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“Time to do Weekly Logs”

My last synchronous class with the Grade 5- Jeremiah was last week. The only tasks the
students will focus on this week is their performance tasks. We student teachers don’t have any
task or work anymore this week that’s why we can focus on doing our classroom-based action
research, reflections, and vlogs. I decided to do first my weekly reflections because I haven’t
started them and there are a lot of unfinished weekly logs. It’s been hard remembering what
were the things I did during those weeks. Though it’s been a struggle recall what I did, I based it
on our weekly calendar that my critic teacher provided. Based on the lesson titles, it can help
me remember the things I did back then. I should have done it after the week ended for it to be
easier. Nonetheless, I made one or two reflections in a day for me to finish it all in a week. It
was very challenging, though I may not be submitting it on time, at least I can finish it all in a
week and I can only focus on one thing and nothing else. Not having the online classes helped
me arranged the things I need to submit before graduation.

Though I don’t have a synchronous class anymore, I always check my virtual classroom if
there are any announcements from my Critic Teacher, or if my students need assistance on
their activities or performance tasks. I also check my messages because some of my students
messaged me and update me if they were done doing their school works. Some also ask
questions and I relay it to my Critic Teacher and replied them based on what Mrs. Agir wants
me to responds.

The domain that I can link into this week’s log is Personal Growth and Professional
Development, strand 7.4 Professional reflection and learning to improve practice. With our
weekly logs, we can ponder our experiences and learn from it and correct our mistakes if there
are any. We can improve our skills and learn from our experiences in student teaching. And
apply it in our professional teaching someday.

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