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Rouie Ann M. Padua


Instruction: In the two boxes below, draw symbols that represent you real self and ideal self
respectively. Symbols may be in the form of actual objects or anything that may symbolize your
perception of who you are (real) and those that portray the things that you would like to

Questions for Reflection:

1. What did you feel while you were doing the activity?

-I’m pleased because she has gained a greater understanding of who or what she is.
I'm more aware of what else I need to do and I’m very thankful on what I’ve
become now._________________________________________________________
2. Compare your drawings of your real self and ideal self. Are the two the same? If
so, why do you think those are the same? If the drawings in the real self-box
and ideal self-box are not the same, why do you think?

Roller coaster for my real self because my life is not perfect. There are times that my
life is beautiful like there’s so many opportunities and memories to keep feeling.
There are many things to be thankful of._And for my ideal delf is an open book. I
wish I can be more open to my parents about my feelings regarding about on what’s
happening on my life right now. I want more of their attention that I want to open
everything to them.__________________________________________

3. What are your insights from this activity?

To be honest, this activity made me cry. I find it hard on what kind of symbol I’ll
choose because I realize that there are things I need to know more about myself
and I need to pay attention to myself that prioritizing others first. I need to love
myself and give care on myself first. I know life is hard and there are still so many
challenges that I’ll be facing but I’ll prepare myself to be ready and I will never give
up in this life that is gift of God.________________________________

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