BLO - AUTO - PS - 3036 - D - EN - BIOS On Delta V2

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Technical Datasheet

Diagnostic Help /resolution failure
Adjustment Procedure/Overall
Technical Bulletin / Information

DC94F8-HFE PCC type cannot start

BIOS Configuration
13/06/2012 : création de la fiche – indice A
05/07/2012 : Modification du paramétrage BIOS – indice B
Datasheet release date / version
10/12/2012 : Ajout du paramètre SECURE CMOS – indice C
09/12/2014 : Update template – indice D
Author Nicolas Rousselin
Machine concerned Universal & High Speed
Profile / Level required Level 3 – customer specialized engineer
Estimated intervention duration 15 min
Strategy On demand


Troubleshooting for non starting of a Universal PCC (DC94F8-HFE type)

This data sheet can only be applies on DC94F8-HFE PCC Type, installed on Universal &
High Speed SBO, this reference is on the PCC itself:

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The other way to differentiate the two PCC type is to look at the front, the new PCC have
no floppy driver, only one DVD player (on the left) is present under the hood:

On this kind of PCC, sometimes (during sudden power failure for example) the PCC
doesn’t want to restart. The PCC acts as the power supply is out of order, no answer from the
PCC when we put the power supply at 1.

When this trouble occurs, check the voltage at the input of the power supply. If all is
good, open the rear panel of the PCC. Check the green LED on a card at the left top of the
PCC. If this LED is ON, the power supply is not necessarily out of order; the PCC can be on a
« safety mode ».

If the LED is ON (as the picture above), it’s that the PCC need to « unlock ». If the LED is
OFF, the PCC have a real trouble (Power supply, mother board card …)

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To restart the PCC is the LED is ON (Need a USB Keyboard):

1- Put the Power supply on 0 (OFF position)

2- Unplug the power supply cable.
3- On the PCC mother board, find the SETUP battery. Identify the assembly direction of
this battery. Put out the battery from his support:

4- Wait around 30 seconds without battery or power cable plug.

5- Put back the battery on his support, attention at the battery direction!
6- Plug the power supply cable.
7- Plug a USB Keyboard
8- Restart the PCC.
9- Just after the starting of the PCC, an error will appear:

10- Press the F1 button, the SETUP will be automatically loaded.

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11- On this windows, you must set the time and date (important for the sofware)
12- Use the Keyboard to set the time and then the date. Attention, you must respect the
following notes :
a. The NUM LOCK must be ON
b. Do not use the right and left direction on the keyboard, use only upper and down
direction and Enter to set the selection.
c. Date format is MM/DD/YYYY (ex : 05/25/2012)

13- Once time and date correctly set, use the right direction to enter inside the other BIOS
menu. Attention, you cannot set again the time and date after!
14- With the right direction, choose the « EXIT » menu of BIOS, then select « Load Optimal
Defaults » with the down direction :

15- Press « Enter ». A confirmation windows will appear, select « OK » and press gain
« Enter » :

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16- Modify the parameter « Secure CMOS ». Change the value « Disabled » for
« Enabled ».
17- Parameters are now correctly configured. Select « Save Changes and Exit », then
accept the confirmation windows :

18- The PCC must restart by itself, if the BIOS battery is good (and on the good position)
the BIOS must keep the configuration. If not, change the battery.

For any other information, contact your local or central Technical Support.

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