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They needed to find a place to eat.

The kids were beginning to get grumpy in the

back seat and if they didn't find them food soon, it was just a matter of time
before they were faced with a complete meltdown. Even knowing this, the solution
wasn't easy. Everyone in the car had a different opinion on where the best place to
eat would be with nobody agreeing with the suggestions of the others. It seemed to
be an impossible no-win situation where not everyone would be happy no matter where
they decided to eat which in itself would lead to a meltdown. Yet a decision needed
to be made and it needed to be made quickly.
It was hidden under the log beside the stream. It had been there for as long as
Jerry had been alive. He wasn't sure if anyone besides him and his friends knew of
its existence. He knew that anyone could potentially find it, but it was well
enough hidden that it seemed unlikely to happen. The fact that it had been there
for more than 30 years attested to this. So it was quite a surprise when he found
the item was missing.
Twenty seconds were all that was left and Richard could hear each one tick by.
Fifteen seconds now remained and the panic began to fully set in. Ten seconds and
he wasn't sure he had enough time. Five seconds, four, three, two, one...
The house was located at the top of the hill at the end of a winding road. It
wasn't obvious that the house was there, but everyone in town knew that it existed.
They were just all too afraid to ever go and see it in person.
Do you really listen when you are talking with someone? I have a friend who listens
in an unforgiving way. She actually takes every word you say as being something
important and when you have a friend that listens like that, words take on a whole
new meaning.
The paper was blank. It shouldn't have been. There should have been writing on the
paper, at least a paragraph if not more. The fact that the writing wasn't there was
frustrating. Actually, it was even more than frustrating. It was downright
There was a reason for her shyness. Everyone assumed it had always been there but
she knew better. She knew the exact moment that the shyness began. It had been that
fateful moment at the lake. There are just some events that do that to you.
The red glow of tail lights indicating another long drive home from work after an
even longer 24-hour shift at the hospital. The shift hadn�t been horrible but the
constant stream of patients entering the ER meant there was no downtime. She had
some of the �regulars� in tonight with new ailments they were sure were going to
kill them. It�s amazing what a couple of Tylenol and a physical exam from the
doctor did to eliminate their pain, nausea, headache, or whatever other mild
symptoms they had. Sometimes she wondered if all they really needed was some
interaction with others and a bit of the individual attention they received from
the nurses.
Balloons are pretty and come in different colors, different shapes, different
sizes, and they can even adjust sizes as needed. But don't make them too big or
they might just pop, and then bye-bye balloon. It'll be gone and lost for the rest
of mankind. They can serve a variety of purposes, from decorating to water balloon
wars. You just have to use your head to think a little bit about what to do with
There are only three ways to make this work. The first is to let me take care of
everything. The second is for you to take care of everything. The third is to split
everything 50 / 50. I think the last option is the most preferable, but I'm certain
it'll also mean the end of our marriage.

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