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RATIONALISED SYLLABUS COMPARISON CLASS XII SESSION - 2021-22 vs 2022-23 SUBJECT: ENGLISH CORE Rationalised portion Rationalised portion Rationalization in Advertisement, Poster Business or Official eters for making enquiries, registering complaints , asking for giving information placing orders and sending replies added S.No. | Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ 1A (2021-22), (2022-23) (2022-23) i. | Reading Reading : note making deleted ‘Reading : note making deleted | Same as the previous section academic session zi Writing section : ADDITION DELETED ‘Advertisement, Poster, Debate, Speech LIT LESSONS :DELETED : Poets and Pancakes The Interviews PlaceseThe T ‘sJourney to the end of the Earth Memories ‘of Childhood TIT LESSONS :ADDITION Poets and Pancakes The Interviews Going PlaceseThe Tiger King *# Journey to the end of the Earth © Memories of Childhood T_| Lit Poetry POETRY: DELETED = A Roadside Stand ‘Writing Skill: Notice, Rationalization CHANGE IN. | Writing Skill: Notice, Advertisement, MARKS. Poster Making , Invitation comprised of 3. | Advertisement , Poster Making . ALLOTMENT | marks each in 2021-22academic session | Invitation Literature: Total marks allotted to Multiple Questions | *short writing task should have from Flamingo and Vistas in 2021-22 was been allotied less marks . 20(8+4-8) Literature: ‘Total marks allotted to Multiple ‘Questions from Flamingo and ‘Vistas In 2022-23 itis 16 (644+6) Percentage of 30% 3% IBJECT - MATHEMATICS (041) atinlsed portion atonaed yorson aman sxe. | Unl/chapter (hada! Datu (hid! Det) vs tn ios) = Rais and ——] DELETED Conposton aves DELETED Congestion alive of] 2 pasta Fins Ot fuss Bim oenons [ncn Bin) cpeaons maa 3 —TveseTipoomsr | DELETED: opts oinvase ADDITION Gr a avoae Fats tipo econ tippnometi fone DELETED: Punts ofinese gooey fan 3s ‘DELETED; Fey tatoo | DELETED ety sora 7] Brnanis —— BEETED: Ropers of Daeminas- | DELETEDE Roper of Dern Cinsiseny, concn anl unter” | ADDITION: Coscency umsterey et ssn, open ofc | tnd nner of ston cen oa by Sut tn cumple 5 Comma and DELETED: Nerv eoemand—[ DELETEDY Met lca Difewatsoiy —_|Rall's ecm Rall’ theron 3 pation ot —] DELETED: ao ge DELETED: Apwoxmaton Tinga Dette estima Nerul ADDITION: Ru of change 7 Timea DELETED: Tras DELETED: Linas 3 pas os — DELETED: Res baby wo | DELETED Rea Domain by ONS ite ene 3] ite uaa | DELETED: Forma of Difeenat —] DELETED: Formation oT Daa equation . Homogeneous and linear form type? equation ADDITION: Homogencous and linear form type 2 10] Vectors DELETED: Sealar wile product DELETED: Scalar tiple product TT | Three ~ dimensional Geometry DELETED: Angles between two lines, Tine and plane and two planes DELETED: Planes 12 | Linear Programming DELETED: Mathematical formation of LPP and unbounded region concept DELETED: Mathematical formation oF LPP. 13 | Probably DELETED: Mean variance and standard deviation of random variable DELETED: Variance and sandand deviation of random variable. ADDITION: Mean of a random variable Percentage of Rationalisation Approx. 30% Approx. 30% SUBJECT - PHYSICS Rationalised portion Rationalised portion Rationalisation in SNo.| Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ A (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) i Blectrostaties | Uniformly charged thin spherical | Uniformly charged thin spherical sell +8 shell (field inside and outside) - (field inside and outside)- experiments Deleted ‘Added (4 from each 2 ‘Current Electricity | Carbon resistors, colour code for | metre bridge. Potentiometer - principle eae ene carbon resistors series and and its applications to measure potential a parallel combinations of resistors difference and for comparing EMF of two | * activities Deleted cells; measurement of internal resistance foe ofacell, Deleted ee oa 3 | Moving Charges and ‘Celowon Deleted Cyclotron Deleted B) Meenas + Investigatory T| Magnetism and Matter | magnetic eld intensity due to a | magnetic field intensity due toa magnetic project magnetic dipole (bar magnet) | dipole (bar magnet) along its axis and Gneluded this along its axis and perpendicular to | perpendicular o its axis, torque on a year) its axis, torque on a magnetic magnetic dipole (bar magnet) in a © One activity dipole (bar magnet) in uniform ‘uniform magnetic field has to be magnetic field; tic elements. Para-,dia- and ferro - performed etic elements. Para-,dia-and ferro | _ magnetic substances, with examples. during exam ~ magnetic substances, with | Electromagnets and factors affecting their which was examples. Electromagnets and strengths, permanent magnets not earlier factors affecting their strengths, Added permanent magnets Deleted 5 iernating Current | Power factor, watless current. | Power factor, waitess current. Deleted Added © | Electromagnetic Waves Basie idea of displacement current Deleted Basic idea of displacement current Added 7 Ray Optics Reflection of ight, spherical [Reflection of light, spherical mirror, rirrors, mirror formula, Scattering | mirror formula Added of ligt -blue colour of sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and Sunset. Deleted 8 ‘Wave Optics | resolving power of microscope | resolving power of microscope and and astronomical telescope, astronomical telescope, polarisation, polarisation, plane polarised _| plane polarised Light, Brewster's law, uses of | Light, Brewster's law, uses of plane plane polarised light and polarised light and Polaroids. Deleted Polaroids. Deleted 9 Dual Nature of Davisson-Germer experiment Davisson-Germer experiment Radiation and Matter Deleted Deleted 10 Nuclet Radioactivity, alpha, bet and | Binding energy per nucleon and its gamma patiles/rays and variation with mass number their properties; radioactive decay Added law, half-life and mean life, binding energy per nucleon and its variation with mass number Deleted TT_| Electronic Devices Zener diode and thelr ‘Special purpose pon junction diodes characteristics, zener diode as a | LED, photodiode, solar cell. Zener diode voltage regulator. Deleted | and their characteristics, zener diode as a voltage regulator Deleted Percentage of Rationalisation oo ee SUBJECT - CHEMISTRY Rationalised portion Rationalised portion Rationalisation in S.No. | Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ LA (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) L Solid State | Deletion: ENTIRE UNIT- DELETED ‘Radltion: Electrical and magnetic 1. Surface Chemistry properties, Band theory of metals, A ‘conductors, semiconductor $ and eu eare Gene ilaon,’ 3 and Poe sol Lyophilic sol - starch, egg semiconductors albumin and gum Lyophobie 2: Solutions | Deletion: ‘ation: sol ~ aluminium hydroxide, feric hydroxide, arsenous Abnormal molecular mass, Van' | Abnormal molecular mass, Vant Hoff factor Hof factor ae 3 | Electrochemistry | Deletion: ‘Addition: apeeelabet st aed Law of electrolysis (elementary | Law of electrolysis (elementary | > seagy of the role of dry cell-clecroltic eas | idea), dry ce-elecrolytic cells |(© Stuy Of the ole of fd" Gatvanc stk ead | and Gatanic crs nd | Stung, ens in accumulator, feel cell, | cums, fuel” ell en i | Chemical Kinetics | Deletion: ‘Addition: eam (@) Effet of concentration Concept of colsion theory |Concept of clon theory] 4 emperatre om the te of (elementary idea, no | (elementary idea, no mathematical | "team herween Sodom mathematical __treatmend, | treatment), activation energy, activation energy, Arrhenius ‘equation Arrhenius equation, Thiosulphate and Hydrochlorie ac. ‘Surface Chemistry Deletion: Emulsion - types of emulsions catalysis: homogenous and heterogeneous, activity and selectivity of solid catalysts; enzyme catalysis ENTIRE UNIT- DELETED ‘General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements, ENTIRE UNIT DELETED ENTIRE UNIT- DELETED p-Block Elements Deletion: Preparation and properties of Phosphine. Sulphuric Acid: industrial process of manufacture, Oxides of Nitrogen (Structure only); Phosphorus allotropie forms, compounds of Phosphorus: Preparation and properties of Halides and Oxo acids (lementary idea only) ENTIRE UNIT- DELETED ‘dand f Block Elements Deletion: Preparation and properties of K2C¥207 and KMn04. Chemical reactivity of lanthanoids| ‘ai Preparation and properties of K2Cr207 and KMnO4, Chemical Janthanoids tivity of (©) Study of reaction rates of any one ofthe following: (@ Reaction of fodide ion with Hydrogen Peroxide at room temperature using. different concentrations of lodide ions (ii) Reaction between Potassium Todate, (KIO) and Sodium Sulphite: (Na2S03) using starch solution as_an Indicator (clock reaction) 3. Thermochemistry Any one of the following experiments (a) Emthalpy of dissolution of Copper Sulphate or Potas Nitrate, (b) Enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid (HCD and strong base (NaOH). (© Determination of enthaply change during interaction (Hydrogen bond formation) between Acetone and Chloroform, Aetinoids Elecionio configuration, oxidation states and comparison with lanthanoids Aetinoids Electronic configuration, oxidation states and comparison with lantianoids . Coordination | Daeti Naa Compounds | stricture and stereoisomerism, | Structure and stereoisomerism, importance of coordination | importance of — coordination compounds (in qualitative | compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals | analysis, extraction of metals and and Biological system). Biological system) 10, | Haloalkanes and | Deletion: ‘Addition: Haloarenes | ses and environmental effects of | Uses and environmental effects of dichloromethane, dichloromethane, teichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iexoform, | tetrachloromethane, —_iodoform, freons, DDT. freons, DDT. 11. | Alcohols, Phenols | Deletion: Rddition: and Ethers /tjses with special reference to] Uses with special reference to ‘methanol and ethanol. ‘methanol and ethanol 12, | Aldehydes, Ketones | No deletions No deletions ‘and Carboxyl Acids B. “Amines Deletion: “Addition: Diazonium sults: Preparation, | Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical __ reactions _and | ehemical__reactions —_and 4. Electrochemistry Variation of cell potential in ZnZo2+|, Cu2/Cu with change in concentration of electrolytes (CuSO4 or Zn$O4) at room temperature. 5. Preparation of Organic Compounds. Preparation of any one of the following compounds 3) Acetanilide ii) Di-benzalAcetone ii) p-Nitroacetanilide iw) Aniline yellow or 2 - [Naphtho! Anilinedye, Tmporiance in synthetic organie chemistry importance in synthetic organic chemistry a Biomolecules Deletion: Oligosaccharides (sucrose, Tactose, maltose), Polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen): Importance of carbohydrates: Enzymes; Hormones - Elementary idea excluding structure. Vitamins ‘Classification and fur ‘Nadia oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), Polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen): Importance of carbohydrates; Enzymes; Hormones - Elementary idea ‘excluding structure, Vitamins ~ Classification and functions com Polymers ENTIRE UNIT - DELETED ENTIRE UNIT- DELETED 16. Chemistry in Everyday Life ENTIRE UNI DELETED ENTIRE UNIT- DELETED Percentage of Rationalisation Deleted: 375% ‘Addition = 12% (5 practicals added in content based experiments) UBJECT - BIOLOGY Rationalised portion Rationalised portion Rationalisation in so. | Unit’ Chapter CAaaton Delton (Aatton Delton Practical (on) 202223) om 23) r Tar DELETION DELETION Toalno of ee pass (Reprotuction) | CH (Repo ca Repoeion msECTION a cmgaisms puis ) (ovo patel sae deleted Tait DELETION = ADDITION 1 Tocolleced ace (eeoteaa cit Hevotuton) Ei Fleck) | git eerie volt) feather 5 Tait VT DELETION DELETION oe (Bisngyand man | CH-9(Gtepesforfood | CHL 9(Staepesforfog | 2st and aay i om ‘slae an piety eaten Ee 7 Tait NO DELETION NO DELETION ——] 2 ¥ase Boling apsciy) (Biotechnology and “Two new practical’s are ‘its applications) added, which are introducec ti TRRETION DELETION ——] hha eos cmetogy 8 ee Meewmem) | GE teartocmens ino) — Envwonnen) | CH-Se(Envenmeatl ses) Total chapters — 16 No. of chapters deleted -5 ADDITION — CH. 14( Ecosystem ) ‘Total chapters - 16 No. of chapters deleted -3 (New practcal’s are 1. Models’ specimen showing symbiotic association in root nodules of leguminous plants Cuscuta on host, lichens 2 Flash card models showing examples of homologous and analogous organs) Percentage of Rationalisation 30% 20% SUBJECT — COMPUTER SCIENCE, Rationalised portion Rationalised portion | Kationalisation Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) rn (2021-22) (2022-23) oui) T | Unite Computationat Deletion ‘Addition No Change ‘Thinking and Python libraries: creating python libraries | Python libraries: Import Programming -2 Recursion: simple programs with Python libraries recursion: sum of frst natural numbers, factorial, Fibonacci series Idea of efficiency: number of comparisons in Best, Worst and Average case for linear search Introduction o queue, operations on queue (enqueue, dequeue, is empty, peek, is full), implementation of queue using ist. Percentage of Rationalisation SUBJECT - ACCOUNTANCY a jon | Rationalisation ationalised portion | Rattonalfeation S.No. Unit (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Fees (2021-22) (2022-23) que23) T. | Unit 1 Accounting for No Change Entire Unit deleted No change Non Profit Organisation 2 | Unit 2:- Accounting for DELETED All the deleted topics added Partnership Firm Admission of Partner :- Adjustment of capital accounts and preparation of Balance sheet Retirement and Death of a Partner ‘Adjustment of Capital accounts Preparation of loan account of the retiring partner, Preparation of deceased capital account and his executor’s account 3 Redemption of Debentures deleted | No change , stil deleted Companies 4 Unit 4:- Analysis of No change + Comparative and Financial Statement Common Size Statement deleted + Ratios :- Debt to Capital Employed Ratio & Net Assets Turnover Ratio Added 3 Unit 5 = Cash Flow No change No Change tatement Approx 12% - 15% deleted 175% deleted Percentage of Rationalisation ‘SUBJECT -BUSINE! STUDIES Rationalised portion Rationalised por Rationalisation S.No. Units (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ TA (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) 1 | Unit i= Nature and No Change No Change No change Significance of Management 2 | Unit 2:- Principles ‘No Change No Change of Management 3 Following topics deleted [ADDED ‘ Demonetization ~ Demonetization ~ concept concept Deleted + Impact of Govt policy. | Impact of Govt policy changes on business changes on business with with special reference | special reference to to liberalization liberalization , privatization and privatization and lobalization in India | globalization in India 4 | Unit4= Planning | Types of plans deleted ‘Added S| Unit S: Organising | Formal and informal ‘Added organisation concept deleted 6 Staffing as part of human ‘Added resource management deleted 7 Following topics deleted ‘Added ‘© Barriers to effective communication ‘= How to overcome barriers @ | Unit 8:- Controlling | Relationship of planning and ‘Added controlling deleted 9 | Unit 9:- Financial ‘No Change No Change ‘Management 10 | Unit 10:- Financial ‘No Change No Change Markets it | Unit 11:- Marketing | _ Physical Distribution — ‘Added Management | Components and channels of distribution deleted 12 | Unit 12:- Consumer |~ Following topics deleted ‘Added Protection ‘© Consumer Awareness - role of consumer organisations and NGOs Percentage of Rationalisation | APPF0x10%-12% deleted |” Approx 10%-12% added back SUBJECT — ECONOMICS Rationalised portion | Rationalised portion | Rationalisation in S.No. Unit Chapter Deletion/ Addition Deletion/ Deletion Practicals/ IA (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) TD Deleted Flscation Sector “Addition: Education Sector (Ch- Human Capital Formation 2 {ted Deleted Organic Farming ‘Radition Organie Farming Ch-6 Rural Development 3. | Macro Economies Deleted Central Bank Function | Addition - Cental Bank Che Banking of controller of eedit and money | function -contollerofereit and supph money suppl | Macro Eoonomies Deleted Determination oF “Addition - Determination OF (Chr12 Foreign Exchange Rate | foreign exchange rate foreign exchange rae Approx 10% (as Chapter | Approx. 10% (as Chapter Percentage of Rationalisation, wise weightage is not wise weightage is not mentioned) mentioned) ‘SUBJECT ENTREPRENEURSHIP Rationalised portion Rationalised por Rationalisation in S.No. Chapters (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ TA (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) T Chapter I= ‘No Change No Change “ADDITION Entrepreneurial 2 projects to be done in Opportunity place of one project (asin 2 Chapter 2:- ‘No Change No Change 2021-22) Enterprise Planning 3 Chapter 3:- | Following topies deleted No Change , still deleted Enterprise + Negotiation Marketing + Customer Relationship + Vendor Management 7 Chapter 4:- | Following topic deleted ‘No Change , still deleted Enterprise growth | © Reasons for failure of strategies Mergers and acquisitions 3 Chapter 5 No Change No Change Business Arithmetic 6 Chapter 6:- | Following topic deleted ‘No Change , still deleted Resources + SEBI Mobilzation # Secondary market and importance Percentage of Rationalisation ae oe SUBJECT - SOCIOLOGY S.No. Unit/ Chapter ‘Rationalised portion (Addition! Deletion) (2021-22) Rationalised portion (Addition/ Deletion) (2022-23) Rationalisation in Practicals/ IA. (2022-23) Book--Tndian Society ch4- Market as Social Institution Deleted Deleted ‘Book 2- Social Change & Development in Indian Society (Ch 3- The story of Indian Democracy Deleted Deleted Book 2- Social Change & Development in Indian Society Ch 6- Globalisation and Social Change Deleted Deleted Book 2- Social Change & Development in Indian Society Ch 7- Mass Media and ‘Communication Deleted Deleted ‘No change Percentage of Rationalisation 30% 30% No change SUBJECT - POLITICAL SCIENCE ‘Rationalised portion | Rationalised por Rationalisation in S.No. Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) | __ (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ 1A (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) c Book I= World Pol No change Cold War Era and NAM Added Deleted 2 US Hegemony Deleted Deleied 3 | Security in Contemporary Deleted Added World Environment and Natural Deleted ‘Added Resources & | Book Politics since Independence Popular Movements Deleted Deleted 6 Regional Aspirations Deleted ‘Added Percentage of Rationalisation coal aes No change SUBJECT - LEGAL STUDIES Rationalised portion Rationalised portion Rationalisation S.No. Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) in Practicals/ 1A (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) | Unit? ChS- Administrative Deleted Deleted Law 2 case laws deleted 2 Unit 4. Human Righis im Deleted India History and Intemational | History and Intemational Context Context 2 Unit 5- Legal Profession Deleted- Deleted © History of Leeal ‘¢ History of Legal Profession Profession in India in India © Classification OF | © Classification Of Lawyers in Lawyers in British British India In «Legal Profession in Other Jurisdiestions Legal Profession in Other Iurisdicstions Unit 6 Legal Services Deleted- Deleted © History of Legal History of Legal Services Services © Hierarchy and Funding of © Hierarchy and Legal Aid Services Funding of Legal ‘Aid Services Percentage of Rationalisation 30% 30% SUBJECT ~ GEOGRAPHY (029) Rationalised portion | _ Rationalised portion Rationalisation in S.No. Unit Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) | _(Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ 1A. (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) 1 | BOOK1 Fundamentals of Deleted Deleted Ch. 4 Use of computer in Human Geography) Data processing (Deleted) Ch. 3 Population Composition Ch 5 Field Survey (Deleted) 2 Ch. 9 International Trade Deleted Added 3 ‘Ch. 10 Human settlement Deleted Deleted ‘Ch. 6 Spatial Information Technology (was optional a Book 2 ‘Added Deleted sod now shia eemretony) India people and Economy Ch.2- Migration 3 |Ch. 3 Human Development Deleted Deleted © _ | ChS Land Resource and Deleted ‘Added Agriculture 7 [Ch. 8 Manufacturing Deleted Deleted 8 | Ch.Il Intemational Trade Deleted ‘Added 7Pa2 deleted (S1BI%) | _ 5/22 Deleted 22.7%) Percentage of Rationalisation SUBJECT - HISTORY Rationalised portion Rationalised portion | Rationalisation S.No. Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) | in Practicals/ TA (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) T Bricks Beads, Bones No Change No Change) ‘No change 2 Kings Farmers, &Towns ‘No Change No Change 3 Kinship Caste & Chass No Change No Change’ 4 | Thinkers Believers & Buildings No Change No change 3] Through the eyes of the traveller Deleted ‘Added @ Bhakii-Sufi Traditions No Change No Change 7 [An Imperial Capital-Vijaynagar No Change No Change’ B__| Peasants Zamindars & the State Deleted ‘Added 3 Kings & Chronicles Added Deleted 10 | Colonialism and the countryside | (HALF)pg-275-287 ‘added completely Deleted Tt Rebels & the Raj No Change No Change 2 Colonial Cities Deleted Deleted iB Mahatma Gandhi & the No Change No Change, ‘Nationalist Movement 14 ‘Understanding Partition Deleted Deleted 15 Framing the constitution ‘No Change No Change Percentage of Rationalization 30% 20% SUBJECT -PHYSICAL EDUCATION Unit/ Rationalised portion Rationalisedportion Rationalisation in S.No. Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ [A 7 (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) T | Chapter = Deletion ‘Addition ‘Addition Planning in Intramurals Chapter Name changed SAL khelo India SPorts © Extamurals + Staffing, Directing, Fitness Test + Specific Sports Program Controlling ‘© Brockport Fitness Deletion Test © Combination Deletion Tournament # Fitness Test 2 | Chapter? ‘No Deletion Deletion (AAPHERD) Sports and + Eating for Weight # Barrow three Nutrition Control items fitness + Pitfalls of dieting Test +Food myths + Food Intolerance 3] Chapters Deletion Deletion Yora and Back Pain © Importance of Asanas Lifestyle * Back Pain + | Chapter 4 Deletion ‘Addition Physical + Advantages of physical ‘© Organizing and promoting Education activities for CWSN Disability Sports and Sports for # Advantages of physical cwsN activities for CWSN Deletion ‘© Types of Disability and Disorders 3] Chapters Deletion ‘Addition Children and ‘women in Special Special sports consideration(Menarch cconsideration(Menarch ‘and Mentruall ‘and Mentrual Dysfunction) Dysfunction) # Female Athlete Triad ‘© Female Athlete Triad Deletion * Sports participation of women in India © Motor development and its factors # Exercise guidelines at different stages of growth Chapier-6 Deletion ‘Addition Test and ‘© Barrow three items Test # SAI khelo India fitness test Measurement in school © Computing BMR Deletion © Motor Fitness test © Cardiovascular fitness ‘Test ‘© Computation of fitness Index ChapierT Deletion Deletion Physiology | «Physiological changes due to © First Aid and Injuries Aging in sports Chapter-8 Deletion ‘Addition Biomechanics # Friction and Sports © Equilibrium and Sports, ‘Friction and sports © Projectile in sports Deletion ‘© Meaning and Importance of Biomechanics in sports © Types of Movement o | Chapter Deletion ‘Addition Psychology © Exercise Adherence Psychological attribute in and Sports sports| Deletion © Personality Dimensions © Motivation + Personality types TO | Chapier-10 Deletion ‘Addition Sports © Circuit Training © Concept of talent Training identification and talent development in sports # Introduction to sports training cycles Percentage of 30% Deleted 20% Changed Rationalisation Note: Chapter 2 and Chapter 5 have been interchanged SUBJECT -PSYCHOLOGY Rationalised portion Rationalisedportion Rationalisation in. S.No. Unit/ Chapter (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) Practicals/ TA. (2021-22) (2022-23) (2022-23) i ans Daacl pede Dased pastas ‘MIDTERM EXAMINATION Psychodynamic therapy Psychodynamic therapy 1.Case Profile Biomedical therapy Biomedical therapy 2.T wo Psychological tests cre Deleted portion Deleted portion Social Cognition Social Cognition z CHT Deleted portion Deleted portion Conformity, compliance, | Conformity, compliance, cooperation cooperation Social Identity and conflict | Social Kdentty and confit resolution resolution 7 ce Deleted Deleted os) Deleted Deleted 30% 30% Percentage of Rationalisation SUBJECT ~ FINE ARTS (PAINTING-049) Rationalisation in Rationalised portion | Rationalised portion ae | aaa (Addition/ Deletion) (Addition/ Deletion) ee (2021-22) (2022.23) r Unit = Raja Anima Singh = Raja Anirudh Singh No change Rajasthani School of | Hara - Deleted Huara- Deleted miniature painting z Unit:2 ‘The Mughal&Deocan | + Birth of Salim + Binh of Salim school of miniature | Ragini Pthamsika Regini Pathamsika ‘painting Deleted = Deleted z This The Bengal school of | © Raslila Rasta ‘Art Deleted = Deleted “The Modem wends of] > Vulture = Vulture at © Whirlpoot + Whiripoot © Chaturmukh © Chanummuthi Deleted = Deleted Percentage of Rationalsation 20% 20%

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