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Name: ________________________________________ Section: __________________________

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC):

⮚ Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened to.

Time Allotment: 1 week

Learning Objectives:

➢ Listen to a song and take note of its main message. Complete the copy of the song by filling in
the missing lyrics.
➢ Go over the song and answer questions evaluating its relevance and worth.
➢ Listen to short commentary and evaluate it based on content’s accuracy, evidence/arguments
presented, truthfulness and relevance/significance to the current situation.
➢ Answer more listening exercises on determining the worth of ideas mentioned in the text
listened to using graphic organizers.
➢ Recite in the class sharing a news report heard or read from a newspaper about any topic.

What I Know

A. Instructions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it
is not. Write the answer in your English notebook.
1. Hearing is just as important as listening.
2. Listening, on the other hand, is purposeful and focused rather than accidental.
3. Hearing is an accidental and automatic brain response to sound that requires no effort.
4. It involves hearing when you want to get valuable insights from your teacher or your church
5. It is listening when you get familiar to the sounds of the train, lawn buses, tractors, the pouring
of rain and so on.
6. When you listen to a speech, it is very important that you listen attentively to get the worthy
ideas given in the talk.
7. When you listen well to others, you reveal yourself as being eavesdropper and mindful of other
people’s life and events.
8. Listening means active, focused, concentrated attention for the purpose of understanding the
meanings expressed by a speaker.
9. Listening serves only few possible purposes, and the purpose of listening will depend on the
situation and the nature of the communication.
10. To become an effective listener, one should begin by listening carefully to the main idea of the
speech or talk so that you can identify the subject.
B. Instructions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer in your English
1. When you look for the worth of ideas from the message of a speaker, you are actually looking
for the _________.
A. funny jokes uttered
B. most interesting facts of the talk
C. notable styles in engaging his audience
D. essence of the talk that can be applied to our life
2. It requires you to listen attentively when you listen __________.
A. to a showbiz report of your favorite actress
B. to a song to appreciate its tune and rhythm
C. to your friend sharing his or her successes in life
D. to your teacher giving instructions for your upcoming test
3. ____________________ should be avoided when you listen to a talk.
A. A free and open mind
B. A conference notebook and a pen
C. A comfortable room free from noise
D. Doing other things that may hinder attention
4. Active listening means the ability to _____________.
A. listen to the critical points raised by the speaker
B. participate to the discussion and raise important questions
C. submit immediately the required outputs at the end of the session
D. focus completely on a speaker, understand their message, comprehend the information and
respond thoughtfully
5. ___________________ describes hearing.
A. Focused
B. Accidental
C. Voluntary
D. Intentional

What’s In

Are you familiar with the hit song “True Colors” by Justine Timberlake and Anna Kendrick?
Open this link and listen to the song. If you know
the lyrics of the song, you can sing along with it.

Activity 1: Song Hits

Directions: After listening to the song, answer the following questions. Write your answer in your English notebook.

1. What do you understand about the song?


2. Would you recommend the song to your friends? Why?

What is It

How was the song? Did you find it entertaining? If you listened to the rhythm of the
song, you are just hearing it, but if you listened to the message of the song, you have the potential of
being a good listener. This time, we will learn the difference between listening and hearing, its
importance, purpose, benefits, and some tips on to become a good listener. So, let us do it!

Hearing vs. Listening

Hearing is an accidental and automatic brain response to sound that requires no effort. For
example, we are familiar to the sounds of siren of the ambulance, the laugher of our friends, the
rattling of pots and pans in our kitchen, and so on. We hear those incidental sounds and we train
ourselves to ignore them, unless we have a reason to do otherwise. We learn to filter out sounds that
mean little to us, just like we choose to hear our ringing cell phones and other sounds that are more
important to us.

Listening, on the other hand, is purposeful and focused rather than accidental. As a result, it
requires motivation and effort. It is active, focused, concentrated attention for the purpose of
understanding the meanings expressed by a speaker.

Why Listen

There is no doubt that effective listening is an extremely important life skill. Why is listening
so important? Listening serves a number of possible purposes, and the purpose of listening will
depend on the situation and the nature of the communication.

1. To specifically focus on the messages being communicated, avoiding distractions and

2. To gain a full and accurate understanding into the speaker’s point of view and ideas
3. To critically assess what is being said
4. To observe the non-verbal signals accompanying what is being said to enhance understanding
5. To show interest, concern and concentration
6. To encourage the speaker to communicate fully, openly and honestly
7. To develop a selflessness approach, putting the speaker first
8. To arrive at a shared and agreed understanding and acceptance of both sides’ views
How to Listen
As you listen, the tips below will help you get the worthy ideas of the text you are listening to
and help you understand it.

1. Begin by listening carefully to the main idea so that you can identify the subject.
2. Listen for key words to help you remember details. You might want to take down important
words. If you are listening to a narration or description, try to visualize the details. If you are
listening to an exposition, try to understand the order behind the arrangement of the detailed
One way to remember the important details in a text you are listening to is to pay attention to
the discourse markers.

Discourse markers are words or phrases whose function is to organize discourse (speech)
into segments.
These are some discourse markers emphasizing important ideas.

Above all Significantly In particular

Indeed Especially Notably/ Take note

Importantly Always remember Bear in mind

If you heard these discourse markers, you have to take note the statements for they may be
worthy ideas of the text you are listening to.
3. Think about what you are listening to. Sorting out or arranging the main ideas in your mind
helps you identify the points to remember. Try to jot down the main points. Go over the speech
from beginning to end. Recall details.

Activity 2: Let’s Give it a Try

Directions: Below is an excerpt of a recorded audio that can be accessed through this link Listen attentively to the speech and fill in the missing discourse
markers that emphasize the importance of the statement given by the speaker. Write your
answer in your English notebook.

Life is full of doubts, but _____ (1) ________, not to be afraid. ________ (2) _______ to have
faith in yourself, that whatever comes along your way, overcoming it is another step forward, another
step towards the best version of yourself. At times you feel weak and tired, take rest. Take all the
hours you need to heal. But when things get better, you have to get up and get back to the journey
you have started.
________ (3) __________ to be always optimistic. _____ (4) _______, the one who can
bring you to what’s ahead of your journey today, are your own feet. If you don’t have the courage to
take another step forward, you will never get there. _______ (5) _______, a wonderful journey
begins with a single step, but _________ (6) ________ to keep that single step counting! It’s not
how fast you get there, it’s how you keep stepping forward.
Determining the worth of idea
Speakers can create hundreds of ideas but not all these ideas are worth to remember. Most of
them give introductory statements that are not so important to their main topic. They are just flowery
words that give life to their speech. To determine the value of an idea, we should look at (1) how rare
it is, and (2) how worth keeping it is. Be guided by the following questions every time you look for the
worthy ideas of the text you listened to.
1. What is the topic of the listening text?
2. What is the important idea presented in the text?
3. How is the idea being presented? Explicitly (clearly) stated or implied (hidden)?
4. What helped you determine the worthy ideas presented?
• By discourse markers that emphasize a point
• By the tone of speaker’s voice
5. Is the idea presented worth keeping and worth sharing to others? Why?
Note: number of worthy ideas present within a text can be one or more depending on the speaker’s message.

Activity 3: Let’s Try One More!

Directions: Listen attentively to an informative audio that can be accessed through this link
l.html?fbclid=IwAR2NDKn6UuXheC18TIeus5pcScUFAqa9aoKWeiHb3sCwubDKjSJOm61n6ow, and
answer the questions below. Write your answer in your English notebook.

1. What is the topic of the listening text?



2. What is the important idea presented in the text?



3. How is the idea being presented? Explicitly (clearly) stated or implied (hidden)?



4. What helped you determine the worthy ideas presented?



5. Is the idea presented worth keeping and worth sharing to others? Why?


What’s more

Benefits of Listening

Listening should not be taken for granted. Before the invention of writing, people conveyed
virtually all knowledge through some combination of showing and telling. Below are some benefits
that you can get from listening.

1. You become a better student. 2. You become a better friend.

3. People will find you as intelligent 4. Good listening can also improve
and perceptive. your public speaking abilities.

Activity 4: Go in Green

Directions: In the table below are sample statements taken from the video that can be accessed
through this link In the green-light
column are worthy ideas while in the red-light column are the not worthy ideas. Listen
attentively and supply additional worthy and not worthy ideas from the speech in the video.
Copy and answer the table into your English notebook.
Green Light Red Light

“People should follow their dreams.” “Everybody said no. Forget it.”

“To everybody, to any person – “Nobody believed that I could be

tomorrow is new.” successful because everybody said:
Well, this guy thinks differently;
“If you really want to work for
think crazily.” Hitch
yourself – think about others.”

1. ______________________________ 1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________

What I can do

Activity 5: Idea Bulb.

Instructions: Listen to an inspirational speech that can be accessed through this link . Copy the chart in your English notebook and answer the questions.

How is the idea being

presented? Explicitly
(clearly) stated or implied What helped you determine
(hidden)? the worth of the ideas
______________________ ______________________
__________________ . ______________________
____________________ .

What is the topic of

Is the idea presented
the listening text?
What is the
worth keeping and worth
___________________ important idea sharing to others? Why?
__________________ . presented in the
text? __________
___________________ .

What you need:

Internet connection and cellphone

What to do:

Recite in the class sharing a news report heard or read from a newspaper about any
topic. However, since we do not have the face to face lesson yet, you might just record it over
the phone and transfer it to a flash drive and submit it to your teacher. Or you can also submit
it through Messenger, Facebook, or Gmail account. By the way, this is a video presentation.
Please use the rubric as your guide in recording your output.


This I will Remember!

Remember how well you performed in this lesson.

1. I learned that listening

2. I also learned that determining the worth of ideas

3. I am still confused about ________________________________________________________________



Google Search Engine

Answer Key

What I Know
A. B.
1. TRUE 1. D
2. TRUE 2. D
3. FALSE 3. D
4. FALSE 4. D
5. TRUE 5. B

ACTIVITY 1: Song Hits ACTIVITY 4: Let’s give it a try

Answers may vary Answers may vary
ACTIVITY 2: Let’s give it a try ACTIVITY 5: Go in Green
1. Always remember Answers may vary
2. Bear in mind
3. It is very important
4. Take note
5. Indeed
6. Always remember

ACTIVITY 3: Let’s give it a try ACTIVITY 6: Say it

Answers may vary Presentation may vary

Prepared by:

Marlon C. Rule
Teacher I
Banza NHS

Reviewed by:

Catherine M. Cupin Joanne L. Guaves

Teacher I Teacher I
Banza NHS Banza NHS

Hazel P. Yabo
Principal II
Banza NHS

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