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Activity 3


1) 3 shot sizes

- Closeup the director included a lot of closeups, for example at 0:26:29 this creates the desired
effect of showing power the fact it’s close shows the cuts and bruises of the characters closely
signifying how much damage this battle has done.
- At 0:30:07 the extreme closeup of the female helps show how they can see the males' eye on
the top right corner shows the dominance he has over her just because of gender.
- Another moment that shot sizes affect the scene is 0:34:03 the cowboy shot and flicking flames.
The background presents him as being strong and fiery. The scars are shown every now and
again by the flickering candles this could signify him having secret vulnerability and feeling the
most open with her.

2) 3 shot types

- At 0:36:52 there’s a POV (point of view) shot of the gays hand whilst he’s stabbing the other guy
this creates dramatic effect as you can clearly see his lack of remorse at this time and the pain in
the eyes of the victory.
- 0:23:52 the two wild shots which then lead into the close shot of the female are extremely
effective as they set the scene there is an extreme shot in the light for these shots as it’s bright
but sandwiched in very dark lighting themes signifying the change in action.
- The wobbly moving medium shot at 0:45:45 helps show the ever-changing emotions and the
anger in him after his master has been brutally murdered.

3) If you were going to make this movie, what would you do differently?

- If I was to remake this film, I would have more clarity and better pronunciation in the characters'
lines. This is because I personally lost some of the storyline to work out what the characters
when saying.

4) What scene or moment stood out as outstanding film acting?

- 0:45:32 Banquo (played by Paddy Considine) this is acted extremely well, and you could believe
his emotions and his character to the extent that when he slits the guys throat it’s a shock, but
you believe that he had to do it, why he had to do it and how he was feeling as he was doing it.

5) What scene or moment stood out as outstanding film production?

- 0:23:52, this moment stood out to me because it broke up the text well and clearly showed the
beautiful landscape there in it also shows the contrast between these two groups of people on
the same land.

6) What part of the story, told by the movie was the most powerful? Why?
- From 1:00:19 in the grand hall, when they are all chanting hail Macbeth, it’s extremely powerful
because it creates a sense of oneness and they are all together through murders, death and
anything else.

7) Name 3 significant things you learned about film acting (that aligns with your previous learning)

- I learnt about how powerful acting through the eyes is in this film you can really tell the
emotions and the extent of how the emotions affected the character.
- Gestures in acting are important. Gestures are an action with meaning which means that
everything you do: every move you make and facial expression you pull need to have a meaning
behind it, you cannot do something without having a meaning behind it as it would not look real
to the audience (whether it is stage or screen).
- I also learnt the substantial difference between stage and screen. Screen work is very much
naturalistic because they must be more subtle giving away their emotions to keep the whole
“vibe” of the film/series, however in a stage play it’s usually over in about 2-3 hours so the
actors can easily show their emotions quicker and keep the audience interested. Screen actors
must also be much quieter in their projection and have a bit more control in their character to
make it last for 2-4 hours film or 2-8 series shows.

8) Name 3 new or innovative ways to stage a scene that you would like to try in your own work

- I would experiment with the proxemics of characters and the different height levels of those
characters whilst getting one of the first shots to really show to the viewer what type of
relationship these characters have.
- Another thing I would experiment with now would be using different shot types such as
closeups as I have never used closeups before and I believe it would be very fun to play around
with and do in a good film as closeups can portray what’s happening in the characters head.
- One more way I’d stage a scene is playing with lighting because previously in other films I
haven’t managed to achieve to use different lighting, so I think I'd try to use that a lot more
often in my films.

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