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Tutorial Sheet-Magnetism

PHN-007 Autumn: 2021-22

1. Consider helium atoms in ground state. The mean radius in the Langevin formula may be
approximated by Bohr-radius, 0.528 nm. Density of helium is 0.178 kg/m3. Calculate the
diamagnetic susceptibility of helium. [ Ans.: -(0.8 x 10-9)].

2. The ground state (1s) of the hydrogen atom is

Ψ(r) = (πao3)-1/2exp(-r/ao)
Where ao is the Bohr radius. Calculate the diamagnetic molar susceptibility for hydrogen
atoms. [Ans.: -3.0 x 10-8 m3/kmol].

3. A paramagnetic substance has 1028 atoms/m3. The magnetic moment of each atom is 1.8 x
10-23 A.m2. Calculate the paramagnetic susceptibility at 300 K. What would be the dipole
moment of a bar of this material 0.1 m long and 1 cm2 cross-section in a field of 8 x 104 A/m.
[Ans.: χp = 3.28 x 10-4, 2.62 x 10-4 A.m2].

4. A paramagnetic material has BCC structure with lattice parameter of 0.25 nm. If the
saturation value of magnetization is 1.8 x 106 A/m, calculate the average magnetization
contributed per atom in Bohr magneton. [Ans.: ~1.52 μB].

5. Using the Hund’s rules determine the ground state and effective number of Bohr magnetons
for Eu3+, Yb3+ and Tb3+. [See table given in Kittel Book for results]

6. Calculate the effective magnetic moments of the Mn2+, Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions with electronic
configurations 3d5, 3d4 and 3d3, respectively. [See table given in Kittel Book for results]

7. What magnetic field must be applied to a salt containing Cu2+ ions at 1 K so that 90% of the
ions are in the ground state? [Ans.: 3 T].

8. A paramagnetic substance has 1028 atoms/m3. The magnetic moment of each atom is 1.8 x
10-23 A.m2. Calculate the paramagnetic susceptibility at 300 K. What would be the dipole
moment of a bar of this material 0.1 m long and 1 cm2 cross-section in a field of 8 x 104 A/m.
[Ans.: χp = 3.28 x 10-4, 2.62 x 10-4 A.m2].

9. The magnetic field intensity in a piece of ferric oxide is 106 A/m. If the susceptibility of the
material at room temperature (300 K) is 1.5 x 10-3, compute flux density and magnetization of
the material. [Ans.: 1.258 Wb/m2, 1.5 x 103 A/m].

10. The saturation magnetic induction of Ni is 0.65 Wb/m2. If the density of Ni is 8906 kg/m3
and the atomic weight is 58.7, calculate the magnetic moment of the Ni in Bohr magneton (μB).
[Ans.: 6.14 μB].

11. Estimate the size of the molecular field in iron in units of Tesla. Compare this with μ oM,
the contribution to the B-field due to the magnetization. Hence explain why the concept of
exchange is necessary to explain the ferromagnetism of iron. The density of Fe is 7873 kg m-3,
the atomic mass is 55.847, the Curie temperature is 1043 K and each atom carries a moment of
approximately 2.2μB [Ans.: BE = 2.1 x 103 T, M = N x 2.2μB, μoM= 2.2 T].

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