2.Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

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Qualities of the Believers

(Verse1 To Verse5)

1.Disbelief and Hypocrisy.

(Verse6 To Verse13)

2.Hypocrites Try to Trick Allah.

(Verse14 To Verse16)

3.The Example of the Storm.

(Verse17 To Verse21)

4.Why are We Here?

(Verse22 To Verse25)

5. How Does Allah Use Examples ?

(Verse26 To Verse27)

6.Why did Allah Make People?

(Verse30 To Verse33)

7.Why did Shaytan Disobey Allah?

(Verse34 To Verse39)

8.Remembering Allah's Agreement with

the Jews.
(Verse40 To Verse43)

9.Don't be Hypocrites.
(Verse44 To Verse48)

10.Allah Saved the Children of Israel.

(Verse49 To Verse54)

11.Allah was Patient with Israel.

(Verse55 To Verse57)

12.An Example of Disobedience.

(Verse58 To Verse59)

13.Trials in the Desert.

(Verse60 To Verse61)

14.Allah is the Lord of All Religions.


16.The People Receive the Law.

(Verse63 To Verse66)

17.The Story of the Spotless Cow.

(Verse67 To Verse71)

18.The Torah on Unresolved Murder.

(Verse72 To Verse74)

19.Dealing with Rejection.

(Verse75 To Verse77)

20.The Ignorance of the Masses.

(Verse78 To Verse79)

21.False Claims of Mercy.

(Verse80 To Verse82)

22.The Sworn Duties of the Children of


23.The Sin of Fighting Each Other.

(Verse84 To Verse87)

24.The Children of Israel

Reject the Last Prophet.
(Verse88 To Verse93)

25.Who are the Chosen Ones?

(Verse94 To Verse96)

26.Don't Deny Allah's Agents.

(Verse97 To Verse99)

27.The Corruption of Babylon.

(Verse100 To Verse103)

28.Learn from the Mistakes of the Past.

(Verse104 To Verse105)

29.Allah Reveals What He Wants.


30.The Faithless continue to Doubt.

(Verse107 To Verse108)

31.Beware the Teasing of the Faithless.

(Verse109 To Verse110)

32.Testing Claims of Immunity.

(Verse111 To Verse113)

33.Don't Prevent Worship.


34.Allah is Everywhere.

35.Allah has no Children.

(Verse116 To Verse117)

36.Don't Disrespect Allah.


37.What of the People of the Past?


38.They will never Stop Trying to Turn

You to their Ways.
(Verse120 To Verse123)

39.Abraham Establishes a House of

Worship in Mecca.
(Verse124 To Verse129)

40.Abraham's Values and Traditions

came before Judaism.
(Verse130 To Verse134)

41.True Religion came before Judaism

and Christianity.
(Verse135 To Verse137)

42.Where is the Proof?

(Verse138 To Verse141)

43.A Change of Focus from Old Religions

to Islam.
(Verse142 To Verse152)

44.You will be Tested.

(Verse153 To Verse157)

45.Walk between the Hills on Hajj.

(Verse158 To Verse162)

46.The Signs of Allah.

(Verse163 To Verse167)

The Holy Prophet (S) has said that whoever 47.Keep Your Food Pure.
recites the first four verses of Surah al- (Verse168 To Verse169)
Baqarah, accompanied by the ‘ayatul kursi’
together with the last three verses of this 48.Old Habits are No Justification.
Surah - and makes a habit of reciting these (Verse170 To Verse171)
verses daily – his life, property and family will
49.What is Forbidden to Eat?
be protected and no evil shall come upon them.
(Verse172 To Verse176)
Shaitan will not come close to him and he will
not be from those who forget Allah (S.w.T.)
Benefits of reading this Surah
50.What is the Foundation of Faith?

51.What about Revenge?

Revelation (Verse178 To Verse179)

Contents In The Surah 52.Making a Will.

(Verse180 To Verse182)
2.Al-Baqarah(The Cow) 53.The Month of Ramadan.
(Verse183 To Verse185)

54.Allah Is Always Near

Traditional Order (Verse186)

55.Allowances after Nightfall.

Chronological Order of Quran
56.Warning Against Injustice

57.True Righteousness

58.When can You Defend Yourself?

(Verse190 To Verse193)

59.On the Sacred Months.


60.Don't Abandon Allah's Cause.


61.Perform the Pilgrimage to Mecca.


62.More Pilgrimage Rituals

(Verse197 To Verse199)

63.Remembrance of Allah in All Places.

(Verse200 To Verse203)

64.The Temptations of Earthly Life.

(Verse204 To Verse207)

65.Be Firm in Your Resolve.

(Verse208 To Verse213)

66.Be Prepared for Testing and Trial.


67.What is Good Charity?


68.Fight, but Only in the Way of Allah.

(Verse216 To Verse218)

69.Liquor and Gambling have More Harm

than Good.

70.Fairness to Orphans.

71.Don't Marry an Idol-worshipper.


72.An Intimate Prohibition.


73.Intimate Permissions.

74.Fairness during Times of Marital

(Verse224 To Verse227)

75.On Divorce.

76.Women are Allowed to Start a


77.Don't Take Marriage and Divorce

(Verse230 To Verse231)

78.Don't Prevent former Wives from


79.On Child Care and Maintenance


80.On Widows and Remarriage.

(Verse234 To Verse235)

81.Dowry Details.
(Verse236 To Verse237)

82.Don't Neglect the Prayer even in

Times of Fear.
(Verse238 To Verse239)

83.Provide Support for Widows.

(Verse240 To Verse242)

84.Running from an Enemy won't Save

(Verse243 To Verse244)

85.Support Allah's Cause with What He

Gave You.

86.The Children of Israel Ask for a King

(Prophet Samuel,King Saul,Saul’s Victory,David
Kills Goliath)
(Verse246 To Verse251)

87.On Religions of the Past.

(Verse252 To Verse253)

88.On the Importance of Charity.


89.The Verse of the Throne.


90.Free Will in Accepting Islam

(Verse256 To Verse257)

91.The Story of Abraham and the

Arrogant King.

92.Story of Ezra

93.A Demonstration for Abraham.

(Verse260 To Verse261)

94.Charity is Not for the Humiliation of

(Verse262 To Verse266)

95.What is True Charity?

(Verse267 To Verse271)

96.Charity is a Sincere Offering

to All Who Need It.
(Verse272 To Verse274)

97.The Prohibition of Interest and Other

Business Matters.
(Verse275 To Verse277)

98.You can Keep Your Original Money.

(Verse278 To Verse281)

99.The Importance of Business Contracts.

(Verse282 To Verse283)

100.What should We Believe In?

(Verse284 To Verse286)

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