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Total Page: 02 KNU/2020/ BBAHC502

UG Odd 5th Semester Examination 2020

Award: BBA
Discipline: BBA
Course Type: CC-12 (Hons,)
Course Code: BBAHC502
Course Name: Business Law

Full Marks: 80 Time: 4 hrs.

1. Answer any ten questions (10x1)

a) How many parties should be there for a valid contract?

b) What is meant by Quantum meruit?
c) What is issued capital?
d) What is a prospectus?
e) What is meant by Caveat Emptor?
f) What is the maximum numbers of partners allowed in a firm carrying on general business?
g) Mention the different types of partners in case of a partnership firm
h) Is registration of a partnership firm compulsory?
i) What is „good‟ according to the Sales of Good Act?
j) Which clause of the Memorandum of Association cannot be changed?
k) Mention any two circumstances under which a partnership firm may be dissolved.
l) Who is a drawer in case of a promissory note?
m) Mention the two types of Company
n) What is Article of Association?
o) When was the Indian contract Act came into force?
p) What is Memorandum of Association?

2. Answer any ten questions (10x2)

a) What is an agreement?
b) What is meant by void contract?
c) What is consideration?
d) What do you mean by coercion?
e) What is partnership deed?
f) What is meant by sleeping partner?
g) Can a minor enter into partnership agreement?
h) What is meant by specific goods?
i) Define Warranty.
j) „Risk prima facie passes with ownership‟- Comment.
k) Who is a drawer?

l) Define negotiable instruments.
m) What is bill of exchange?
n) Define a Cheque.
o) What is mis-statement in prospectus?
p) Define a Director.

3. Answer any six questions (6X5)

a) Distinguish between fraud and misrepresentation.

b) How an offer can be revoked?
c) Distinguish between coercion and undue influence.
d) Explain the different types of goods.
e) “No consideration “No consideration no contract”- write the exceptions to this rule.
f) Distinguish between sale and agreement to sale.
g) Explain the essential elements of partnership.
h) Must a firm be registered? What are the effects of non-registration?
i) What are the features of a Bill of Exchange?
j) Discuss the provisions of companies act relating to holding of annual General Meeting.
4. Answer any two questions (2X10)
a) „No consideration, no contract‟- Explain the exceptions to this rule.
b) Discuss civil and criminal liability of directors for misstatement in prospectus.
c) „No one can give a better a better title to the goods than he himself has.‟- Explain the exceptions
to this rule.
d) Explain the exceptions to the rule of Caveat emptor.
e) Distinguish between a company and a partnership.
f) What are the essential of a valid contract?

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