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My name is Dante, I´m an Erasmus student in Italy and I have decided to go out and visit a
village near Rome. I´m walking alone on a path when I suddenly find a map that was hidden
between two rocks. The map is dirty and dusty, so it has probably been hidden for a long time.
I decide to pick it up and open it. It is a map of the area a was traveling through. It seems to be
an abandoned area. I decide to follow the path that’s right in front of me but after walking for a
while it splits in two, I am hesitant, so I decide to look at the map which makes me go for the
second path because the first one is a dead end.
At the end there is a house, it seems to be abandoned because it is in ruins and it has a dark
and gloomy appearance. The window panels are broken and the walls are musty. The house
looks scary and gigantic.
I decide to go in. I approach what seems to be the main entrance and when I push it I find out it
was open. In front of me there is a huge and empty hallway, at the end of it there is an
enormous broken window.
I look through it and I see a garden, so I decide to leave the house and check it out. It is
abandoned and full of bard herbs. I cross the garden without playing much attention to it
because there is nothing interesting about it. At the end of the garden there is a huge wall. It is
a very high so I can´t climb it and I can not go around it, I look around and I find a door that was
hidden behind some plants.
I try to open said door but it can´t, it is locked, the lock is rusty which makes me think that it
would be possible to break so I take a branch from the garden and I hit the lock as hard as I can
with it, it works the lock has broken.
On the other side there is a pool, full of dirty water, I don’t know how to swim so I decide to
turn back but I don’t know the way so I decide to look for the map, it is no where to be found I
look in all my pockets and it is not there, which worries me because without the map I can´t
find the way out, as night approached the landscape started becoming scarier, I am lost and I
don´t have my phone so I cant ask anyone for help.
I decide to simply move in a straight line, and after walking for a while it seems like I am finally
out but no, that path ends in a precipice, it trip over a rock and fall, I start screaming but of a
sudden everything disappears, it seems like it was all just a nightmare.

Ián Ranera Rodríguez

Alumno primero EEHH.

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