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UAL Awarding Body - Level 3 Creative Media Production & Technology

Unit 13 - Project Proposal

Name Joshua Hanson
Your Project Title Heirs of Sin
Pathway (Preferred Media ‘specialism’):
Games development, Animation, Graphics, Film, TV, Photography, Journalism, Radio, Web. This may be a combination of
one or more.

2-D Art

Section 1: Project Rationale (approx. 500 words)

This section provides you with an opportunity to reflect on, review and summarise your progress and achievements through
the first 12 units of the qualification.
You should outline the knowledge, skills and understanding you have acquired. What you know now, and what it means to
you, compared with what you knew and could do before you started the course, and how this has influenced your choice of
discipline or disciplines and your project proposal.
It also provides an opportunity for you to explain your reasons for choosing a particular discipline or disciplines and to
outline both your immediate and longer-term aspirations.
Through the past 12 units, I have learnt that 2-D Art is an essential part of the machine that is game
design. However, the only thing that I will need to do is wait for the others who are doing everything else
before I can even start to touch it all. I will be doing the 2-D art for the project as I find it to be an
interesting subject within games design and love to draw in my free/spare time. This is also so that I can
improve my art skills so that I can still pursue one of my passions and hobbies.

Section 2 Project Concept: (approx. 200 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to clearly explain the concept and aims of your project, production or
performance and the research and ideas that will support its development. What you anticipate producing, the levels and
types of resources that you will need and an indication of the form in which you will complete and present your final
realisation within the allocated timescale.
This might include an indication of when and how you will use studios, equipment and other resources, how you will make
use of tutorial and peer feedback and where you will incorporate independent study.

The aim for my part of this project is to get all the art done in a swift manner and in a way that makes it so
that I can put as much effort into the project as possible. The other aims of this project if I have time to
manage it all, is to create a rough concept for the game that we are aiming to make. This includes but is
not limited to drawing the backgrounds for the game scenarios that will happen throughout the scripted
event, creating those scenarios in a game engine (either unity or unreal, I’m equally bad at both and need
to relearn them) and then go through it all again to see if there is any adjustments that need to be made.

Section 3 Evaluation and Reflection: (Approx 50 words)

This section provides an opportunity for you to explain how you will reflect on and evaluate your work, as both an ongoing
activity and at the conclusion of your project.
You should describe how you intend to record your decision-making and how you will document changes to your ideas as
your work progresses.
The evaluation should be referenced to your stated aims and be reflective and analytical rather than a description of actions
When working in collaboration with others you should comment on how this may impact either positively or negatively and
steps you can take to minimise disruption in your own progress.

I am going to record my decisions in a written journal and then typing it all out when everything is said
and done. I am also going to make sticky notes and put around my room and take close ups of them all
and put them on a word document.

Section 4: Research Sources and Bibliography

Record the initial research sources, both primary and secondary, that you intend to use.  Your sources of research should
be as wide as possible, including libraries, museums, galleries, journalism, articles, media, galleries, books, film/video,
magazines, TV/radio programmes, web sites etc.

Videos from YouTube including:


Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do Resources / What you will need to do it
Beginning - including independent study - including access to workshops

1 Primary Research – conducting my initial

research through a survey sent on teams
and collecting as many responses as

2 Secondary Research – The final stage of

my research that I am going conduct by
watching videos to improve how I draw
certain things like hands and hair at an
angle to help guide me through the art
process of my journey.
3 Drawing rough sketches of the characters
that will appear in the game that we are
going to make. This include the main
character and 3 other characters that still
need to be discussed and thought through

4 Finalizing the sketches for the MC as he is

the most important character in the game
so I need to make sure that he is done
before I can move onto anyone else.

5 Finishing off the other character sketches

as this should only take me the week to do
because there isn’t too much to think about
when it comes to the design of the

6 Starting on the actual drawing now staring

with the MC. Once he is done then things
should be able to go a lot more smoothly
for me. This is because the amount of
stress that I put on this character will be
reduced as I know I’ve put as much detail
into him as possible.
7 Moving onto the Antagonist now, the
second most important character in the
story as the rival needs to have been
thought as well as the protagonist has, if
even one of them are lacking in design and
thought then people might be disappointed
with one or both of the characters.

8 Next is the shopkeeper, not too much

detail needs to go into this character as he
is only an NPC and there isn’t much
significance behind him until later in the
story. He is just a generic shopkeeper that
no one needs to pay attention to.

9 Finally, the military veteran, just like the

shopkeeper, he doesn’t have too much
that’s interesting about him until mid-way
through the game. He does fight the main
character a bit but there isn’t a whole
bunch of significance towards him.
10 Either drawing the backgrounds for the
game or just writing descriptions for them,
this task will depend on how much time I
have left for the project, if I have the time
that I think I might (aka 2-3 weeks) then I
will be able to fully illustrate the
backgrounds for the game. However, if I
have less than the allotted time, then I will
write out the descriptions for the
backgrounds as that will be less time
consuming and a bit easier on me.

11 Starting the blog and putting all the work

that I have done onto it, this should take a
bit of time as I want it to look as
presentable as possible for whoever is
viewing it.
12 Writing up the reflections for my work and
then submitting them to the blog and any
other post-boxes on teams that I might
have missed.

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