry air for the required time.
biopsy lumen; and one of the 1 mm inner-
diameter tubes connected to the bridge lumen, 16.18 These performance criteria include the
if used. Run a routine EWD cycle. After following:
completion of the wash cycle, the cycle should

17 Leak and patency testing

a. The test soil formulation should be there are no standard designs for these test
validated as being of equal or greater pieces, but a design that simulates the internal
difficulty to remove than the naturally structure of a flexible endoscope would be
occurring soils, which it is intended to acceptable.
b. The method of application to give a level Procedure for chamber walls and load carriers
of soiling which is reproducible within 16.22 The chamber walls and load carrier
specified limits should be validated and should be contaminated with the test soil in
documented. accordance with the instructions for the test
c. The method of detection of residual soil
should be quantitative; visual 16.23 The load surfaces are dried in air for 30–
assessment alone should not be 120 minutes, including lumens.
regarded as satisfactory.
d. The limit of sensitivity of the detection 16.24 A normal operating cycle should be run.
method employed should be 30 µg of
16.25 After completion of the wash cycle and
protein or below per test swab.
before the disinfection stage, the cycle should
e. For tests on the chamber walls and load be aborted. The chamber walls and load carrier
carrier and lumen, the detection method should be examined for the presence of
should include a validated method for residual soil by the method prescribed for the
quantitative detection of the residual soil particular test soil.
in situ or a validated method of removal
for example, by swabbing, for 16.26 It is important that the specified
subsequent evaluation. quantities are used.

16.27 The test should be carried out in

Test loads duplicate for each type of operating cycle
16.19 The test load should consist of items of available on the EWD.
similar size, mass and materials of construction
to the range of EWD it is intended to process. Procedure for reference loads

16.20 A surrogate device for investigation of 16.28 This test should be run only after
cleaning and disinfection may be constructed satisfactory completion of the test for the
from two 1.5 m lengths of polytetrafluorethylene efficacy of soil removal from chamber walls and
(PTFE) tube (2 mm inner diameter) and one 1.5 load carriers. The test load should be
m length of PTFE tube (1 mm inner diameter). contaminated with the test soil in accordance
These should be bound together at intervals of with the instructions for the test soil.
approximately 15 cm. For EWDs with more than
three lumens, two sets of three surrogate 16.29 A normal operating cycle for the load
devices may be required so that each of the type under test should be run.
machine’s lumens can be tested. Advice from
16.30 After completion of the wash cycle and
the EWD manufacture may be required to
before the disinfection stage, the cycle should
select suitable test tube diameters.
be aborted. The test load, lumen, chamber
16.21 As flexible endoscopes with irrigation walls and load carrier should be examined for
lumens include valve systems to control air and the presence of residual soil.
fluids, these need to be simulated in a test
device. Examples of such devices are illustrated
in BS EN ISO 15883-4 Annex F. At present

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

Results a. consider the available technologies and

make a risk-based decision on the
16.31 The chamber walls and load carrier
methodology to be adopted (for
should be free from the test soil to the extent
example BS EN ISO 14971);
specified for the test soil employed.
b. use technologies with the best available
16.32 The test load should be free from the test sensitivity, consistent measurement
soil and none should have been transferred to standards and quantifiable results to
the chamber walls or load carrier. measure effective control of residual
protein levels;
Periodic tests: residual protein c. use trend analysis as a tool for self-
detection improvement to demonstrate decreasing
protein levels over time both on the
16.33 These tests should be carried out outside of the endoscope and the
quarterly per EWD. lumens using available testing
16.34 Test methods previously recommended
for detection of residual proteins have limited
ability to remove protein from surfaces, and Note
assays have been shown to be insensitive.
Alternative available technologies should be This remains a work in progress which will
considered for the detection of residual proteins be updated as additional evidence becomes
on the internal surfaces of flexible endoscopes available.
following reprocessing. Therefore reprocessing
units should:

17 Leak and patency testing

17 Leak and patency testing

Leak test Equipment

17.1 The leak test is carried out to determine if 17.3 This consists of:
liquid can gain access to the inner cavity of an • Length of flexible tube approximately 1m
endoscope, thereby causing extensive damage. terminated at one end to fit onto the EWD
The leak test is carried out manually before the leak test connection and at the other end
endoscope is cleaned and again by the EWD, terminated with a flow valve.
either at the start of the process cycle or
throughout the cycle. It is important that the air • To construct a test device, the internal
used to pressurise an endoscope does not volume of the largest endoscope in use is
exceed the limit set by the endoscope needed; this may be obtained from the
manufacturer, normally about 250 mbar. manufacturer. The internal volume of the
tube is calculated and additional volume,
17.2 The test described is based on the use of to make up the volume equal to that of an
a test device. This device needs to represent endoscope, can be supplied by an
the inner volume of the largest endoscopes in additional pressure tight container as
use. illustrated in Figure 1.
• A convenient way of adding additional
volume to a tube is to cut the tube in half
and fit a suitable T-piece. To the T-piece
side arm connect a plastic bottle that is

Figure 1 Leak test surrogate device

Flow control

Connector to EWD
Endoscope internal
leak test port
volume – TV
Container and tube
internal volume –
Pressure transducer

Volume of container plus tube –CV = internal volume of endoscope –TV

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

approximately the correct internal volume that an EWD fail condition has occurred and a
required. A bottle of internal volume 100– fault has been indicated.
200 mL may be suitable.
17.7 Pass condition – adjust the flow control
• Pressure transducer able to read ±1 mbar valve to give a leak rate 80% less than the fail
(±0.1 kPa) over the range of the EWD value given by the manufacturer. Connect the
operating pressure. test device to the EWD and run a leak test. The
time for the test device pressure to fall to value
Procedure P3 should be greater than time T3, that is, low
or no leak. From the readings confirm that a
17.4 Verify the calibration of the pressure
pass condition has occurred on the EWD and
no fault has been indicated.
17.5 Connect the test piece (see Figure 1) to the
17.8 The leak test characteristics are illustrated
EWD leak outlet port with the flow control valve
by Figure 2, where:
fully closed. Disable the pressure regulation
system on the EWD. Start a leak test. Record • Pmax the pressure relief system should
the pressure at which the pressure relief system operate below this pressure;
operates Pmax. Continue the cycle to obtain a
steady reading on the transducer Pb. Check • P1 the leak test pressure;
that the readings of Pmax and Pb do not exceed • T1 the start of the leak test equilibrium
the manufacturer’s recommendations. period;
17.6 Fault condition – connect the test device • P2 pressure after initial equilibrium time;
to the EWD and run a leak test. Adjust the flow
control valve to give a pressure greater than • P3 pressure determined by EWD
that specified by the manufacturer (P1). The manufacturer; the level of maximum
flow valve is opened slowly and the pressure allowable leak within the leak monitoring
transducer reading observed. The aim is to time;
increase the leak so the pressure within the test • T2 start of leak test monitoring time;
device falls below P3 before time T3 is reached,
i.e. a leak is present. Confirm from the readings • T3 end of leak test monitoring time; ∆

Figure 2 Pressure/time graph for leak test






Atmospheric Time
T0 T1 T2 T3

17 Leak and patency testing

• ∆P/T maximum leakage rate permitted using a 1.5 m length of PTFE tubing (1 mm
for the process to continue, i.e. just a inner diameter).
(P2 – P3 ) 17.11 For each lumen (air/water, biopsy, elevator
(T3 – T2 ) as relevant), connect a 1.5 m length of tubing of
or the appropriate diameter and run an operating
cycle. On completion of the cycle replace one
(P1 – P3 ) of the tubes with a similar tube that has a Luer-
(T3 – T1 ) lock male connection. A hypodermic needle of
the appropriate size, with sheath attached and
the end cut off for safety reasons, is attached
to the 1 mm inner-diameter tube. Other small
Note lumen test pieces may be used, attached to the
1.5 m tube, as long as they present a partial
At the start of the test the pressure should be blockage to fluid flow. Another operating cycle
approximately 200 mbar (120 kPa) above should then be run. Repeat the test, changing
atmospheric pressure, unless otherwise the position of the partially obstructed tube on
stated by the manufacturer. The leak test each test.
monitoring period should not be less than 1
minute. The maximum leak rate should be no
greater than 2.5 mbar/min (0.25 kPa/min). Note
Each make of EWD and each lumen may
require a different size needle to obtain a
Lumen patency detection test partial obstruction indication. Some EWDs
may have a very sensitive lumen blocking
17.9 EWDs for endoscopes should be fitted
system. In addition the pressure of fluid down
with means to ensure that each of the lumens
each lumen may be different; this will affect
is patent so that disinfectant and rinse solutions
the partial blockage detection system. Some
will flow through each lumen, even those that
EWDs use air to detect blockage with
have a control wire. In addition a test is required
different sizes of needles from those that use
to demonstrate if an endoscope lumen
fluid flow for operation.
becomes disconnected it will be detected.

17.12 Needles from size 21 to 32 will be

required to determine at commissioning which
17.10 A surrogate device should be used to size is suitable for each lumen to give an
demonstrate that the system for determining indication of partial blockage. Figure 3 gives an
the patency of each lumen is function correctly. illustration of a suitable test piece.
The surrogate device may be constructed by

Figure 3 Test piece for the partial blockage test

1 mm interior
diameter tube

Sheath with end cut off glued to needle

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

Results Method
17.13 The EWD should indicate a fault for any 17.15 Disconnect each lumen in turn and run a
lumen to which the appropriate partially process cycle. If the EWD can detect several
obstructed surrogate device is fitted. lumen disconnections in one cycle and record
the event, more than one lumen disconnection
can be tested for each process cycle.
Lumen disconnection detection test
17.14 To demonstrate if an EWD can detect Results
disconnected lumens, fit a surrogate device to
each lumen of the EWD and confirm that the 17.16 A satisfactory result is when the EWD fails
EWD can run a routine cycle. due to lumen disconnections and can indicate
which lumens are affected.

18 EWD self-disinfection test

18 EWD self-disinfection test

18.1 This test is a type test to verify that the have been validated against a test biofilm in a
EWD’s “machine disinfection” mode will similar manner to chemical disinfection (see
disinfect those parts of the EWD that come into below).
contact with fluids that are intended to, or may,
contact the load. The type test will be carried
out by the manufacturer on the chemicals Chemical disinfection
selected as suitable for the EWD cycle. If a 18.5 For chemical disinfection systems a
chemical is chosen that is not listed on the microbiological test will be required. The test is
type-test list, the following test scheme will be designed to ensure that the self-disinfection
required. It is not recommended that live cycle will disinfect contaminated tubing by
organisms are used as test material on EWDs, evaluating the effect of the cycle against a
as there is a risk to patient safety. biofilm containing Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

18.2 The process is intended to deal with the

situation where an EWD has become Production of biofilm test pieces
contaminated and is routinely carried out at the
start of each working day. The piping used to Equipment and materials
convey rinse-water to the endoscope, if 18.6 The following equipment and materials are
contaminated, may easily develop a layer of necessary:
biofilm containing many microorganisms in a
state, which is highly resistant to chemical a. peristaltic pump;
disinfection. This tubing should normally be b. The EWD may be equipped with auto-
replaced at the interval specified by the or manually-selected self-disinfect
manufacturer. mode. The method may be thermal or
chemical and in the latter case may be
18.3 Biofilm may also develop in EWD tubes
the same or a different germicide from
during storage after production and testing
that used for chemical disinfection of the
before the machine is installed. The change of
load. The preferred method is thermal
pipework before commissioning may well save
disinfection or, if this is not possible, the
time trying to clean existing tubes.
use of a different germicide. The use of
the same germicide carries the risk of
Thermal disinfection allowing organisms resistant to that
particular germicide to proliferate.
18.4 Thermal disinfection systems should be
evaluated by thermometric monitoring of the c. incubator at 30ºC ± 2ºC;
system with sensors placed at the parts of the
system most remote from the heat source. The d. 1 L sterile conical flask fitted with rubber
entire system should attain the required bung, air vent and two sterile glass
disinfection time/temperature of values that tubes;

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

e. sterile connecting tubing; Evaluation of the self-disinfection

f. 1.5 m length of sterile 6 mm inner- cycle
diameter PTFE tubing; 18.10 This test forms part of the type-test
g. nutrient agar supplemented with 1 g/L scheme. The disinfectants tested by this
sodium desoxycholate; method will be detailed in the EWD
manufacturer’s data. Therefore select a
h. 0.025 g/L of 2.4.4’-trichloro-2’- chemical from the manufacturer’s list;
hydroxydiphenylether; otherwise, the following test will need to be
i. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC carried out.
number 15442);
18.11 A 30 cm section of the tubing, suitably
j. liquid growth medium: phosphate buffer identified (for example, T1), prepared with
(containing 1.2 g/L sodium phosphate, biofilm is subjected to the test procedure
dibasic; and 0.5 g/L potassium described below:
phosphate, monobasic);
a. A section of the piping in the endoscope
k. containing 0.25 g/L sodium glutamate lumen irrigation system of the EWD is
and 0.1 g/L citric acid. removed and replaced with the test
system. The test system consists of two
Method 30 cm lengths of the biofilm test piece
tubing connected via isolating valves
18.7 A petri dish containing supplemented and Y-piece connectors in place of the
nutrient agar should be inoculated with removed section of pipework.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa(ATCC number
15442) and incubated at 30ºC ± 2ºC for 36–48 b. It may be more convenient to connect
hours. the test tubes, with isolating valves to
the biopsy lumen irrigation outlet on the
18.8 A 1 L conical flask containing 500 mL of EWD. It should be confirmed that
the sterile liquid growth medium is inoculated disinfectant flows down this lumen
with mucoid colonies of Pseudomonas during self-decontamination.
aeruginosafrom the agar plate and incubated at
c. With the valves open, the EWD is set to
30ºC ± 2ºC for 18–24 hours. The flask is then
operate a self-disinfect cycle. During the
fitted with a bung through which passes an air
test the EWD door or lid should be
vent, filtered to 0.22 m, and two glass tubes,
open; this may require the EWD to
one of which reaches to the bottom of the flask
operate in “engineers’ mode” and
and the other terminating above the level of
require the assistance of the
liquid in the flask.
18.9 The sterile glass tubes are connected, via d. At the end of any wash stage, and
a peristaltic pump and short lengths of sterile immediately before the start of the
flexible tubing, to 1.5–2.0 m sterile PTFE tubing chemical disinfection stage, close the
(6 mm inner diameter). The culture is pumped valves isolating one of the test pieces
round the tubing system at 50–75 mL/min (T2). On completion of the disinfection
throughout the incubation period. The system is stage and any subsequent rinse stage,
maintained in an incubator at 30ºC ± 2ºC for remove both test pieces (T2 and T3) and
72– 96 hours. carry out the recovery procedure
described below.
e. Replace the test pieces with two more
sections of the tubing with biofilm and

18 EWD self-disinfection test

carry out a further self-disinfect cycle. experimental error; the difference

Isolate one of the test pieces (T4) at the between them is a measure of the
end of the disinfection stage and before reproducibility of the system;
any rinsing process. On completion of
the cycle, remove both test pieces (T4 • T1 – T2 is the loss during the washing
and T5) and carry out the recovery stage;
procedure described below. • T3 – T4 and T5 – T4 are the losses during
the post-disinfection rinse;
Recovery procedure
• T2 – T4 is the loss due to the disinfection
18.12 The 30 cm length of tube should be cut process.
into six portions, each approximately 5 cm in
length. Three of these should be transferred 18.16 On testing the full self-disinfect cycle,
into individual universal containers containing there should be no recovery of organisms from
nutrient broth and incubated at 30ºC ± 2ºC. T3, T4 and T5. When this is the case, the test
should be repeated with the exposure time
18.13 The remaining three sections should be reduced to half the normal disinfection time.
cut in half longitudinally, and each pair This will require the manufacturer’s assistance,
transferred to 10 mL of quarter-strength and the EWD will need to be operated in
Ringer’s solution containing 0.05% polysorbate “engineers’ mode”. The reduced exposure time
80 in a thin-walled universal container. should give a reduction of at least 103 in the
number of recoverable microorganisms (T2 – T4
18.14 The container should be ultrasonicated ≥ 103).
for 10 minutes at between 30 and 50 kHz.
Tenfold serial dilutions should be prepared of 18.17 An alternative method is described in BS
the eluate obtained, and these should be used EN ISO 15883-4, clause
for enumeration of the surviving organisms by
the spread plate technique or other appropriate 18.18 For the purposes of periodic testing, a
viable counting method. All determinations water sample taken from the bowl/chamber
should be carried out in duplicate. after self-decontamination examined for the
presence of bacteria should be sufficient to
Results determine whether the process has killed or
removed organisms from the pipe circuit.
18.15 The data obtained give the following
• T1 – recoverable population on the
original test piece;
• T2 – recoverable population after the
washing stage;
• T3 – recoverable population after wash,
disinfect and rinse stages;
• T4 – recoverable population after wash
and disinfect stages;
• T5 – recoverable population after wash,
disinfect and rinse stages;
• T3 and T5 should have the same
population within the limits of

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

19 Disinfectant concentration test

19.1 EWDs employing a chemical disinfection instructions. When this requires the addition of
stage may reuse the chemical disinfectant a water, only distilled or purified water should be
number of times (multi-use). Guidance on the used.
number of cycles for which a particular
disinfectant can be used is provided by the 19.6 A dilution series should be prepared using
chemical manufacturer. Owing to the variable distilled or purified water.
nature of the load, it is difficult to determine
exactly how many cycles the disinfectant will 19.7 If the concentration of fresh disinfectant is
remain active for. If a cycle counter is used to C1 and the minimum concentration of usable
indicate the exhaustion of the disinfectant, the disinfectant is C2,the following dilutions should
number of cycles should be set at a lower be prepared:
number than recommended to allow for a. C2 + [(C1 – C2)/10]
endoscope variation and dilution of the
chemical by residual water. b. C2

19.2 When the disinfectant is used only once c. C2 – [(C1 – C2)/10]

and discarded, a disinfectant concentration test
19.8 For EWDs with an automated disinfectant
is not required.
detection system, the test is carried out by
19.3 When such a system is employed, the transferring dilute disinfectant to the disinfectant
EWD should be equipped with means to reservoir and attempting to start an operating
establish that the concentration of the active cycle. The EWD should indicate when the
ingredient(s) in the disinfectant is above the concentration is insufficient.
concentration specified as the minimum
19.9 For EWDs where there is no in-built
acceptable. (This may be in the form of a test
disinfection concentration measurement, the
User has responsibility for taking a sample from
19.4 The disinfectant concentration test is the EWD’s diluted disinfectant tank. This test
carried out to establish that the means provided should be undertaken outside the EWD.
is effective.
19.10 The automated system or the User test
19.5 The full strength solution, unused (and if should indicate an unsuitable disinfectant
necessary freshly prepared or activated), should concentration for dilution (c) and a satisfactory
be prepared according to the manufacturer’s disinfectant concentration for dilution (a).

20 Microbiological and temperature tests of disinfection efficacy

20 M
 icrobiological and temperature tests of
disinfection efficacy

20.1 Disinfection efficacy should be verified and then the filter placed onto a R2A agar plate
during type testing using the test described in and incubated at 30±2°C for up to five days.
BS EN ISO 15883-4, clause The test The number of colony forming units (cfu)
should not be carried out until the adequacy of counted will give an indication of the adequacy
the EWD self-disinfection cycle has been of the disinfection process.
20.5 A result of less than 10 cfu per brush
20.2 If temperature forms part of the sample should be obtained if the endoscope
disinfection process, the thermometric test for has been satisfactorily disinfected
assessment of temperature control throughout
the disinfection stage should be completed 20.6 This is the preferred method of lumen
satisfactorily before commencing sampling. An additional less satisfactory test
microbiological tests as described in BS EN ISO that may be useful to measure the
15883-4, clause 6.9. microbiological performance of the EWD cycle,
manual cleaning and possibly the drying
cabinets is to examine an endoscope after it
Disinfection efficacy has been used, decontaminated and dried. The
20.3 Disinfection efficacy should have been test involves passing liquid down the
tested during type-testing with a surrogate endoscope lumens, collecting the effluent and
device (BS EN ISO 15883-4, clause 6.12.6). subjecting it to bacteriological counting.
When necessary the adequacy of the
disinfection process may be verified by using 20.7 The following apparatus is necessary:
the method given below, which is included to • sterile water;
provide additional information should
disinfection problems occur. • sterile 10 mL syringe;
• sterile collection bottles;
Endoscope lumen sampling • lengths of sterile tube to connect the
20.4 The endoscope should be brushed syringe to each endoscope port in turn;
through with a sterile disposable long-stemmed
• sterile gloves.
cleaning brush after processing. The brush end
should be aseptically cut from the stem and 20.8 A suitable procedure is the following (use
aseptically transferred to 10 mL of sterile of sterile gloves and aseptic techniques are
peptone water containing 0.05% polysorbate 80 essential to obtain good results):
and ultrasonicated at between 30 and 50 kHz
for 10 minutes. The eluate should then be
filtered through a 47 mm diameter 0.45 m filter

Health Technical Memorandum 01-06: Decontamination of flexible endoscopes: Part E – Testing methods

Biopsy lumen: while flushing the water along the air

a. Attach a length of sterile tube of suitable
diameter to a syringe and the other end c. Collect the liquid expressed from the
to the biopsy lumen port. distal end of the endoscope into a sterile
sample bottle.
b. Flush 10 mL of water down the lumen
and collect into a sterile sample bottle at Water lumen
the distal end.
a. Attach a length of sterile tube of suitable
Suction lumen: diameter to a syringe and the other end
to the water inlet on the light guide
a. Attach a length of sterile tube of suitable connector.
diameter to a syringe and the other end
to the suction port on the light guide b. Depress the air/water trumpet valve
connector. (blue) on the control box and cover the
air lumen on the light guide connector
b. Depress the biopsy/suction feed button with a finger while flushing the water
(red trumpet valve on the control box) along the water lumen.
and flush 10 mL of water the entire
length of the suction lumen. c. Collect the liquid expressed from the
distal end of the endoscope into a sterile
c. Collect the liquid expressed from the sample bottle.
distal end of the endoscope into a sterile
sample bottle. 20.9 In a microbiology laboratory, examine the
chilled samples collected within four hours of
Air lumen collection if stored at room temperature, or
a. Attach a length of sterile tube of suitable within 24 hours if stored at 2– 5°C. Carry out a
diameter to a syringe and the other end total bacterial count/mL on each sample using
to the air inlet port on the light guide R2A (BS EN ISO 15883-1 Annex D), TSA or
connector. YEA media and incubation at 30±2°C for up to
five days.
b. Cover the water port (blue trumpet valve
on the control box) and the water lumen 20.10 The results should be below 10 cfu/100
on the light guide connector with a finger mL as detailed in Table 1 of Chapter 6, ‘Water



BS EN ISO 15883-4. BS EN ISO 15883-1.

COSHH Regulations. BS EN ISO 4788.

Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 Part A. BS EN ISO 3746.

Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 Part B. ISO/TS 15883-5.

Willis, C. (2006). “Bacteria-free endoscopy rinse

water – a realistic aim?” Epidemiology and
Infection. Vol. 134 No. 2, pp. 279–284.


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