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Motivation Strategies for Vinfast Electric Automobiles Sales

1. Introduce Vinfast:

Vinfast is a large car manufacturer in Vietnam that appeared in 2017, the head office
is located in Hai Phong (Giới Thiệu Về VinFast, 2022). This company belongs to VinGroup -
created by billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong. Vinfast is named with the meaning of an acronym
for Vietnam, style, safety, creativity, and pioneering, clearly indicating the ambition of the
business to create a brand associated with the national identity and the aspiration to lead the
way to the international market. Vinfast was created by VinGroup, which wants to promote
the development of the manufacturing industry in Vietnam (Giới Thiệu Về VinFast, 2022).

2. Vinfast vision and mission:


Vinfast's mission is to create high-quality products at reasonable prices, suitable for

all customers, aiming to create a convenient and good life for everyone (Vacancies | VinFast,


Vinfast's vision is to become a leader in popularizing smart electric vehicles, breaking

down barriers to electric vehicle use (Vacancies | VinFast, 2022).


 Increase sales of electric vehicles by 20% in the third quarter of 2022

 Reduce production cost per electric car by 10% starting from 3rd quarter of 2022
3. Motivational strategy:

Motivation strategies are techniques and approaches for encouraging people to

participate in activities and strive for the best outcomes, as well as individuals' self-control in
managing their own motivation (Dornyei, 2001).

3.1 Extrinsic motivation:

Regarding extrinsic motivation, Maslow's Hierarchy and Locke's Goal Theory were
offered to Vinfast in this research paper.
Maslow's Hierarchy: Humans are motivated by five main sorts of needs, according to Maslow's
Hierarchy: physiology, safety, love, self-esteem, and self-actualization  (Jeffrey, 2020).

Vinfast may award workers who do a good job and plan trips for staff to strengthen
their bonds. Employee motivation may be increased by using incentives. The types of
incentives are likewise many and varied.

It might be in the form of cash, gift cards, or vacation days. Vinfast can offer cash up
to one month's income, a 10% discount coupon when purchasing Vinfast vehicles,
incentives when utilizing VinGroup services like Vinmec and Vinschool, one day free from
work, and so on. One trip is enough to link employees. Short-day vacations or team-building
workshops are viable options. The solutions outlined above meet Maslow's Hierarchy's four
extrinsic motivation needs.

Locke's Goal Theory: In 1968, Edward Locke created Locke's Goal Theory, discovered that
employees are more effective and productive when there are clear goals in place (Smith, 2019).


 Increase the number of electric cars sold per month by 300 in May 2022
 Ensure customer satisfaction reaches 95% or more in every month from May 2022

In this case, the way to improve employee motivation has been implemented since the
specific KPI was introduced. After that, Vinfast can provide bonuses to employees based on
how many products they sell in a month. If the KPI is met on time, the appropriate
departments will earn a 5% wage rise and have one day of paid leave.

3.2 Intrinsic motivation:

In this report, Vinfast is provided with different ideas for intrinsic motivation:
McClelland's motivation theory and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory.

McClelland's motivation theory: The first about McClelland's Three Needs Theory, this
theory identifies three factors that motivate employees including Achievement, Power and
Affiliation (Kurt, 2021).

Vinfast can motivate its employees by empowering employees to work at an

appropriate level, training employees to update skills and knowledge in areas of expertise
(e.g. new technologies used in the business, automobile industry, materials,...), supporting
knowlegde every three months and so on

For a variety of reasons, this will boost employee internal motivation. Firstly, being
empowered will help people feel more at ease performing the task they desire, and they will
be encouraged to accomplish it in a creative and effective manner. Second, providing
employees with new skills and knowledge will undoubtedly help them better understand their
jobs, and be more enthusiastic about their work. Vinfast's skill training and empowerment
of the marketing department to self-deploy and test a product promotion campaign is an
example of this method. According to the Three Needs Theory, the aforesaid strategy
concurrently enhances three factors: power, affiliation, and achievement.

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory: One of the most often used theoretical frameworks for
researching job satisfaction is Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory (Dion, 2006).

The application of this theory to Vinfast is to give challenges to employees through

competitions or high-class projects, and a 10% salary increase for the entire team. Setting
more challenging objectives than usual will help motivate employees and feel more excited to
find a way to accomplish it. The recognition after those challenges makes employees feel
more excited to work. Employees' intrinsic motivation is increased because of the
compensation raise since they feel appreciated, and the scale guarantees that no one feels

4. Variables of motivation and organizational development:

Costs, management style, business goals, and employee demands are all factors that influence
organizational motivation.


All motivating actions, such as a 10% wage boost for all employees or planning a
holiday for staff will be costly. The corporation must think about costs and make
adjustments of motivation strategies to reduce expenses.

Rewards can come in many different forms, and the company can choose the most
suitable ways to reduce costs for the company. For Vinfast, with the support of parent
company Vingroup, incentives and discounts when using services such as hospitals-
Vinmec, schools- Vinschool, amusement parks- Vinpearland is a suitable way for all
employees in the company is more cost-effective than cash bonuses.

It is critical for the organization to provide enough facilities for employees in terms of
the working environment. The organization might prioritize the most vital facilities first to
save money. For example, when deciding between the gym and the company's warehouse,
the warehouse must be favored.

Leadership style:

Vinfast's transformational leadership style is readily apparent. Vinfast's decision to

design and manufacture electric automobiles for environmental reasons exemplifies this. As
the current trend and need are to employ environmental protection goods, it can be observed
that Vinfast's vision is quite clear and keeps up with the times. As a result, the motivating
method is congruent with Vinfast's management style, making the strategy beneficial and
successful. Moreover, the company can also consult employees to know what they want,
and this helps to create more effective motivational strategies.

Company goals:

Electric cars are still extremely new and unknown in the Vietnamese market, thus
achieving the target will be a significant task for every department in the organization,
particularly the Sales and Marketing departments. As a result, incentive tactics centered on
supporting and expanding these two divisions will be the most effective in assisting the
organization in meeting its objectives. Giving staff challenges, allowing employees to run
electric car test campaigns, rewarding employee sales, and more are some of the ideas
mentioned above.

Employees’ needs:

According to Maslow's Hierarchy, employees' needs will be most clearly

communicated at each level. Extrinsic motivation may be fostered by monetary or other
incentives, recognition, and working in a pleasant, professional setting. Love of work is an
example of intrinsic motivation, which may be fostered by new abilities, information
gained through training, and the delight of conquering problems, among other things.
These aspects have been analyzed above with the relation between theories and strategies and
it meets the needs of employees because it satisfies Maslow's Hierarchy levels. ví dụ cho bên
M5xNMQvzKgtdCZa20P0JH5BoZ0ulI2CO5wnzc87KeOUXtSI vdu cho bên ngoài

5. Kaizen philosophy: The Kaizen philosophy emphasizes making small changes in the
process to assist enterprises in achieving tremendous success (Kos, 2020). tham khảo để ptich ý sau

6. Business situations:
1. The company has a dispute with suppliers about the price
2. Employees feel underappreciated and unjust
3. Employees feel that the training courses are not appropriate
a. Leadership style:

Vinfast uses democratic leadership because the company's attitude is to accept and
encourage its workers' decisions, to treat everyone fairly, and to continually strive for new
and innovative ideas (Vinfast: Triết lí kinh doanh, 2022). Moreover, Vinfast is part of
manufactoring industry with tight norms and standards, thus the ultimate choice must be
made by the leader.

This will have a significant influence on the development of motivating strategies.

Businesses will be able to collect employee feedback first, then give it to the director to
develop a final plan.

Solve business situation 1:

A price disagreement has arisen between the corporation and a supplier. Vinfast may
engage appropriate workers such as the finance and planning departments on whether to
change suppliers or how to renegotiate prices with the existing supplier in this scenario. This
is how a democratic leadership can solve businesses situations in business

b. Managing performance:

 Make use of feedback from different sources

Allowing workers to assess the performance of those in the same department will assist
managers in gaining a more broad perspective of employee performance and understanding
the common challenges of the whole team in order to give feedback. Vinfast should do this
at the end of every month.

 Performance Bonuses

KPIs set specific requirements that help managers make assessments of an employee's
performance and consider rewarding employees who perform well. Vinfast may explore
offering 10% performance bonuses based on the number of products sold by workers. This
will enhance staff enthusiasm and efforts to meet KPIs.

Solve business situation 2:

The business problem here is that Vinfast employees feel the awards are unfair since they
believe they perform better than they are entitled to. Employers in this case might have
employees demonstrate that their own performance is better than expected and offer
feedback on how they would want to be rewarded. This makes workers feel appreciated and
allowing them to speak their ideas on rewards increases their drive. An additional way is to
get employee performance reviews from colleagues for a holistic view.

c. Continuous improvement:
 Education and training

Education and training are essential for both helping individuals improve their performance
and motivating them to work. Vinfast must identify each employee's strengths and limitations
and develop a job growth plan for each of them in order to choose the best individuals for
each training program. Vinfast should offer professional training courses every three
months and additional skills training courses every six months.

 Kaizen Management Philosophy

The right use of the Kaizen management concept is a critical aspect of a company's
continuous improvement. Vinfast's leadership employs a democratic leadership style, which
is conducive to the company's adoption of the Kaizen concept. This philosophy supports
motivational strategies by involving employees in the decision-making process. For Vinfast,
PDCA will be an appropriate and effective technique. Vinfast will learn about the challenges
that make workers unhappy and how to help them feel more fulfilled by gathering and
synthesizing employee feedback in the first step, Plan. The director will next consider and
develop motivating tactics, as well as test them to evaluate how successful they are. The firm
will assess the outcomes in the third stage to see how effectively the solutions operate and
how much of the target has been met. Finally, Vinfast makes improvements and continues to
repeat tests if recent strategies are not suitable, or retain tactics if the findings are positive. In
summary, Vinfast should conduct an employee survey once a month in order to
understand their problems and find solutions.

Solve business situation 3:

Vinfast must speak with each employee to determine what they want to learn, as well as
examine the performance report to determine what needs to alter or develop. Vinfast should
use the PDCA process of Kaizen philosophy to do this. More communication with
employees keeps them more committed to the organization and motivates them to contribute
to its long-term growth.


Business plan

Total compensation Total compensation

Team development

Succession planning

HR systems

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Vinfast: Triết lí kinh doanh (2022) <p> Nếu bạn cần tìm một nơi uy tín để mua xe và bảo
dưỡng xe Chevrolet thì hãy đến ngay với chúng tôi. Chevrolet Thăng Long địa chỉ mua bán
xe uy tín Số 1 của bạn.</p>. Available at:
kinh-doanh (Accessed: 16 May 2022).

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