Problems Facing Humanity Essay

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Write about one of the challenges facing humanity today. Why does it matter to you?

experiences or insights have you had that speak to the urgency of this issue?

When I was in fourth grade my family hosted a 17-year-old Thai exchange student named
May. Over her ten month stay May became, and to this day still is, a part of our family.

Since the death of the last Thai king , his son has taken over. This transition has been a time
of political turmoil and struggle as the new king tries to hold onto his power with a
generation that is no longer accepting of a monarchy. Before knowing May it was easier to
watch current events around the world without personal attachment. It was possible to still
be scared and disturbed by the realities some people face, but it was not happening to
someone I loved.

May has been back in Thailand for eight years. She has graduated college and gotten a job.
She has also joined many of her peers that are challenging the current political structure in
Thailand. In the United States there would not be a fear for her safety, but in Thailand those
who disobey the King are to be harshly punished in accordance with the Lèse-majesté laws.

While I am grateful for the ability to air my grievances about the US government freely, I am
disheartened that others do not have the same freedom. No one should be able to punish
another for a difference in opinion. I think it is important to live in a world that encourages
giving diverse groups an opportunity to share their beliefs, even if they are different from
our own. I would hope that while being a member of this “Changemaker” campus I could
help ensure all people are given a chance to share their beliefs and opinions safely and that
I could carry this knowledge far beyond the college community.

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