Location: Boscastle, A Small Village in Cornwall, South West of England

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With a 1 in 400 probability of occurring, Boscastle's 2004 flash flood is

considered an extreme weather event. A flash flood is is a rapid flooding of
geomorphic low-lying areas - washes, rivers, dry lakes and basins.

This youtube link provides us with a clear image of what the flood was like:

Location: Boscastle, a small village in Cornwall, South West of England.


Water stores: There are two rivers which flow into Boscastle and they are
the River Jordan and the River Valency.

Date: 16th August 2004

Probability: 1 in 400 but Boscastle is a village which regularly floods, more
recently there was one in 2007.

What Happened:
1. 184mm of rain fell in 24 hours - most of it in a five hour period
on 16th August.
2. Peak intensify of rainfall was over 300mm per hour (which is
3. An estimated 2 million tonnes of water flowed through Boscastle
that day.

1. Weather + climate- A depression formed in the Atlantic
shortly before the flood with the remains of Hurricane Alex which
slowed down on the land making the rainfall more immense. The storm
was localised (this meant it stayed in one place and surrounding areas
received a mere 3mm of water) because there was a trough situated
right on top on Boscastle.
2. Winds - A convergence of the prevailing South-Westerly
winds and the path of the depression cause a vertical uplift of
air. This lead to the creation of cumulonimbus clouds and more
3. Topography/relief - Boscastle is at the bottom of a steep hill
so like a funnel it attracts more overland flow.
1. Land use - The upper part of the village has been developing
(urbanisation!) Also, hedges have been removed to make fields bigger.
2. Lack of any flood control system - in the form of either
raised banks around the river channel or emergency drainage ditches to
catch overflowed water.
3. The sewer & drainage systems- Boscastle had old sewage
systems which had a small capacity. This encouraged surface runoff.

Hydrograph and brute facts...

(Image by Komilla Chadha
 The lag time of the flood is 4.5-5 hours (This is a short lag time)
 The peak discharge is 48 cummecs
 The peak rainfall is 55mm

1. 58 proporties flooded and 4 were swept away by the flood
2. Fortunately no-one died but there was one injury - a broken
3. 32 cars were swept away and never to be seen again
4. A range of infrastructure was badly damaged
5. Sewer pipes were blocked and washed away so raw sewage
contaminated flood water which caused a severe health risk.
6. Four footbridges along the Valency were washed away.
7. Long term disruptions and a major re-building project needed to
take place.
8. Long-term stress and anxiety to people traumatised by the
1. Damage to buildings and services was £2 million.
2. Rescue operation including helicopters, police, fire service was
3. Loss of tourism a major source of income to the village of
1. Damage was caused to local wildlife habitats.
2. There was costal pollution as debris and fuel from cars flowed
out into the sea.

4 Hard engineering defences systems were used; costing £4.6 million

1. The environmental agency made a decision to lay a large relief

culvert that would carry excess rainwater. It is twice the size of the old

2. The River Valency is being widened and lowered from the lower
bridge to the car park, so that it has a bigger capacity and can carry
more water.
3. The height of the car park is being raised using stone removed
from from the river bed. Also barriers are being made for the car park
so that if it floods it takes much longer for the cars to be swept away.
4. There are plans to demolish the lower bridge near the harbour
and replace it with a higher bridge further downstream. This will give
the river more capacity and help to reduce flooding.
1. The Environmental Agency : Builds, maintains and inspects
flood defence for rivers (including Valency and Jordan).They monitor
water levels and flows. They issue warnings, forecasts and implement
major incident plans.
2. The local authority : They deal withs some flooded culverts
and roads. Also, they support police in arranging evacuation and
providing rest centres. They also arrange emergency accommodation
and medical care.
3. Police: The co-ordinate the emergency response in major floods
and helps rescue lives and properties,
4. Firefighters : Rescue people trapped by floodwater and can
pump water our of some buildings.






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