BROCHURE (CHN-Different Family Planning)

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ADVANTAGES: Possible choice for couples with no other option for

birth control and there is no medical side effects.

DISADVANTAGES: No protection from STD’s/Pregnancy and not Having the desired number of children and
effective some sperm may leak prior to ejaculation. when you want to have them by using safe and
effective modern methods. Proper birth spacing is
having children 3 to 5 years apart, which is best
for the health of the mother, her child, and the
family. ——— DOH

- Vasectomy
- A simple operation, the small tube
in scrotum that carry sperm called
vas deferens is being cut to prevent - Also called Rhythm Method
sperm mix in your semen and cause - It is a natural family planning
pregnancy. method
- Based on the timing of ovulation,
ADVANTAGES: No further use of birth control needed, Permanent, approximately before the onset of
and Safe. menstrual period.
DISADVANTAGES: Difficult to reverse and local infection. - Track and chart your menstrual
cycle in a calendar.

ADVANTAGES: No side effects/health issues and completely natural.

DISADVANTAGES: Unreliable because illness or stress may alter the cycle
and there is possibility of pregnancy.
- Tubal Ligation or Tubectomy
- It is a surgical operation in which
the fallopian tubes are cut and tied
to prevent fertilization.
- The eggs can no longer met the
- Also called as Coitus Interuptus
ADVANTAGES: No further use of birth control needed, Permanent, - It involves removing the penis
and Safe.
before ejaculation to keep the
DISADVANTAGES: Difficult to reverse and irregularity of cycle.
sperm from entering the vagina.
- A natural family planning method.-
ADVANTAGES: Reduce painful and heavy-flow period.
DISADVANTAGES: May experience side effects and doesn’t protect STD’s.

- They used a color-coded strings - It is a kind of medicine with

beads to track the days of their hormones. A pill the taken daily to
menstrual cycle and to know when prevent pregnancy.
they were fertile. - It stop ovulation, means there’s no
- A barrier method of contraception. egg for sperm to fertilize.
ADVANTAGE: It doesn’t cause any physical side effects. - Made of very thin latex or a flexible
DISADVANTAGE: It is not very effective if menstrual cycle is shorter than polyurethane.
ADVANTAGES: Less menstrual cycle cramping, Protection for PID (Pelvic
26 days or longer than 32 days. - Female condoms put inside the Inflammatory Disease), and Simple and easy to use.
vagina and male condoms roll over DISADVANTAGES: Does that protect against STD’s and Have side effects.
the erect penis.

ADVANTAGES: Available without prescription and prevent STD’s.

DISADVANTAGES: It can break or leak and can cause irritation,
- A natural postnatal infertility, short
term birth control strategy in which
a woman relies on exclusive - It is a small object goes inside your
breastfeeding after birth to prevent uterus. A long-acting reversible
pregnancy. contraception that contain copper
- Also called the Cervical Mucus or hormone progestin.
ADVANTAGES: Provides passive immunity to infants and Reduces post-partum
Method. - It works for at least 3, 5, or 10 years
DISADVANTAGES: There is no protection against STDs, and it is unreliable if your - It is a type of natural family depends on the type of UID.
menstruation has returned. planning in which a woman learns
to predict ovulation by tracking the ADVANTAGES: A long-term protection and easily remove by the provider.
changing properties of her cervical DISADVANTAGES: May increase cramps and requires follow-up medication.
- During menstrual period, pay
attention to mucus patterns.

ADVANTAGES: Natural and simple to use. Easy to learn.

DISADVANTAGES: 20% failure rate, Requires a lot of effort, and doesn’t - A medication is injected in the
REFERENCES: PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY., (2022). “Family Planning.” Retrieved from
protect from STD’s. upper arm or buttocks of the
Vasupillai, B., (2019). “Permanent methods of family planning ppt.-BIJU.” Retrieved from
- The woman should visit her
McDaniel, A., (2017). “Contraceptive Methods.” Retrieved from

Howard, D., (2016). “Family Planning Methods.” Retrieved from

FACT SHEET., (2014). ” Boston Family Planning Fact Sheet.” Retrieved from
physician every month or after
three months for another session.
Tripp, R., (2013). “Family planning. Contraception. Department of obstetrics and gynecology.” Retrieved from

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