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Name: Naomi Ashley A.

Lat______________ Rating _________

Grade and Section: 11-JOBS____________________ Subject Teacher: Mike de Guzman_

Due of Submission: ______________

DYIan Learning Account 5


Give two (2) example scenarios for each type of linguistic meaning below:

1. Phenomenological

2. Semantic
- A child might make use of semantics to understand a mom’s directive to “do your chores” as,
“do your chores whenever you feel like it.” However, the mother was probably saying, “do your
chores right now.”

- To call someone a lady means more than simply being female. Semantics tell us that, if she’s a
lady, she possesses elegance and grace.

3. Syntactic
- Incorrect: While watching a movie, people who text on their phone are very annoying.
Correct: People who text on their phone while watching a movie are very annoying.

- Incorrect: Happy about her upcoming promotion, the trip home was full of singing.
Correct: Happy about her upcoming promotion, Sammie sang all the way home.

4. Pragmatic
- If you eat all of that food, it will make you bigger!
- I heart you!

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