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Background of the Study

Hotels are the home of tourist who are having vacation or for people who

wants to spend time for relaxation and their leisure time. In the beginning, there

was a fire at the hearth, a warm meal and a roof over one‘s head. Thus begins the

history of the hotel industry. People have been providing hospitality for weary

travelers since our ancestors inhabited the earth about 100,000 to 200,000 years

ago. Some years down the line, in the age of antiquity, spas and bathhouses often

provided sleeping facilities and were popular attractions for those seeking rest and


The hotel industry, which always strove to meet a changing society’s needs

and demands, has meanwhile developed into a highly complex branch of the

economy. Today, the hotel industry includes all categories of establishments from

inexpensive guesthouses to luxurious 5 star hotels. Hotel management strategies

have had to adapt to these developments and it could be said that these strategies

have even entered the realm of science. The demand for and the choice of subjects

that can be studied such as hotel or hospitality management show the increasing

academisation of the hotel industry.

Hotel industry is a place often times visited by travelers and with a large

number of population who love to rest and relax by lodging, taking reception in

parties, anniversaries celebration, birthday, weeding, business meetings and

seminars for they are looking for a nice and convenient location where they can

hold the event By this hotels are mushrooming in the City. (Customer-

Hotel is first being establish in 1850's the first hotel build in the Philippines

name Hotel Del Oriente in Binondo Manila. the hotel was two story building with

an 83 rooms fronting the plaza De Carlos III it was the first class hotel which is

beside the famous land mark, la Insular Cigarettes and cigar factory but during

Japanese time Hotel Del Oriente and Insular are both burned down and former site

now was being occupied by the Metro bank. And the oldest surviving hotel in the

country is the Manila hotel which built in 1917.

Until they reach the year 2010 hotels was already ranging for a total

number of 28 Hotels. According to National Statistics Office the population of

Iloilo city as of August 1,2007 is about 418,710. find difficult on choosing a

variety of hotels in which of them has an excellent level of service to satisfy their

needs and with a cheaper price in any occasions, complete hotel amenities, hotel

availability for reservation and location which can easily be seen. As of these

years also the number of travelers is about 1,415. This country includes Asians,

East Asians, South Asians, North Americans and South Americans. (

Eventually, Catanduanes had its first hotel where in they welcome guests

from other places or people that would like to relax and/or rest.

This study seeks to find if Hotels observe or do they have an Organizational

Culture that would define the image of their hotels and would lead to the success

of their management. Employee behavior and camaraderie.

Organization Culture may result to a success. Through the years of their

time in the business, they have developed entrepreneurial skills through its

management and leadership. Everyone has their own cultures. Organizational

Culture also is a system of knowledge, standards for perceiving, believing,

evaluating and acting… that serves to relate human communities to their

environmental settings (Allaire and Firsirotu 1984)

Employees spend almost an 8 hours a day at their workplace so their

organization culture affects both of their work lives as well as their personal lives.

Organizational culture determines the factor in success of the organization. It also

refers to the beliefs, ideologies, principles and values that the individuals of an

organization share (Lowe, 2018).

Nurtured motivations to aspiring Catandunganons who will pursue business

in the future. Businesses in the said province increase the services in the

community by providing services and assistance and also they contribute to the

development of programs in the Province.

It is important to know the results of the growth of the business to change

the things that needs some changes.


According to Becker and Gear 1960, organizational culture is a set of

common understanding around which action is organized, finding expression in

language whose nuances are peculiar to the group. It is a set of understandings or

meanings shared by a group of people that are largely tacit among members and

are clearly relevant and distinctive to the particular group which are also passed on

to new members. (Loius, 1980)

Organizational culture mainly impacts motivation, promotes individual

learning, affects communication, and improves organizational values, group

decision making and solving conflicts. (Tianya Ll, 2015)

Hence, the study was conducted.

The study is important because (a) it will help students to have a deeper or

narrow knowledge how Hotels work here in Virac, Catanduanes; (b) to know how

Hotels affect the livelihood of the people of Virac, Catanduanes; (c) it will help the

population of the Catanduanes to be more aware about organizational culture of

the Catandunganons on Hotel businesses.


Statement of the Problem

This study tend to determine the organizational culture of Hotels in Virac,


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

a) Designation/Position

b) Age

c) Marital Status

d) Educational Attainment

e) Experience

2. What are the organizational culture of the hotel in terms of:

a) Written and unwritten rules

b) Shared attitudes

c) Environment

d) Beliefs and habits

3. Is there a relationship between the profile of the respondent and their

perception on the organizational culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes?

4. What are the problems encountered in the organizational culture in terms


a) Written and unwritten rules

b) Shared attitudes

c) Environment

d) Beliefs and Habits


There is no relationship between the Profile of the respondent and their

perception on the Organizational Culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes.

Scope and Delimitations

The study focused on the organizational culture of Hotels in Virac,

Catanduanes for the year 2018-2019.

This study looked into the profile of the respondent along their

Designation/Position, Age, Marital Status, Educational Attainment and


Also the organizational culture of Hotels in terms of written and unwritten

rules, shared attitudes, environment, beliefs and habits.

A test on the relationship between the profile of the respondent and their

perception on the organizational culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes.

And also the problem encountered in the organizational culture of Hotels

along written and unwritten rules, shared attitudes, environment beliefs and habits.

The researchers have chosen only the municipality of Virac, Catanduanes.

Virac had been chosen because it is the capital town in Catanduanes and the center

of trade in the province. There are 5 registered Hotels in town. This study was

supported by the responses of the 38 employees from the different hotels. Some

hotels refused to answer the questionnaire but the researchers considered 3 more

establishments that they considered as Hotel in Virac.

Significance of the Study

This study on organizational culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes would

benefit the following end users.

To the students of the Accountancy and Business Management track in

reference, basis of assessing the profile information of the respondent and in

evaluating the organizational culture vital to skills, to establish or to manage alike


To the Hotel employees, this would be determinant if the behavior inside

their environment is enough to call it as their culture inside their organization.

Weather you are in the administrative department or non-administrative


To the researchers, the result of this study would serve as a reference for

future and further studies of Organizational Culture of Hotels or the Hotels itself.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally to better

understand the research:

Organizational Culture – the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and

attitudes that helps the members of the organization understand what it stands for,

how it does things, and what it considers important. (Business Firm and it’s


Hotel – a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and other guest

services. (The Business Dictionary)

Basic education - an evolving program of instruction that is intended to provide

students with the opportunity to become responsible and respectful global citizens,

to contribute to their economic well-being and that of their families and

communities, to explore and understand different perspectives, and to enjoy

productive and satisfying lives.

Higher education - any of various types of education given in postsecondary

institutions of learning and usually affording, at the end of a course of study, a

named degree, diploma, or certificate of higher studies. (Britannica)

Advanced education - degrees are found at both the master's and doctoral levels.

Written Rules – Rules that are written (maybe in a contract or a regulation book)

to be followed by employees.

Unwritten Rules – these are the rules that comes from the mouth. Rules that are

implemented through use of verbal interaction.

Belief - an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without

proof. (Oxford Dictionaries)

Shared attitude - attitudes that develop within an organization and guides the

behavior of its members and has a major impact on the performance of

organization and on the quality of work life experienced by the employees.



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents literature and studies which have relation on the

present study. The related literature and study help in conceptualizing the present


Related Literature

Schein (1988) defined organizational culture as a pattern of basic

assumptions – invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to

cope with the problems of external adaption and internal integration, that has

worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new

members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those


It is also an any social system arising from a network of shared ideologies

consisting of two components: Substance-the networks of meaning associated with

ideologies, norms and values; and forms-the practices where by the meaning are

expressed, affirmed, and communicated to members (Trice and Beyer, 1984)

The differ level of basic assumptions that are: learned responses to the

group’s problems of survival in its external environment and its problems of

internal integration; are shared by members of an organization; that operate

unconsciously; and that define in a basic “Taken for granted” fashion in an

organizations view of itself and its environment (Schein 1988)


It is believed that employees attitudes cannot be changed overnight but it is

possible in due time. Change can be implemented if top management can explain

the reasons for implementing the change. Communication plays a key role here.

All channels of communication should be utilized. There is also a need to reach to

all employees especially the new ones. It is important for them not to be cultured

shocked. While it is not good to remove some employees who may deviate from

the corporate culture, or have not adapted to the culture despite many attempts, top

management may decide to terminate employees. Yet, this can be done gradually.

Providing terminated employees with excellent separation packages can avoid

employee grievances and conflicts. (Salvador S. M. & E. Geronimo, 2011)

(Davis) defined organizational behavior as “the study and application of

knowledge about how people act within an organization.” The basic elements of

organizational behavior are people, structure, technology and the external

environment within the organization functions. A form of structure is required

whenever people gather to accomplish the objectives of their organization. To

accomplish their objectives, people, structure and technology interact. These

elements are further influenced by the organization’s external environmental


Organizational behavior is the study of human behavior in the workplace of

the interaction between people and the organizational behavior are to explain,

predict, and control behavior. Explanation refers to describing the underlying

reasons or process by which phenomena occur. For example, an understanding of


leadership theory would explain why one person is a more effective leader than

another. The same theory would help predict which people are likely to be

effective as leaders. Leadership theory could also be useful in controlling people.

One leadership theory, for example, contends that group members are more likely

to be satisfied and productive when the leader establishes good relationships with


A broader consequence of job satisfaction is that it contributes to

organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), or the willingness to work for the good

of the organization even without the promise of specific reward. Five important

components of organizational citizenship behavior are conscientiousness, altruism,

civic virtue, courtesy, and sportsmanship. A good organizational citizen would

engage in behaviors such as assisting a person with a computer problem outside

his or her team or department, or picking up a broken bottle on the company lawn.

People who are good organizational citizens are likely to achieve some of the

consequences of job satisfaction, including higher customer loyalty, higher

productivity, and better safety performance. (Dubrin, 2011)

Related Studies

The Organizational Culture of this group of hotels was previously analyzed

in 1993, a series of problems related to management was detected at that time.

After identifying the Organizational Culture as well as management weak points

of the hotel, a cultural change was proposed. Ten years later, a cultural audit was

carried out in these establishments, and the results show that these hotels

Organizational Culture has changed, and that this change has rebounded in the

improvement of competitiveness. Therefore, this research demonstrates the

relationship between Organizational Culture and success in management

companies. (Inmaculada, 2000)

An eight-factor structure of hospitality culture is identified. The effects of

organizational culture, individual values, and the fit between the two (person–

organization fit) on employees’ job satisfaction and behavioral intentions are

assessed. Person–organization fit is shown to explain significant outcome variance.

Implications are considered for assessing and enhancing person– organization fit

in hospitality organizations. ( Tepecia & Bartlett, 2002)

Research validates that organizational culture provides a base for

understanding the differences that may exist between successful firms operating in

the same national culture and differentiates truly high performing organizations

from others. (Ahmad Lone Mushtaq & Ahmad Fayyaz S. & Ahamd Tanveer,


The study found that it is essential to implement an organizational culture

during the preopening phase which is reasonable, understandable and company-

fitting. This is crucial in order to conduct a successful preopening through high

quality teams, efficient handling of challenges, developing an encouraging

atmosphere, representing the company appropriately externally and through that,

developing a successful property. Additionally, results showed that organizational


culture has a company-wide influence on many operational and social areas. The

outcomes of the study suggest that organizational culture serves as a core which

connects all properties and employees company-wide. The findings of the paper

are important to understand the significant effect of organizational behaviour

development on the smooth running of the preopening phase of a hotel and its

operation. Recognizing this influence is essential in order to ultimately develop a

successful property and to obtain satisfied and committed employees.

(Tominz ,2012)

China’s phenomenal economic ascent has fueled domestic and outbound

tourism demand and thus created unprecedented opportunities for hotel

development and management. The findings revealed that human relations and

social nexus in a harmonious organizational context, as manifested in the core

values of happiness and caring, are the major cultural traits “gluing” management

and employees together in efforts aimed at accomplishing strategic goals. (Yu Qin,

Bin Li & Larry Yu, 2015)

Organizational culture is the combination of the beliefs, values, behavior

norms, formal and informal system processes and methods. As of 1980, the

organizational culture, which is an important phenomenon in business

management, has become a dominant issue in defining the behaviors of the

employees in tourism businesses. Organizational culture in hotel businesses

ensures that the employees are motivated towards acting against uncertainties with

a mutual purpose, and that they move in a safe path. ( Oz, 2015)

Organizations are among the key units of the society. During their

establishment and development, a specific kind of organizational culture

eventually appears. The purpose of organizational culture is to improve solidarity

and cohesion, and to stimulate employees' enthusiasm and creativity to improve

the organization’s economic efficiency. In addition, organizational culture greatly

influences employee behavior. The results of the study indicate that organizational

culture mainly impacts motivation, promotes individual learning, affects

communication, and improves organizational values, group decision making and

solving conflicts. (Tianya Ll, 2015)

Synthesis of the State of the Art

On this section, after reviewing the various related literatures and studies, it

was found out that this study has no duplication to the other previous study and

there were no studies that had been conducted about Organizational Culture of

Local Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes. However the study has a similarity and

differences to the study of The Relationship Between Tourist Companies

Organizational Culture and their Competitiveness. A Study on First Class Hotels

in the Costa Del Sol.

The related literature included in the study shows the culture of the

company or a business for them to achieve the satisfaction and improve the

competitiveness to have a good business industry. In related studies, identified in

the relationship of organizational culture among the local hotels in Virac. And also

how did they manage and change the way of their strategy that made them

improve competitiveness.

Gaps Spanned by the Study

From the review of related studies there were no study yet that is been

conducted focusing on the topic, since the study is centered on the Organizational

Culture on local Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes.

There were also similarities to this study but this study focuses on the

behaviors, cultures and etc. of the local hotels here in the province.

This is the gap identified by the study that would be bridged. This would

focus on the Organizational Culture of local hotels in Virac, Catanduanes.

Conceptual Framework

This research study used two variables which are the independent and

dependent variables. The study found out that there are no relationship between

the business profile and the organizational culture of hotels in Virac, Catanduanes.

Independent variable includes the Profile of respondents in terms of

Designation/Position, Age, Marital Status, Educational Attainment, and

Experience. The dependent variable consist of Organizational Culture of Hotels in

Virac, Catanduanes in terms of: Written and Unwritten rules, Shared attitudes,

Environment and Beliefs and Habits.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Profile of the Respondent Organizational Culture of Hotel in

terms of:
a) Designation/Position

b) Age 1. Written and Unwritten Rules

2. Shared attitudes
c) Marital Status
3. Environment
d) Educational Attainment 4. Beliefs and Habits
e) Experience

Problems encountered in the

Organization in terms of:

1. Written and Unwritten Rules

2. Shared attitudes
3. Environment
4. Beliefs and Habits

Conceptual Paradigm
Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm
Figure 1



This chapter presents the design of the study, sources of data, sampling

procedure, instrumentation, data-gathering procedure and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive correlational method of research with the

questionnaire as the tool in gathering data in order to answer questions concerning

the current status of the subject of the study. Correlational research is a type of

non-experimental research method, in which a researcher measures two variables,

understands and assess the statistical relationship between them with no influence

from any extraneous variable. (Adi Bhat) This research involves testing the

relationship between the profile of the respondent and the organizational culture of

Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes as to Written and Unwritten rules, Shared attitudes,

Environment and Beliefs and habits.

Method of Data Collection

This section presented the population of the study, sampling technique,

sources of data, instrumentation and validation and gathering procedure.

Sources of Data. The primary data were gathered from responses of the

respondents. The answers to the questions consistent with items determined the

Organizational Culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes. The duly accomplished

questionnaires were completely retrieved from the respondents.

Sampling Procedure. No sampling method was utilized because all hotels

were equally served with questionnaire and the population of hotels is relatively


Instrumentation and Validation. The questionnaire was the main tool in

gathering the data. The questionnaire used in the study has three parts: Part I is the

Profile of the Respondents; Part II, will focus on the Organizational Culture of

Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes; and Part III is the Problems encountered in the


In determining the Organizational Culture, the researchers used the four-

point Likert scale wherein “4” stands for “Always (A) means that the

Organizational Culture or Problem is consistently evident or shown “3” for “Often

(O) which means that the Organizational Culture or Problem is in short of being

consistent or shown “2” for “Seldom (S) which means that the Organizational

Culture or the Problem is seldom shown “1” for “Never (N) which means that the

Organizational Culture or the problem is not evident or shown.

To find out if the questionnaire was valid, the researchers consulted their

professor, adviser and some experts in the field of specialization to give comments

and suggestions. Following the suggestions and comments of the concerned

individuals, it was incorporated in the questionnaire.


Data Gathering Procedure. Prior to the field data gathering, the researchers

went to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in order to know the total

number of Hotels in Catanduanes. The researchers made a letter request to the

respondents then attached to the validated questionnaire. The letter is an appeal to

the respondents to answer the attached questionnaire with sincerity and honesty,

since their anonymity will be treated with strict confidentiality. The researchers

distributed the questionnaire personally to explain to the respondents the data for

them to understand.

Population of the Study In determining the number of Hotels operating in

Catanduanes, the researchers will be using documentary analysis in the

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) office. The DTI gave the list of Hotels

that were chosen by the researchers as the respondents of the study. Some

respondents refused to answer the questionnaire so we conducted survey and add

some respondents that are we think can be a Hotel in Virac, Catanduanes. The

questionnaires were given to the Hotel employees. 38 employees in total.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical tools used in the analysis are as follows

Frequency count was used in tallying the number of responses given in an

specific situation as indicated by the respondents in the questionnaire.

Percentage used to get the ratio of the tallied responses of the respondents

of each item, divided by the total number of respondents.


Weighted mean was also used to determine the average for each of the

particular responses where weights are given in the form of likert scale.

T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used to identify relationships

among profile and indicators of organizational culture. T-test is used to assess if

there is a difference in the rating for two-variable profile/s. For a comparison of

more than two group, the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is the

appropriate method instead of the t test.



Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents, analyzes and interpret the data gathered from the

respondents. This section focuses mainly on providing some general information

about the respondents’ demographics. The main aim of this is to present a brief

profile of the research sample. Frequency distribution are commonly used when

summarizing categorical variables since it shows how frequencies are distributed

across the specified variables of interest. One common visualization of a

frequency distribution is through a graph.

Data are presented according to the specific problem as presented in Chapter 1,

as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

a) Designation/Position

b) Age

c) Marital Status

d) Educational Attainment

e) Experience

2. What are the organizational culture of the hotel in terms of:

a) Written and unwritten rules

b) Shared attitudes

c) Environment

d) Beliefs and habits


3. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondent and

the organizational culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes?

4. What are the problems encountered in the organizational culture in terms


a) Written and unwritten rules

b) Shared attitudes

c) Environment

d) Beliefs and Habits


The following figures are the representation of the results from the

questionnaire given to the respondents. Frequency and Percentage Distribution

was used to present the data in a way to understand it better.


Rank & File


Percent Distribution by Designation/Position

Figure 2

The figure above is the percent distribution by Designation/Position. To

answer the question pertaining on Profile of the respondent in terms of


Most survey respondents are in the non-administrative position with 89% of

the total sampling distribution. This portion of the sample is mostly consisting of

employees involved in the maintenance and cleaning. Meanwhile, 5% of the

respondents are in the rank and file sector while only 6% are belongs to the

administrative level, with both 3% in the supervisory and managerial position.



45% Below 25


Percent Distribution by Age

Figure 3

The figure above is the percent distribution by Age. To answer the question

pertaining on the Profile of the respondent in terms of Age.

As shown in Figure 4.2, respondents on the below 25 and 26-35 age groups

are equally distributed while 10% belongs to the 35-45 age group. In relation to

this, we can observe that younger generation dominates the hotel industry




Percent Distribution by Marital Status

Figure 4

The figure above is the percent distribution by Marital Status. To answer

the question pertaining on the Profile of the respondent in terms of Marital Status.

Based on the data gathered Most of the respondents where single with a

percentage of 74% while the remaining 26% are married.


Chart Title



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Undergraduate Graduate

Frequency Distribution by Educational Attainment

Figure 5

The figure above is the Frequency distribution by Educational Attainment.

To answer the question pertaining on the Profile of the respondent in terms of

Educational Attainment.

Based on educational attainment, most employees acquired college

graduate studies with a total of 31 out of the 38 respondents. Meanwhile, 5

respondents didn’t finished a college degree and only 2 respondents with basic

graduate studies (i.e, high school graduates).




Below 5
5 to 10
Above 25


Percent Distribution by Work Experience

Figure 6

The figure above is the Frequency distribution by Educational Attainment.

To answer the question pertaining on the Profile of the respondent in terms of

Educational Attainment.

In terms of work experience, majority (79%) of the respondents have only

worked for the hotel industry for less than 5 years, followed by 18% with 5 to 10

years of work experience, and finally 3% with more than 25 years of experience.

(Note: No respondents were in the 16-20 and 21 to 25 category).

Having said that majority only worked for below 5 years, it validates the

fact that most of these employees belong to the hotel maintenance sector since

employees tend to shift jobs more frequently than on the administrative level.

Weighted Means

Using weighted means (WM) and based on the sample, the researcher
would find out which organizational culture indicators are evident among
employees. The weighted mean is computed by:
WM= ∑ x ∗w
total no . of respondents i=1 i i

where w i=weight of an answer choice∧x i=response count for the answer choice

Table 2
Organizational Culture
Indicators Weighted Means
1.       The Policies and the organization structure in our
organization have been clearly defined. 3.55

2.       In our organization our management resents your

checking everything with them; i.e. if you think you’ve got
the right approach you just go ahead

3.       In our organization people are rewarded in

proportion to the excellence of their job performance. 2.82

4.       Our business has been built-up by taking calculated

risks at the right time.
5.       A friendly atmosphere prevails among the people in
our organization.
6.       In our organization when you are on a difficult
assignment you can usually count on getting assistance
from your boss and colleagues.

7.       Around here there is a feeling of pressure to

continually improve our personal and group performance. 3.08

8.       In our organization the attitude of our management

is that conflict between competing units and individuals
can be very healthy.

9.       In our organization people are proud of belonging to

this organization.

10.   People in our organization are giving more ideas,

information, feedback on customers, products, service etc. 3.55

11.   In our organization the outcome of confrontation will

be better role clarity, improved problem solving,
willingness to deal with problems and also with typical 3.55
‘employees’ and customers.

12.   In our organization trusting and friendly relations are

highly valued.
13.   In our organization people voluntarily own up their
14.   In our organization people take the initiatives and
also preventive action on most matters. 3.29

15.   In our organization people are given freedom to plan

and act in one’s own sphere. 3.47

16.   In our organization people are always working

together to solve problems with team spirit. 3.58

17.   In our organization people are encouraged for

innovative approaches in solving problems. 3.61

18.   In our organization people believe that the scope or

conveying their ideas to the superior is possible. 3.39

19.       In our organization communication is used as an

effective way of getting relevant feedback and critical
information for corrective action.

20.       In our organization, leaders plan the tasks,

distribute assignments and supervise the work on the 3.55
4 – Always 2 - Sometimes
3 - Often 1 - Never
On the average, most employees tend to observe that good organizational

culture is consistently exhibited in their workplace. Majority of the weighted


means resulted on a 3-4. In terms of written and unwritten rules, as well as, shared

attitudes, employees seem to agree that these are constantly shown in their

workplace since these are crucial in the hotel sector especially when handling


As for the Question on the Organizational Culture of Hotels in Virac,

Catanduanes?” which seeks to find the answer if Hotels observe or do they have

Organizational Culture in their organization in terms of Written and Unwritten

rules, shared attitude, environment and Beliefs and Habits. The Researchers have

identified each and every question to what indicator they fall in. Below are the

figures that represents the results from each Indicators.

Table 2-A

Indicators on Unwritten and Written Rules

Indicators Weighted Means

The Policies and the organization structure in our 3.55
organization have been clearly defined.
People in our organization are giving more ideas, 3.55
information, feedback on customers, products, service
In our organization people take the initiatives and also 3.29
preventive action on most matters.
In our organization communication is used as an 3.47
effective way of getting relevant feedback and critical
information for corrective action.
In our organization, leaders plan the tasks, distribute 3.55
assignments and supervise the work on the

Table 2-B
Indicators on Shared Attitudes

Indicators Weighted Means

In our organization our management resents your 3.26
checking everything with them; i.e. if you think
you’ve got the right approach you just go ahead
Our business has been built-up by taking calculated 3.26
risks at the right time.
In our organization when you are on a difficult 3.63
assignment you can usually count on getting
assistance from your boss and colleagues.
In our organization the attitude of our management is 3.03
that conflict between competing units and individuals
can be very healthy.
In our organization trusting and friendly relations are 3.87
highly valued.
In our organization people voluntarily own up their 3.26
In our organization people are encouraged for 3.61
innovative approaches in solving problems.

Table 2-C
Indicators on Environment

Indicators Weighted Means

In our organization people are rewarded in proportion to 2.82
the excellence of their job performance.
A friendly atmosphere prevails among the people in our 3.66
Around here there is a feeling of pressure to continually 3.08
improve our personal and group performance.
In our organization people are proud of belonging to this 3.47

Table 2-D

Indicators on Beliefs and Habits


Indicators Weighted Means

11.   In our organization the outcome of confrontation 3.55
will be better role clarity, improved problem solving,
willingness to deal with problems and also with typical
‘employees’ and customers.
15.   In our organization people are given freedom to 3.47
plan and act in one’s own sphere.
16.   In our organization people are always working 3.58
together to solve problems with team spirit.
18.   In our organization people believe that the scope or 3.39
conveying their ideas to the superior is possible.

4 – Always 2 - Sometimes
3 - Often 1 - Never

On the average, ratings are around 3-4 which means that most respondents

observed that good organizational culture is consistently exhibited in their

workplace. “Trusting and friendly relations are highly valued” received the

highest rating among indicators which implies that establishing a strong

relationship with colleagues is the most crucial aspect on an organizational culture.

In addition to this, item 6 is also highly rated which means that a friendly

atmosphere is also a vital factor and should be consistently shown in the hotel

organization. On the other hand, item 3 received the least rating. This discloses the

fact that management should focus on the improvement of performance

incentive/reward policy of the hotel. This can encourage employees to even work

their best, which in return can benefit the overall hotel industry in the long run.

Figure 7

T test on Marital Status

The t-test gives a p-value of 0.2882 which is greater than the 5% level of

significance Therefore, there is no evidence to conclude that there is a difference

on the perception of the respondents in rating a hotel’s organizational culture in

terms of marital status.

Table 3

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: sum
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F Value Pr (>F)
Designation 3 79.87 26.62 0.2643 0.850531
Age 2 1115.89 557.94 5.5388 0.009402
Educational 3 574.94 191.56 1.9017 0.152248
Experience 1 0.42 0.42 0.0042 0.948736
Residuals 28 2820.52 100.73


The result of ANOVA indicates that, at 1% level of significance, we can conclude

that there is a difference on the perception of respondents on the organizational culture

between age groups. However, there is no evidence to conclude that there is a difference

on perception of the respondents on the organizational culture in terms of

designation/position, educational attainment, and work experience.

Table 4

Problems Encountered

Indicators Weighted Means

Individual Issues (Personal Conflicts) 2.05
Lack of Team Work 1.97
Poor Communication 2.16
Lack of Knowledge and Skill of employees 2.03
Lack of Participation 1.68
Hiring Employees 1.66
Lack of Leadership 1.97
Many Regulations and Policies resulting 1.82
bad habits of employees
4 – Always 2 - Sometimes
3 - Often 1 - Never

Respondents tend to give a rating between 1-2 on the indicators of

problems encountered in the organizational culture. This implies that conflict in

work place is seldom or not at all experienced by employees. Specifically, poor

communication has the highest weighted means with a 2.16 rating which may

reveal that it is the frequently encountered problem.



This chapter presents the summary of the study, the findings, the conclusion drawn

and the recommendations offered.

This study focused on the Organizational Culture of Hotels in Virac,

Catanduanes. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:


a) Designation/Position

b) Age

c) Marital Status

d) Educational Attainment

e) Experience

2. What are the organizational culture of hotel in terms of:

a) Written and unwritten rules

b) Shared attitudes

c) Environment

d) Beliefs and habits

3. Is there a relationship between the profile of the respondents and their

perception on the organizational culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes?

4. What are the problems encountered in the organizational culture in terms


a) Written and unwritten rules

b) Shared attitudes

c) Environment

d) Beliefs and Habits

The descriptive correlational method with the questionnaire as the main tool in

data gathering was used. There were 5 Hotels (as stated in the list given by DTI)

in Virac. The study covers 38 Employees from the hotels in Virac, Catanduanes as


In evaluating the results, the study made use of the statistical tools such as

frequency count, percentage, weighted mean, t test and Analysis of Variance



Based on the analysis of the data gathered from the respondents, the following

findings are generated:

1. Respondents’ Profile. This section mainly focuses on providing general

information about the respondent’s demographics. The main aim of this is

to present a brief profile of the research sample.


1.1 Designation/Position. Most survey respondents are in the non-

administrative position with 89% of the total sampling distribution.

Meanwhile, 5% of the respondents are in the rank and file sector while

only 6% belongs to the administrative level, with both 3% in the

supervisory and managerial position.

1.2 Age. Respondents on the below 25 and 26-35 age groups are equally

distributed with 45% each while 10% belongs to the 35-45 age group.

In relation to this, we can observe that younger generation dominates

the hotel industry’s employment sector.

1.3 Marital Status. 74% of the respondents are single while the remaining

26% are married.

1.4 Educational Attainment. Most employees acquired college graduate

studies with a total of 31 out of the 38 respondents. Meanwhile, 5

respondents didn’t finished a college degree and only 2 respondents

with basic graduate studies.

1.5 Work Experience. Majority (79%) of the respondents have only

worked for the hotel industry for less than 5 years, followed by 18%

with 5 to 10 years of work experience, and finally 3% with more than

25 years of experience. (Note: No respondents were in the 16-20 and 21

to 25 age category).

2. Organizational Culture of Hotels in Virac, Catandunes.


The researcher would find out which organizational culture

indicators are evident among employees through the weighted means of

their ratings.

On the average, ratings are around 3-4 which means that most respondents

observed that good organizational culture is consistently exhibited in their

workplace. “Trusting and friendly relations are highly valued” received the

highest rating among indicators which implies that establishing a strong

relationship with colleagues is the most crucial aspect on an organizational culture.

In addition to this, item 6 is also highly rated which means that a friendly

atmosphere is also a vital factor and should be consistently shown in the hotel

organization. On the other hand, item 3 received the least rating. This discloses the

fact that management should focus on the improvement of performance

incentive/reward policy of the hotel. This can encourage employees to even work

their best, which in return can benefit the overall hotel industry in the long run.

3. Relationship between Profile of the respondent and their perception

on the Organizational Culture of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes

T-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used to identify relationships

among profile and indicators of organizational culture. T-test is used to assess if

there is a difference in the rating for two-variable profile/s (e.g., marital status).

For a comparison of more than two group, the one-way analysis of variance

(ANOVA) is the appropriate method instead of the t test. As the ANOVA is based

on the same assumption with the t test, the interest of ANOVA is on the locations

of the distributions represented by means too. ANOVA also assesses the relative

size of variance among group means compared to the average variance within


It is also important to note that chi-square test is not advisable to use for this

purpose since it only analyzes frequency table formed by two categorical

variables. Note that we sum the scores for the Likert scale hence this is not

considered a categorical data. The program used to generate the result of T-test

and ANOVA is R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics.

The t-test gives a p-value of 0.2882 which is greater than the 5% level of

significance Therefore, there is no evidence to conclude that there is a difference

on the perception of the respondents in rating a hotel’s organizational culture in

terms of marital status.

The result of ANOVA indicates that, at 1% level of significance, we can

conclude that there is a difference on the perception of respondents on the

organizational culture between age groups. However, there is no evidence to

conclude that there is a difference on perception of the respondents on the

organizational culture in terms of designation/position, educational attainment, and

work experience.

4. Problems Encountered in the Organizational Culture


Respondents tend to give a rating between 1-2 on the indicators of

problems encountered in the organizational culture. This implies that conflict in

work place is seldom or not at all experienced by employees. Specifically, poor

communication has the highest weighted means with a 2.16 rating which may

reveal that it is the frequently encountered problem. Having identified this, it can

help the organization work more on the dynamics of employees by addressing this

concern. Active listening and engagement on the conversation should play

important roles to further improve employees’ communication skills.


This study focuses on the evaluation of human resources on hotels in Virac,

Catanduanes. Its main motivation is on the impact of establishing a good

organizational culture on the hotel industry. It identifies the profile of hotel

employees and their perception on specific organizational culture indicators.

Weighted means, t-test, and ANOVA are the primary statistical tools utilized for

this research.

Profile of the Respondent.

Result shows that majority of respondents belong to a much younger age

group with a lower position on the hotel employment hierarchy. A younger age

dominates the hotel industry in Virac, Catanduanes. A younger age dominates the

hotel industry in Virac, Catanduanes

Organizational Culture of Hotels

Based on the weighted means, it was evident that good organizational

culture is consistently shown in hotels of Virac, Catanduanes. It also highlighted

that management needs to establish a reward policy for employees to encourage

employees to do their best.

Relationship between the Profile of the respondents and their perception on the

Organizational Culture of Hotels.

Result from the t-test and ANOVA indicates that there is no relationship

between the profile of the respondents and their perception on the organizational

culture of hotels in terms of Designation/Position, Marital Status, Educational

Attainment and Work Experience, but it also indicates that the age group affects

the perception on organizational culture. This means that, in order to create a good

organizational culture, they must focus on addressing the problems within the age

group perspective.

Problems Encountered.

It shows that conflict inside work place and organization is only

experienced rarely.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following

recommendations are presented:

1. Profile of the Respondent

The management should employ or hire persons that are more skilled and has
working experience that is not below 5 years.

2. Organizational Culture of Hotels

The management should improve the reward policy of the hotel so that the
employees will motivate to work.

The management should know how to deal with the conflict of the business or

The management should ensure the daily functioning of a department or group

of employees.

3. Relationship of the Profile of the respondent and their perception on the

organizational culture of hotels

Focus on addressing the problems within the age group Perspective.

4. Problems Encountered

The management should provide an open communication to the employees.

The management should promote team spirit so that the organization will have
a sense of unity.

The management should still assist their employees so that they can improve
their skills.

The management should know how to deal with the conflict of the business
or company.



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Journal of Tourism Research

Other Resources/Materials


Appendix ‘A’
Letter-Request to DTI Provincial Director
Catanduanes State University
Virac, Catanduanes
December 17, 2018


OIC, Provincial Director
Department of Trade and Industry
Virac, Catanduanes

Dear Mr. Baldano:

The undersigned are Senior High School Grade 12 students taking up Accountancy and
Business Management (ABM) at Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools. They are
IN VIRAC, CATANDUANES” in partial fulfilment of the requirements in the course Practical
Research 2.

In connection with our ongoing study, may we ask from your good Office the list of
registered names of hotels with their respective address. The said document will serve as our
guide in conducting our study specifically during the distribution of the research instrument.

Rest assured that the information you will give us will be kept confidential and will only
be used for the aforementioned purpose.

It is hoped that this request will be given favourable consideration. The researchers will
always be grateful for the assistance you will extend.

Thank you and more power!

Very truly yours,






Research Teacher

Appendix `B`
Letter to the Respondents

Catanduanes State University

Virac, Catanduanes

January 16, 2019

Dear Respondent,

The undersigned Senior High School students taking up Accountancy and Business
Management (ABM) are currently conducting a study entitled “ORGANIZATIONAL
CULTURE OF HOTELS IN VIRAC, CATANDUANES” in partial fulfilment of the
requirements in Research Project

In line with this, they are asking for your cooperation to answer sincerely and honestly
the attached questionnaire according to the given instructions. Rest assured that any information
provided will be kept confidential and will be used for research purposes only.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Very truly yours,









Research Teacher

Appendix “C”


INSTRUCTIONS: Please check the appropriate response or provide the necessary


Name of the Hotel:


I. Profile of the Respondent

[Pls. Check ( / ) the appropriate response]

Others (Pls.
A. DESIGNATION/ Managerial Supervisory Rank & File Specify)

B. Age C. Marital Status

Below 25 26-35 36- 45 Single Married

46-55 Above 55 Solo Post Widow/er


D. Undergraduate Graduate Undergraduat Graduate Undergraduat Graduate

E. Experience
Below 5 5-10 11-15

16-20 21-25 Above 25

II. Organizational Culture


Instructions: Below are the statements that describe organizational culture. Please put a
check mark ( / ) on the column that corresponds to your answer on the basis of the
degree usage.


Means that the Organizational
Culture is consistently evident or
4 Always (A) shown.
Means that the Organizational
3 Often (O) Culture is in short of being
consistent or shown.
Means that the organizational is
2 Seldom (S) seldom shown as evident.
Means that the Organizational
1 Never (N) Culture is not evident.

1. The Policies and the organization structure in
our organization have been clearly defined.
2. In our organization our management resents
your checking everything with them; i.e. if
you think you’ve got the right approach you
just go ahead
3. In our organization people are rewarded in
proportion to the excellence of their job
4. Our business has been built-up by taking
calculated risks at the right time.
5. A friendly atmosphere prevails among the
people in our organization.
6. In our organization when you are on a
difficult assignment you can usually count on
getting assistance from your boss and
7. Around here there is a feeling of pressure to
continually improve our personal and group
8. In our organization the attitude of our
management is that conflict between
competing units and individuals can be very
9. In our organization people are proud of
belonging to this organization.
10. People in our organization are giving more
ideas, information, feedback on customers,

products, service etc.

11. In our organization the outcome of
confrontation will be better role clarity,
improved problem solving, willingness to
deal with problems and also with typical
‘employees’ and customers.
12. In our organization trusting and friendly
relations are highly valued.
13. In our organization people voluntarily own
up their mistakes
14. In our organization people take the initiatives
and also preventive action on most matters.
15. In our organization people are given freedom
to plan and act in one’s own sphere.
16. In our organization people are always
working together to solve problems with
team spirit.
17. In our organization people are encouraged
for innovative approaches in solving
18. In our organization people believe that the
scope or conveying their ideas to the
superior is possible.

19. In our organization communication is used

as an effective way of getting relevant
feedback and critical information for
corrective action.
20. In our organization, leaders plan the tasks,
distribute assignments and supervise the
work on the organization.


M.Arumugam, M.Tech., M.B.A., MIE., C.Eng. (2007). A comparative study

on organisational culture and its influence on the behavioural patterns of
employees in textile manufacturing organisations in Coimbatore and Madurai.
MADURAI KAMARAJ UNIVERSITY Palkalai Nagar Madurai, India.

III. Problems encountered in an Organization


Instructions: Below are the statements that describe organizational culture. Please put a
check mark ( / ) on the column that corresponds to your answer on the basis of the
degree usage.


Means that the problem is
4 Always (A) consistently evident or shown.
Means that the problem is in
3 Often (O) short of being consistent or
Means that the problem is
2 Seldom (S) seldom shown as evident.
Means that the problem is not
1 Never (N) evident.

Problems encountered A O S N
1. Individual Issues (Personal Conflicts)
2. Lack of Team Work
3. Poor Communication
4. Lack of Knowledge and Skill of employees
5. Lack of Participation
6. Hiring Employees
7. Lack of Leadership
8. Many Regulations and Policies resulting bad habits of

If there are other problems or issue that are not stated above that the organization is
experiencing. Kindly state it below.

Appendix “D”

List of Hotels in Virac, Catanduanes from Department of Trade and Industry

Hotel Address
Kemji Resort and Restaurant San Isidro Village, Virac, Catanduanes
Villa Tolledo
Queen Maricel Inn San Isidro Village, Virac, Catanduanes
Rakdell San Pedro, Virac, Catanduanes
Lucky Hotel Concepcion, Virac, Catanduanes

Appendix “E”

Attibution Table

Source Indicator Number

M.Arumugam, M.Tech., M.B.A., MIE., C.Eng. (2007). A comparative
study on organisational culture and its influence on the behavioural
patterns of employees in textile manufacturing organisations in PR-E
Palkalai Nagar Madurai, India.
M.Arumugam, M.Tech., M.B.A., MIE., C.Eng. (2007). A comparative
study on organisational culture and its influence on the behavioural OC-1 to
patterns of employees in textile manufacturing organisations in OC-20
Palkalai Nagar Madurai, India.

PR – Profile of the Respondent

OC – Organizational Culture

Curriculum Vitae


Name: Marvin S. Subion

Nickname: Marvz

Address: Calatagan Proper, Virac, Catanduanes

Birthdate: November 9, 1999

Birthplace: Virac, Catanduanes

Sex: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Virac Pilot Elementary School

San Roque, Virac, Catanduanes

Junior High School: Catanduanes Colleges High School Department

Salvacion, Virac, Catanduanes

Senior High School: Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools

Calatagan Virac Catanduanes

SY: 2018-2019


Name: Nicole Mae Perenia

Nickname: Nics

Address: Icanbato, Caramoran, Catanduanes

Birthdate: March 23, 2000

Birthplace: Pandan, Catanduanes

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Caramoran Central Elementary School

Baybay, Caramoran, Catanduanes

Junior High School: Caramoran Rural Development High School

Senior High School: Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools

Calatagan Virac Catanduanes

SY: 2018-2019


Name: Rolyn Mae T. Salamatin

Nickname: Lyn

Address: San Roque, Virac, Catanduanes

Birthdate: January 15, 2000

Birthplace: Virac, Catanduanes

Sex: Female

Religion: Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Juan M. Alberto Memorial Elementary School (JMAMES)

Lanao, Virac, Catanduanes

Junior High School: Catanduanes State University Laboratory School (CSULS)

Calatagan, Virac, Catanduanes

Senior High School: Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools

Calatagan Virac Catanduanes

SY: 2018-2019


Name: Kate Lorenz V. Sarmiento

Nickname: Tetet

Address: Calatagan Proper, Virac, Catanduanes

Birthdate: February 24, 2001

Birthplace: Virac, Catanduanes

Sex: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Juan M. Alberto Memorial Elementary School

Lanao, Virac, Catanduanes

Junior High School: Immaculate Concepcion Seminary Academy

San Pedro, Virac, Catanduanes

Senior High School: Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools

Calatagan Virac Catanduanes

SY: 2018-2019


Name: Axel Jorgean A. Ruel

Nickname: Boboy

Address: Bigaa, Virac, Catanduanes

Birthdate: July 3, 2001

Birthplace: Virac, Catanduanes

Sex: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Virac Pilot Elementary School

San Roque, Virac, Catanduans

Junior High School: Catanduanes Colleges High School Department

Salvacion, Virac, Catanduanes

Senior High School: Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools

Calatagan Virac Catanduanes

SY: 2018-2019


Name: James Ezekiel C. Magno

Nickname: Jam

Address: Danao, Baras, Catanduanes

Birthdate: May 31, 2000

Birthplace: Baras, Catanduanes

Sex: Male

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Attainment:

Elementary: Putsan Danao Elementary School

Danao, Baras, Catanduanes

Junior High School: Baras Rural Development High School

Osmena, Baras, Catanduanes

Senior High School: Catanduanes State University Laboratory Schools

Calatagan Virac Catanduanes

SY: 2018-2019

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