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“Let’s go CBAR!

May 27th, a day where we’ll be doing our defend for our Classroom-based Action
Research soon. The title of our CBAR is “Using Word Wall to Improve Unresponsiveness of
Students during Synchronous Classes”. We ought to make a change on the main problem we’ve
observed during our student teaching experience in Silliman University Elementary School.
Most of the students don’t participate in class and it’s alarming to experience this especially
now that they are at home and no supervision of the teacher personally. It can affect their
learnings because if they don’t pay attention or participate in class, we cannot make sure if they
are absorbing or learning what is being discussed in the online classes. Therefore, we are
conducting a research where we use an intervention which is a website where students can
enjoy playing games while learning at the same time.

Today it’s the 2nd week of May already and only one respondent answered our
questionnaire. My groupmates and I are feeling nervous because we don’t have much data
collected and it will affect the result of the research. It will put to waste because we will have
can’t collect answers on our questions asked. But as we go along, we are still hoping we can
gather other responses. As I finished my weekly logs last week, today I’m focused on doing my
part on our CBAR. I was assigned to do Chapter 1. It consists of the background of the study,
significance of the study, scope of the study and definition of terms. Each member in our group
are tasked to do one chapter so that we have equal parts on our CBAR. Also, if someone needs
help, we can lend our hands and make sure we can finish this before the Defend Day.

The domain that I can relate in this week’s log is Domain 1 Content Knowledge and
Pedagogy strand 1.2 Research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and learning.
Though our research is unfinish yet, it is still an ongoing research where the results and data
we’ll collect will improve the problem we encountered during our observation. This research
aims to help students enjoy their time in learning in their house and let them remember the
lessons discussed during the synchronous class.

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