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Magana, Jericho Bryan T.

GED106 – A4

I really think that I deserve to pass the Module 2 because this is the module that I really
worked hard the most. It’s just that I thought that I already submitted the SCI-FI early on. But,
it’s not an excuse. I should have been more responsible. But I still really do think that I deserve
to pass this module after everything I worked hard for. It’s really worth it.
The first thing that I learned about this course is about the technical writing and other genres.
Technical writing’s nature is basically to give directions or instructions just like manuals,
product reviews, etc. Academic writing is the most precise among all the genres because the
contents are all about facts and full of evidences, such as thesis paper, journals, reports, etc.
Business writing is the most professional writing genre because it has a specific aim that
communicates important information to the reader in a clear, concise, and effective manner,
which the writers should consider the purpose, audience, etc. But the genre that I learned the
most is creative writing, because this is where I learn how to make my own sci-fi story and
came up with a lot of ideas. The last one is journal writing where you make a story backed up
with facts and clear evidences.
The second thing that I learned is about how to make a product innovation. Product innovation
is the invention and subsequent introduction of a new or improved version of an existing good
or service. Thanks to Ms. Mangalus, she gave us a 10 guide questions on how to make a product
innovation and we were able to make it.
I also learned about writing specific technical documents, wherein there are two types of it, and
these are process documents that is all about system development or improvement and user
documents that provides information to the customers in using a product. There are 10
components of technical report. It includes Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusions,
References and other components which Ms. Mangalus taught in the MVL. Because of this, I
was also able to contribute well in our group technical report in class.
I learned a lot about the topics in this module. I’m grateful to Ms. Mangalus that taught us a lot
of things that made us to think outside the box. I acquired a lot of knowledge and came up with
a lot of ideas especially on how to write a product innovation and own sci-fi story.

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