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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Does your child show ➤ If I were a billionaire... A student ➤ IPL 2022: RR seek
TODAY’S signs of nervousness? puts himself in the shoes of a bil- another Buttler show FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2022
Newspaper in

Experts give tips on how

lionaire and charts out his vision on vs CSK to clinch

to control anxiety-led
habits in ‘Family Time’
how he would spend his wealth for
the development of mankind
play-off spot

CUET for PG admissions from 2022

China, US lead in global debt to record high $305 trillion: IIF

academic session: UGC chairman
The University Grants Commission (UGC)
has decided to intro-

Is it an alarm
duce the common
university entrance
test (CUET) for post
graduate courses
also from this year,
chairman Jagadesh

to the global Kumar said on Thursday. The decision

comes weeks after the UGC chief
announced that CUET scores, and not

class XII scores, will be mandatory for
admission to 45 central universities and
that the central universities can fix their
minimum eligibility criteria.


India fastest-growing major econo-
my: UN
How can As the Ukraine conflict impacts the global
countries GDP, India is projected to grow by 6.4 per
repay cent in 2022, slower than the last year's
8.8 per cent but still the fastest-growing
their major economy, with

World's two largest
higher inflationary
and the US— bor-
rowed the most in
the first quarter of 2022 as global debt rose to a record above
DEBTS pressures and
uneven recovery of
the labour market
o meet debt pay-

$305 trillion, data from the Institute of International Fi- curbing private con-
nance(IIF) showed on Wednesday. In fact, recently the World
Bank had also warned that due to increasing interest rates,
ments, at least 100 WHAT IS DEBT or near this point. When low-
income countries get into debt dis-
In 2021, sumption and
countries will have to the coun- investment, according to a UN report. The
the developing nations will face added debt pressures. Glob-
al debt is borrowing by governments, businesses and reduce spending on health, edu- tress, it’s associated with “protract- tries with the global economy is now projected to grow
people, and it’s at dangerously high levels, warn experts. cation and social protection, the  Debt distress is when a country is ed recessions, high inflation and highest glob- by only 3.1 per cent in 2022, down from
IMF estimates. If countries unable to fulfil its financial obliga- fewer resources going to essential al debt levels com- the 4.0 per cent growth forecast released
In 2021, global debt reached a record $303 trillion, sectors like health, education and
default on their debts, it can tions, such as repayments due on its pared to GDP were in January 2022.
according to IIF. This is a further jump from record social safety nets, with a dispropor-
global debt in 2020 of $226 trillion, as reported by cause panic on financial mar- debt. The IMF and World Bank believe Japan (257%),
tionate impact on the poor”, the
the IMF in its Global Debt Database. This was the kets and economic slowdowns. 60% of low-income countries are at
World Bank says
Sudan (210%), ENVIRONMENT
biggest one-year debt surge since World War II, For businesses, meeting repay- Greece (207%), Climate change is making record-
according to the IMF ments on high levels of debt Eritrea (175%) and breaking heatwaves in India
\ can mean less money is avail- EFFECTS OF DEBT IMF says Rising prices mean infla-
tion is spiking, so central banks are
Cape Verde (161%), Climate change has
able to invest in jobs and DISTRESS according to Visual made the odds of a

are the global factors increasing interest rates to try and
affecting the crisis:  At a time when the war in Ukraine contain this. Rising interest rates, in Capitalist record-breaking
expansion. Insolvency is also a
Emerging and de- heatwave hitting
v e l o p i n g risk for businesses that are is disrupting food supplies and push- turn, mean higher loan repayments
ing food prices higher, countries that  Sri Lanka is said to be the northwestern India
economies have been the worst hit by previous debt crises, unable to pay back their loans.
the World Bank research shows. Covid-19 caused high “strain to pay their creditors will also first country to buckle and Pakistan 100
For households, high levels of
spending on measures to protect jobs, lives and livelihoods. struggle to help their poorest citi- times more likely to
debt can force them to cut under the mounting
“Now, the war in Ukraine is adding risks to unprecedented
zens, warn expertsAs food and fuel economic pressures happen, scientists said, as the two coun-
levels of public borrowing,” the IMF warns in a blog. The some areas of spending, such tries experience high temperatures that
current debt wave is the world’s fourth since 1970, as food or fuel. Low-income prices soar, governments may need triggered by vari- are disrupting daily life. In an analysis, cli-
the World Bank says. According to a UN report released to give more grants to households in ous pressures,
in April, 107 countries are dealing with the shocks of ris- households are most at risk, mate scientists found that climate change
need to help them cover costs, par- including debt
ing food prices, energy prices and tougher financial con- the IMF says results in an increase of heatwave to once
ditions, which has increased the risks of global debt. ticularly in low-income countries, the distress
in every 3.1 years.


ed up with their daily ordeal, Greater Kailash II. “When we
kraine President

six Delhi schoolgirls, residents go to school, the moment I
Volodymyr Zelenskyy‘s life “Who is he? What of Greater Kailash and Chit- step out of the house, the
taranjan Park, have filed public in- dusty air covers me. It gets
story – from comedian to makes him tick? terest litigation in Delhi high court into my nose and then by the
war-time leader – has been given Why is he the right demanding fulfilment of their “right time I reach the classrooms,
the graphic novel treatment in leader for Ukraine to a clean and healthy environment”. I am coughing and sneezing,”
Responding to the petition that the said Bani, who studies in
TidalWave Comics’ latest biography, at this moment? road in their localities are in decrepit Mothers International
'Political Power: Volodymyr Those are the state and uncovered by bitumen, the high court has School. Five of the six students use a carpool
Zelenskyy.' The 22-page glossy, asked civic authorities to restore the road and file to reach school while one travels in the school
things I was curi- a status report before the next hearing on July 19. bus. They pointed out in their petition that the
released on Wednesday, tells the
story of how Zelenskyy, who once ous about when I Bani Gupta, 11 , complained of being covered roads in front of their houses have lane unre-
with dust whenever she left her home Masjid Moth, paired for a long time and were not carpeted.
played a fictional president in a TV started the
show, swept to power in 2019, prom- research,” said
ising to end a war with Moscow- writer Michael Frizell. The artist of the
I consider India as a story- backed separatists in eastern book, Pablo Martinena, has also drawn
Ukraine. He had no political experi- biographies on David Beckham, Nelson
teller's country. Not just ence when he took office as the
Mandela and Donald Trump
now, but in ancient India country’s sixth president.
also ‘katha’ was a very
important part of our culture.
Play sports for the love of it,
Why the topic of weight —
Whether it's at home, whether loss or gain — needs to SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2022
Newspaper in

stop being an ice-breaker?


it's the storytelling by grandpar- woman to fly solo and nonstop across the

Kapil Dev urges kids

Here’s how you can strive to
Atlantic. We tell you some trivia about the
ents to children or in the society be more body positive and
intrepid aviators
body neutral
where you have congregations, ndia's first world-cup winning cricket captain Kapil Dev
storytelling is an important part.
So I think the next era can I urged kids to play sports for the love of it, and com-
munity leaders to think in terms of delivering cricket
pitches so that more people could take up the game in
Weather changes have a profound
effect on human health and
The joy (and power) of surprise
PLUS: Living near a forest is good
belong to India, especially in New York and other places in the world. Kapil Dev wellbeing. So, is climate
for your brain; Is texting making
you anxious?
terms of global stories and ideas answered questions with his signature humour and can- change confusing your body?
dour at a fundraiser-cum-spread-the-word event for PLUS: How’s your
coming out of India. It will be a gut feeling?
cricket's uptake in New York. Kapil Dev's presence How to live your life,
great festival for us, and we all drew eclectic fandom to a packed room at the Indian Ruskin Bond style
Consulate in uptown Manhattan.  TRIVIA TIME
look forward to it On May 21 — five years
PLUS: What is a
multiverse in Marvel
Prasoon Joshi, Chairperson, We produce more doctors, scientists, engi- apart — American
Cinematic Universe
neers in our country because parents want aviators Charles
The Central Board of Film them to. The day parents want their kid to Lindbergh and
Certification, at the become a sportsperson, we will produce Amelia Earhart
A look at the
Cannes film festival all champions successfully
basics of
KAPIL DEV became the
first man and
02 “A happy family is but
an earlier heaven.”
FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2022


Tips for parents to prepare themselves

eaving home can be dif- open communication with how Did you wish you had time to
ficult for a young adult, you feel, how they feel, and read more? Perhaps a solo trip?
but it can be harder for help each other to wrap around Or you always wanted to have
the parents. Having spent so the change. your own start-up? Now is your
many years taking care of You can also pour your chance!
your child, the change that heart out to your friends or
comes with them moving out family members who can
– for college or a new job –
isn’t an easy one. Coping with
this change of not having your
guide you through the change
or who have gone through the
same place as you currently
f most of your life revolved
around being a parent, it
might feel awkward to not car-
child around everyday can be are experiencing. Know that if ry on with that role as engag-
difficult, but know that it’s they can deal with it, then so ingly as you did before. To deal
completely natural and every- can you. with this, you need to intro-
one takes time to adjust. spect and realise that you are
Remember that this isn’t an BRING BACK THE LIST more than just a parent. Know
ending, it’s a new beginning. that you’re still very much a
Allow yourself the time and
space to process your new sit-
uation, and have compassion
been limited. Yes, you may not
talk as often as you used to, but
in the bond you share with
your child. The distance might
W e all have ‘the list’ of parent, only this role will like-
things we
always wanted
ly take up
less of your
for yourself while you do. Here it’s the same relationship with make it even stronger. to do but could- Do you have a time.
are some things you can do to a twist. Take it as a positive n’t because we parenting-related query? You can
ease the discomfort of this challenge and make a mutual TALK WITH PEOPLE WHO CAN were too busy.
Write to us at
also work to
transition. plan to keep in touch. With your kid identify
For some parents and chil-
RELATE moving out, some other
dren that means talking over
the phone every day, while for
others that might mean a
Y ou are certainly not alone
in how you are feeling, so
reach out to others for support.
you’re about to
have a lot more
roles you’d
like to take
time and energy at your dis- on. Maybe you want to be a

J ust because your child has

left home doesn’t mean
your parental connection has
weekly check-in over. Discuss
it with your child and see what
works best for all. Have faith
The person who may under-
stand you the most in this case
may be your partner. Have an
posal. Take a positive per- good neighbour or a mentor to
spective and think about all someone at work, or you may
the things you wanted to do. decide to focus on your friends.



here are various meas- ly, there will not This could take
ures you can take to stop be anything to their focus off of
your child from biting their bite on. the nails.
fingernails. Here are some

STRATEGIES TO effective strategies:


one of the best ways to avert
HABIT: To help your
child stop biting their nails,
you have to make them aware
NAL: Parents and chil-
dren should decide on a sig-
nal that would alarm the kid
Lionel Messi suffered from growth
hormone deficiency; here are the signs to
STOP CHILDREN your child’s habit of chewing
on nails. If you
cut them
of their habit. Talk to your
child about what’s bothering
them and let them know you
when he or she is indulging
in nail biting. You can either
gently tap or touch on their spot in your kids. One of the best
regular- can help them. Help them arms or give them a nod. footballers in the world, Messi,
FROM BITING break the habit.

SHIFT FOCUS: Keep your

child’s hands and fingers
ISH COATING: Another way
to avert nail biting is by
suffered from a rare disorder
that almost cost him his career

THEIR NAILS focused on something else, so

they do not feel the urge to
bite on the nails. Give them
an anti-stress toy or a fidget.
using a bitter coating on the
nails. This would instantly
stop the child from biting the
nails. W
hen he was just 11-years-old, the Argentinian player was
diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency (GHD), a condi-
tion caused by insufficient amounts of growth hormone in

indlessly biting or chewing on fingernails is some- the body, leading to an impaired growth and development.
thing both adults and kids do. It is often considered What’s more unbelievable is that Lionel Messi was injected with
an unhealthy, unhygienic behaviour with the risk WHEN SHOULD PARENTS WORRY AND growth hormones in his leg each night when he was just 12 years old.
of making your child more exposed to germs, but sadly it Despite all odds, Messi was signed by FC Barcelona club at the age of
is a habit, many struggle to give up. WHAT SHOULD THEY DO? 13, who also sponsored his medical treatment.
While nail biting is generally harmless and does not
have any serious effects – other than messing up your I n certain rare cases, nail biting can be associated
with excessive stress and anxiety. Continuous biting
nail appearance – it could however indicate nervous-
ness and in some, even anxiety. So, if your child con-
of the nails can sometimes lead to sore fingernails,
which could be accompanied with bleeding. If you no-
stantly bites their nails, make sure you identify the tice a sudden change in your child's behaviour along HORMONE
causes and try to understand why they have devel- with a sudden and escalating nail-biting habit, then
oped this ‘nervous habit’. make sure you consult a doctor. DEFICIENCY?
G rowth hormone is a sub-
stance that is needed to
stimulate the growth of bones
and other tissues that help kids

Y our child bites his or her nails out of habit. It could

have started because of several reasons ranging
from boredom, stress relief, curiousity or imitation.
 Do not nag or punish them for biting their nails.
Instead, help them in positive ways to eventually stop it.
grow and develop. That said,
growth hormone deficiency is
a condition in which the pitu-
Nail biting is commonly known as ‘nervous habit’, which
also includes nose picking, hair twisting, thumb-suck-  Address your child’s anxiety triggers, if any.
itary gland does not produce
enough growth hormones,
ing and teeth grinding.  Communicate with your child and discuss possible ways impairing a child’s growth and TOMS IN CHILDREN
to break unhealthy habits. development.

T he most common sign of


There are two types of growth growth hormone deficien-
cy is growth failure i.e. when
hormone deficiency:
a child is significantly short-

C ongenital GH deficiency:
This is a kind of deficiency
babies are usually born with.
er than kids his or her own
age. This is known as short
Initially, their growth may seem
normal but the symptoms may Other signs and symptoms
start showing when they’re
about 6 to 12 months old.
may include:
 Delayed puberty
Acquired GH deficiency:  A younger-looking face
 Slow tooth development

hildren are extremely
vulnerable. They don’t
understand a lot of
grown up things, but when it AND HEALING
T his type of deficiency occurs
when the body’s pituitary
gland stops producing enough
 Increased fat around the face
and the stom-
comes to feeling emotions like growth hormones for the body ach
sadness, anger, pain and fear,  It is not easy to overcome aware of one’s condition, to to grow normal-
they do so immensely. childhood traumas. Most recognise the wounds, to ly. This can be-
During childhood, one of people even forget the acknowledge the trauma for gin at any time
the closest bonds kids share is during child-
things that happened to what it is.
with their parents. As they grow hood.
up, more people come into the them during childhood, even  Next step involves
picture but their moms and dads though it unknowingly reclaiming control and not
are the primary caregivers who
really matter to them. Parents
impacts them. letting the things in the DIAGNOSIS AND
go over and beyond to provide  That said, first and fore- past affect one’s present TREATMENT
their kids with all the love and most, it is important to be life.
luxury, but often they may say
or do things that may leave a SEEKING A pediatric endocrinolo-
gist could help you with
child emotionally wounded. SUPPORT MAY self-esteem and confidence. Betrayal the diagnosis and treat-
That said, while being a of love, which is why when This fear often follows the ment of growth hormone
child makes one susceptible to
physical injuries, emotional
they grow up they may choose
to alienate themselves so as
Most importantly, accepting
child to adulthood and can lead
to negative personalities. Ei- T his type of wound fosters in
children when their parents

wounds are often something that to avoid rejection. ther a child could grow up to don’t keep their promises. Kids Some of the tests that
go amiss and parents fail to the wounds from the past and become dependent on people’s with this emotion would have
could diagnose the condi-
recognise them in time. So, it is
Abandonment helping yourself let it heal validation or become a bully trouble trusting people, often
tion are:
important that we know all who likes to humili- leading to negative feelings. As
can also bring about a  Blood tests
about the kinds of emotional is-
sues children can face and must
identify them in time, so that it
T his childhood wound aris-
es out of the fear of loneli-
ness. It takes shape generally
positive change in
ate others. they grow up, they may become
extremely controlling, wanting
everything to work according to
 Bone age X-rays
 GH stimulation test
does not get passed on to their between the ages of 0 to 3 either your life their plan.  Brain MRI
adulthood. due to the physical absence of In order to treat GH
one or both parents or because deficiency, one may re-
of negligence. Therefore, aban- Humiliation Injustice quire a synthetic growth
R ejection is a type of wound
that comes along with a feel-
donment is a wound that can be
triggered accidentally or inten-
H umiliation is a child-
hood wound in which
kids have grappled with
A rigid upbringing is what
causes the fear of injus-
tice in kids. Parents who are cold
hormone shot every day. De-
pending on the person’s
progress, the treatment may
ing of non-acceptance and dis- A person who is affected by constant embarrassment and and authoritative or even ex- last several years, up until
missal. It is one of the deepest this trauma may grow up to be criticism. Parents manage to tremely strict all the time may late puberty. It is important
emotional wounds that affects dependent on others, while lack- instill a fear of failure in chil- often burden their children with that the treatment begins as
people from within. Factors that ing the ability to trust. There- dren telling them that they are extreme demands and little room early as it can as the possi-
often give rise to this fear in kids fore, it is important to heal and either bad or good for nothing. for mistakes, leaving the child bility of success is greater.
is rejection by family or rela- give oneself the time to over- Being continuously mocked and with feelings of ineffectiveness
tives. It makes one feel unwant- come this difficult and negative nagged for every action they and uselessness. This wound has
ed, worthless and undeserving emotion. take often takes a toll on their long-term repercussions.

FRIDAY, MAY 20 2022
It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think beyond the
classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
’ve always pondered upon what lies beneath the bright,
Prussian blue waters which conceals so many secrets
inside. If I were a scuba diver, I would have the chance to
venture and explore the depths of the sea. The bright and intri-
cately shaped corals and plants and seaweeds, the schools of
A scuba diver
I f I were a mermaid I would
swim all day. I collect seashells
and I comb my long hair. Help
a stray human here and there.
If I were a mermaid I would be a
A mermaid
If I were a mermaid,
I'd float out to sea.
If I were a mermaid,
I'd feel bad for myself.
The oceans are scorching,
fishes and the aquamarine life would be a treat for the eyes. princess. I would go on a tour of and we can agree
With my flippers and swimming gear, I would swim through the the ocean, checking out any near- that the death toll is rising,
myriad beauties of nature with turtles and other underwater crea- by reefs. I’m afraid to scuba dive no hyperbole. If I were a mermaid,
tures passing by. And if a stroke of luck were by my side, I would come because of all the things that can I'd beg you to see
across sunken ships and would examine the artefacts and bits and bobs it go wrong, but if I were a mer- there's no hope for your land
has to offer. I would glide past the sea weeds and lion fishes and maid, I wouldn’t worry about if you can't save me.
puffer fishes and what not yet admire their beauty from afar. I would I fear that these
bends or oxygen. After a bit of
seize every opportunity I could to possibly glance at every inch and corner of issues will ever be
swimming around though, I would plaguing this earth for eternity.
the water body. And I’d capture images of these memorable experiences through my eyes and these
probably want to turn back into a
treasures would stay engraved in my brain throughout the entirety of my existence. N. PRIYADHARSHINI, Class XI-A1,
human and head home. John Dewey MHSS
AARNA BHATIA, Class VIII, The PSBB Millennium School OMR, Chennai

he mother sank into the sofa yond them. There is so much re-

T with a heavy heart, tears

blinding her eyes. She just
could not believe her ears. In one
sentment in the relationship. Can
we just hold on? Not reacting
would be the best response. Just
sentence he had nullified all that bathe them in your love.
she had done for him over the “To love and to be loved is the
years. She was bleeding within. most purifying of all human ex-
Her deep love for her son was very periences.” When love is such a
casually dismissed by him. More positive and powerful emotion that
than the pain she went through to all of us could experience, why
bring him up, his mockery and
sarcasm pierced her heart like a
dagger, and the pain was unbear-
able. The depth of a mother’s love
was not understood. Ego showed
LOVEor would we choose anything that
would take away that love from a
beautiful relationship? Ego always
seeks to divide and separate. Only
love unites.
its ugly head and caused unbear-
able agony to the woman, who re-
fused to see life beyond her son.
Ego sometimes comes like a
hurricane and displaces all the
comes everything else goes. works? Nobody knows, because
Annihilation of ego gives
birth to love. Ego can sabotage the
most beautiful relationship. Love
is the only way a relationship can
be maintained. To fill our heart
goodness within us. We tem- When the ego within wins, there isn’t one solution for this. with love, or to
porarily forget who we are and the we as a person, lose. For each his own. But one fill our mind
worst in us dances in front of our Adolescent children are thing is very clear, with ego, is a
own eyes, with barely any control. sometimes a huge challenge when there are hor- choice we have
When we come out of it, we some- to the parents. The struggle monal changes in to execute.
ALS children, they get
times regret our actions. Ego con- to maintain a cordial rela- PRINICIP CHITRA PRASAD,
trols us in certain moments. tionship has been an ongo- EA ego involved with Correspondent,
Should we not be in control of our ing one, generation after gen- SPparents. It is not inten-
NSN group of
thoughts and actions? When ego eration. What is the formula that tional though. It is sometimes be- schools, Chennai

K.S. SADIYAH ANJUM, Class 8 a, Kendriya Vidyalaya no. 1, Tirupati
o matter how old we are, can be achieved by working grades? Then let us take a look at
KALAM'S getting good grades is a goal 'smarter' and not 'harder'. Are you the seven important strategies that
for many of us. These goals ready to stop stressing about your will help you score good grades.
2023 I know, it is very hard not to get dis-
tracted by notifications on your
he word ‘Breakfast’ means
T breaking the fast. After a long
break of minimum six to eight
phone or computer. To minimize
distractions and to stay focused, put
hours of sleep at night our morn- your phone on do not disturb mode
ing breakfast serves as an ener- or mute the notifications.
gizing food for the entire day. It im-
proves our attention skills which FOCUS ON EFFECTIVE
is a vital skill needed for learning. PRESENTATION
As students, most of us have the
habit of skipping our breakfast.
resent your answer script neat-
So, let us put an end to this habit
and cultivate the habit of eating
L earning can actually be fun. Let
us adapt different techniques
P ly and legibly. It definitely makes
your answers more appealing to the
. Skandavardhan, UKG of nutritious food to start the day full

J to make learning fun-filled. One person who is correcting your pa-

Velammal Vidyal aya, of energy. per, thereby enabling a better score.
such technique is using mnemon-
Avadi Campus has set a ic devices which helps us to re-
new World Record titled 'Recit- UNDERSTAND member complicated concepts. Al-
ing 10 Prarthana Slokas in ASK FOR HELP
THE CONCEPTS ways enjoy what you read by con-
Least the Time by Young Kid' necting it to real life situations. This ost of us hesitate to clarify
NITIN, Class II, National Mat. Hr. Sec. School, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai in the Kalam's World Records
M ost of us are into the habit of
memorizing the concepts
will definitely help you to make
learning fun-filled.
M our doubts. We feel we would
be judged when we ask for help.
Skandavardhan was also
honoured as 'The World while learning, even before under- But without proper clarity, learn-
Record Legend' for Reciting standing them. Memorization is not TAKE BREAKS ing would become very stressful.
Prarthana Slokas (Daily an effective way to recall informa- So, address anything you do not
tion. Getting good grades is more ime for relaxation is a must understand right during the class
Prayer Slokas) in the Least
Time of 2 Minutes at the ten- about understanding the concepts
which makes you perform well in
T because it helps us to
improve our memory
or right after the class with
your teacher. Never hesitate
der age of 5 years, 4 months
and 10 days as confirmed. your exams. and concentration skills. to clarify your doubts with
This event was organised So, let us understand whatever You are not a robot and your peers. Stay healthy!
by Kalam's World Records in we learn and analyze the informa- no one expects you to be Strive hard! Stay motivated!
Chennai recently. The School tion before registering it in our like one. So, take a 15 Wishing you all the very
Management congratulates mind without entertaining rote minutes break after best!
him in setting the extraordi- learning, which does not improve every 45 minutes of ac- VAISHALI S, XI A,
nary record. our higher order thinking skills. tive learning. NSN Mat. HSS, Chitlapakkam

The Black Chair Day: A punishment MAGNIFICENT
that is now a significant memory MENTOR
You are a special person

P. LAYNA RAHUL, Class 8 A, Billabong High International School, Kancheepuram unishments have a huge our own King Jr., Jawaharlal Nehru, Subash Who ignites the minds of the curi-
share in a student's mem- noise record, Chandra Bose, etc. One lucky class-
ous little ones, You help us to com-
ories of school life. Well, we were at mate got the book on Mahatma Gand-
here's one memory of a pun- our absolute hi. He didn't even try reading the book prehend the world that moves so
ishment our whole class faced talkative and wrote 30 points on Gandhiji and fast. And brings out the hidden tal-
in school. zenith. Sud- went back into the class. Now, he felt ents deep inside us. You instill con-
What makes the day denly, in unlucky, because he was the only one fidence in us to beam with pride...
really memorable was comes the in class while the rest of us were out-
that it was the last full- coordina- side, reading, chatting and spending
You unveil a lot of patience to the
fledged offline day at school before tor. Usually, he asks the prefect to time together. children who have lost their way
the lockdown. It was the last work- name the troublemakers and gives He had no choice but to wait. By You love the children uncondition-
ing day of class VIII. Covid-19 kicked them his "special punishment". This the time the whole class completed ally when they feel abandoned....
in, keeping us away from school for time, everyone in class was involved, the points, it was time for our snack
You motivate us to learn and grow
the next two years and this punish- therefore, we all had to face the black break, and we all went out to play.
ment became a core memory. chair punishment. We had to sit in We didn't know back then that towards our dreams
Our class, 8E was known as the the black chair in the corridor and the next two years would be spent And send us to this big wide world
noisiest yet the sweetest. We were read a short biography of a famous away from school. Now when we that is filled with ups and downs
located close to the staff room, so personality. Once we were done look back, we feel fortunate to have Dear mentors, you are always spe-
we were always under the radar. On reading, we needed to write 30 points a story to tell on this last day. We call
this eventful day, the teacher was about the personality. Only it, the "Black Chair Day".
cial. We know that nothing can
absent. We took full advantage of then were we allowed to go A special thanks to compensate your kind gestures
that and played pen-fights, moved back into class. Pretty con- my classmates for help- Our lives are truly blessed because
around in the class, talked, some structive for a punishment, is- ing me reminiscence this of you. You are our
even started eating their snacks. n't it? day.
second mother
The prefect was trying his best to I got the book on Sir Isaac SIDDHARTH KOTHARI, class
keep the class quiet, but with little Newton. There were other We thank you for
N. PRIYADHARSHINI, Class XI-A1, John Dewey Matriculation HSS, Panruti X, St Joseph's Boys' High being with us....
success. books were on Nelson Mandela,
I'll admit that our class broke Albert Einstein, Martin Luther
School, Bengaluru
Mat. HSS, Chitlapakkam
04 “Age is no barrier. It’s a limitation you put on your mind.”
Jackie Joyner-Kersee, American athlete SIMPLY SPORTS FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2022

RR SEEK ANOTHER In fact, a win will ensure a

top-two finish for Royals as
they will then enjoy a
superior Net Run Rate

(NRR) of +0.304
compared to Lucknow
Super Giants'



aving gone off the boil in the While Buttler is at the top of the batting chart for
last few games, Jos Buttler Royals, Ruturaj Gaikwad came to the party late with
would be eagerly waiting to 366 runs, but none of the others have crossed the 300-
pounce on an inexperienced run mark. Devon Conway, who played more matches
Chennai Super Kings attack in in the second half, has 236 runs to his credit.
order to clinch a play-off berth
for Rajasthan Royals in the IPL
on Friday. A win will take Sanju Samson's men to BIGGEST FAILURE
18 points and help them steer clear of any per-
mutations or combinations for a top-four finish. Most of CSK's senior players like MS Dhoni (206),
Ambati Rayudu (271) and Robin Uthappa (230)
haven't had a great IPL and that has been the
TURN THE HEAT ON biggest failure of the 'Yellow Brigade'. The bowl-
ing suffered a lot because of the absence of an in-
In this backdrop, Royals would like to turn the heat jured Deepak Chahar and the inability to retain
on a lacklustre CSK, who can turn out to be 'party Josh Hazlewood. It was wafer-thin in terms of ex-
poopers' in their final game. To prevent that, But- perience, and they paid the price. Pathirana, with
tler, who is currently leading the batters' chart with a slinging action that is pretty similar to Malin-
627 runs, will need to do better than register scores ga, has caught Dhoni's imagination but he is a
of 22, 30, 7, 2 -- his contribution in the last four work in progress. Similarly, the likes of Mukesh
games. The Royals' success in the tournament has (16 wickets), Simar (3 wickets) and spinner Ma-
got a lot to do with brilliant starts from Buttler, hesh Theekshana (12) are good but not assured
who has three hundred and as many fifties -- most match-winners yet.
of his runs were scored during the first half of the The Royals' bowling attack, perhaps, is one of
tournament -- and Yuzvendra Chahal's 24 wickets. the best in the tournament with the spin duo of
While Chahal has maintained his consistency, in Chahal (24 wickets and ER of 7.76) and Ravichan-
the case of Buttler there has been a slight dip in dran Ashwin (10 wickets at 7.15) creating plenty
form, but the last league game is an ideal time to of trouble for the batters. Prasidh Krishna (15
up the ante before the play-offs. Rookies Mukesh wickets) has been sharp on most days and when
Choudhary, Simarjeet Singh and 'Baby Malinga' Trent Boult (12 wickets) gets the ball to slant into
Matheesha Pathirana will like to show their wares the right-handers first up, it will be difficult for
one last time, but the CSK unit's confidence has any top order. The Royals' qualification is in their
taken a big dent because of its poor batting efforts own hands, and they would like to keep it that way
for the better part of the tournament. with a win against Chennai Super Kings. PTI
Upcoming IPL Match Upcoming IPL Match

MAY 20 7.30 PM MAY 21 7.30 PM
Photo: PTI

Brabourne Stadium, Mumbai Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai

ndia's Jehan Daruvala
will be hoping to convert
a run of three successive

adminton world number one Vik- podiums into a maiden win of
tor Axelsen pulled out of the Thai- the season, as he heads to the
land Open on Thursday, citing an Axelsen and his Chinese opponent Lu Guangzu Circuit de Barcelona-Catalun-
injury he sustained at last week's both took tumbles in the early stages of their ya for this weekend's Spanish
Thomas and Uber Cup finals. first game last Wednesday. The Tokyo Olympic round of the Formula 2 cham-
gold medallist ap- pionship. The Indian racer has
peared to injure his scored a podium in each of
EARLY EXIT ankle on the second The floor was this season's three rounds so
It means the top two seeds are out after the ear- point and was seen gri- far, the only driver of the cur-
really slippery.

ly exit of the out-of-sorts former world champi- macing but was able to rent crop to do so.
on Kento Momota, who slumped out in the first continue. "The floor I'm pretty frustrated Viktor Axelsen Jehan, already a three-
round on Wednesday. "After slipping on the courts was really slippery. I'm time Formula 2 winner whose
last week during Thomas Cup, I suffered a mi- pretty frustrated with with the court aim is to become the first In-
Jehan Daruvala
nor injury which I have been dealing with the the court," Axelsen dian to win the Formula 2 ti-
last 7-8 days," the 28-year-old Dane said on Twit- said after the match. VIKTOR AXELSEN tle this season, will be looking Formula 3 round in 2019.
ter. "After my match yesterday, it has gotten worse Japan's Momota was to further cement his creden- The Spanish Formula 2
and therefore I have decided to pull out from the stunned 21-2, 21-11 in tials as a championship con- round will be held as a sup-
Thailand Open and get 100 per cent again." just 29 minutes by 36th-ranked Zhao Junpeng tender with victory around port event to the Formula One
Thailand hosted the Thomas and Uber Cup of China on Wednesday. Momota has suffered the 4.6-km long track. Spanish Grand Prix. The
Finals at Bangkok's Impact Arena last week and poor form since returning from a career-threat- The Indian racer has weekend will kick off with
several players slipped during matches, raising ening car crash in January 2020. He also had shown strong form at the practice and qualifying on Fri-
concerns about courts not being properly a shock first-round exit at last month's Asia track in the past, taking vic- day with the Sprint race on
mopped. Championships in Manila. AFP tory on his first visit to the Saturday and main Feature
Photo: AP
venue at the season-opening race on Sunday. ANI

Which player defeated win a tournament at the highest level a) Jessica Pegula c) Nishu Kumar
Q3: Simona Halep in Madrid
Open quarter finals?
when she won the Madrid Open. Whom
did she defeat in the final?
b) Jil Teichmann
c) Daria Kasatkina
d) Udanta Singh

Who is the chairperson of

Q1: In which year was the first
women's international Test
a) Emma Raducanu
b) Ons Jabeur
d) Leylah Fernandez
Q8: the IOC Coordination
Commission Paris 2024?
c) Ashleigh Barty Which of the these
cricket match hosted in India?
a) 1990 d) Paula Badosa Q6: professional boxers was the
first one to win the world heavyweight
a) Kirsty Coventry
b) Danka Bartekova
b) 1987
In table tennis, when the championship three times? c) Pierre-Olivier Beckers-Vieujant
c) 1976
d) 1999
Q4: ball touches the net during
a serve but still goes over _________
a) Sonny Liston
b) Larry Holmes
d) Gerardo Werthein
a) The server gets a point c) Muhammad Ali 1. c. 1976
Which athlete is known as d) Manny Pacquaio
Q2: b) The opponent gets a point 2. a. Merlene Ottey
the "Queen of the Track"? 3. b. Ons Jabeur
c) The ball is served again
Who is the all time top 4. c. The ball is served again
a) Merlene Ottey answer
b) Marita Coach
d) The side is changed

Q7: scorer in Indian National
Football Team?
5. a. Jessica Pegula
6. c. Muhammad Ali
Ons Jabeur became the first 7. a. Sunil Chhetri
c) Allyson Felix
d) Jarmila Kratochvilova Q5: Tunisian or Arab woman to
Jabeu a) Sunil Chhetri
b) Gurpreet Singh Sandhu
8. c. Pierre-Olivier Beckers-Vieujant

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