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First Teaching with Gr.

4 Jeremiah

This week was another nerve wrecking experience, though I already did student teaching last
semester but it I always feel nervous whenever I face my students. I cannot fade away the anxiousness
on my first day teaching with my new pupils. It was so obvious that my critic teacher noticed it too. But
she assured it was okay because it’s my first day with her subject. The advice that I took with my CT was
to never be shy with the students because you are the teacher now.

Despite the nervousness, my critic teacher praised me on how I explained my discussion. It was
well studied and relayed to the class accurately. The topic we discussed this week was about Equivalent
Fractions. The pupils prefer picture analysis to understand the topic, they were all visual learners. Using
figures and shapes helped me in teaching the lesson easily. This applies one of the multiple intelligence
theories which is the Visual-Spatial (Picture Smart) to the students. Especially now that we cannot yet
handle face to face classes, it is difficult to draw or write on the board, but it’s easy to make figures
online and share it with the class. We also incorporated things that the learners see in their daily lives
for them to relate and understand truly what is equivalent fractions look like. Also, one of the applicable
beginning teacher indicators that I observed during this week is, Domain 2 Learning Environment, strand
3, Management of classroom structure and activities. I made my activities aligned to the needs of the
students and also a way for them to understand the lesson quickly, is by using figures and pictures.
Another is the Domain 1, Content Knowledge and Pedagogy, the positive use of ICT. The drills that we
made uses application like H5P and Wordwall. This way, the learners are learning at the same time, are
having fun too.

We also held our Galilean Fellowship this week with the theme, “Resiliency Amidst the
Pandemic” with the Text from Acts 16:16-31. The reflection I have gathered during our fellowship was to
always acknowledge God whatever goals you want to achieve in your life. Always put God in the middle
of your journey and also, do things where your heart’s desire. It would be a waste of time and effort if
you pursue something you do not like. This very message helped me realize something now that I’m
about to enter adulthood. Independence from parents and after school realization. I must do things with
love and dedication for me to succeed and to live happily without regret.

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