Curriculum Plan-Real Estate

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High School Real Estate Curriculum Plan

Instructor: Sophia Morales Classroom: 123

Email: Class days: Wednesday and Friday
Course time: 2:00-3:00pm Office Hours: Everyday

Class duration: September 7th - January 26th First Semester

No class:

January 15th- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (federal holiday)\Dates

November 11th Veterans Day (federal holiday)

November 23rd - 24th Thanksgiving Break

Goals: That each student taking this course will have a full understanding about the real
estate industry, how to navigate the renting and buying process. Students will have
knowledge of different types of career options available in the real estate industry.
Students will have an educational or career path written down by the end of the

Course description: This course is an introduction to real estate. It guides young

adults through: the renting and buying process, how to create generational wealth,
guest speaker appearances in different real estate fields, and explores and expands
upon industry terminology. This course will help students feel prepared and ready for
real life situations. By the end of the semester students will have a full understanding of
the real estate industry. Whether they pursue a college degree or jump into obtaining a
brokerage license out of high school, students will have a solid foundation for success.

Textbooks: No required textbooks for this class

Class: Agenda: Due Dates:

Date: Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 Due: Friday the 9th

Welcome and Introduction


Group activity: Ice Breakers- Let’s get to

know each other

Hw: Tell me about yourself! Do you have

any educational interests or hobbies?

Class objectives: Students will be able to

get to know me and fellow classmates.

Date: Friday, September 9th, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 14th


Discuss the history of real estate

What is the real estate industry?

Hw: Read the printed out reading

provided in class and fill out the definition
for real estate terms

Class objectives: Students will learn about

how the real estate industry began and
how it has changed throughout the years.

Date: Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 Due: Friday the 16th

Review homework and question?


● What is a real estate agent

● How is a brokerage runned

Hw: Look up one real estate agent from

any local real estate firm. Write up your
findings on this agent. What type of listing
do they have now?

Class objective: Students will be able to

learn about what a real estate agent is
Date: Friday, September 16th, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 21st

Guest speaker: Torrey Morales a broker at

Real Property Associates.

Bonus points: Ask the guest speaker

questions at the end

Hw: Questions you have for this guest

speaker and fill out the questionnaire
provided before the guest speaker arrives.

Class objective: Students will be able to

hear about what this agent's day looks like
as a real estate agent and the step he
took to achieving this career.

Date: Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 Due: Friday the 23rd

Review questions and questionnaires

filled out about the guest speaker


● The purpose of having a real

estate license

● Start discussing other fields in the

real estate industry (mortgage
brokers, real estate agent,
affordable housing services, and
commercial real estate agents

Hw: Fill out the definition for the different

job fields in the real estate industry using
the printed out reading provided.

Class Objectives: Students will be able to

identify various careers in the real estate

Date: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 Due: Friday, September 30th

Go over the answers for homework


Keep discussing various careers in the

real estate industry and answer questions
any student has.

In-class activity: Get intro groups. Each

table will have assigned real estate
careers: Mortgage broker, real estate
agent, and affordable housing services.
Pick the career you’re most fascinated
about and read the reading left on the
table. Create a presentation to provide for
the class in less than 5 min. Discuss what
this person does for a living.

Hw: Study for a quiz on real estate job


Class Objective: Students will teach other

classmates about different real estate
careers through a presentation. They will
be able to gain more knowledge while
working on public speaking.

Date: Wednesday, October 5th, 2022 No Hw

Take quiz

All of the class will be focused on

completing the quiz. No hw

Class Objective: Students will be able to

showcase an understanding of a couple
fields in the real estate industry.

Date: Friday, October 7th, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 12th

Check in with each student

In-class activity: write on the sticky note

about what you’re looking forward to this


● Discuss types of real estate


● Types of property rights

Hw: Fill out homework using reading

provided. Homework will discuss different
types of real estate properties and
property rights.

Class Objective: Students will get a better

understanding of property rights and
various types of real estate properties.

Date: Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 Due: Friday the 14th

Go over homework


● Discuss different types of


Hw: Fill out worksheet discussing

ownerships using the reading provided in

Class Objective: Students will gain

knowledge of various types of ownership

Date: Friday, October 14th, 2022 Study for quiz Wednesday

the 19th
Go over homework


● Discuss ownership deeds

● Keep discussing types of


● types of real estate properties

● Ownership rights

Class Objective: Students will learn about

ownership deeds and keep learning about
types of ownership, real estate properties,
and right before the next quiz.

Hw: Study for quiz on types of ownership,

real estate properties, and rights
Date: Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 No Hw

Take quiz

All of the class will be focused on

completing the quiz. No hw

Date: Friday, October 21st, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 26th


● Keep discussing ownership deed

● Types of affordable housing


● Affordable housing development

In-class activity group up and look at

ownership deeds and discuss the
following questions written on the board.
Pick one group member to share out.

Class Objective: Students will be able to

examine ownership deeds to get a better
understanding of the type of documents
homeowners have. Students will also be
able to learn about the affordable housing
services provided to low-income

Hw: Pick one of the affordable housing

programs I provided. Write a summary on
what the goals are for this affordable
housing program.

Date: Wednesday October 26th, 2022 Due: Friday the 28th

Guest Speaker: Works in the affordable

housing services.

Bonus points: Ask the guest speaker

questions at the end.

Class Objective: Students will be able to

learn what this individual's work day looks
like and how they got into this job field.
Hw: Complete the questionnaire about the
guest speaker.

Date: Friday, October 28th, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 2nd

Discuss homework. A time for questions?

In-class activity- Get into groups and start

discussing the types of careers you may
be fascinated in the real estate industry.
Everyone in the group shares out. Give a
reason why you might be interested in this
career in the real estate industry.


● Discuss the buying process

● What is a first time home buying


● How you can save up to buy a


Class Objective: Students will start to get

an understanding on the buying process
and what a first time home buying loan is
and ways they can save up to buy a

Hw: Complete reading provided in class

pages 8-10. Explain in your own words on
what a First time home buying loan is and
what a mortgage is.
Date: Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 Due: Friday the 4th


● Share stories of people's

experience during the buying

● The steps people take to buying a


● Property taxes

● Homeownership

● How homeownership creates

generational wealth

● How does a credit score play a

factor in the buying process

Class Objective: Students are able to hear

real life stories of individuals' experiences
of buying a home. Students will gain
knowledge on homeownership, property
taxes, and how to create generational

Hw: Read the printed out reading provided

during class and fill out the questions
connected to the reading.

Date: Friday, November 4th, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 9th

Go over homework

In-class activity: Get into groups and write

down the steps taken to buy a home. Pick
one person to share out.


● Debt to income ratio

● Types of documents needed

when purchasing a home

● Purchase and sale agreement

● What does a real estate agent do
when selling houses and how
were they able to get this listing
(open houses, listing presentation,

Class Objective: Students will learn about

a purchase and sale agreement, different
types of documents used when buying a
home. Students will learn what a real
estate agent does when representing a

Hw: Write about types of steps you would

take to create a successful listing
presentation and open house to bring in
activity . You will share it with the class
next class.

Date: Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 16th

Students will present how they will do a

successful listing presentation and open

Bonus points: Give student positive


Hw: Study for the quiz on the home

buying process

Date: Friday, November 11th, 2022 Study over the weekend for

Date: Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 Due: Friday the 18th

Guest speaker: Mortgage broker

Bonus points if you ask questions after

speaker is done presenting

Class Objective: Students will be able to

learn about what a mortgage broker does.
The steps they took to obtain this career.
Hw: Read the three chapters discussing
the renting process

Date: Friday, November 18th, 200 Due: Wednesday the 30th

In-class activity: Check in. How is

everyone doing? What types of topics
have you been fascinated about so far?


● What is renting?

● Rights of tenants

● How create a good landlord tenant


● What are the rental criteria

landlords implement?

● What is a security deposit?

Class Objective: Students will start to

learn about the renting process.

Hw: Go on zillow click on two places up

for rent (one apartment and one
multi-family rental property) in any area in
Seattle or greater puget sound area. Look
at the criteria set for this property. What is
a security deposit? Pet friendly? Any
credit required? Income criteria?

Date: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022 No Hw

Thanksgiving break


Date: Friday, November 25th, 2022 No Hw

Thanksgiving break

Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2022 Due: Friday the 2nd

In-class activity: popcorn and share one

thing you enjoyed over your thanksgiving


● What is a lease agreement?

● Share my personal renting

experience (funny stories)

● What does it mean when a

guardian Co-signs a lease

Class Objective: Students will be able to

start getting a full understanding of the
renting process.

Hw: Read and answer the questions


Date: Friday, December 2nd, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 7th

Guest Speaker: Tony Morales, a property


Bonus points: Asks the guest speaker

questions after he’s done presenting

Class Objective: Students will be able to

hear about what a property manager does
in the real estate industry, and the steps
they took to achieve this job.

Hw: Study for Quiz discussing the renting

and home buying process
Date: Wednesday, December 7th, 2022 No Hw

Take quiz

Class Objective: Students are showing

what areas of the renting and buying
process they understand and what areas
need to be discussed more.

Date: Friday, December 9th, 2022 Due: Wednesday the 14th

Check in with students to see how

everyone's week went


● What is a title?

● What is title insurance?

● What is home insurance?

Class Objective: Students we start to get

an understanding on what a title is, title
insurance, and home insurance and why
it plays a part in homeownership.

Hw: Do the reading provided and fill out

the questions.

Date: Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 Due: Friday the 16th

Discuss homework


● Watch a youtube video

discussing title insurance:

● Look at a title document

● What are escrows?

● Discuss what a Title Insurance
Officer does

Class Objectives: Students will be able

to explain what a title is and what title
insurance does.

Hw: Look into title insurance

companies. Look through the website.
Write me a summary of your findings.

Date: Friday, December 16th, 2022

Guest speaker: Title Insurance Officer

Bonus points: Ask questions after the

speaker is done presenting

Class Objectives: Students will learn

what a title insurance officer does and
they got to this career.

Have a good break! No hw. But start to

brainstorm ideas for your career or
educational write up.

Date: Wednesday, December 20th, 2022

Winter Break

Date: Friday, December 23rd, 2022

Winter Break
Date: Wednesday, December 28th, 2022

Winter Break

Date: Friday, December 30th, 2022

Winter Break

Date: Wednesday, January 4th, 2022

Welcome back

In-class activity: Share something

exciting that happened over winter

Start brainstorming ideas for career

and educational path


What are your educational goals in

college if attending?

What are you

Date: Friday, January 6th, 2022

The end of the semester is

approaching so let’s discuss the final

Final project:

Create a roadmap of an educational or

career path that you would like to follow
after graduating high school. Write me
a one to two page double spaced
essay explaining your roadmap.

Class topics:

● Show examples
● Explain my educational path
● Share funny stories about my
experiences as well so students
know that it is okay to not know
what career or educational path
they want to follow.

Date: Wednesday, January 11th, 2022

Assignment one:

Brainstorm and research- start looking

into Universities— What majors and
minors do they offer? Do any of them
fascinate you? Any clubs? If you do
not plan to go to college, look into
different jobs(it does not have to be
associated with the real estate industry
if you do not want a job in this field.)
You do not need to follow this exact
plan after high school things change
and it is okay!!

Class topics:

Work time and feel free to ask

questions. Laptops and paperwork
provided to use in class when doing
research. I will pass out paper and
pens so you can drop down notes for
Date: Friday, January 13th, 2022

Assignment two:

Create an outline. Make sure you have

ideas for your Introduction, three body
paragraphs, and conclusion.

Date: Wednesday, January 18th, 2022

Assignment three:

Start on a roadmap. I attached

examples of what a roadmap is. Be
creative. You can do this by hand or on
the computer. It can be created with
markers, newspaper, magazine cut
outs, etc.

Date: Friday, January 20th, 2022

Work time !!
Date: Wednesday, January 25th, 2022


Last day of the semester you will have

the opportunity to share with the class
on what you would like to do for your
educational or career path. This is
optional so sign up on the board and
you will receive extra credit points.

Class topics:

● Have the students discuss

what they liked and what they
would change about this real
estate class.
● Since this course is just an
elective, what type of topics
would you like to focus more on
● A reminder to students that I
will always have my door open
to help with anything they

We will decide if they prefer to write

down or openly discuss these

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