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Reform means modifying or altering what is wrong, corrupt and unsatisfactory in

a peaceful manner while revolution means people are in favor of a new constitution or
the use of armed forces and forcible overthrow of a government or social order. In many
places, it was stated that reform and revolution are on a spectrum or opposing to each
other and that there are societal changes that may be considered a cluster
o f progressive reforms or a revolution of equal ownership. With regard to the
option b e tw ee n re fo rm or re vo l u tio n , Amb e th Oca mp o ' s a rti cl e ta ckle d tha t
th e re i s a n ideologically preferential option against the reformist Jose Rizal and revolutionist
Andres Bonifacio. But according to him, "Why can't they be taught that both Rizal and
Bonifacio a re n a tio n a l he ro e s? Th e re sho u l d be no co n fl i ct b e tw ee n th e m i f
o nl y be ca u se Bonifacio himself looked up to Rizal." Therefore, there should be no conflict
between the reformist strategies of liberal re fo rme rs of Jose Rizal and commi tment
to a revol utiona ry ove rthrow o f An dre s Bonifacio because they are both national
heroes that manifested change and bounded together by a common vision.

As stated by Ambeth Ocampo on his article entitled "Reform and Revolution",

challenging our youth and creating a Rizal vs. Bonifacio mentality culminated in two
opposing reform and revolution positions appropriate for classroom discussion but
infact there should be a harmony because they are both heroes who want to cultivate
change, yet they differ in actions but they are bounded by a common vision and mission and it
is the independence of Philippines in the colonizers. Why there should be a
conflict between the two if they are both national heroes who aspire for freedom and
change. Also, as stated by Ambeth Ocampo, Rizal both use reform and revolution on his
writings, reform for Ibarra and revolution for Simoun on El Filibusterismo. Also, there
should be no conflict between the two because as people all know, Katipunan started
because of Rizal's La Liga Filipina and Andres Bonifacio is a part of both La Liga
Filipina and Katipunan. Moreover, according to Levy Abad on his article on Filipino
journal, it was said that along with the ranks of the revolutionaries, Andres Bonifacio and other
revolutionist belonged to the "left-wing tendency" of those who adhered to the ideas
that Jose Rizal advocated. It only pertains that they have similar in terms on what they desire
for the country, why there should be a conflict between the two if they both sacrifice their life
for the country. Well in fact, the purpose of reform and revolution is to change and usually
improve the political and social conditions of individual groups and the society. Ambeth
Ocampo's column, explained "Reform and Revolution," that the December 15, 1896
Manifesto was used against Rizal by both the Spaniards who s e n t e n c e d h i m t o
d e a t h f o r i n s p i r i n g t h e r e v o l u t i o n . R i z a l d i d n o t c o n d e m n t h e revolution, but
rightfully thought that it was premature. Lastly, as stated by Jose Alejandrino on
his article entitled "The Price of Freedom", Reform and revolution are both caused by
unhappy masses seeking change and economic, political and social change. Th e
i n te rven ti o n o f so ci e tie s is see n i n b o th p ro ce sse s, cre a ti n g so ci a l cohesion
social fractures. There should be no gab between the two national heroes as well as their
way to desire for freedom because they are bounded by the common goals.

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