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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: 1M- Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality- 2nd Sem.- 2020-2021

College: Arts and Sciences

Campus: Bayombong Campus

DEGREE COURSE NO. Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality

SPECIALIZATION COURSE TITLE Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality


Republic of the Philippines

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

Activity 2

Name: Parantela Kyla Mae N.

Is it possible to live in a lawless society? Defend your answer in 300 words.

It is not possible to live in a lawless society because there is a possibility that the country , city , town ,
or district could lead to the destruction of society . And in case a state does not have a law , people
will not hesitate to do bad things to their fellow human beings that can lead to inhumane activities . It
can lead to killing someone for need or maybe raping someone for the call of the flesh . Every country
, every city , every town , every district present in this world must have rules and regulations to
follow . We need laws to help a society to function justly . That ‘s why people choose the ruler of the
government to have a leader who enforces these laws and if the laws are violated then the
punishment will be faced by the violators . The laws was made not only for people but also for
animals that were seriously abused against the abusive people . Laws are made so that people act
appropriately and before doing anything wrong , you should think wisely and carefully . It contributes
to the human activities that take place in the state . A violator of these rules faces serious trials and is
punished by the state . You could be imprisoned for life if your sin was inhumane . In simple words ,
Law acts as a guidelines to the people and is believed to be good for the human relations . It is a set
of rules and regulations decided by the state or sovereign and followed by the people of that place.

But not every society has rules which protect everyone. Therein lies the difference. If they didn’t, our
society could not operate properly. There would be no laws, rules or regulations regarding the
environment, traffic safety devices, or repair of streets and roads. Sidewalks wouldn’t be shoveled
and open to the public. Crimes would be committed, and there would be no punishment or

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Social Sciences and Humanities Department
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: 1M- Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality- 2nd Sem.- 2020-2021

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Social Sciences and Humanities Department
Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: 1M- Legal Aspects in Tourism and Hospitality- 2nd Sem.- 2020-2021


What is your position in the territorial disputes in South China Sea / West Philippine Sea? Elaborate
your answer by doing a thorough research on the matter. Cite your references. No minimum number
of words needed.

In my opinion, it is right and just too solely giving the exclusive sovereign rights to the Philippines.
Since, it is clearly in the Philippines’ Area of Responsibility. And according to the UN Arbitral Tribunal,
China’s “nine-dash line” is invalid.

It is truthfully sad that China can’t even bend down on the decision of the UN. China, with all its might,
refused to honor the said decision. It is also disappointing to know that China didn’t even make an
effort to attend to the hearing, knowing that we (Filipinos) and Chinese were actually business
partners since then. China could have shown us some respect by attending the hearing. They could
have at least thought of the Fill-Chinese relationship in the ancient times. China is just like Walter
Keane; she can’t accept defeat in any ways, no matter what happens though, it is absolutely obvious.
China should have at least known when to surrender.

And yes, I agree with what the Tribunal has said: China has violated Philippines sovereign rights.
“Having found that certain areas are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, the
Tribunal found that China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone
by interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, constructing artificial islands and
failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone”, “Chinese law enforcement vessels had
unlawfully created a serious risk of collision when they physically obstructed Philippine vessels” the
tribunal statement said.” It is obviously disrespecting the Philippines: invading one’s property. China
should have known when and where to stop. ONE MUST KNOW HIS LIMITS. And it absurd to claim
one’s possessions when in fact, it is lawfully under another’s supervision (in our case, it’s Philippines’
Exclusive Economic Zone). As per the Tribunal, China’s “historic rights” is invalid and unreasonable. I
just hope that this issue won’t affect the Philippines’ economic relationship with China. I also wish to
retain the smooth relation we, Filipinos have with them, Chinese. Honestly speaking, I am so glad that
after all the fight backs, Philippines at last held the victory.

It is advisable to note that to resolve disputes over territory and maritime rights and interests through
negotiations by the sovereign states directly concerned is an important consensus contained in the
Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea signed by China and all ASEAN
countries, the Philippines included. Now that the document is signed, all parties should honor their
commitment. Moreover, China and the Philippines also have reached explicit consensus at the
bilateral level on settling disputes through negotiations in which leaders of the two countries
“reiterated their commitment to addressing the disputes through peaceful dialogue.”

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Social Sciences and Humanities Department

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