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It use will delay the decomposition of the body, if it is airtight and hard – coffin
2. Usually the auricle of the heart contracts after somatic death for a longer than the ventricle, this
is called – cessation of the heart
3. Autopsies shall be performed in the following case, EXCEPT – natural and violent death
4. It can be manifested by exposure of the hand of the living persons to translucent lights, thus will
allow the red color of circulation to be seen underneath the skin – opacity of the skin
5. It initially hastens putrefaction by maintaining body temperature, but in the later stage, it can
delay the decomposition by protecting the body from the ravage flies, and other insects –
6. It is the desolution of the natural continuity of any tissues of the living body – wound
7. Wound that is caused immediately after infliction of shortly thereafter that is capable of causing
death – mortal wound
8. It is a type of wound which involves only the layers of the skin – superficial wound
9. The wounding agent enters the body but did not come out or the mere piercing of solid organ or
tissue of the body – penetrating
10. Wound which is result of a person’s instinctive reaction of self protection – self inflicted wound
11. Displacement of the articular surface of bones entering into the formation of a joint –
12. The over-stretching, instead of an actual tearing or the rupture of a muscle or ligament which
may not be associated with the joint – sprain
13. It is the incomplete or partial dislocation of the bone – subluxation
14. An abrasion which appears as a single line, it may be a straight of curved line – linear
15. The linear marks on the skin are almost indistinguishable on account of the severity of the
friction of the object – confluent
16. It is a comprehensive study of a dead body, performed by a trained physician employing
recognized dissection techniques – all of the above
17. This is an examination performed on a dead body for the purpose separating death due to
disease from death due to external cause for the protection of the innocent – medico legal
18. It includes appreciation of its condition and drawing of inference from it, also the collection of
physical evidence – crime scene investigation
19. The injury or disease was survived for a sufficiency prolonged interval which permitted the
development of serious sequalae which actually caused the death – proximate or secondary
cause of death
20. Death cause by natural disease condition of the body – non-violent or natural death
21. Legal medicine is that branch of medicine which deals with the application of medical
knowledge to the purpose of – determination of cause of death
22. Medical jurisprudence is that branch of ___ which deals with the regulation and organization of
medical profession – medicine
23. The father of Forensic Medicine – Paulus Zacchias
24. In 1858, who published the first textbook in legal medicine – Dr. Rafael Genard y Mas
25. The sum total of all reaction of tissues or organs for which the activities of the living cells are
necessary – vital reaction
26. It is a complete and persistent cessation of vital reaction such as respiration, circulation and
almost all brain function – death
27. As a general rule, if there is no heart action for a period of ___ death is regarded as certain –
28. Which of the following is a more conclusive sign of death – cessation of heart function and
29. What test determines cessation of respiration – Winslow’s test
30. A person who is considered dead if no rate of fall of body temperature is about – 10 -15 °F
31. Rigor mortis is very important in determining the approximate time of death for it starts at
about 2 to 6 hrs and complete at – 12 hrs
32. Refers to the stiffening of the muscles due to the solidification the body is exposed to freezing
temperature – cold stiffening
33. The following are important of cadaveric lividity, EXCEPT – none of these
34. Moggots are seen in dead bodies particularly in warm countries within how many days from
death – 1 day
35. Livor mortis or post mortem lividity is completed in how many hours after death – 24 hours
36. Is the stiffening of certain group of muscles occurring at the moment of death, usually
associated with violent death due to extreme nervous tension, or even fatuige – cadaveric
37. Is the breaking down of the complex proteins into simpler component associated with the
Evolution foul smelling gases and accompanied by the change of color of the body –
38. What is the waxy substance derived from the body fat and is caused by hydrolysis and
hydrogenation of adipose tissue – adipocere
39. It is the formation of a soft freoble brownish white greasy substance in the soft tissues after
death – saponification
40. Average time for the stomach to empty its contents – 4-5 hours
41. It is wound produced on oneself, and as distinguished from suicide, the person has no intention
to end his life – self inflicted wound
42. It is a wound where there is no breach of continuity of the skin or mucous membrane – closed
43. A gradual breakdown or very shallow ulceration of the skin which involves only the epidermis
and heals without scarring – insects & fishes bites
44. This kind of abrasion is caused by pressure accompanied by movement usually observed in
hanging or strangulation – impact or imprint
45. These abrasions are usually caused by forcible contact with rough hard object resulting to
irregular removal of the skin surface – graze
46. Physical injury which is located at the site of he location of the force – coup injury
47. Physical injury located at the site and also opposite the site of the application of the force –
coup-contre-coup injury
48. Physical injury involving greater area of the body beyond the site of the application of force –
extensive injury
49. This is a circumscribed extravasation of the blood in the subcutaneous tissue or underneath the
mucous membrane – petechiae
50. It is the extravasation of effusion of blood in a newly formed cavity underneath the skin –
51. The following judicial executions were exercised in the Philippines EXCEPT – judicial hanging
52. Average time of decomposition for tropical countries such as Philippines – 36-48 hours
53. Pulverization of the body into ashes with the use of intense fire – cremation
54. Is a pathological classification of death which is characterized by increasing dyspnea – asphyxia
55. A wound which resembles the shape or object of the instrument which caused it – patterned
56. Wound produced by a butcher’s knife – incised wound
57. Person who is qualified to conduct toxicological examination – forensic pathologist
58. It is a physical injury wherein the victim is ill-treat or incapacitated for work or require medical
attendance for period of one to 9 days – slight physical
59. Stab wound is produced by – sharp edges and sharp pointed instrument
60. Solution of the natural continuity of any tissue of living body is called – wound
61. An injury or disease which survived for a prolonged interval which allowed the development of
complications which becomes the cause of death – proximate cause of death or secondary
cause of death
62. Their presence in the cadaver would indicate that death has occurred more than 24 hours hence
are useful to approximate the time of death – flies
63. EXCEPT one, the following are characteristic of cadaveric spasm – all of these
64. A complete study of a dead body, undertaken by a trained physician – medical examination
65. Deaths due to injuries inflicted in the body by some forms of outside force – violent death
66. The elements of violent death are the following EXCEPT one – that death ensured from a
lingering illness
67. Period of time wherein the body would be completely skeletonized under normal conditions in
tropical countries – 12 months
68. X and Y are husband and wife, X has a mistress, Miss W, to whom he has a son (C), a 2 years old
baby. What kind of death is involved if X killed his legitimate child (C) – parricidal death
69. What if it is Y killed (C) – murder
70. The act or practice of killing or bringing about the death of a person who suffers from incurable
disease or condition – euthanesia
71. It is firm in consistency and with uniform in color – ante-mortem clot
72. It appears three to six hours after death, and it is completed 12 hours after death – rigor mortis
73. It can be manifested when the body is frozen, but exposure to warm conditions will make such
stiffening disappear – cold stiffening
74. It occurs immediately after death, wherein there is complete relaxation of the body – primary
75. This happens after the disappearance of rigor mortis, and the muscle becomes flaccid – post-
mortem lividity
76. This appears during the later stage of its formation when the blood has coagulated inside the
blood vessel and still fluid in form – hypostatic lividity
77. It is the breaking down of the complex protein into simpler components associated with
evolution of foul smelling gases – putrefaction
78. On account of the chemical changes, the color of the soft body tissue is gradually changed either
of the following colors, EXCEPT – greenish-blue
79. It can accelerate decomposition if moderate, but excessive amount will delay decomposition –
80. It is a fluid coming out of the nostrils and mouth, and it is usually due to putrefaction of the
gastro intestinal and respiratory tracts – froth
81. It is the rise of temperature of the body after death due to rapid and early putrefactive changes
or some internal changes. It is usually observed in the first two hours of death – algor mortis
82. It is a change of the color of the body after death when blood accumulates in the dependent
portion of the body – livor mortis
83. Molecular death is a kind of death where – there is a loss of life of the individual cells of the
84. If post-mortem rigidity wound suggest approximate time of death, cadaveric spasm will suggest
– cause of death
85. Stage of muscular change, which occurs 3-5 hours after death characteristics by stiffening of the
muscles – post- mortem rigidity
86. Post mortem lividity or livor mortis is a very good basis for determining the – position
maintained by the body after death
87. The following are muscles changes after death except – post-mortem lividity
88. Stages in blood changes where blood goes to the dependent portion of the body but not yet
solidify – livor mortis
89. Rigor mortis is the stiffening of the body, which is always to occur in case of death. What is that
condition characterized by spontaneous stiffening of certain group of muscles – cadaveric
90. A muscular change characterized by the softness of the muscles and no longer responds to
mechanical or electrical stimulus due to dissolution of protein – primary flaccidity
91. It is the branch of medicine that deals with the application of medical knowledge for the
purpose of law and in the administration of justice – legal medicine
92. On the other hand, it denotes the knowledge of law in relation to the practice of medicine –
forensic medicine
93. It is species of proof, or probative matter, legally presented at the trial at an issue by the act of
the parties for the purpose of including belief in the minds of the court as to their contention –
medical records
94. It occurs when there is irreversible coma, absence of electrical brain activity and complete
cessation of all the vital functions without possibility of resuscitation – brain-death
95. This is the state of the body in which there is complete, persistent and continuous cessation of
the vital functions of the brain, heart and lungs that maintain life and death – death
96. This condition is really not death, but merely a transient loss of consciousness or temporary
cessation of the vital functions of individual cells – apparent death
97. Like heart action, in order for it to be considered as a sign of death, it must be continuous and
persistent – cessation of heart action and circulation
98. This condition must be observed in conjunction with cessation of heartbeat, and cessation of
respiration – loss of power to move
99. This test is useful to determine whether death is real, it can produce dry blister – action of heat
on the skin
100. These can be manifested by the loss of corneal reflex, clouding of the cornea, flaccidity
of the eyeball, and the pupil is in the position of rest – changes in and about the eyes

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