Impact of Road Infrastructure Upon Safety of Road User Abhishek Naik 2019MTPLM010

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• Road accidents in India kill almost 1.5 lakh people annually. Accordingly, India accounts for
almost 11% of the accident related deaths in the World

• India, ranks 1st in the number of road accident deaths across the 199 countries reported in
the World Road Statistics, 2018 followed by China and US. As per the WHO Global Report on
Road Safety 2018, India accounts for almost 11% of the accident related deaths in the

• During the period(2001 to 2011), the number of road accidents in the country increased at a
CAGR of 2.1 per cent.

In the context of Odisha

• Officials said the decline in road fatalities was significant as Odisha’s fatality rate (death per
100 accidents) of 47 was higher than the national average. As per the National Crime
Records Bureau-2018 figures, Odisha had topped the country for registering the highest rate
of hit and run cases.

In the context of Bhubaneswar(Study area)

• The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has identified 10 black spots on the
National Highways in the State where accidents occur frequently.

• From which 5 black spot are present in Bhubaneswar only.

• Seven of these spots are located on NH-5 (Now NH 16) due to error in road designing during
improvement of road projects under the Golden Quadrilateral Programme of the National
Highway Authority of India (NHAI).


Road infrastructure is understood to include all physical assets within the road reserve,
including not only the road itself, but all associated furniture (signage etc), and all
earthworks, drainage, structures (culverts, bridges, buildings etc). 

Road Infrastructure And Road Safety

The geometry of the roadway plays a significant role in road crash frequencies as well as the
crash severity level. Different elements of the road design are important road parameters
affecting the road safety are Cross-section of the Roadway, Roadside Condition, Curvature of the
Roadway, Sight Distance, Access Management. In this study I will work on Cross-section of the
Roadway which include the parameter, Width of the travel lane and Width and type of the

AIM-Study the Impact of cross section elements of road infrastructure upon road user safety
• To identify the existing cross sectional elements of road that effect on road safety.
• To analyze the effect of AADT and capacity of the road.
• To analyze the accident rate on selected road the study area.
• To build prediction model based on AADT, and cross section element.

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