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Lowell Dittmer

Political Science Department

University of California
Berkeley, Calif., 94720-1950
Telephone: (510) 642-4674
Fax: (510) 642-9515
SSN: 528-54-7554

B.A. Utah State University, Logan, Utah; 1965 (Political Science)

M.A. University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.; 1967 (Political Science)

Ph. D. University of Chicago; 1971 (Political Science)

Academic Positions

Academic Icon, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January-June 2015

Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, August-January 2011.
Research Professor, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, March-May 2014
Professor, University of California, Berkeley, 1986-
Visiting Professor, Department of International Politics, Peking University, People’s Republic
of China, 1982, 1997-1999
Associate Professor, University of California Berkeley, 1978-1986
Visiting Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Assistant Professor, Political Science, State University of New York, Buffalo, N.Y., l973-l978

Administrative Experience

Assembly Representative, University of California (systemwide), 2013-2014

Member, Committee on Courses, University of California, 2012-2014
Member, Graduate Advisory Committee, 2010-2014
Editor in chief, Asian Survey, July 2001-2019
Director, University of California Education Abroad Program, Beijing Study Center, 1997-1999
Director, Group in Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, l985-l986, 1988-1990, 1994-96
Chair, Undergraduate Advisory Committee, 1995-1996
Chair, Faculty Seminar for the Comparative Study of Communist Societies, University of
California, Berkeley, 1984-1986, 1987-1988
Chair, Center for Chinese Studies, University of California, 1979-1983
Vice Chair, Center for Chinese Studies, l978-l979
Chair, Library Committee, Political Science Dept., SUNY/Buffalo, 1973-1976
Captain, US Army Reserve, 1970-1973

Awards and Fellowships

Visiting Research Professor, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, January-June
Academic Icon Fellowship, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Distinguished Research Professor, Pol Sci Academy, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 2014
Research Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., l986-l987
IREX Grant for Research in the Soviet Union, July, l985
National Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 1983-1984
Research Fellow, Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan, l977-l978
SSRC Research Fellow, Universities Service Center, Hong Kong, l976-l977
Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., 1973-1976
Research Fellow, Program for Contemporary China, University of Chicago, l972-l973
Political Science Departmental Grant for Study in Taiwan, University of Chicago, l968-l969
NDEA Title IV Fellow, University of Chicago, 1965-1968
Phi Kappa Phi Scholastic Honorary Fraternity, l965


a) Books and Monographs

ed. New Asian Disorder,University of Hong Kong Press, forthcoming.

ed. China’s Political Economy in the Xi Jinping Epoch: Domestic and Global Dimensions (ed.), (World
Scientific, 2021).
China’s Asia: Triangular Dynamics since the Cold War (Roman & Littlefield, 2018)
ed., Taiwan and China: Fitful Embrace (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017)
(with Peter Ngeow Chow Bing), eds., Southeast Asia and China: A Contest in Mutual Socialization
(Singapore: Global Scientific, 2017)
(with Maochun Yu), eds., Routledge Handbook on Chinese Security (NY: Routledge, 2015).
(ed.) Burma or Myanmar? The Struggle for National Identity World Scientific Publishing Co. 2010.
(with George Yu), eds., China, the Developing World, and the New Global Dynamic (Boulder, CO:
Lynne Rienner, 2010).
(with Yufan Hao and George Wei), eds., Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy,
Globalization, and the Next World Power (Louisville: The University Press of Kentucy, 2009).
(with Guoli Liu), eds., China's Deep Reform: Domestic Politics in Transition (Lanham, MD: Rowman &
Littlefield, 2006).
ed., South Asia's Nuclear Security Dilemma: India, Pakistan, and China (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe,
(with Haruhiro Fukui and Peter N.S. Lee), Informal Politics in East Asia (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2000).
China Under Reform (Boulder: Westview Press, 1994).
(with Samuel S. Kim), eds., China's Quest for National Identity (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993).
Sino-Soviet Normalization and Its International Implications (Seattle: University of Washington Press,
(with Gilbert Choy), From Two Into One? On the Booming Economic Relationship Across the Taiwan
Straits (Berkeley: Center for Chinese Studies Preprint Series, 1991).
China's Continuous Revolution: The Post-Revolutionary Epoch, 1949-1981 (Berkeley,

Calif.: University of California Press, 1986).
(with Ruoxi Chen), Ethics and Rhetoric of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Berkeley:
Center for Chinese Studies, CCLP Monograph Series, no. 19, 1981).
(with Edward Feit, et al), Government and Leaders: An Approach to Comparative Politics (Boston:
Houghton-Mifflin, 1978), pp. 437-538.
Liu Shao-ch'i and the Chinese Cultural Revolution: The Politics of Mass Criticism (Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1975); subsequently published (in abridged form) in Chinese as Liu Shaoqi
(Beijing: Huaxia Pub., 1989). A revised 2nd edition, Liu Shaoqi and the Chinese Cultural
Revolution, was published in 1997 by M. E. Sharpe.

b) Refereed Articles

“On the Sixth Generation: Preliminary Speculations about Chinese Politics after Xi,” Journal of
Contemporary China. Mar2020, Vol. 29 Issue 122, p253-265.
“Xi Jinping’s ‘New Era’: Quo Vadis?” Journal of Chinese Political Science, 22: 3 (September 2017), 429-
“Sino-American Relations Under Trump,” EAI Background Brief, NUS, 19 October 2017
“Trump on China,” Asian Perspective, 41: 4 (October-December 2017), pp. 673-700.
“Xi Jinping's Political Economic Transformation and Its International Implications: A Preliminary
Assessment,” Romanian Journal of Political Science. Summer2016, Vol. 16 Issue 1, p4-30.
“Socialist Reform and Sino-Soviet Convergence,” in Richard Baum, ed., Reform and Reaction in Post-

Mao China (New York: Taylor & Francis, 2016), Chapter 2.

“China’s New Leadership and Global Role,” in Evan Berman & Shamsul Haque, eds., Asian Leadership
in Policy and Governance, Public Policy and Governance, Vol. 24 (2015), pp. 23-45.
“China’s Dream, China’s World,” in Chih-shian Liou & Arthur S. Ding, eds., China Dreams: China’s
New Leadership and Future Impacts (Singapore: World Scientific Pub., 2015), pp. 33-57.
“Introduction: China’s Security Perspective,” in Dittmer & Yu, Routledge Handbook, pp. 1-19.
““Asian Alliances: Chinese and Japanese Experiences Compared,” Asian Perspective, vol. 38, no. 1,
2014, pp. 1-31
“China's New Asia Policy,” China: An International Journal, Volume 12, Number 2, August 2014, pp.
“Taiwan’s Narrowing Strait: A Triangular Analysis of Taiwan’s Security since 2008,” in Peter Chow, ed.,
The US Strategic Pivot to Asia and Cross-Strait Relations: Economic and Security Dynamics
(New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014), 15-31.
“China’s Arrival,” in American Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 21, no. 1 (April 2014), pp. 1-7.
(with Kun-Chin Lin), “Multiple Institutional Templates for Corporate China: The Evolution of Industrial
Networks during Marketization,” in Hong Yung Lee, ed., A comparative Study of East Asian
Captalism (Berkeley: Institute for East Asian Studies, 2014), pp. 205-237.
(with Yu-Shan Wu), “What Drives the Cross-Strait Rapprochement? Political Competition,
Globalization, and the Strategic Triangle,” in Wen-hsin Yeh, ed., Mobile Horizons: Dynamics
across the Taiwan Strait (Berkeley: China Research Monograph, 2013), pp. 25-48.
“The Impact of the Chinese Revolution on East Asia,” Journal of Political Criticism (Seoul), 13
(2013.12), 23-52
“Japan, China, Russia, and the American ‘Pivot’: A Triangular Analysis,” in Tadashi Inoguchi & G. John
Ikenberry, eds., The Troubled Triangle: Economic and Security Concerns for the United States,
Japan, and China (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), pp. 185-2013.

“Taiwan’s komplexe Beziehung zur Volksrepublik China,” in Andreas Hilger & Oliver von Wrochem,
eds., Die geteilte Nation: Nationale Verluste u. Identitaeten im 20. Jahrhundert (Muenchen:
Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013), pp. 171-189.
“Liu Shaoqi,” in Kerry Brown, ed., Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography (London: Berkshire
Publishing Group, 2014), vol. IV, pp. 1465-1482.
“On Informal Politics in East Asia,” in Thomas Christiansen and Christine Neuhold, International
Handbook on Informal Governmance (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2012), pp. 154-174.
“China’s Global Rise,” Americas Quarterly, 6: 1 (Winter 2012), pp. 60-67.
“China, Asia and the “American Pivot,” The Forum (Summer 2012), pp. 29-37.
“Political and Cultural Roots of Sino-Russian Partnership,” in Robert Bedeski and Niklas Swanstroem,
Eurasia’s Ascent in Energy and Geopolitics: Rivalry or Partnership for China, Russia and Central
Asia? (New York: Routledge, 2012), pp. 16-34.
“Taiwan’s Political Security in an Era of Cross-Strait Détente,” Peter C. Y. Chow, National Identity and
Economic Interest: Taiwan’s Competing Options and Their Implications for Regional Stability
(New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), pp. 233-247.
“Zhongguo yu Riben: tongmeng xingwei de bijiao fenxi” [China and Japan: A comparative analysis of
alliance behavior], Dongbei yaluntan [Northeast Asia forum] no. 4, (July 1, 2012), pp. 3-10).
“China and the Two Koreas: A Triangular Perspective,” Korean Journal of Security Affairs, 17: 2
(December 2012), pp. 23-39.
“Sino-Australian Relations: A Triangular Perspective,” Austalian Journal of Political Science, 47: 4
(December 2012), pp. 661-677.
“Uniting Korea: Enduring Dream, Elusive Reality,” in Jinwook Choi, ed., US-China Relations and
Korean Unification (Seoul: Korea Institute for National Unification, 2011), pp. 100-129.
“Washington Between Beijing and Taipei: A Triangular Analysis,” in Cal Clark, The Changing
Dynamics of the Relations among China, Taiwan, and the United States (Newcastle upon Tyne:
Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2011), pp. 10-30.
“The Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership: The End of Rivalry?” in Sumit Ganguly and William R.
Thompson, Asian Rivalries: Conflict, Escalation, and Limitations on Two-Level Games
(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011), pp. 118-145.
“China and Obama: What Lies Ahead?” in Yufan Hao, ed., Sino-American Relations: Challenges Ahead
(Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2010), pp. 195-213.
“The Sino-Soviet Strategic Relationship,” in Hao, Wei & Dittmer, Challenges (2009), pp. 87-115.
“Conclusion,” in Hao, Wei & Dittmer, Challenges (2009), pp. 335-349.
“Liu Shaoqi,” in Encyclopedia of Modern China (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2009), vol. II, pp.
“Jiexi liangan guanxi de jiujie,” in Bao Zonghe and Wu Yushan, eds., Zhongxin jianshi zhengbian zhong
de liangan guanxi lilun [revisiting theories on cross-strait relations] (Taipei: Academic Sinica,
2009), pp. 1-14.
“American Asia Policy and the US Election,” Orbis, vol. 52, no. 4 (2008), pp. 670-688.
(with Christopher Marsh) “The Russian Factor in US-China Relations,” in Suisheng Zhao, ed., China and
the United States: Competition and Cooperation (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008),
“Triangular Diplomacy Amid Leadership Transition,” in Peter C. Y. Chow, ed., The “One China”
Dilemma (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), pp. 179-199.
“Zhongguo dui guojia rentong de xunqiu ji Taiwan yinsu”, in Hao Zhidong, ed., Guojia rentong yu
liangan weilai [national identity and the future of cross-Strait relations], (Macao: University of
Macau Press, 2008), pp. 205-225.

“China’s New Internationalism,” in Guoguang Wu and Helen Lansdowne, eds., China Turns to
Multiateralism: Foreign Policy and Regional Security (New York: Routledge, 2008), pp. 21-35.
“Central Asia and the Regional Powers,” The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly, vol. 5, no. 4
(November 2007), pp. 7-23.
(with Yu-Shan Wu), “Leadership Coalitions and Economic Transformation in Reform China: Revisiting
the Political Business Cycle,” in Dittmer & Liu, China’s Deep Reform (2006), pp. 49-81.
"Pitfalls of Charisma" (review-essay of Jung Chang & Jon Halliday, Mao: The Unknown Story), The
China Journal no. 55 (January 2006), pp. 119-128
“Bush, China, Taiwan: A Triangular Analysis,” Journal of Chinese Political Science. Sep2005, Vol. 10
Issue 2, p21-42; Shiping Hua, ed., Reflections on the Triangular Relations of
Beijing-Taipei- Washington since 1995: Status Quo at the Taiwan Straits? (New York: Palgrave,
Macmillan, 2006), pp. 229-255.
"Taiwan as a Factor in China's Quest for National Identity," Journal of Contemporary China, vol. 15, no.
49 (Nov. 2006), pp. 671-687.
"Recent American Asia Policy: A Critical Review," in Asien, nr. 100 (July 2006), pp. 23-33.
"The Transformation of Chinese Foreign Policy," in Edward Friedman & Sung Chull Kim, eds., Regional
Cooperation and its Enemies in Northeast Asia: The Impact of Domestic Forces (NY: Routledge,
2006), pp. 101-125.
"Die 'Politik der Menschenrechte': China und die Aussenpolitik der USA," in Thoralf Klein & Reinhard
Zoellner, eds., Menschenrechte und Demokratie in China (Erfurt: Erfurter Reihe zur Geschichte
Asiens, Bd. 8, 2005, pp. 41-73.
"The Sino-Japanese-Russian Triangle," Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol. 10, no. 1 (spring 2005),
pp. 1-23.
"Taiwan's Aim-Inhibited Quest for Identity and the China Factor," Journal of Asian and African Studies,
vol. 40, nos., 1-2 (February/April 2005), pp. 71-91.
"Ghost of the Strategic Triangle: The Sino-Russian Partnership," in Suisheng Zhao, ed., Chinese Foreign
Policy: Pragmatism and Strategic Behavior (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2004), pp. 207-224.
"Leadership Change and Chinese Political Development," China Quarterly, 176 (December 2003), pp.
903-926; also published in Yun-han Chu, Chih-cheng Lo and Ramon H. Myers, eds., The New
Chinese Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities after the 16th Party Congress (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2004), pp. 10-33.
"The Emerging Northeast Asian Regional Order," in Samuel S. Kim, ed., The International Relations of
Northeast Asia (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004), pp. 331-363.
"Three Visions of Chinese Political Reform," Journal of Asian and African Studies, 38: 4-5 (December
2003), pp. 347-376.
“Russland,” in Brunhild Staiger et al., eds., Das Grosse China-Lexikon (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, 2003), pp. 641-645; Sonderaufgabe, 2008.
“Chinese Factional Politics under Jiang Zemin,” Journal of East Asian Studies, 1: 3 (January-April,
2003), pp. 97-129.
“The Evolution of Chinese Foreign Policy,” in Tzong-Ho Bao, ed., The Political and Economic Reforms
of Mainland China in a Changing Global Society (Taiwan: College of Social Sciences, National
Taiwan University, 2003), pp. 219-247.
“Chinese Leadership Succession to the Fourth Generation,” in Gang Lin and Xiaobo Hu, eds., China
After Jiang (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003), pp. 11-39.
(with William Hurst), “Analysis in Limbo: Contemporary Chinese Politics Amid the Maturation of
Reform,” Issues & Studies, 38, no. 4/39, no. 1 (December 2002-March 2003), pp. 11-48.

“Modernizing Chinese Informal Politics,” in Jonathan Unger, ed., The Nature of Chinese Politics: From
Mao to Jiang (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002), pp. 3-38; also republished in Andrew Kipnis,
Luigi Tomba, and Jonathan Unger (eds.), Contemporary Chinese Society and Politics, Vol. 2
(London and New York: Routledge Publisher, 2009), pp. 91-123.
“Reflections on Elite Informal Politics,” in Unger, Nature, pp. 176-193.
“The Changing Form and Dynamics of Power Politics,” in Unger, Nature, pp. 217-239.
“Introduction,” in Woei Lien Chong, ed., China’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution: Master
Narratives and Post-Mao Counternarratives (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), pp. ix-
“Rethinking China’s Cultural Revolution Amid Reform,” in Chong, China’s Great, pp. 3-27.
“Chinese Factional Politics under Jiang,” in Gang Lin & Susan Shirk, eds., The 16th CCP Congress and
Leadership Transition in China (Washington, D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center, Asia Program
Special Report, September 2002), pp. 20-27.
“Globalization and the Twilight of Asian Exceptionalism,” in Catarina Kinnvall & Kristina Joensson,
eds., Globalization and Democratization in Asia (New York: Routledge, 2002), pp. 21-37.
“East Asia in the ‘New Era’ in World Politics,” World Politics, 5 (October 2002), pp. 38-65.
(with Lance Gore), “China Builds a Market Culture,” East Asia: An International Quarterly,19: 3 (Fall
2001), pp. 9-51.
“Chinese Human Rights and American Foreign Policy: A Realist Approach,” Review of Politics, 63: 3
(Summer 2001), pp. 421-461.
“Strategic Geometry,” Northwestern Journal of International Affairs, v. 3 (Winter 2001), pp 21-32.
“Chinese Perceptions of Taiwan’s Democratization,” Transformation of an Authoritarian Regime: Taiwan
in the Post-Martial Law Era (Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Taiwan History, 2001), pp. 151-168.
“The Changing Shape of Elite Power Politics,” The China Journal, no. 45 (January 2001), pp. 53-
“The Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership,” Journal of Contemporary China, 10: 28 (2001), pp. 399-413.
“Taiwan Strait Policy and the Millennial Elections,” in Deborah Brown, ed., Taiwan’s 2000 Presidential
Election (Jamaica, NY: Center of Asian Studies, St. John’s University, 2001), pp. 177-201.
(with Lance Gore), “China Builds a Market Culture,” East Asia: An International Quarterly, Vol. 19,
Issue 3 (Autumn, 2001), pp. 9-42.
“Reform and Chinese Foreign Policy,” in Bruce J. Dickson & Chien-min Chao, eds., Remaking the
Chinese State: Strategies, Society, & Security (New York: Routledge, 2001), pp. 171-190.
“Informal Politics Among the Chinese Communist Party Elite,” in Informal Politics in East Asia, pp. 106-
(With Lu Xiaobo), “Organizational Involution and Sociopolitical Reform in China: An Analysis of the
Work Unit,” in Informal Politics, pp. 185-215
“East Asian Informal Politics in Comparative Perspective,” in Informal Politics, pp. 290-309.
“Sizing Up China’s New Leadership: Division of Labor, Political Background, and Policy
Orientation,” in Hung-mao Tien and Yun-han Chu, China Under Jiang Zemin (Boulder: Lynne
Rienner, 2000), pp. 33-55.
“China and Russia Approach the Millennium,” in Shalendra D. Sharma, ed., The Asia-Pacific in the New
Millennium: Geopolitics, Security, and Foreign Policy (Berkeley: University of California,
Institute of East Asian Studies, 2000), pp. 165-192.
“On the Prospect of an Interim Solution to the China-Taiwan Crisis,” China Information, v. 14, n. 1
(2000), pp. 58-69.
(With Liangping Guo), “Zhongguo zhengzhi shichanghua de shengli” [The triumph of political
marketization in China,” in Wang Puqu and Xu Xianglin, eds., Jingji tizhi zhuanxingzhongde

zhengfu zuoyong [The function of politics in a transforming economic system] (Beijing: Xinhua
Publishing Company, 2000), pp. 276-300.
“Globalization and the Asian Financial Crisis,” Asian Perspective, v. 23, n. 4 (1999), pp. 45-65;
published in revised and expanded form in Samuel S. Kim, ed., East Asian Globalization (New
York: Roman and Littlefield, 2000), pp. 31-55.
“The Evolution of China’s Taiwan Policy since the Cold War: A Comparative Strategic Analysis,” in
Winston Yang and Deborah Brown, eds., Across the Taiwan Strait: Exchanges, Conflicts,
Negotiations (Jamaica, NY: St. John’s University, 1999), pp. 31-63.
“Learning and the Reform of Chinese Foreign Policy” (National University of Singapore, East Asian
Institute, Contemporary China Series, no. 20, 1999).
“Reflections on the Analysis of Political Culture,” in Eberhard Sandschneider, ed., The Study of Modern
China (London: Hurst, 1999), pp. 16-31.
“Liu Shaoqi,” in Colin Mackerras, ed., Dictionary of the Politics of the People’s Republic of China (New
York: Routledge, 1998), pp. 142-144.
“Unstable Outlooks: China’s New Quest for Identity,” Asia Pacific Review, 2: 1 (Winter 1997/1998), pp.
(with Lu Xiaobo), “Structural Transformation of the Chinese Danwei: Macropolitical Implications of
Micropolitical Change,” China Studies, no. 3 (Spring 1997), pp. 111-145.
“Hong Kong Returns to China: The Problem of Political Corruption,” Asian Journal of Business and
Information Systems, vol. 2, no. 1 (Summer 1997), pp. 53-89.
“Reconstructing China’s Cultural Revolution,” China Information, vol. 11, nos. 2-3 (Autumn-Winter
1996-1997), pp. 1-21.
“The Chinese Cultural Revolution Revisited: The Role of the Nemesis,” Journal of Contemporary
China, vol. 5, no. 13 (1996), pp. 255-269.
“Approaches to the Study of Chinese Politics,” Issues and Studies, vol. 32, no. 9 (September 1996), pp. 1-
19; republished in Lin Chun, ed., China, Vol I: Modernizing the Chinese Polity (Burlington, VT:
Ashgate, 2000), pp. 429-447.
“Bizhao shiye xia di dongya feizhengshi zhengzhi” [Informal politics in East Asia from a comparative
perspective], Zhongguo shehui kexue likan [Chinese Social Sciences Quarterly], Spring 1997, pp.
“The Evolution of China’s Policy Toward Taiwan,” in J. W. Wheeler, ed., Chinese Divide: Evolving
Relations between Taiwan and Mainland China (Indianapolis: Hudson Institute, 1996), pp. 27-47.
“China’s Taiwan Policy,” American Asian Review, vol. 14, no. 4 (Winter 1996), pp. 65-97.
(with Yu-Shan Wu), “The Modernization of Factionalism in Chinese Politics,” World Politics, vol. 47,
no. 4 (July 1995), pp. 467-495.
“Informal Politics Reconsidered,” The China Journal, no. 34 (July 1995), pp. 193-206.
“Meiguo dui Zhonggong yu Taiwan guanxi di zhengce” [United States policy towards China and
Taiwan], Guojia zhengce shuanzhou kan [National policy dynamic analysis], no. 110 (April,
1995), pp. 3-5.
“Chinese Informal Politics,” The China Journal, no. 34 (July 1995), pp. 1-35.
“The Politics of Publicity in Reform China,” in Chin-Chuan Lee, ed., China’s Media, Media’s China
(Boulder: Westview, 1994), pp. 89-113.
"China and Russia: New Beginnings," in Samuel Kim, ed., China and the World: Chinese Foreign
Relations in the Post-Cold War Era (Boulder: Westview, 1994, 3rd ed.), pp. 94-113.
"In Search of a Theory of National Identity," in Dittmer and Kim, eds., China's Quest for National
Identity, pp. 1-32.

"Whither China's Quest for National Identity?" in Dittmer and Kim, eds., China's Quest for National
Identity, pp. 237-291.
"Chinese Reform Socialism under Deng Xiaoping: Theory and Practice," in Michael Y. M. Kau and
Susan H. Marsh, eds., China in the Era of Deng Xiaoping: A Decade of Reform (Armonk, NY:
M. E. Sharpe, 1993), pp. 3-36.
"Patterns of Leadership in Reform China," in Arthur Lewis Rosenbaum, ed., State and Society in China:
The Consequences of Reform (Boulder: Westview Press, 1992), pp. 31-55.
"Mainland China's Position in the Pacific Strategic Balance: Looking to the Year 2000," Issues and
Studies, January 1992, eds., Forces for Change in Contemporary China (Taipei: National
Chengchi University, IIS, 1992), pp. 70-83.
"Crisis at Tiananmen: Reform and Reality in Modern China," Pacific Affairs, vol. LXIV, no. 4 (Winter
1992), 529-35.
"Socialist Reform and Sino-Soviet Convergence," in Richard Baum, ed., Reform and Reaction in Post-
Mao China: The Road to Tiananmen (New York: Routledge, 1991), pp. 18-38.
"Learning from Trauma: The Cultural Revolution in Post-Mao Politics," in William A. Joseph, Christine
Wong and David Zweig, eds., New Perspectives on the Cultural Revolution (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1991), pp. 19-40.
"China's Search for Its Place in the World," in Brantly Womack, ed., Contemporary Chinese Politics in
Historical Perspective (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp. 265-329.
"Patterns of Elite Strife and Succession in Chinese Politics," China Quarterly, no. 123 (September 1990),
pp. 405-430.
"Beyond Revolution: Political Development in the People's Republic of China," in Joyce K. Kallgren, ed.,
Building a Nation-State: China After Forty Years (Berkeley: Center for Chinese Studies, 1990),
pp. 41-65.
"China in 1989: The Crisis of Incomplete Reform," Asian Survey, vol. XXX, no. 1 (January 1990), pp.
"Soviet Reform and the Prospect of Sino-Soviet Convergence," Studies in Comparative Communism,
vol. XXII, nos. 2-3 (Summer/Autumn 1989), pp. 125-138.
"The Tiananmen Massacre," Problems of Communism, no. 38 (September-October 1989), pp. 2-17.
"The Origins of China's Post-Mao Reforms," in Victor Falkenheim, ed., Chinese Politics from Mao to
Deng (New York: Paragon, 1989), pp. 41-67.
"China in 1988: The Continuing Dilemma of Socialist Reform," Asian Survey, vol. XXIX, no. 1 (January
1989), pp. 12-29.
"China in Turmoil," San Diego Union, June 11, 1989, pp. C1, C5.
"The Uncertain Future of Hong Kong," in Yuming Shaw, ed., Changes and Continuities in Chinese
Communism (Boulder: Westview, 1988), pp. 230-243.
"Marxist Ideology in China and North Korea," in Robert Scalapino and Dalchoong Kim, eds., Asian
Communism: Continuity and Transition (Berkeley: University of California, IEAS, 1988, pp.
13-37; subsequently republished in Korean as Asian Communism: Continuity and Transition
(Seoul: Bub Moon Sa Pub., 1989), pp. 37-67.
"Mao Zedong and the Dilemma of Revolutionary Gerontocracy," in Angus McIntyre, ed., Aging and
Political Leadership (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
"Reform, Succession and the Resurgence of Mainland China's Old Guard," Issues and Studies, vol.
XXIV, no. 1 (January 1988), pp. 96-113; also published in slightly revised form in Shaochuan
Leng, ed., Changes in China: Party, State, and Society (Lanham, MD: University Press of
America, 1989), pp. 41-61.

"China, People's Republic of," in Ainslie Embree, ed., Encyclopedia of Asian History (New York:
Macmillan, 1988), vol. I, pp. 266-272.
"Liu Shaoqi," in Embree, Encyclopedia, vol. II, pp. 436-437.
"China's 'Opening to the Outside World': The Cultural Dimension," Journal of Northeast Asian Studies,
vol. VI, no. 2 (Summer 1987), pp. 3-24.
"Public and Private Interests and the Participatory Ethic in China," in Victor C. Falkenheim, Citizens
and Groups in Contemporary China (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1987), pp. 17-45.
"The International Consequences of Reform," in Gail Lapidus and Jonathan Haslam, eds., Reforming
Socialist Systems: The Chinese and Soviet Experiences (Berkeley: Joint Program on Soviet
International Behavior, 1987), pp. 38-42.
"The Strategic Triangle: A Critical Review," in Ilpyong Kim, ed., The Strategic Triangle: China, the
United States and the Soviet Union (New York: Paragon, 1987),
"Whither China?" (Washington, D.C.: The Maldon Institute, February 1987).
"Mao and the Politics of Revolutionary Mortality," Asian Survey, vol. XXVII, no. 3 (March 1987), pp.
"The Implications of Reforms for Sino-Soviet Relations," in Sang-woo Rhee, ed., China's Reform Politics
(Seoul: Sogang University Press, 1986), pp. 311-340.
"Mao Zedong: Ten Years After," The Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs, no. 16 (July 1986), pp.
"Hong Kong and Chinese Modernization," Orbis, Fall 1986, pp. 525-543.
"Party Rectification in Post-Mao China," in Yu-ming Shaw, ed., Mainland China: Politics, Economics,
and Reform (Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, l986), pp. l03-l2l.
"Liu Shaoqi," in Robert Gorman, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Marxism (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood
Press, l986), pp. l95-l99.
"Sino-American Relations: Political and Strategic Considerations," in Robert Scalapino and Chen Qimao,
eds., Pacific Asian Issues: American and Chinese Views (Berkeley: Institute of East Asian
Studies, 1986), pp. 240-257.
"The Structure of the Chinese State," in Yu-ming Shaw, ed., Power and Policy in the in the People's
Republic of China (Boulder, Col.: Westview Press, l985), pp. 70-92.
"Zhou Enlai," in Harold Josephson, ed., Biographical Dictionary of Modern Peace Leaders (Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood Press, l985), pp. l049-5l.
"Ideology and Organization in Post-Mao China," in King-yuh Chang, ed., Perspectives on Development
in Mainland China (Boulder: Westview, 1984); published in revised form in Asian Survey,
XXIV, no. 3 (March l984), pp. 349-370.
"Political Development in the People's Republic of China, l949-l98l," in Hongdah Chiu, ed., China:
Seventy Years After the 1911 Hsin-Hai Revolution (Charlottesville: University Press of
Virginia, 1984), pp. 86-119.
"The Past Recaptured," China Quarterly, March 1984, pp. 126-135. "The Twelfth Congress of the
Communist Party of China," China Quarterly, March 1983, pp. 108-125.
"The Analysis of Chinese Political Culture," in Amy Wilson, et al, eds., Methodological Issues in
Chinese Studies (New York: Praeger, l983), pp. 51-69.
"The Comparative Analysis of Political Culture," Amerikastudien (Frankfurt/Main), vol. XXVII, l982.
“Windows on a Changing China," Problems of Communism vol. XXXI, no. 5 (September-October l982),
pp. 69-76.
"China in 1981: Reform, Readjustment, Rectification," Asian Survey, vol. XXII, no. 1 (January 1982),
pp. 33-47.

"Liu Shao-ch'i in Historical Perspective," in F. Gilbert Chan and Harlan W. Jencks, eds., China Under
Communism: Revolution and Diplomacy, 1949-1976 (Hong Kong: Asian Research Service,
"Radical Ideology and Chinese Political Culture," in Richard W. Wilson, et al, eds., Moral Behavior in
Chinese Society (New York: Praeger, l98l).
"The Strategic Triangle: An Elementary Game-Theoretical Analysis," World Politics, vol. XXXIII, no. 4
(July 1981), pp. 485-516; also anthologized in Klaus Knorr, ed., Power, Strategy, and Security: A
World Politics Reader (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1983), pp. 37-68; also
published in Philip M. Chen, ed., Faces and Phases of Triadic/Triangular Relationships (Taipei:
Asia and the World Institute, 1987).
"Death and Transfiguration: Liu Shaoqi and the Chinese Political System," Journal of Asian Studies vol.
IV, no. 3 (May 1981), pp. 455-479; also published in Spanish as "Muerte y Transfiguracion: La
Rehabilitacion de Liu Shaoqi y la Politica China Contemporanea," Estudios de Asia y Africa, vol.
XVII, no. 3 (Julio-Setiembre, 1982), pp. 369-418.
"China in 1980: Modernization and Its Discontents," Asian Survey, vol. XXI, no. 1 (January 1981), pp.
"The Formal Structure of Central Chinese Political Institutions," in Sidney Greenblatt, et al, eds.,
Organizational Behavior in Chinese Society (New York: Praeger, 1981), pp. 47-76.
"Chinese Communist Revisionism in Comparative Perspective," Studies in Comparative
Communism, vol. XIII, no. 1 (Spring 1980), pp. 3-40.
"The Legacy of Mao Zedong," Asian Survey, vol. XX, no. 5 (May 1980), pp. 552-574.
"The Radical Critique of Political Interest, 1966-1978," Modern China, vol. VI, no. 4 (October 1980), pp.
"Rectification and Purge in Chinese Politics," Pacific Affairs, vol. LIII, no. 3 (Fall 1980), pp. 509-515.
"Chinese Political Development, 1949-1979," in Joyce Kallgren, ed., China After Thirty Years (Berkeley:
China Research Monograph no. 19, 1979), pp. 27-49.
"Cultural Revolution and Cultural Change," in Godwin Chu and Francis L. K. Hsu, eds., Moving a
Mountain: Cultural Change in China (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1979), pp. 207-237.
"Bases of Power in Chinese Politics: A Theory and an Analysis of the Fall of the 'Gang of Four,'" World
Politics, vol. XXXI (October 1978), pp. 26-61.
"'Line Struggle' in Theory and Practice: The Origins of the Cultural Revolution Reconsidered," China
Quarterly, no. 72 (December 1977).
"Mao Tse-tung: The Man and the Symbol," China Quarterly, no. 26 (January-February 1977), pp. 57-63.
"Political Culture and Political Symbolism: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis," World Politics, vol. XXIX,
no. 4 (July 1977), pp. 552-584.
"The Succession Drama in China," Problems of Communism, vol. XXVI, no. 1 (January-February 1977),
pp. 56-63.
"Thought Reform and Cultural Revolution: An Analysis of the Symbolism of Chinese Polemics,"
American Political Science Review, vol. LXXI (March 1977), pp. 67-85.
"The World Food Problem: A Political Analysis," in Gerald and Lou Ann Garvey, eds., International
Resource Flows (Lexington: D.C. Heath, 1977), pp. 21-37.
"Power and Personality in China," with comments by Herbert Kupper, Robert Bedeski, and Yung Wei;
Studies in Comparative Communism, vol. VII, nos. 1 -2 (Spring/Summer 1974), pp. 21-50.
"Revolution and Reconstruction in Contemporary Chinese Bureaucracy," Journal of Comparative
Administration, vol. V, no. 4 (February 1974), pp. 443-487.
"Mass Line and Mass Criticism in China," Asian Survey, vol. XIII, no. 8 (August 1973), pp. 772-793.

"The Cultural Revolution and the Fall of Liu Shao-ch'i," Current Scene, vol. XI, no. 1 (January 1973), pp.
"The Structural Evolution of 'Criticism and Self-Criticism,'" China Quarterly, no. 56 (October/December
1973), pp. 708-730.
"The German NPD: A Psycho-Sociological Analysis of 'Neo-Naziism,'" Comparative Politics, vol. II, no.
1 (August 1969), pp. 79-110.
(with Leonard Arrington), "Reclamation in Three Levels," Pacific Historical Quarterly, vol. XXXV, no.

c) Non-Refereed Articles

“Trump, Kim and the China Factor,” Yale Global Online, June 21, 2018, pp. 1-3.
“Trade War: Asia in 2018,” Asian Survey. Jan/Feb2019, Vol. 59 Issue 1, p1-9
“Asia in 2017: Return of the Strongman.,” Jan/Feb 2018, Vol. 58, Issue 1, pp. 1-9.
“Asia in 2016,“ Asian Survey. Jan/Feb2017, Vol. 57 Issue 1, p1-9.
Asia in 2014,” Asian Survey, Jan/Feb2015, Vol. 55 Issue 1, p1-11
East Asia's Divided Nations: A Comparative Analysis” East Asian Institute, National Univ.Singapore, 2014..
“Taiwan, China and the US pivot,” 2014, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
(with Mikael Weissmann), “China's Maritime Embroilments.”Asian Survey. May/Jun2015, Vol. 55
Issue 3, p447-454. 8p.
“Return of the Strongman: Asia in 2017”, Asian Survey, Jan/Feb 2018, pp. 1-9.
“ Asia in 2015” Asian Survey, Jan/Feb2016, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p1-7. 7p.
“Burma vs. Myanmar,” Asian Survey, vol. 48, no. 6 (2008), pp. 885-898.
“Japan: A Turning Point?” Asian Survey, vol. 47, no. 6 (2007), pp. 679-682.
“The Asian Financial Crisis and the Asian Developmental State,” Asian Survey, vol. 47, no. 6 (Nov/Dec
2007), pp. 829-833.
(with James Zuberi), “Toward a Sustainable Peace in South Asia,” McGill International Review, 6: 1
(Fall 2005). pp. 5-16.
“Power Politics in the Himalayas and Beyond,” Asian Survey, vol. 45, no. 4 (July-August 2005), pp.
“Taiwan and the Issue of National Identity,” Asian Survey, vol. 44, no. 4 (July/August 2004), 475-483.
“South Asia’s Security Dilemma,” Asian Survey, XLI: 6 (Nov-Dec, 2001), pp. 897-907.
“The Legacy of Violence in Indonesia,” Asian Survey, XLII: 4 (July/August 2002), pp.
“Modernizing Tradition in India,” Asian Survey, XL, no. 5 (Sept-Oct 2000), pp. 709-718.
(with Lu Xiaobo), “Personal Politics in the Chinese Danwei under Reform,” Asian Survey, vol. 36, no. 3
(March 1996), pp. 246-268.
"China in 1986: Domestic Politics," in John Major and Anthony Kane, eds., China Briefing (Boulder:
Westview, 1987), pp. 1-27.

d) Books Reviewed

Jonathan Stromseth, et al., China’s Governance Puzzle, in Journal of Chinese Political Science, 23:3
(Sept 2018), 457-458
Thomas Bernstein, China Learns from the Soviet union, 1949-Present 2017
Lin Gang, China’s Long Quest for Democracy, China Review, 2017

Sergey Radchenko, Unwanted Visionaries: The Soviet Failure in Asia at the End of the Cold War,
American Historical Review, Apr2016, Vol. 121 Issue 2, p679-680. 2p
Two suns in the heavens: the Sino-Soviet struggle for supremacy, 1962-1967. Cold War History.
May2011, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p278-279.
Robert Weatherley, Mao's Forgotten Successor: The Political Career of Hua Guofeng.. The China
Quarterly, 2011
Politics in China: An Introduction, The China Journal, Issue 66 (Jul 2011)/
David Shambaugh, China’s Communist Party, Journal of Chinese Political Science, vol. 14, no. 3 (2009),
pp. 317-318.
Chun Lin, The Transformation of Chinese Socialism, Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 2, no. 2 (Spring
2009), pp. 141-142.
MacFarquhar & Schoenhals, Mao’s Last Revolution, The Review of Politics, vol 69, no. 3 (2007), pp 492-
William A. Callahan, Contingent States: Greater China and Transnational Relations, Journal of Asian
Studies, 65: 1 (February 2005), pp. 149=151.
Peter Hays Gries, China’s New Nationalism, Political Psychology, 26:4 (August 2005), pp. 651-654.
Dali L. Yang, Remaking the Chinese Leviathan, Journal of Chinese Political Science, 10: 1 (March
2005), pp. 81-82.
Hiroshi Kimura, Japanese-Russian Relations under Brezhnev and Andropov, and Japanese-Russian
Relations under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, SLAVIC REVIEW, 61: 4 (Winter 2002), pp. 865-868.
Zhang Liang (ed.), The Tiananmen Papers, CHINA QUARTERLY, 166 (June 2001), pp. 476-484.
Sujian Guo, Post-Mao China: From Totalitarianism to Authoritarianism? CHINA QUARTERLY, vol 167
(September 2001), pp. 785-787.
Dieter Heinzig, Die Sowjetunion und das kommunistische China 1945-1950: Der beschwerliche Weg
zum Buendnis, SLAVIC REVIEW, v. 59, n. 3 (Fall, 2000), pp. 687-689.
Bruce Gilley, Tiger on the Brink: Jiang Zemin and China's New Elite, Pacific Affairs, 73: 2 (Summer
2000), pp. 276-278.
Timothy Cheek and Tony Saich, eds., New Perspectives on State Socialism in China, CHINA REVIEW I
NTERNATIONAL, vol. 5, no. 2 (Fall 1998), pp. 393-397.
Shiping Zheng, Party vs. State in Post-1949 China: The Institutional Dilemma, POLITICAL SCIENCE
QUARTERLY, v. 113, n. 2 (Summer, 1998), pp. 317-320.
Yan Jiaqi and Gao Gao, Turbulent Decade: A History of the Cultural Revolution, AMERICAN
HISTORICAL REVIEW, February 1998, pp. 256-258.
Iain Johnston, Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Chinese History, REVIEW OF
POLITICS, no. 58 (Winter 1997), pp. 191-194.
David Apter and Tony Saich, eds., Revolutionary Discourse in Mao’s Republic, THE CHINA
JOURNAL, no. 35 (January 1996), pp. 223-226.
Dorothy Solinger. China's Transition from Socialism: Statist Legacies and Market Reforms, 1980-1990.
Political Science Quarterly 109.n4 (Fall 1994): 718-721..
J. W. Garver, Foreign Relations of the People's Republic of China, AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF
CHINESE AFFAIRS, no. 31 (January 1994), pp. 161-164.
David Shambaugh, Beautiful Imperialist: China Perceives America, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and
African Studies, 57:3 (1994), pp. 624-625.
R. MacFarquhar and J. K. Fairbank, eds., The Cambridge History of China, vol. 15, The People's
Republic. 2. Revolutions Within the Chinese Revolution, 1966-1982, AMERICAN
HISTORICAL REVIEW, vol. 98, no. 3 (June 1993), pp. 926-927.

Franz Michael, et al, eds., China and the Crisis of Marxism-Leninism; W. Meissner, Philosophy and
Politics in China; and B. Brugger and D. Kelly, Chinese Marxism in the Post-Mao Era,
AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, vol. 86, no. 2 (June 1992), pp. 554-555.
“Tiananmen Reconsidered,” essay-review article of: Y. Mu and M. V. Thompson, Crisis at Tiananmen; S.
Simmie, B. Nixon, Tiananmen Square; H. E. Salisbury, Tiananmen Diary; M. Oksenberg, et al.,
Beijing Spring, 1989; G. Hicks, The Broken Mirror; L. Feigon, China Rising; M. S. Duke, The
Iron House; C. Y. Cheng, Beyond the Tiananmen Massacre; PACIFIC AFFAIRS, vol. 64,
no. 4 (Winter 1992), pp. 529-535.
T. D. McDonald, The Technological Transformation of China, PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICAL
SCIENCE, vol. XX, no. 4 (Fall 1991), p. 241.
D. Zweig, Agrarian Radicalism in China, 1968-1981; and L. T. White, Politics of Chaos, AMERICAN
POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW, vol. 84, no. 3 (September 1990), pp. 1049-1051.
Lynn White, Politics of Chaos: The Organizational Causes of Violence in China's Cultural Revolution.,
American Political Science Review vol. 84, no. 3 (Sept 1990): pp. 1049-1052.
Peter Moody, Jr., Chinese Politics After Mao: Development and Liberalization, China Quarterly, no. 100
(Dec 1984), pp. 870-871.
Merle Goldman, China’s Intellectuals: Advise and Consent, Journal of Asian Studies, 41:4 (Aug 1982),
pp. 810-811.
Jacques Guillermaz, The Chinese Communist Party in Power, China Quarterly, no. 73 (March 1978), pp.
James Pinckney Harrison, The Long March to Power, and Dick Wilson, The Long March, American
Historical Review, vol. 81, no. 5 (December 1976), pp. 1200-1201.
Yueh Sheng, Sun Yatsen University in Moscow and the Chinese Revolution, American Historical
Review, vol 18, no. 5 (December 1976), pp. 1201-1203/

d) Presentations of scholarly papers

“The End of Rivalry? The Post-War Evolution of Sino-Russian Relations,” presented at workshop,
“Two-Level Rivalries in Asia,” University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN, November 20, 2009,
“The United States and the Taiwan Strait Issue,” presented at the 51 st Annual Conference of the American
Association for Chinese Studies, October 16-18, 2009, Rollins College, Orlando, FL.
“Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Cross-Strait Relations,” keynote speech and paper at conference
on Contending Approaches to Cross-Strait Relations, Political Science Institute, Academia
Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, April 24-25, 2009.
“Arrested Development? Nationalism and Democracy in the PRC,” presented at National Taiwan
University Conference on “Asymmetric China,” Taipei, Taiwan, June 20, 2009.
“The Historical Origins of Sino-Russian Relations,” presented at conference,”Sino-Russian Relations:
Old Patterns, New Realities” organized by the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute & Silk Road
Studies Program on May 6-7, 2009 at the School of Advance Studies of Johns Hopkins
“On China’s Rise,” presented at Seminar Series at the Miller Center of the University of Virgina,
“China’s Rise in Historical Perspective,” January 30, 2009, Charlottesville, VA
“The American Election and Sino-American Relations,” Beijing Forum, November 6-9, 2008, Beijing,
“China and the New Third World,” presented at conference sponsored by the National Institute for
Advanced Studin in Social Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, December 5-6, 2008.

“China and the New Third World,” presented at 2nd Global International Studies Conference at the
University of Ljubljuana, Slovenia, July 23-26, 2008, at panel on that topic that I organized and
In the fall semesters of 2006 and 2007, taught “Sino-American Relations and the Rise of Asia” for
Education Abroad Program of the University of California at Fudan University, Shanghai, China,
also presented series of lectures on Chinese foreign policy at the Beijing Normal University,
Zhuhai, in May 2006.
“Chinese Political Reform” presented at conference on political reform held at the Central Party School in
Beijing in December 2007.
Oganized and co-hosted conference on the Asian Financial Crisis in comparative perspective at
Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand in February 2007, some of the papers for which
were later included in a special issue of Asian Survey devoted to that topic.
"Taiwan as a Factor in China's Quest for National Identity," presented at Internnational Conference on
"PoliticalCivilization and the Modernization of Chinese Politics" [Zhengzhi wenming yu
Zhongguo zhengzhi xiandaihua], Renmin University, Beijing, China June 11-12, 2004.
"On the Theory and Teaching of the Strategic Triangle," presented at "International Conference on
International Studies in China," June 13-14, 2004, Renmin University.
"The Rise and Fall of the 'Great Strategic Triangle,'" in "Triangular Diplomacy, Then and Now: A
Research Colloquium on US-Russia-China Strategic Relations, 1972 and Today, May 13-14,
2004, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley.
“The 16th CCP Congress as a Chinese Developmental Process” presented at international conference,
“New Leadership, New China? Where is China Headed after the 16 th Communist Party Congress?”
Stanford, CA, January 24-25, 2003
“Sino-US Relations in Retrospect and in Prospect,” presented at International Symposium in
Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Shanghai Communique, Shanghai, China, March
(with Kun-Chin Lin) “Institutional Templates for Corporate China: Opportuntities and Constraints of
Networked Marketization,” presented at Yonsei-UC Berkeley workshop on “Network Capitalism
in East Asia,” held Feb 2002 in Yonsei, Seoul, and March 27, 2009 in Berkeley.
“The PRC’s Changing Global Strategy and Foreign Policy,” presented at international symposium on the
Political and Economic Reforms of Mainland China in a Changing Global Society, Taipei,
Taiwan, April 25-28, 2002.
“American Asian Policy and the New Era in World Politics,” presented at Conference on the New Era in
World Politics after September 11, Princeton U., May 2-3, 2002.
“American Foreign Policy and the China Question: A Triangular Analysis,” presentation at International
Conference on China-US relations, in Hainan, China, March 14-16. 2002.
“China and Globalization,” presented at International Forum on Globalization and Capitalism, Wuhan,
China, Nov. 20-23, 2001.
Chaired panel on “China’s Participation in International Organizations,” International Studies Association
Conference, Hong Kong, July 25-28, 2001, also presented paper, “China’s Policy toward
International Organizations”
“The Sino-Russian Strategic Partnership and Its Implications for the Taiwan Strait Embroilment,”
presented at international conference, “Russia and Cross-Strait Relations,” National Cheng-Chi
University, Taiwan, December 8-9, 2001.
Panel Presentation (with Mike Oksenberg and Larry Diamond) at Shorenstein Forum on Taiwan Strait
Crisis, Stanford University, December 11, 2000.
“Globalization and the Asian Financial Crisis,” presented at conference on Globalization and Democratic

Developments in Asia, Lund University, Sweden, May 18-20, 2000
“China’s Problematic Rise: Political-Economic Development,” presentation to the World Affairs Council
of Northern California, June 27, 2000, San Francisco, CA
“China,” Presentation at the City Commons Club, February 4, 2000, Berkeley, CA
Chaired Panel on “Economic Reforms in East Asia: When and Why Does Institutional Engineering
Succeed or Fail,” Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Los Angeles, March
16-18, 2000, also presented paper, “The Institutionalization of ‘Market Socialism’ in the PRC”
“Learning and the Reform of Chinese Foreign Policy,” paper presented to the Center for Chinese Studies,
University of California at Berkeley, September 10, 1999
“American Foreign Policy and the Taiwan Strait Embroilment: A Triangular Analysis,” paper presented
at Conference on East Asian Security, November 5-7, 1999, Charleston, South Carolina
“Issues in Sino-Japanese Relations: A View from Beijing,” paper presented at International Symposium,
“Japan and Its Neighbors in the Global Village: Current and Emergent Issues,” October 15-17, 1999,
Nanzan University, Fukuyama, Japan
“Chinese Perceptions of Taiwan’s Democratization,” paper presented to International Conference on the
Transformation of an Authoritarian Regime: Taiwan in the Post-Martial Law Era, April 1-3,
1999, Institute of Ethnology, Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Organized and convened an International Conference on “The May Fourth Movement and Its
International Implications,” Peking University, May 3-8, 1999
“Rethinking the Asia-Pacific in the Post-Cold War Era,” presentation at Institute of Asian-Pacific
Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, December 29, 1998
“China’s New Leadership and the Rise of Jiang,” paper presented at International Conference on the PRC
After the Fifteenth Party Congress: Reassessing the Post-Deng Political and Economic Prospects,
February 19-20, 1998, Institute for National Policy Research, Taipei, Taiwan
“Taiwan, China, and American Foreign Policy: A Triangular Analysis,” paper presented to International
Conference on Greater China: Problems, Prospects and Policies, Open Learning Institute of Hong
Kong and Hong Kong Economic Association, 25-26 January 1997
Presentation and commentary at World Affairs Council’s annual conference on “China: The Next
Superpower?” Asimolar, Calif., May 19-21, 1997
Commentator, International Institute for Strategic Studies conference, “China Rising: Interdependence
and Nationalism,” San Diego, May 12-15, 1996
“Hong Kong after 1997: The Issue of Political Corruption,” paper presented at conference on Hong
Kong’s Reversion to Chinese Sovereignty and Its Impact on ‘Greater China,’” April 17-18, 1997,
Center for the Pacific Rim, University of San Francisco
“China Approaches Taiwan: Efforts to Bridge the Strait, 1949-1996,” paper presented at Shorenstein
Symposium on East Asia, “Relations Across the Taiwan Strait,” February 27-28, 1996, Faculty
Club, UC Berkeley
“‘Informal Politics’ in East Asian Comparative Perspective,” Paper presented at Institute of East Asian
Studies Lecture Series, May 7, 1996, University of California, Berkeley
“The Role of the Nemesis: Reflections on Liu Shaoqi,” paper presented at conference held in
commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Cultural Revolution, May 11-12, 1996, Fairbank
Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University
“Methodologies of China Studies,” paper presented at 25th Sino-American Conference on Contemporary
China, “China Watching After a Quarter of the Century,” June 9-12, 1996, Taipei, Taiwan.
Talk, IGCC Colloqium, "The China Circle," San Diego, 11 February 1994.
Paper, "Tiananmen and the Collapse of European Communism," also co-chair of panel, "Reforming
Socialist Economies in East Asia," International Studies Association meeting,

Washington, DC., March 29-April 1, 1994.
Talk, "The Fourteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party," Center for Chinese Studies bag lunch,
February 19, 1993.
Paper, "Taiwan, China, and the New World Order," Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, UC San
Diego, January 15, 1992.
Speaker, Colloqium on "The Pacific Century," UC Santa Barbara, October 30, 1992.
Paper, "Informal Politics and Leadership Recruitment in the PRC," at Association for Asian Studies
meeting, Washington, D.C., April 2-5, 1992.
Discussant, "Korean Options in a Changing International Order," International Conference sponsored by
the Center for Korean Studies, UCB, December 11-13, 1991.
Paper, "The Politics of Publicity in Reform China," at "Voices of China: Ambiguities and Contradictions
in China Reporting and Scholarship," conference at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN, October 4-6, 1991.
Paper, "New Dimensions in the Sino-Japanese-American Triangle," at Fourth Joint Conference between
the Institute of East Asian Studies and the Shanghai Institute of International Studies, "US-PRC
Relations in a Period of Global Transition," June 3-5, 1991, University of California, Berkeley.
Paper, "The Politics of Publicity in Reform China," at conference, "Voices of China," University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, October 4-6, 1991
Paper (with Gilbert Choy), "From Two Into One? On the Booming Economic Relationship Across the
Taiwan Straits," CCS Regional Seminar, April 27, 1991.
Paper, "China and Her Neighbors: Looking to the Year 2000," at "20th Sino-American Conference on
Communist China: Forces for Change," Institute of International Studies, University of South
Carolina, Columbia, June 10-12, 1991.
Panel Chair, "Cambodia," in "Superpower Conflict and Cooperation in the Third World," Conference
sponsored by the MacArthur Group for International Security Studies, UCB, October 4-6,
Talk, "Sino-Korean Relations in a Decade of Regional Change," at Panel, "The Impact of Improving
Soviet-South Korean Relationship on Korea's Neighbors," Center for Korean Studies, UCB,
November 27, 1990.
Paper, "Informal Politics and Chinese Leadership Recruitment," American Political Science Association
meeting, September 1990, San Francisco, Calif.
Paper, "Changing Patterns of Leadership in China," at Conference, "State and Society in China: The
Consequences of Reform," Claremont McKenna College, February 15-17, 1990.
Paper, "In Search of a Theory of National Identity," also co-chair of conference, "China's Quest for
National Identity," Center for International Studies, Princeton University, January 25-27, 1990.
Paper, "Political Development in the PRC," at California Regional Seminar, China Center, University of
California/Berkeley, September 30, 1989.
Paper, "Socialist Reform and the Prospect of Sino-Soviet Convergence," at conference on China's
post-Mao reforms, June 3, 1989, University of California in Los Angeles.
Paper, "The Soviet Factor in Sino-American Relations," at joint conference sponsored by the Shanghai
Institute of International Studies and the UCB Institute of East Asian Studies, May 15-18, 1989,
Ma'anshan, China.
Talk, "The Crisis in China," Colloqium Sponsored by the Global Peace and Security Program, June 2,
1989, Multicultural Center, University of California at Santa Barbara. Similar oral presentations
were made at the Center for Slavic and East European Studies, UCB, June 19, 1989; and
at the California Alumni Association, San Fernando Valley Branch, June 27, 1989.

Workshop on Pacific Security, sponsored by the California Seminar on International Security and Foreign
Policy and the Institution on Global Conflict and Cooperation, Rand Corp, Santa Monica, CA
June 15-16, 1988.
Paper, "Reconciling the Sino-Soviet Dispute," presented at CCS Regional China Seminar, Berkeley,
October 29, 1988.
Panel chair, "The Reorientation of [Chinese] Foreign Policy Under Reform," Center for Chinese
Studies, UCB, Regional Seminar, October 29, 1988; also presented paper, "Reconciling the Sino-
Soviet Dispute."
Paper, "Chinese Reform Socialism under Deng Xiaoping:Theory and Practice," at international
conference, "A Decade of Reform under Deng Xiaoping: China's Second Revolution," Brown
University, Providence, RI, November 4-7, 1987.
Panel chair and paper, "The Origins of Reform," International conference, "China in a New Era:
Continuity and Change," Manila, The Philippines, August 1987.
Talk, "The Cultural Dimension of the Chinese Policy of Opening to the Outside World," Columbia
University, April 6, 1987
Paper, "Chinese Reflections of the Cultural Revolution," Harvard University, May 15-17, 1987
Paper, "Reform, Succession, and the Resurgence of China's Old Guard," University of Virginia, June
11-14, 1987
Talk, "Hong Kong and Chinese Modernization," Yale University, New Haven, CT, November 11, 1986.
Paper, "Media and Ideology in Post-Mao China," at Symposium "Communication, Politics and Culture in
East Asia," University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, May 8-9, l986.
Paper, "Hong Kong and Chinese Modernization," Fifteenth Sino-American Conference on Mainland
China, Taipei, Taiwan, June 8-l4, l986.
Paper, "The Implications of Reforms for Sino-Soviet Relations," Conference on "China in the 1980s:
Reforms and Their Implications," sponsored by the Korean Association
for Communist Studies, Seoul, Korea, August 8-11, 1985.
Paper, "Institutional Reform in the Communist Party of China," 27th Annual Meeting of the American
Association for Chinese Studies, Berkeley, November 22-24, l985.
Paper, "From Charismatic to Collective Leadership in China," 1985 Meeting of the International Political
Science Association, Paris, July 15-20, 1985.
Talk, "Sino-U.S. Relations and Their Implications for the Soviet Union," presented to the Soviet
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, July 12, l985.
Paper, "Sino-American Relations: Political and Strategic Considerations," Joint Shanghai-Berkeley
Conference on Sino-American Relations, Shanghai, China, May 20-3l, l985.
Paper, "The Strategic Triangle: A Critical Review," Conference on "The Hot Peace: The Sino-Soviet-US
Triad," Los Angeles, February 15-17, 1985.
Talk, "Chinese Post-Mao Reforms in Comparative Communist Perspective," Political Science
Department, San Diego State University, April 4, l984.
Paper, "The Development of Chinese Marxism Since the Death of Mao," Joint SSRC-ACLS Conference,
"To Reform the Chinese Political Order," Cape Cod, Mass., June 18-23, l984.
Paper, "Party Rectification in Post-Mao China," Thirteenth Sino-American Conference on Mainland
China, June 11-17, 1984, Taipei, Taiwan.
Paper, "Structural Change in the People's Republic of China, 1976-1982," California Regional China
Seminar, Berkeley, November 4-5, l983.
Paper, "The Structure of the Chinese State," Conference on the Analysis of Power and Policy in the PRC
since l949, Research Unit on Chinese and East Asian Politics, Universitaet des Saarlandes,
Saarbruecken, Germany, August l982.

Paper, "The Chinese State, l880-l980," Conference on the Chinese State, Institute for Sino-Soviet
Studies, George Washington University, Washington, D. C., December l98l.
Paper, "Political Development in the PRC: l949-l98l," American Association for Chinese Studies
Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, November l98l.
Paper, "Liu Shaoqi and Pragmatic Planning," NEXA Conference, "China and Technology: China and the
West," San Francisco State University, November 1981.
Paper, "On the Comparative Analysis of Communist Political Culture," APSA Meeting, New York,
September l981.
Paper, "The Comparative Analysis of Political Culture," Conference on Political Culture in the United
States in the Seventies: Continuity and Change, Center for the Study of North America,
University of Frankfurt, June 15-20, l98l.
Paper, "The Study of Chinese Political Culture," Conference on Methodological Issues in Chinese
Studies, University of California, Berkeley, April l98l.
Paper, "Mao's Impact on the Chinese Political System," American Political Science Association
convention, New York, August 30-September 2, 1980.
Talk, "Democracy in China?" Universities Service Centre, Kowloon, Hong Kong, April l979.
Paper, "The Formal Organization of Central Chinese Political Institutions," Conference on Chinese
Society, Rutgers University, March l979.
Paper, "Charismatic Legitimacy and the Crisis of Succession," Association for Asian Studies Meeting,
Los Angeles, Calif., February l979.
Paper, "Cultural Revolution and Cultural Change," Conference on Communication and Cultural Change
in China, East-West Center, University of Hawaii, January l978.
Paper, "Political Culture and Political Symbolism," American Political Science Association meeting,
Chicago, August l976.
Paper, "The Theory and Practice of 'Line Struggle,'" Association of Asian Studies meeting, Toronto,
February l974.
Participant, Scholar-Diplomat Seminar, United States Department of State, Spring l976.
Participant, Workshop on Provincial Politics in Contemporary China, East Asian Institute, Columbia
University, 1975-1976. Wrote unpublished paper on Shandong.
Paper, "Thought Reform and Cultural Revolution," Inter-University Seminar on East Asia, Toronto, l974.
Paper, "The Political Economy of the World Food Crisis," Seminar on World Resource Flows, Woodrow
Wilson Institute of International Affairs, Princeton University, 1975.
Paper, "The Structural Evolution of 'Criticism and Self-Criticism,'" China Studies Regional Seminar,
Berkeley, Fall 1972.


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