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San Brendan College Technology for Teaching and

Learning 2

Reminders: No Permit, No ID, No Uniform – No Exam/ Use only Black or Blue ball pens/ Use School’s Official answer
sheet/erasures will invalidate your answers.
DIRECTION: Read carefully and choose the best answer.
1. It is very useful to support the standards as they will serve as a guide to assist the teachers to
successfully integrate into the language classroom.
a. CHED c. Policies, Standard and Guidelines
b. ICT Competency Framework for (PSGs)
2. Are ICT tools, which help the teachers and the learners make their learning together concrete,
efficient, encouraging, and meaningful.
a. Open - closed tools or productivity software application
b. Open - ended tools or productivity hardware applications
c. Open - ended tools productivity software applications
d. Close- open tools productivity hardware application
3. Refers to the language teaching strategies or techniques that language teachers use to deliver
their lesson.
a. Pedagogy b. Social Interaction
c. Technology
4. These are the characteristics in the context of language teaching except;
a. Go global
b. Learn new technologies
c. Create a learner centered classroom and make instruction personalized
d. Do vlogging
5. The ICT-enhanced Teaching, Complex Problem-Solving, and Self-Management are its aspect
of work.
a. Pedagogy b. Organization and Administration
c. Application of Digital Skills
6. Why do we need to create a learner centered classroom and make instruction personalized?
a. Because technology keeps on developing
b. Because it allow students to learn Languages , cultures, and acquire communication skills
c. Because it allows the use of devices as aids to language acquisition
d. Because leaners have different personalities, goals, and needs
7. It is a framework that teachers use of ICT support the development of higher-order-thinking
skills (HOTS) and promotes collaboration (Haddad 2003)
a. Fundamental Elements of ICT Integration by Wang
b. Categories for ICT in teaching training
c. UNESCO ICT Contemporary framework for teacher
8. Go digital help to promote __________
a. Productivity skills
b. go paperless advocacy
c. New technologies
d.communication skills
9. An element which uses computer to support various learning activities.
a. Pedagogy b. Social Interaction
c. Technology
10. What is the purpose of Venn diagram?

2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021 – 2022 Page 1 of 5

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 as working for the lord, not for human masters.-
Colossians 3:23
a. To describe a concept
b. To make decisions
c. To compare snd contrast two or more concept
d. To show a sequence ( as in a process)
11. Which of the following is the correct list of aspects of work?
a. Knowledge Accession, Knowledge Deepening, Knowledge Correction
b. Knowledge Acquired, Knowledge Definition, Knowledge Creativity
c. Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Deepening, Knowledge Creation
12. It is used to refer to various forms of support given to assist, guide, or facilitate the learning
process. ( Word.links.2008)
a. Scaffolding
b. Learning plans
c. Graphic organizer
d. Assessment tools
13. Teachers and learners may use computers to connect and learn through the computers.
a. Pedagogy b. Social Interaction
c. Technology
14. The following are aims to equip teachers to be able to do their roles achieving the following
societal goals, except?
a. Build workforces that have ICT skills and are reflective, creative and adept at problem-
solving in order to generate knowledge
b. Enable people to be knowledgeable and resourceful so they are able to make informed
choices, unmanipulate their lives effectively and realize potential
c. Encourage all members of society irrespective of gender, language, age, background,
location and differing abilities to participate fully in society and influence the decisions
that affect their lives
15. These are the examples of scaffolding for learning that are usually prepared using word
applications except;

a. Learning plans
b. Assessment tools
c. Graphic organizer
d. Go digital
16. Digital Commerce is subscribing and purchasing media using the following tools except.
a. Spotify b. Google Play
c. Radio d. iTunes
17. Digital Access is making sure that all students have equal access to digital technology except.
a. Laptop b. Restroom
c. Digital Cameras d. Internet
18. It is a concept to understand and know to use of technology appropriately.
a. Digital Netizen b. Digital Citisenship
c. Digital Communication d. Digital Citizenship
19. Digital Communication is exchanging information using all of the following except.
a. Email b. Speakers
c. Cellular phone d. Web pages
20. This can include such thing as when to use Eye contact, how to use presentation, how to
connect with an audience, how to use body language and manage time.
a. Organization of the presentation
b. Setting up the presentation class
c. Presentation skill

2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021 – 2022 Page 2 of 5

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 as working for the lord, not for human masters.-
Colossians 3:23
d. The use of visual aids
21. Digital Law is understanding how to use and share music, photos, and movies illegally.
a. True b. False
c. Maybe d. Sometimes
22. It is the material that student have read, organized and summarize has to presented orally, to
convey a clear message to an audience of peers

a. Writting
b. Speaking
c. Listening
d. Reading
23. Using computers to buy and sell items on commercial websites and auction sites.
a. Digital Access b. Digital Commerce
c. Digital Communication d. Digital Law
24. Respecting others online by not posting information that is hurtful or untrue.
a. Digital Citizenship b. Digital Netiquette
c. Digital Literacy d. Digital Etiquette
25. It is very important to consider and developing oral presentation to spend time to consider the
macro and micro skills that are needed

a. Organization of the presentation

b. Setting up the presentation class
c. Presentation skill
d. The use of visual aids
26. Digital Etiquette is using technology in a way that doesn’t affect others negatively.
a. True b. False
c. Maybe d. Sometimes
27. Digital Rights and Responsibilities means…
a. Using technology inadequate
b. Having the rights to privacy and freedom of speech
c. Reporting of appropriate use of technology resources
d. All of the above
28. Learning about the basics of using a computer like how to find information into specific one.
a. Digital Etiquette b. Digital Access
c. Digital Literacy d. Digital Knowledge

2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021 – 2022 Page 3 of 5

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 as working for the lord, not for human masters.-
Colossians 3:23
Answer key
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. B
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. B
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. D
28. C

2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021 – 2022 Page 4 of 5

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 as working for the lord, not for human masters.-
Colossians 3:23
2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021 – 2022 Page 5 of 5
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 as working for the lord, not for human masters.-
Colossians 3:23

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