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Sr. No. Contents Page No.

Annexure I– Micro Project Proposal 1-2

1.Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 1

2. Course Outcome Addressed 1

1 3.Proposed Methodology 1

4. Action Plan 2

5. Resources Required 2

6. Name of Team Members with Roll No.’s 2

Annexure II – Micro Project Report 3-8

1.Rationale 3

2.Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project 3

3.Course Outcome Achieved 3

4. Literature Review 3

2 5.Actual Methodology Followed 4

5.1 Flow chart 5

5.2 Source code 4-6

6.Actual Resources Used 7

7.Outputs of Micro-Projects 8

8. Skill developed / Learning out of this Micro-Project 8

9. Applications of this Micro-Project 8

Annexure I

Micro Project Proposal

Bookshop Management System using VB .Net

1. Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

1) It provides “better and efficient” services to members.
2) Reduce the workload of employee.
3) Faster retrieval of information about the desired book.
4) Provide facility for proper monitoring reduce paper work and provide data security.
5) All details will be available on a click.

2. Course Outcome Addressed:

Create A simple Bookshop Management System

3. Proposed Methodology:
While creating new software we should analyze what is the basic need of the
software.Analysis is nothing but a planning of creation of software to get proper output from
it. Analysis is details study of projects that you want to show in your software solving
problems The basic need of the software is to save the time of the user with the help of all
useful information. And also to maintain the collection of data in your computer
systematically, so that it’s easy to understand. The proposed system provides lot of facility to
the user to store information of the Books and it provides information in quick time in a
systematic manner. The processing time on the data is very fast. It provides required data
quickly to the user and also in specified manner to the user. All the information of Books
changes is given to the user and also the reports are also generated according to the
requirement of the user. Today it is becoming very difficult to maintain record manually. This
software system easily doest.The job of maintaining daily records as well as the transaction
according to the user requirements. Some advantages are

User – Friendly software

Easy to record all data about the Books and its details

It saves time of the user as well as prevent paper work

It provides the security to the database that is large amount of important data

4. Action Plan:

Sr. Planned Planned Name of Responsible

Details of Activity
No. Start date Finish date Team Members
1 Search the information of 18-09-2021 21-09-2021
different Points 4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30
2 Collect the information 28-09-2021 30-09-2021
of different Poins 4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30
3 Analysis of different 05-10-2021 09-10-2021 Deshmukh Avadhut
information 4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30 Prakash
4 Analysis of information 12-10-2021 16-10-2021
4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30
5 Compression of 26-10-2021 30-10-2021
Information 4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30
PM PM Deshmukh Avadhut
6 Features of Information 09-11-2021 19-11-2021 Prakash
4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30
7 Advantages and 23-11-2021 04-12-2021
drawback of Information 4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30
PM PM Deshmukh Avadhut
8 Final report of project 07-12-2021 11-12-2021 Prakash
4:30 – 5:30 4:30 – 5:30

5. Resources Required:
No Name of resource / material Specification Quantity Remarks
1 Computer WINDOWS 7,2GB RAM, 1
2 Operating System WINDOWS 7 1
3 Software Microsoft Visual Studio 1
4 Browser Google Chrome 1

Names of Team Members with Roll No.’s:

Enrollment No. Name of Team Member Roll No.
1 2010950130 Deshmukh Avadhut Prakash 54

Ms. Deb. S.

Name and Signature of the Teacher

Annexure – II

Micro-Project Report

Bookshop Management System Using VB. Net

1. Rationale:
It is an online web application where the customer can purchase book online. This software is
developed to maintain records of sales, purchase and staff records. The online book shop
website provides customer with online shopping through a web browser. The purpose of this
software is to manage the books in the bookshop. It includes the order processing, stock
management and we developed this software to maintain records of sales, purchase and staff
records. Here, we are try to developed this system which is provide the automation on the any
type of the bookshop. In this system all records are saved in the database for report
generation The book shop contains different types of books of various subjects with various
quality according to the customer’s needs and requirement. The main thing of the book shop
is to maintain lot of records for the daily transaction of the business. It is necessary for every
business to maintain all records, which show the profit and loss of the business.

2. Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

1) It provides “better and efficient” services to members.
2) Reduce the workload of employee.
3) Faster retrieval of information about the desired book.
4) Provide facility for proper monitoring reduce paper work and provide data security.
5) All details will be available on a click.

3. Course Outcomes Achieved:

1. Used Visual Studio IDE to Design Application
2. Developed GUI Application using form Controls And its Events
3. Applied Object Oriented concepts in GUI application

4. Literature Review:
Before developing any new system anywhere, it is imperative upon the developers to
acquaint themselves with environment in which the proposed system would be installed.
Also, it is necessary to interact with the user regarding their demands and the resources
available with them. This gives a clear overview of the improvements wanted and to be
provided. The study and analysis of the proposed system was carried out diligently under the
guidance of experts of the organization. In the existing system, all the work is being carried
out manually. Computers available are just for typing in the excel sheets. Besides him, we
have checked an earlier package being done in FoxPro and the reports created in Excel
sheets for more hints. Identifying needs is the first step while designing a system and
implementation. This is the way to handle user needs, it must be an outgoing process to know
requirements of customer during whole system development life cycle. During this phase the
main things to be considered are got by placing meetings and questionnaires with customer.
Requirements found during all the stages proposed system development are

How the present system work.

Time take to operate the system.
List of contents associated with the system.
Error/failure rate to be acceptable.
Risk factors involved.
Proprietary aspects, liability risks, potential infringement, and political issues to consider.
Human-machine and machine-machine communication.
Interfacing with external environment
The form is the basic object used in Visual Basic application development. It is a window,
initially black on which controls are placed to create the screen display. The forms size,
colors type reprogrammable. Code can be attached to the form, which would be executed
when the form is loaded, closed or when the mouse is clicked or moved on the form. A
simple application may use only one form but a complex application may use many form
activated by various controls pasted on the form. Each of the form on the application is saved
in the
Disk as separate file with an extension “Form”

5 Actual Methodology Followed:
It is an online web application where the customer can purchase book online. This software
is developed to maintain records of sales, purchase and staff records. The online book shop
website provides customer with online shopping through a web browser. The purpose of this
software is to manage the books in the bookshop. It includes the order processing, stock
management and we developed this software to maintain records of sales, purchase and staff
records. Here, We are try to developed this system which is provide the automation on the
any type of the bookshop. Visual Basic 6.0 is Microsoft latest and greatest version of the
Visual Basic programming language. Although writing programs can be a tedious chore at
times Visual Basic educes the efforts required on your part and marks programming
enjoyable About Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic marks many aspects of programming as
simple as dragging
graphic object onto the screen with your mouse

Even driven programming

Traditionally programming is essentially linear and is based on the flow of the execution.
Operation runs for fixed span or until they reached a decision Point. At the decision point the
programming branches depending on the point to the program or the status of various
variable of the program. This operation continues till the program is completed. Once the
program execution starts it is impossible to interrupt the activity.
6. Actual Resources Used:

Sr. Name of resource /

Specification Quantity Remarks
No. material

1 Computer WINDOWS 7,2GB RAM, 1

2 Operating System WINDOWS 7 1

3 Software Microsoft Visual Studio 1

4 Browser Google Chrome 1

7. Source Code:
Public Class Form1

Dim total As Double

REM Dim keyascii, vbkeydecpt, vbkeyback As Single

Dim cost, discount, nobooks As Single

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles MyBase.Load









End Sub

Private Sub btntotal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles btntotal.Click

nobooks = Val(txtbooks.Text)

If cbobooktype.Text = "Mathematics" Then

cost = 600

ElseIf cbobooktype.Text = "Marketing" Then

cost = 350

ElseIf cbobooktype.Text = "Accounting" Then

cost = 652

ElseIf cbobooktype.Text = "Economics" Then

cost = 510


cost = 350

End If

If cbobuyer.Text = "Student" Then

discount = 65

ElseIf cbobuyer.Text = "Teacher" Then

discount = 85


discount = 40

End If

total = (nobooks * cost) - (nobooks * discount)

lbltotal.Text = "Rs." & "" & FormatNumber(total)

End Sub

Private Sub btnclear_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles btnclear.Click

cbobooktype.Text = ""

cbobuyer.Text = ""

txtbooks.Text = ""

lbltotal.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub btnexit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

Handles btnexit.Click


End Sub

End Class

8. Outputs of Micro-Projects:

9. Skill developed / Learning out of this Micro-Project:
1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists employees that are
not from IT background.
2. Scalability and extensibility.
3. Flexibility.
4. Robustness.
5. According to the organization requirement and the culture.
6. Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support.
7. Platform independent.
8. Easy to debug and maintain.
9. Event driven programming facility.
10. Front-end must support some popular back end like MS Access.
According to the above stated features we selected Java 1.6 as the
front-end for developing our project

10. Applications of this Micro-Project:

1. Multiple user support.

2. Efficient data handling.

3. Provide inherent features for security.

4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.

5. Stored procedures.

6. Popularity.

7. Operating System compatible.


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