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Tutorial Letter 102/0/2022

Computer integration in the classroom

Year module

Department of Science and Technology Education

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.

Write your personal particulars in below

Mr/Ms: ..............................................................................
Address: ...........................................................................
Postal Code: ....................................................................
Student No: ......................................................................
Course Code: ..................................................................

Department of Science and Technology Education

Computer integration in the classroom

TUTORIAL LETTER: CIC2601/102/0/2022


Dear Student

This Tutorial letter 102 will contain details of your assessment for the module
Computer integration in the classroom (CIC2601)

1. Assessment criteria

You must complete four (4) compulsory assignments for this module on or before
the specified due dates.

2. Assessment plan

• To complete this module, you will be required to submit 4 assignments.

• All information on when and where to submit your assignments will be made
available to you via the MyUnisa / Moodle site for your module.

• Due dates for assignments, as well as the actual assignments are available
on the MyUnisa / Moodle site for this module.

• This module is a continuous assessment, which means your pass mark will
be calculated the 4 assignments.

• Continuous assessment means that you are not going to write any
examination, but that all the assignments that you completed throughout the
year will contribute towards your final mark. Continuous assessment refers
to the ongoing periodic and systematic assessment and evaluation of
students during the process of learning using a variety of assessment
methods throughout the tuition period. It is an alternative to a single, final
summative assessment, as only these cumulative assessments contribute to
the final mark.

• Your assignments will comprise a combination of MCQs, short questions

and essay types questions.

• You need to obtain a year mark average of 50% for the assignment/s to
pass this module.

• The assignment weightings are as follows:

Assignment Type of assignment Submission Weightings

First semester
01 MCQ Compulsory 25%
02 Written Compulsory 25%

Second semester
04 Written Compulsory 25%
05 MCQ Compulsory 25%
Final mark 100%
05 Written/MCQ Optional 25%

NB! (If for any valid reason you were unable to complete and submit
assignments 02, 03 or 04 you may complete and submit assignment 05.)
This concession does not apply to assignment 01. Assignment 01 must be
completed and may not be substituted with the completion of any of the
other assignments.

3. Assignment Due dates

• There are no assignment due dates included in this tutorial letter. The due dates
will be communicated through the Unisa Learning Management System
(MyUnisa / Moodle / Moodle).

• Assignment due dates will be made available to you on the landing page of
MyUnisa / Moodle for this module. We envisage that the due dates will be
available to you upon registration.

• Please start working on your assignments as soon as you register for the

• Log on to the MyUnisa / Moodle site for this module to obtain more
information on the due dates for the submission of the assignments .

4. Submission of assignments

• Modules offered by Unisa are either blended (meaning that we use a

combination of printed and online material to engage with you) or online (all
information is available via the internet). In all cases of online engagement,
we use MyUnisa / Moodle as our virtual campus.
• From 2022, the MyUnisa / Moodle virtual campus will be offered via a new
learning management system. This is an online system that is used to
administer, document and deliver educational material to you and support
engagement with you.
• Look out for information from your lecturer as well as other Unisa platforms
to determine how to access the virtual MyUnisa / Moodle module site.


• Information on the tools that will be available to engage with the lecturer and
fellow students to support your learning will also be communicated via
various platforms.
• The University undertakes to communicate as clearly and as frequently as is
necessary to ensure optimum advantage in the use of the new learning
management system.
• Additional information on the use of the MyUnisa / Moodle site for the
module, as well as features to engage and communicate with your lecturer
and other students will also be made available via the online site for the
• Therefore, log on to the MyUnisa / Moodle site for your module to gain more
information on where to complete and/or upload your assignments and how
to communicate with your lecturer.

5. The assignments

You will need to complete 4 assignments for this module.


Opening Date: 25 March 2022

Due date: 13 May 2022

To be found on the module site for CIC2601



Opening Date: 25 March 2022

Due date: 02 August 2022

Study material: Study guide unit 1 and 2

Instructions and Information

1. Read the following statements and answer the questions that follow.
2. It is important to take note of the mark allocations at all times.
3. Number the answers according to the numbering system used on this


Only Gauteng learners and teachers benefitted from this project. On 8 May 2012,
it was reported by Pretoria News that not all schools in Gauteng benefitted from
this project and most computers were not operational.

1.1. Discuss how ICT integration can transform teaching and learning in the
context of South Africa (5)

1.2. Explain FIVE (5) challenges that hindered the successful implementation of
ICT in Gauteng Schools. (10)

Kelapile secondary school is situated in a rural area. There are 30 teachers and

Grade 8 to 12 learners. The school’s information and communication technology

(ICT) infrastructure is as follows: (No other hardware, services or ICT skills exist.):

Thirty tablets have been provided to Grade 12 Mathematics learners; two Grade

Mathematics classrooms have been fitted with interactive white boards and two
printers for administrative use in a classroom that is not secure. The only
information available on the tablets is the Grade 12 Mathematics syllabus and
previous question papers. The operating system and Microsoft Office suit have
not been installed. Internet connectivity is available, but not reliable.

Two Grade 12 Mathematics teachers are computer literate and they teach
Mathematics to the learners by navigating the syllabus and previous question
papers on the tablets and using the interactive white boards.

The use of ICT in the school for teaching, learning and administration is not

For example, the available ICT tools are only used occasionally; some tablets are
not operational; there is not an ICT coordinator or an overseeing ICT committee at the
school and the principal and school management team (SMT) are not ICT users.

1.3. In your opinion, what are possible reasons why the integration of ICT in
Kelapile secondary school is not successful? (5)

1.4. What do you think could be the best ways for ICT implementation in
schools? Explain at least FIVE (5) ways. (10)

Each of these role players will play a different role in supporting the integration of
Technology in the classroom.

1.5. Name ANY EIGHT (6) role players and their responsibilities in ICT
integration. (18)

The idea of the Activity Theory is grounded in social historical theories and draws
heavily on Vygotsky’s concept of mediation (Gedera, 2014).

1.6. Draw and explain the Vygotsky’s triangle of mediated action (10)

1.7. Draw the Engestrom expansion of mediated triangle (10)

In computer system, software are set of instructions that tells the computer what
to do.

1.8. Name TWO (2) types of software (2)

1.9. Give at least FIVE (5) examples of the types of software mentioned in
1.8 (10)

A variety of software is available for teachers to use ranging from operating

systems to application software.


1.10. Draw the table below in your answer book. For each of numbers 1 to 5, write
a type of application software, example of the application software and
an example on how the teacher can use the application software for
teaching and learning. Row one is an example of what is expected. (20)

Type of application Example of Example of teaching and learning

application software task

Example: Database (1) Microsoft Access (1) Teacher can create a database of
personal details of learners in register
class. (2)







Opening Date: 25 March 2022

Due date: 23 September 2022

Study material: Study guide unit 1 – 4


A lesson plan can be described as a detailed description of the course of

instruction that guides a teacher to provide knowledge to learners. The
information and skills will vary from one teacher to another, since it depends on
a teacher’s preference and on the needs of the learners. As a professional
teacher, you will be expected to do lesson planning for every theme or content
you present to the learners. Another responsibility of a teacher is to develop and
present a technology-integrated lesson to enhance learning outcomes for
learners. Use the following template to design your own technology- integrated

Take note of the following:

• Subject (Choose any subject)

• Grade (Choose any grade)
• Topic (Choose any topic of your choice)
• Duration (Choose any duration from 30 minutes to 1 hour

1.1. School (1)

1.2. Grade (1)
1.3. Subject/Learning Area (1)
1.4. Date (1)
1.5. Time (Duration) (1)
1.6. Lesson Topic (1)
1.7. Learning Outcomes By the end of the lesson(s),
learners should be able to; (5)
1.8. LTSM Teaching aid(s) (4)

1.9. Teaching strategy (2)

1.10. Teaching method (2)

1.11. Teaching Activities (8) 1.12. Learning activities (8)

a) a)
b) b)
c) c)
d) d)
1.13. Assessment (3)

1.14. Reflection (2)


The use of ICTs in teaching and learning is that learners are provided with
the opportunity to participate actively in their learning experience. The active
participation develops their 21st century skills, which in turn contribute to
their success when they enter the workforce.

2.1. Mention four broad intertwined issues which must be taken into
consideration when institutions think of implementing ICTs in teaching and
learning (4)

2.2. Differentiate between System Software and Application software (2)

2.3. Read the statement below and determine which type of program needed to
perform that particular task and give example of each. (32)

Spreadsheet application | Communication Software | Word processor |

Graphics and Design | Presentation software | Database application | Utility
software | Desktop publishing | Web software | Antivirus | Financial

a) Application used to create, edit and format documents that mostly consist of
text. (4)

b) Programs are designed for working with numbers. Not only do you enter
numbers, but you also do a variety of calculations and make graphical
representations of the numbers. (4)

c) Software is used to develop and present slide shows for a range of
audiences. (4)
d) Program allows you to create an organised structure in which you can add
information. (4)
e) Program used to send an electronic message. (4)
f) The principal wants to get rid of a virus on his computer. (4)
g) School SGB want to design a new logo for the school. (4)
h) The principal has requested the school administrator to record and report
financial transactions and run accounts systems and budgets. (4)

2.4. Name and discuss the three literacies. (6)

2.5. Explain the following concepts; (16)

a) Blended learning
b) Mobile learning
c) BYOD strategy
d) E-learning
e) Computer education
f) Computer security
g) Cloud computing
h) Fourth Industrial revolution (4IR)



Opening Date: 25 March 2022

Due date: 10 October 2022

To be found on the module site for CIC2601


Opening Date:

Due date:

To be found on the module site for CIC2601

6. Other assessment methods

There are no other assessment methods for this module.

7. The examination

As this is a continuous assessment module, there will be no formal examinations

for this module. What is important is that you complete and do well in each of the
assignments that you need to complete for this module. In cases where your marks
are not satisfactory, you need to contact the lecturer to discuss options of engaging
in a process of improving the marks for those assignments.


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