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February 2022
(U//FOUO) COLLECTION SUPPORT PRIMER – Eastern European Conflict
(U//FOUO) The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Intelligence and Analysis Collection Management Division prepared this Collection Support Primer in collaboration with the Cyber Mission Center,
Counterintelligence Mission Center, Counterterrorism Mission Center, Economic Security Mission Center, and Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center to assist DHS and its federal and state, local, tribal, and
territorial (SLTT) partners in identifying and reporting threats to the United States stemming from the potential conflict in Eastern Europe. Please refer to the recently published classified Collection Primer on this topic for
additional information.

(U) Cyber Threats (U) Counterterrorism Threats (U) Economic Concerns (U) Migration and Travel
(U//FOUO) The United States could face cyber threats tied
(U//FOUO) In the event of conflict in Eastern Europe, (U//FOUO) In the event of conflict in Eastern Europe, this
to an Eastern European conflict, including indirect effects (U//FOUO) Americans could be targeted as recruits to
there could be economic ramifications that affect the may cause a mass migration event to nearby European
from cyber attacks and direct effects if an adversary uses participate in the potential conflict arising in Eastern Europe.
United States. nations with potentially indirect effects on the United States.
cyber to respond to US punitive measures.

(U//FOUO) Federal and SLTT partners may be (U//FOUO) Federal and SLTT partners may be
(U//FOUO) Federal and SLTT partners may be (U//FOUO) Federal and SLTT partners may be
well-positioned to identify any potential cyber threats to well-positioned to assist in identifying concerns relating to
the United States that are related to the conflict in well-positioned to assist in identifying counterintelligence well-positioned to assist in identifying US economic
threats resulting from the conflict in Eastern Europe. concerns arising due to the conflict in Eastern Europe. mass migration and travel due to the conflict in Eastern
Eastern Europe. Europe.

(U//FOUO) DHS requests reporting on malign cyber actors (U//FOUO) DHS is interested in foreign malign actors who (U//FOUO) DHS is interested in how a cyber attack may (U//FOUO) DHS is interested in whether citizens affected by
who attempt to acquire information unlawfully, corrupt attempt to recruit Americans to engage in overseas hostilities affect the financial sector. For example, if a cyber attack is this conflict would attempt to travel to the United States. For
data, damage information technology and communications in irregular or regular military units and militias. successful against a US bank, citizens could potentially lose now, there is not any intelligence to suggest a mass influx of
infrastructure, penetrate cyber defenses, and exfiltrate access to their accounts temporarily and have their PII irregular migrants traveling to the United States.
data. (U//FOUO) DHS seeks reporting on patterns and trends exposed from the culpable cyber actors.
relating to Americans being recruited to fight abroad, or (U//FOUO) DHS is interested in the potential for people
(U//FOUO) DHS is interested in information on malign those who are traveling to fight abroad. DHS is not requesting (U//FOUO) DHS requests information on how the global affected by this conflict to use a nearby nation’s Visa Waiver
cyber actors who have attempted to conduct cyber attacks reporting on unique individuals and the personally identifying supply chain could be affected if the US levies economic Program for unlawful entry into the United States.
against US critical infrastructure, SLTT partners, and information (PII) of the individuals engaging in these sanctions against another country.
US-based private sector entities. activities. (U//FOUO) DHS seeks information if changes to VWP
member countries’ border security capabilities and
(U//FOUO) DHS is interested in the tactics, techniques, and (U//FOUO) DHS seeks reporting on RMVEs or DVEs planning information on information sharing on foreign terrorist travel
procedures that malicious cyber actors use to select targets, or intending to travel to foreign conflicts to gain tactical during a potential armed conflict. This includes added
including whether specific victims were targeted within training or participate in conflicts in order to commit pressures to security from an influx of migrants.
networks or systems, and whether the networks contain ideologically motivated violence.
sensitive government information or a critical infrastructure (U//FOUO) DHS requests reporting on Transnational Criminal
component. Organizations that seek to take advantage of this situation by
smuggling people affected by the conflict across the
(U//FOUO) DHS seeks identifying information on malicious Southwest border.
cyber actors who have conducted or are planning to
conduct ransomware attacks against the United States.

(U//FOUO) DHS is interested in the relationships between

cybercriminal actors and state-sponsored actors.

(U) Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to
be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to the public, the media, or other personnel who do not
have a valid need to know without prior approval of an authorized DHS official. State and local homeland security officials may not share this document with critical infrastructure and key resource personnel or
private sector security officials without further approval from DHS.


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