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OPINION Treatment of cognitive deficits in brain tumour
patients: current status and future directions
Marijke B. Coomans a, Sophie D. van der Linden b,c, Karin Gehring b,c,
and Martin J.B. Taphoorn a,d

Purpose of review
Increased life expectancy in brain tumour patients had led to the need for strategies that preserve and improve
cognitive functioning, as many patients suffer from cognitive deficits. The tumour itself, as well as antitumor
treatment including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, supportive treatment and individual patient factors
are associated with cognitive problems. Here, we review the recent literature on approaches that preserve and
improve cognitive functioning, including pharmacological agents and rehabilitation programs.
Recent findings
Minimizing cognitive dysfunction and improving cognitive functioning in brain tumour patients may be
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achieved both by preserving cognitive functioning during antitumor treatment, including techniques such as
awake brain surgery, less invasive radiation therapies such as stereotactic radiotherapy and proton
therapy, as well as with interventions including cognitive rehabilitation programmes. Novel rehabilitation
programs including computer-based cognitive rehabilitation therapy (CRT) programmes that can be
adjusted to the specific patient needs and can be administered at home are promising. Furthermore,
personalized/precision medicine approaches to identify patients who are at risk for cognitive decline may
facilitate effective treatment strategies in the future.
Cognitive functioning has gained greater awareness in the neuro-oncological community, and methods to
preserve and improve cognitive functioning have been explored. Rehabilitation programmes for brain
tumour patients should be further developed and referred to in clinical practice.
brain tumour, cognitive deficits, rehabilitation, treatment

INTRODUCTION and brain metastases before treatment [1,2]. Tumour

Cognitive functioning refers to mental processes such characteristics such as location, size, histology and
as attention, perception, thinking, reasoning and growth rate as well as patients characteristics,
remembering, the so-called ‘higher’ cerebral func- including age, cardiovascular risk and cognitive
tions. Intact cognitive functioning is important, as
it enables to function autonomously within society. a
Department of Neurology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
In patients with a brain tumour, the presence of the b
Department of Neurosurgery, Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital,
tumour directly threatens cognitive functioning. This c
Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Tilburg University, Tilburg
is the case in patients with primary brain tumours such and dDepartment of Neurology, Haaglanden Medical Center, The
as meningiomas and malignant gliomas, as well as in Hague, The Netherlands
patients with brain metastases, the most prevalent Correspondence to Martin J.B. Taphoorn, Department of Neurology,
brain tumours. As even mild cognitive deficits can Leiden University Medical Center, PO BOX 9600, 2300 RC Leiden,
the Netherlands. Tel: +31 71 52 62192; fax: +31 71 524 8253;
have functional and psychosocial consequences, pre-
serving and improving cognitive functioning in these
Curr Opin Oncol 2019, 31:540–547
patients is important to maintain functioning and
wellbeing through the disease course.
Many brain tumour patients exhibit cognitive This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0
impairment at some point during the disease course, (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work
and cognitive deficits are already present in over provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or
90% of the patients with a primary brain tumour used commercially without permission from the journal. Volume 31  Number 6  November 2019

Treatment of cognitive deficits in brain tumour patients Coomans et al.

 In clinical trials, cognitive outcomes should be
Preservation of cognitive functioning
implemented to gain information on the positive and Treatment options for tumour patients often
negative effects of novel (cognition-sparing) treatment include a combination of surgery, radiotherapy,
strategies on cognition on the short and long term. chemotherapy and supportive treatment.
 In clinical practice, cognitive impairment should be
screened for, and eligible patients should be informed Surgery
about and informed on/referred to
interventional programmes. Extensive surgical resection has shown to confer
survival benefit in primary brain tumours including
 Computer-based cognitive rehabilitation programmes gliomas [7], and in general, brain tumour patients
provide access to large patient populations and enable
experience less seizures, headache and signs of intra-
patients to follow rehabilitation in their own
environment and at their own pace. cranial pressure after surgery. Maximal well toler-
ated resection while avoiding severe disabling
 Future studies should further unravel the association neurological and cognitive deficits is the main chal-
between genetic and cognitive factors to clinically lenge in brain tumour patients. Identifying acquired
screen for patients who are most vulnerable to
cognitive problems after surgery may be difficult, as
cognitive decline.
presurgery cognitive testing is not always embedded
in clinical care, complicating prepost comparison,
and deficits are often subtle and may be overshad-
reserve are associated with the severity of cognitive owed by pronounced and mostly transient speech

impairment [3]. In addition, advances in molecular and motor deficits [8 ]. In glioma patients, studies
profiling suggest that germline and tumour genetic showed that patients experienced cognitive deficits
factors are also associated with cognitive function- after surgery [9,10]; however, these were partly tran-
ing in brain tumour patients, both before and in sient, and at the individual patient level, postopera-
response to treatment [4,5]. Apart from the local tive improvement was seen as well [11]. In patients
damage, brain tumours also cause global cognitive with meningioma, cognitive functioning frequently
dysfunction by disruption of cognitive networks, improves after surgery, but remains significantly
with attention, memory and executive functioning lower than in healthy controls [12,13]. Postopera-
being the most frequently affected domains [4]. tively, the most affected cognitive domains are
Depending on the tumour type, location and memory and executive function [13].
growth rate, treatment with surgery, radiotherapy or Awake surgery with intraoperative electrical
chemotherapy decreases tumour burden, improves stimulation and real-time monitoring aims to iden-
(cognitive) functioning and prolongs survival in most tify brain circuits crucial for cognitive functioning.
brain tumour patients, but may also cause cognitive It allows for more precise resection of the tumour
deficits. In addition, other factors such as supportive without damaging surrounding tissue, and is
treatment with antiepileptic drugs and corticoste- thereby assumed to preserve cognitive functioning
roids, as well as concomitant symptoms such as fatigue in glioma patients [14–16]. However, most studies
and mood disorders are also associated with cognitive only included follow-up of a few months, and stud-
deficits [6]. Hence, the tumour itself, antitumour and ies on long-term cognitive outcomes after awake
supportive treatment, clinical, psychosocial and surgery are lacking. Also, nowadays, testing during
genetic factors as well as cognitive reserve [5] can have awake tumour resection is mainly focused on the
an impact on cognitive functioning. Preservation of domains of language and motor function in patients
cognitive functioning by minimalizing the negative with left-hemispheric tumours. More recently, a few
impact of antitumour and supportive treatment is explorative studies in brain tumour patients evalu-
therefore important. Furthermore, amelioration of ated the feasibility and effects of monitoring other
cognitive impairment may be achieved by offering cognitive functions during awake surgery, for exam-
interventions such as pharmacological treatment and ple executive functioning (that is inhibition) and
cognitive rehabilitation. working memory [17,18].
In this review, we first aim to evaluate antitumour
treatment strategies that aim to prevent or minimize
cognitive deficits, thereafter we discuss intervention Radiation therapy
approaches that aim to improve cognitive function- Radiation may lead to significant, but mostly tran-
ing, covering the recent literature on pharmacologi- sient, cognitive disability in 50–90% of the patients,
cal treatment and cognitive rehabilitation. occurring in the acute phase (during radiation),

1040-8746 Copyright ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 541
Brain and nervous system

early-delayed (in the first months after radiation) chemotherapeutic agents may cause cognitive defi-
and late-delayed (up to years after radiation) [19 ]. cits both on the short and long term [29]. Common
Acute side effects include inflammation and injury cognitive domains affected by systemic chemother-
to neuronal structures, causing oedema that leads to apy include learning, memory, information process-
symptoms such as headache, nausea and dizziness ing speed and executive functioning [30], which has
and cognitive deficits. Early-delayed effects are asso- been described as the ‘chemo brain’ [22] or ‘cancer-
ciated with demyelination and oedema, which may related cognitive impairment’ (CRCI) [31]. With
affect cognitive functioning as well [20]. Although regard to long-term deficits in these patients, imaging
acute and early-delayed side effects are thought to be studies have demonstrated structural changes in the
transient, late-delayed damage is of the greatest brain, including volume reduction and altered white
concern, because the related cognitive impairments matter integrity [32], which are associated with long-
can be irreversible and progressive. Late-delayed term cognitive problems [29].
complications may lead to focal deficits (radiation There has been little evidence on neuroprotec-
necrosis), and more importantly, to chronic diffuse tive strategies to prevent chemotherapy-related cog-
encephalopathy, which may even result in demen- nitive impairment in brain tumour patients. Animal
tia [21]. In severe cases of late-delayed radiation studies suggested the possibility of preserving cog-
injury, imaging studies demonstrated diffuse leu- nitive decline by administration of preventing
koencephalopathy and progressive atrophy [22], agents while undergoing chemotherapy [33–36],
while histopathology may show small vessel necro- or exercise to assist in preventing cognitive dysfunc-
sis in the white matter and depletion of stem cells in tion during or after chemotherapy by increasing
the hippocampal area and subventricular zone. neurogenesis [36–38], but there are no clinical data.
However, a larger subgroup of patients experience
mild-to-moderate, though persistent cognitive
impairment following radiation therapy [22]. Targeted therapy and immunotherapy
Less invasive radiation techniques such as lim- Angiogenesis inhibitors, such as bevacizumab, have
ited fraction dose, stereotactic radiotherapy instead been successful in the treatment of various systemic
of whole brain radiotherapy [23–25], and sparing cancers. However, in glioma patients, there is no
the hippocampus during radiation may possibly evidence for overall survival benefit, nor for decline
result in less cognitive problems in patients with in (cognitive) functioning [39,40]. Results of trials
primary brain tumours and brain metastases [24]. In investigating immunotherapy and their impact on
addition, proton radiation therapy, which reduces cognitive functioning in patients with glioma [41],
entrance dose and eliminates exit dose, is also CNS lymphoma [42] and meningioma [43] are still
expected to contribute to preservation of cognitive to be expected.
functioning by sparing normal tissue to a larger
extent [26].
Supportive treatment
Factors such as epilepsy, antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)
Chemotherapy and corticosteroids may affect cognition and behav-
Compared with radiation therapy, the adverse effects iour as well. AEDs have a significant negative effect
of chemotherapy on cognitive functioning in brain on attention and information processing speed [44],
tumour patients have gained less attention. Distin- though second-generation AEDs such as levetirace-
guishing cognitive deficits caused by chemotherapy tam and oxcarbazepine seem to minimalize the
is challenging in primary brain tumour patients, as negative impact of seizures on health-related quality
most patients who underwent chemotherapy also of life (HRQoL) and cognition [45,46]. Perioperative
underwent surgical resection and radiotherapy. How- corticosteroids improve cognition because of dimin-
ever, late cognitive deficits have been demonstrated ishing oedema, but there is otherwise evidence of
in glioma patients, years after radiation and Procar- detrimental (cognitive) effects of long-term cortico-
bazine, lomustine and vincristine chemotherapy steroid use [6].
[27]. In contrast, a systematic review in patients with
primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma
without previous surgery or radiotherapy suggested Interventions to preserve and improve
that cognition improved after induction chemother- cognitive functioning
apy compared with baseline, presumably also partly Two approaches are often distinguished when look-
due to corticosteroids [28]. For patients with systemic ing at interventions that aim to improve cognitive
cancer, even without CNS metastases, there is an functioning: pharmacological treatment and cogni-
emerging body of research demonstrating that tive rehabilitation therapy (CRT).

542 Volume 31  Number 6  November 2019

Treatment of cognitive deficits in brain tumour patients Coomans et al.

Table 1. Pharmacological agents for the management of cognitive impairment in brain tumour patients

Ref. agent Study design Population (n) Timing Relevant results

Boele et al. [51] Modafinil Double-blind, Primary brain tumour At baseline, after Modafinil did not
placebo controlled (n ¼ 37) 6 weeks of exceed the effects of
cross-over trial modafinil/placebo placebo
and 6 weeks after
opposite treatment
Brown et al. [47] Memantine Double-blind, Brian metastases At baseline, and at 8, Memantine delayed
placebo controlled (n ¼ 508) 16, 24 and time to cognitive
RCT 52 weeks after the decline and reduced
start of WBRT the rate of decline in
memory, executive
function and
processing speed
Butler et al. [52] Methylphenidate Double-blind, Primary and metastatic At baseline, during No difference in MMSE
HCI placebo controlled brain tumours and 4, 8 and score between the
RCT (n ¼ 68) 12 weeks after RT groups
Correa et al. [48] Donepezil Pilot Primary brain tumour After treatment with A significant
(n ¼ 15) RT þ CT or CT postbaseline
improvement in
attention, motor
speed, visual memory
Gehring et al. [53] Methylphenidate Open-label, Primary brain tumour At baseline and Improvement in
and modafinil randomized pilot (n ¼ 24) 4 weeks thereafter processing speed and
trial executive functioning
Meyers et al. [54] Methylphenidate Open-label without High-grade gliomas At baseline, week 4, Improvement in various
control group (n ¼ 30) 8, 12 thereafter tests, mood, subjective
improvement in 20/
26 patients after
4 weeks
Rapp et al. [50] Donepezil RCT Primary and metastatic After partial RT or Modest improvement in
brain tumours WHBT memory and motor
(n ¼ 198) speed
Page et al. [55] Armodafinil Double-blind, Meningioma and At the end of RT and No difference between
placebo-controlled glioma (n ¼ 54) 4 weeks after RT the treatment arms on
RCT any of the cognitive
Shaw et al. [49] Donepezil Open-label without Primary brain tumours, 6 months post RT Improvement in various
control group one metastatic cognitive tests after
(n ¼ 35) 24 weeks

CT, chemotherapy; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RT, radiotherapy; WBRT, whole-brain radiation therapy.

Pharmacological treatment acetylcholinesterase inhibitor also used in patients

Pharmacological agents that have been studied in with Alzheimer’s disease, and results of three studies
brain tumour patients include amongst others done- in brain tumour patients suggested that donepezil
pezil, armodafinil and modafinil. Table 1 includes improved some aspects of cognitive functioning,
trials on pharmacological agents in brain tumour including attention, memory and motor speed
patients, including more than 10 patients [47–55]. [48–50]. Other trials that aimed to investigate meth-
In a large randomized controlled trial, the efficacy of ylphenidate [56] and combined levothyroxine/lio-
memantine, a NMDA receptor antagonist also used thyronine supplementation [57] were terminated
in Alzheimer’s disease, was found to delay cognitive because of accrual issues. Thus, although some stud-
decline in patients with brain metastases during ies reported small successes of pharmacological treat-
whole-brain radiotherapy [47], although the trial ment, limitations including limited sample size,
lacked statistical significance due to patient loss. recruitment issues and the lack of a control group
There has also been interest in donepezil, an to account for practice effects hamper conclusions.

1040-8746 Copyright ß 2019 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 543
Brain and nervous system

Cognitive rehabilitation programmes have been developed (see Table 2)

CRT refers to neuropsychological interventions [60 –67]. Although often hampered by methodo-
aimed at preventing or treating cognitive deficits, logical issues, for example not all studies included a
and is based on the principles of neuroplasticity control group to rule out effects of practice and
(i.e. learning) and designed to improve cognitive natural recovery [60], most programmes reported
abilities through compensation or retraining. some improvements in cognitive test-performance
Retraining includes repeated practice of tasks that [61 –65] and also with regard to subjective cogni-
aim to strengthen impaired cognitive functions. tive functioning [66]. Similar to the pharmaceuti-
Compensation training focuses on learning new cal trials, problems with accrual have been reported
strategies and alternative means to improve daily in several trials, especially when CRT was offered in
functioning and achieve goals, for example pacing, the early disease stage. There is no consensus on the
breaking down complex task into smaller steps and optimal timing for CRT. If the aim is to minimize or
using mnemonics. The two are often studied in prevent cognitive problems due to adjuvant treat-
combination. CRT can be provided to individual ment and to make the most use of still intact skills,
patients or in groups, at home or in rehabilitation CRT should start as early as possible [6,64,68]. An
centres and with traditional face-to-face early cognitive training programme for early post-
approaches as well as through computerized pro- surgery primary brain tumour patients showed that
grams. In other patient populations, such as stroke cognitive functioning already improved after a few
patients and traumatic brain injury patients, CRT weeks [64]. Conversely, as patients with newly
has shown to be effective and is often incorporated diagnosed brain tumours often undergo multiple
in the standard of care [58,59]. In brain tumour time-consuming and intensive treatment regimens
patients, a number of cognitive intervention that may also cause cognitive problems, offering

Table 2. Cognitive rehabilitation interventions targeting cognitive impairment in brain tumour patients
Ref. Intervention outline Study design Population (n) Timing Effect on cognition

Gehring et al. [66] Weekly individual RCT Low-grade and At least 6 months Improvement in short-term
supervised anaplastic gliomas postsurgery cognitive complaints,
compensation training (n ¼ 140) long-term cognitive
and computerized functioning and mental
retraining fatigue
Hassler et al. [65] Compensatory training. RCT Grade III and IV Postsurgery, RT and CT Modest improvement in
Weekly group training glioma patients memory and attention
sessions for attention, (n ¼ 11)
verbal and memory
Maschio et al. [63] Cognitive rehabilitation Pilot study Patients with brain Postsurgery Improvements in short-term
training (RehabTR). tumour related verbal memory, episodic
Weekly sessions using epilepsy (n ¼ 16) memory, fluency and
computerized long-term visuospatial
retraining memory improved
immediately and at 6-
month follow-up
Sacks-Zimmerman CogMed: Computer- Prospective pilot study Low-grade glioma Postsurgery Results of only three
et al. [67] based cognitive patients (n ¼ 3) patients have been
remediation therapy published
Richard et al. [61] Goal Management Pilot randomized trial (three Primary brain tumour Postsurgery and >3 Executive functioning
Training (GMT): groups) patients (n ¼ 26) months post possible improved at 4-month
Behavioural RT and/or CT follow-up
intervention combining
mindfulness and
strategy training
Van der Linden ReMind: iPad-based Feasibility study Low-grade glioma and Before surgery or other Intervention was found to
et al. [60] psycho-education, meningioma treatment be feasible, results of the
strategy training and (n ¼ 15) RCT are expected
Yang et al. [62] Virtual reality: Computer- Trial comparing VR and Primary brain tumour After surgery, and further Improvement in visual and
based cognitive computerized retraining patients (n ¼ 38) treatment with RT/CT auditory attention, short-
rehabilitation program with computerized term visual spatial
retraining memory
Zucchella Compensation training RCT Primary brain tumour Postsurgery Improvement of visual
et al. [64] and computerized patients [62] attention and verbal
training memory

CT, chemotherapy; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RT, radiotherapy; VR, virtual reality.

544 Volume 31  Number 6  November 2019

Treatment of cognitive deficits in brain tumour patients Coomans et al.

rehabilitation after antitumour treatment may be mutant gene may exhibit less cognitive impairment
fit best for patients with a longer prognosis both in than their wild-type counterparts [5,79]. With
terms of timing and in terms of effectiveness. At regard to germline genetic characteristics, studies
this time, patients also attempt to resume their have suggested that the APOE e4 allele, a known
normal daily activities and return to work and then risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease [80], single nucle-
start to experience cognitive problems. Conse- otide polymorphisms in the catechol-O-methyl
quently, flexible computer-based CRT programmes transferase (COMT), brain-derived neurotrophic fac-
that can be adjusted to the specific patient needs tor (BDNF) and dystrobrevin-binding protein one
and can be administered at home may especially (DTNBP1) genes are associated with (impaired) cog-
be suitable. nitive functioning in brain tumour patients as well
[81]. The evidence so far is, however, insufficient
to implement formally testing of these genetic
Other interventions polymorphisms in clinical practice.
Given the overlapping impact of both cognitive and
emotional problems, intervention programmes that Acknowledgements
address outcomes as HRQoL, fatigue, mood or a
combination of these may have indirect positive
effects on cognitive functioning as well. Several
Financial support and sponsorship
uncontrolled studies that investigated psychologi-
SvdL and KG: the Dutch organization for health research
cal/psychosocial interventions [69,70] and yoga [71]
and innovation (ZonMw) (grant number: 842003009).
in brain tumour patients showed to be feasible,
reported some successes with regard to various
HRQoL outcomes and were highly appreciated by Conflicts of interest
patients. In addition, several exercise programmes There are no conflicts of interest.
in glioma patients similarly showed to be feasible,
improved functional outcome [72,73] and suggested
to have positive outcomes with respect to HRQoL REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
outcomes [74,75,76]. In meningioma patients, READING
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