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Sophia Morales

Class of 2022

Table of Contents 

Abstract: Page 3

Introduction: Page 3-4

• Research Question

• Context, Background, History


• Project, Goals, Significance

Literature Review: Page 4-12

• History of Real Estate

• Basic funding

• Lawsuits

• Benefits of having a real estate curriculum

Methodology: Page 13-17

Discussion and Implications: Page 17-18

• Findings

• Conclusion

• What I Learned

References : Pages 19-20


The research question I am examining is What is the best way to implement

knowledge about the real estate industry into high school classes? My primary

methods are research, interviews, and surveys. I reached out to a professor in the real

estate department at the University of Washington to get their insight on my survey

questions and learn what type of topics she thinks will be helpful to add to a curriculum

plan for young adults. I also looked into nonprofits that share similar goals as my

curriculum plan. My research consisted of how to create a professional curriculum plan,

the benefits of learning about the real estate industry as a young adult, lawsuits against

public school districts, the benefits of funding, and the history of education and real


My final product is a curriculum plan and a video presentation. The significance

of the work is that it will spark an interest in a career and educational path for young

adults. It will also show students how to create generational wealth, educate high school

students about renting and buying, and set students up to get their real estate license.

In addition, young adults can learn about real-life situations that they can utilize in the

future. High schools in low-income areas lack essential resources and do not reach all

educational goals. This type, of course, will provide help to students who need extra

support and resources.


For my research project, I am incorporating real estate knowledge into a high

school class. I will be creating a curriculum plan for a real estate class and focusing my

research on two public high schools in the Seattle area. My research project will focus

on why this real estate course will be beneficial to high school students and the impacts

of funding. The curriculum plan will showcase what topics about the real estate industry

will be essential to setting students up for their future. I want to create a course that will

educate high school students on the renting and buying process, build generational

wealth, and have speakers from various careers in real estate. This course will help

students spark an educational or career path. In addition, I want this curriculum plan to

motivate young adults to have a plan after high school graduation. Many students do

not have a support system, so this class will become that support system that develops

valuable skills carried into careers and real-life situations.

Literature Review:

History of real estate:

The real estate industry has contributed to economic growth due to the

enlargement of loan corporations' commercial and residential development. In addition,

real estate creates more generational wealth by buying homes—the market and cost of

housing influence the development of the economic structure. The article A Timeline of

the History of Real Estate states, "While the process of real estate transactions and

mortgage lending started in the 1800s in countries outside of the United States, the

industry didn't truly begin to take shape and become regulated in the U.S. until the


1900s" (Pressley, Sydney). The current real estate industry has many job fields that

have evolved since real estate became regulated in the 1900s in the United States.

Examples of the real estate job fields are mortgage brokers, brokers, property

managers, commercial real estate agents, leasing consultants, real estate investors,


Since the real estate industry has been around for decades, it has changed

immensely. Before 1910 real estate brokers were permitted to work in the real estate

industry without testing and meeting the criteria requirements (Matley, Rick). Now

brokers must receive a broker's license to represent the seller or buyer. Due to the covid

pandemic, the real estate industry was one of the industries that found the new virtual

aspects beneficial. It has created a new era for businesses. The evolution of using a

virtual platform to communicate with clients who cannot meet in person has become a

new norm. House showings and signing purchase agreements virtually have become an

option (Pressley, Sydney). The article The History of Real Estate Profession states, "In

1925, the idea of a furnished home was presented by the National Real Estate Journal.

The real estate agents started using open houses in the 1930s and 1940s" (Matley,

Rick). When putting a home on the market, open houses and staging have been

significant factors for real estate agents. These techniques were used as a way to catch

the buyer's eye. Professional photographs of a staged home are also used for the online

marketing side of things to display home or rental properties on websites such as Zillow,,, etc.


Basic funding:
All public schools rely on essential funding to supply students with excellent

public education and resources. The resources provided to students are free tutoring for

state tests and extra help in core classes and homework club, textbooks and reading

books, basic school supplies for students who cannot supply their writing materials,

notebooks, etc. An example of this is Shorewood High School which states, "In many

cases, consumable materials are provided at school. Many of our classes use the

school-issued Chromebook and electronic forms of note-taking, texts and

storage" (Shorewood High school). This is an example of a public high school just north

of Seattle that receives funding to supply its students with resources. Shorewood high

school even has extra funding to provide a Chromebook for each of the students to use

as a way to take notes and to have school books on.

On the other hand, some public schools do not receive the same funding and

cannot gain the same educational opportunities as a public school with more funding.

Essential funding could provide each student with a textbook and even have a leftover

budget to supply technology for students who do not have access to computers at

home. Other types of resources for students are extracellular activities and electives.

Extracurricular activities can be clubs, sports programs, art classes, culinary classes,

ASB (Associated Student Body), leadership (cheer), drama, language classes, etc. All

these examples are provided to students at Shorewood high school (Shorewood high

school). This showcases the differences in opportunities students have access to

through public school funding.


Due to COVID-19, schools nationwide closed down and had to transition to

online learning, leaving students with no computer at home and no way to access the

virtual content. The public schools that had extra funding to give students

Chromebooks, laptops, and pads had the upper hand in this challenging time, knowing

each student would transition to online learning easier than public schools with less

funding to supply technology. However, by influencing the district budget to allow each

student a personal technology device for schoolwork, students cannot learn remotely

through the global pandemic and other circumstances. In addition, incorporating real

estate knowledge into high classes can give young adults a course that they feel excited

to attend due to learning about real-life situations.

When zoom became a part of our daily lives, students felt like they were not

making the most out of learning remotely. Having this real estate course during remote

learning can help bring the spark back to education by learning about topics that young

adults can benefit from in the future. Since the job industry has changed immensely

during the pandemic, internships were not available for a long time to give young adults.

This real estate course can replace an internship and supply students with speakers

that showcase what individuals do in these job fields. This real estate course can spark

students' education and career paths during tough times like the global pandemic.

The fight against unfair funding in public high schools has led to activism

towards legislation for equal opportunities for all students. The article A Quality

Approach to School Funding is an example of a fight against unfair funding, "In fact,


according to one recent analysis, Edgewood receives about $5,000 less per pupil in

education funding than Alamo Heights, a wealthier, neighboring school district

5" (Director, Julia Cusick Senior, et al.). In addition, Demetrio Rodriguez filed a lawsuit in

Texas against a school district in a poverty-ridden community near San Antonio, Texas,

and united a suit with fifteen other parents who were suing against unjust funding of

public schools (Director, Julia Cusick Senior, et al.). Advocating for lower funded school

districts can majorly improve the education system in schools in low-income areas.

More individuals discussing the broken education system break the silence for all

households with kids in underfunded school districts.

The fight against unjust funding did not end well for Demetrio Rodriguez and

the fifteen other families. According to the article, "The court struck down the case,

arguing that education was not a guaranteed, fundamental right under the U.S.

constitution and that Texas' school finance system did not violate any protected rights 3"

(Director, Julia Cusick Senior, et al.). However, this did not stop the fight against districts

and will continue until all the demands are met. The article talks about how the lawsuits

have expanded resources for students in low-income households but not always

guaranteed access to excellent education (Director, Julia Cusick Senior, et al.). Fair

funding is essential to creating a perfect educational system, especially for poverty-

ridden communities. The school district will offer additional courses like a real estate

course that can affect high school students due to having essential funding.

Public schools were once known as Common Schools; the educational system

was based on the "Three R's," reading, writing, and math. The "Three R's" were created

to advance the younger generations. According to the Center on Education Policy


(CEP), in the 1840s, public schools were only obtainable in certain areas that could

afford schools. This did not sit right with Horace Mann and Henry Barnard; they

advocated for fair and accessible education for everyone. By 1913 all children needed

to go to elementary. As time went on, the citizens demanded more laws to increase

educational opportunities for all children (CEP). Stephanie Watson states, "They

established schools to teach not just the essentials-reading, writing, and math- but also

to reinforce their core values" (Watson, pg 2). These education goals were put in place

when Common Schools were established.

To this day, public education is essential to our communities. Neighborhoods

benefit from public schools and provide students with impeccable education and

resources to help students' academic and career paths. Fixing Public education in

certain areas is urgent. Creating an education that gives equal opportunity to all

students in public high schools will help students achieve essential resources and

education that will benefit their future endeavors. Adjusting the curriculum can be even

more effective and provide every public high school with impeccable education. Many

public schools use this form of education but have also added on extracurriculars and

electives that they believe will be helpful for students.

As I looked into the current academics of public high schools, I chose to focus

on Shorewood high school, just north of Seattle in Shoreline. I chose this high school

because this was the public high school I attended. I can share my personal experience

with resources provided to us, classes, and available extracurricular activities.

Shorewood high school offers students electives such as student lifetime, photography,

drama, culinary arts, ceramics, DECA, etc. Unfortunately, many public schools with a


lack of funding cannot add to the curriculum and continue to focus only on what some

may consider outdated coursework.The curriculum is not the only urgent issue needed

to be fixed in public high schools as they lack textbooks for each student, and tutoring is

not available for standardized tests or extra help in core classes. After-school programs

and extracurricular activities may not be feasible, and schools lack supplies and other

essential resources. Nicole Amato states, "At my current school in Chicago, not

only do kids get to take their novels home, they get to keep them" (Amato). A course

that provides essential resources can offer equal opportunities to students who may not

sustain their educational needs with their families income.

Not having access to crucial resources can be hard on students, and they can

feel like they're not receiving the same education as other public schools. Incorporating

a curriculum plan that discusses real estate topics will help public schools academically.

Going to a class that discusses real-life issues and career choices can motivate

students to keep learning and create a future for themselves. This real estate course

would be much more than a regular class; it will discuss the home-buying and renting

process. Many students after high school either attend college, start a full-time job, take

a gap year, and so on. Students after high school rent an apartment, a room in a home,

or a house, and the renting process can be nerve-racking when you are doing it alone.

This class will provide students with steps to achieve a rental property. It will

also discuss the home buying process, first-time home buyer loans, and tips on saving

up to purchase a home. This will get students to start thinking and planning for their life

after high school. Another aspect included in the real estate class will be speakers.

Individuals in different fields in the real estate industry will get the opportunity to share

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what they do in their career, how they got there, and any other information they would

like to share that can benefit the class. This could spark a future career or an academic

path for students. I took a college course called Planning As A Profession that had

different speakers come and discuss various job fields. I will incorporate the Planning As

A Profession curriculum into my real estate class.

Bene ts of having a real estate curriculum

There are many benefits of teaching young adults about the real estate

industry. David Serpa states, "Our goal should be to place a license, certificate, or job

offer into the hand of every graduating senior who wants one, along with their high

school diploma" (Serpa). I want high school students to achieve the goals discussed in

this quote. During this course, I want to work with all students to help them figure out

what path they want to take after graduation to be a support system and resource for

students. This curriculum plan will give seniors a better understanding of what type of

career they want to pursue, their academic path, and the major they wish to pursue in

college. It will also push students to get a real estate license or have a job lined up after


Real estate courses are currently missing from the existing high school

curriculum. After researching Shorewood high school electives and the general

curriculum provided on the school website, I could not find any class talking about real

estate. I did find a club called DECA. Shorewood high school states DECA is a "Student

marketing association for real-life marketing in the classroom" (Shorewood high school).

Many public schools might not have extra funds to add a real estate elective. Some

public high schools already provide students with the DECA elective. DECA teaches

CEP 2022 SOPHIA 11


students how to be a leader and helps students who focus on becoming entrepreneurs

or studying business in college. DECA is an excellent elective provided, but not all

public schools can offer this program to this student.

Public high schools should incorporate authentic learning into the public

education system. Authentic learning has various educational methods that help build a

relationship with students, focus the education materials on real-world topics, and

provide students with tools that can be utilized outside the classroom. For example, this

real estate course will be an authentic learning space by teaching students subjects on

renting and buying and more topics that will be useful. The students will take the

knowledge they have learned from the class and use it in the real world. It is only with

this confidence that children are then able to use the skills and knowledge learned

beyond the classroom walls" (ACEL). It is crucial to create a learning environment that

will be discussing topics not based on the general education that Common schools

established. It will keep the classroom exciting and push students to continue to come

to class.

As I furthered my research on: the history of real estate, the importance of

essential funding, lawsuits against public school districts, the history of the public school

curriculum, and the benefits of having a real estate curriculum in public high schools. I

got a better understanding about how to incorporate real estate knowledge into public

high schools. To be successful, I created a survey to obtain input from a professor in the

real estate department at the University of Washington. In addition, I researched

nonprofits doing programs that educate young adults about the real estate industry.

CEP 2022 SOPHIA 12

Finally, my project discusses the benefits of teaching young adults about the real estate

industry and a curriculum plan that showcases how to implement knowledge about real

estate in a public high school.

Project Methodology:
For my research project, I am incorporating real estate knowledge into a high

school class. I will be creating a curriculum plan for a real estate class and focusing my

research on Rainier Beach High School and Shorewood High School. I want this

curriculum plan to motivate young adults to have a plan after high school graduation.

Melissa William states in their blog, "Your curriculum is essentially a series of activities

and learning outcome goals related to each subject. It serves as a great map, outlining

where you need to go and how to get there. Curriculum docs are not created overnight:

A great deal of thought, time, effort, and expertise go into their development, so don't try

to reinvent the wheel" (Melissa Williams). Many students do not have opportunities to

learn about topics that will be valuable to them in the future, so this real estate class will

become that support system that develops practical skills carried into careers and real-

life situations. The steps I used to create a curriculum plan was: research, survey, and I

conducted interviews.

For the first phase of my project, I did a lot of research on various topics

connected to my project. I have researched current nonprofits in Seattle and different

states that share similar goals as my project. Researching nonprofits helped me

understand the steps they took to create this nonprofit to develop a successful

curriculum. For example, one nonprofit I researched is Dream Builders 4 Equity, "Dream

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Builders 4 Equity's Real Estate Program provides youth employment, training, &

mentorship. While working alongside minority contractors, youth rehab vacant homes to

be sold to first-time home owners" (Dream Builders 4 Equity). This is an example of a

nonprofit that has similar aspirations as mine.

Another thing I researched is high schools in the South and North of Seattle to

see what types of academic programs and extracurricular activities are available to

students. One of the public schools I researched was Shorewood High School, located

north of Seattle in Shoreline, WA, and the other high school I examined was Rainier

Beach High School, located in South Seattle. After researching Shorewood high school

electives and the general curriculum provided on the school website, I could not find any

class talking about real estate. However, I did find a club called DECA. Shorewood high

school states DECA is a "Student marketing association for real-life marketing in the

classroom" (Shorewood high school). Researching two high schools in different areas

helped me understand what classes are currently being provided for the younger

generation in Northshore school districts and Seattle public schools.

Additionally, I researched why it is essential to teach the younger generations

about the real estate industry. There are many benefits of teaching young adults about

the real estate industry. David Serpa states, "Our goal should be to place a license,

certificate, or job offer into the hand of every graduating senior who wants one, along

with their high school diploma" (Serpa). This is my end goal for my real estate course,

and I want students taking this course to have an educational and career path before

graduation. I also researched real estate history to understand better what the real

estate industry first looked like and how it has evolved. Learning how real estate plays

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in the economy can create generational wealth and a sense of social and financial


I learned what criteria have been demanded before an individual can obtain

their real estate license. Next, I looked into the importance of essential funding. This

helped me when I looked into two public schools and how funding for that school district

has affected the resources and education provided for the students. Lawsuits against

public school districts were another topic I researched. I found a couple of lawsuits

against public school districts providing specific areas with higher funding than schools

in low-income neighborhoods. It is essential for society to fight against the unjust

educational system, especially for low-income schools, so that everyone can receive an

excellent education. The last topic I researched was the history of the public school

curriculum, which helped me learn the history behind the first public school known as

"Common Schools" and how the educational system is based on the "Three

R's" (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic). The curriculum has barely advanced and has

kept the similar learning style around for an extended period.

For the second phase of my project, I created a survey. The professor I picked

to assist my senior project teaches similar topics I want to discuss in my real estate

course. By receiving input from this professor, I will know which topics are essential

when educating high students about the real estate industry and will gain steps on how

to create a curriculum plan. Before I completed my survey, I brainstormed a list of

questions to avoid forgetting any critical issues applicable to my research project. I also

went to office hours to receive feedback on my survey questions and the email before

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sending it out. My survey questions are: What type of topics about the real estate

industry do you believe will impact high school students? What kinds of career

opportunities in the real estate industry would you recommend adding to my curriculum

plan? How do you create your curriculum plan? What are your opinions about making a

real estate course for high school students? Do you think it is essential to educate

young adults about the real estate industry? If you said yes, please explain why; Do you

believe it is necessary to teach students about the renting and the buying process in

high school? If you answered yes, please explain why; If this real estate course was

taught at your high school would you take it? If you answered yes, please explain why;

what part of the buying process would have been helpful to know before you graduated

high school? What part of the renting process would have been beneficial to know

before graduating high school? I sent out these survey questions to Rebecca, a

professor in the Real Estate Department, and attached a description of my senior

project. I picked Professor Rebeccas because I value her opinion, and her responses to

these survey questions will benefit my research as I finalize my curriculum plan. The

next thing I need to do is meet with Rebecca via zoom to discuss these survey

questions and get feedback on my curriculum plan.

I am conducting interviews for my final video for my last phase. I interviewed

three real estate agents at Real Property Associates. First, I asked: If a real estate class

was provided at your high school, would you have taken it? The next question I will ask

is, if you took a real estate class in high school, how would your career or educational

path change after high school? The last step I did was combining research, survey

CEP 2022 SOPHIA 16

input, and interviews to create a strong curriculum plan and help answer my research

question. The limitation I experienced as I completed my senior project was that I could

not find five real estate agents before the deadline I created for myself. This is a

limitation because many agents have busy schedules, so finding time to do the

interview may be complicated, or many individuals might not want to be a part of this

project. Another limitation I experienced was not being able to do in-person interviews

so all interviews were recorded and sent to me over email or text.

Discussion and Implications:

My findings are that young adults will benefit from a real estate course. It will

motivate high school students to set up an educational or career path. The curriculum

plan I created has guest speakers from various fields in the real estate industry. This will

assist students in sparking a career route. I also incorporated steps for the buying and

renting process so students do not feel alone when buying their first home or renting

their first apartment. If students decide to get their real estate license, they will be set up

to take the Washington Real Estate license class. I found that funding is essential for

public schools to supply students with resources and outstanding education. I

discovered that we need to advocate for and fix the unjust educational system. I have

completed a solid real estate curriculum plan for an elective course.

The next step I hope to take in the future is getting this class into all public high

schools all over Seattle. I also want to be able to mentor high school students who wish

to go into the real estate industry, so they do not feel alone during the licensing process.

Through this work, I learned that I want to continue to advocate for bettering funding for

public schools that cannot provide students with an excellent education. I also learned

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that I am exceptionally fascinated by mentoring people and want to figure out how I can

collaborate in mentoring in my future career. I believe the real estate curriculum in high

school is a possibility in the near future. Once I establish my career, I plan to put my

energy and resources toward contributing to this reality. I'm grateful for the CEP

opportunity, a chance to challenge myself, and my inner passion for inclusion

CEP 2022 SOPHIA 18

Pressley, Sydney. “A Timeline of the History of Real, 29 July


Matley, Rick. “The History of Real Estate Profession.” The Difference RE, 11 Jan. 2021,

High school, Shorewood. “Basic School Supplies / Overview.” / Overview, https://

Director, Julia Cusick Senior, et al. “A Quality Approach to School Funding.” Center for

American Progress, 23 Aug. 2021, quality-


Stephanie Watson "How Public Schools Work" 13 February 2008.

<> 9 November 2021

Amato , Nicole. “Is Improving Schools All about Money?” The New York Times, The New

York Times, 2015, improving-


“ASB/ Clubs and Activities / List of Clubs and Advisors.” / List of Clubs and Advisors,

CEP 2022 SOPHIA 19

“History and Evolution of Public Education in the US - Eric.” Fulltext/


“Authentic learning: what, why, and how?” E-teaching Management Strategies for the

classroom, 10 April 2016,


“Teaching Real Estate to High School Seniors .” Lab Coat Agents, 11 Nov. 2020,https://

15, Apr, et al. “Book Publishing Program.” Dream Builders 4 Equity, https://

High school, Shorewood. “Basic School Supplies / Overview.” / Overview, https://

“Teaching Real Estate to High School Seniors .” Lab Coat Agents, 11 Nov. 2020, https://

Williams, Melissa. “Why Is Curriculum Important? - Classcraft Blog.” Resource Hub for

Schools and Districts, Classcraft, 12 Nov. 2020, blog/why-is-


CEP 2022 SOPHIA 20

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