Autonomous Transaction Processing - OCPU Per Hour

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Oracle Investment Proposal (as of 7/22/2021)

Part Description Usage Unit Price Monthly Cost


Autonomous Transaction Processing - BYOL

B90454 Database - Autonomous Transaction Processing - Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - BYOL (OCPU 5952 $0.3226 $1,920.12

Per Hour) [8 x 24 hours/day x 31 days/month]

B90455 Database - Exadata Storage - ATP - Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Storage (Terabyte 1 $118.40 $118.40
Storage Capacity Per Month)

Monthly Total (USD) $2,038.52

Quote is for investment proposal only.

Disclaimer: This sample quote is provided solely for evaluation purposes and is intended to further discussions between you and Oracle. This sample quote is not eligible for acceptance by you and is not

a binding contract between you and Oracle for the services specified. If you would like to purchase the services specified in this sample quote, please request that Oracle issue you a formal quote (which
may include an OMA or a CSA if you do not already have an appropriate agreement in place with Oracle) for your acceptance and execution. Your formal quote will be effective only upon Oracle's
acceptance of the formal quote (and the OMA or CSA, if required). The right to access, use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, disclose or dispose of information revealed or submitted herein is
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