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Aside from just giving appropriate assessment tools, it is imperative that pre-service
teachers need to know how to monitor student progress. In assessment, it is important that
teachers need to know the areas that students can still improve on or the challenges that
can hinder their progress. More importantly, teachers should be able to effectively
communicate these observations among their learners.
Therefore, in this lesson you are going to:
1. Describe how to effectively monitor and evaluate a learner’s progress and
2. Determine how to give feedback to improve learning


At the end of the session, the practice teachers (PTs) will be able to:
● Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and evaluation of
learner progress and achievement using learner attainment
● Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and
constructive feedback to improve learner performance.

In groups 3 or 4, create a diagram of your understanding of monitoring and feedbacking.
Post a copy of your work in the box below and answer the questions that follow.
Why is monitoring student progress important?
Monitoring students progress is important as it enables us teachers to understand
our learners better and this would give us an opportunity to know which type of
instruction, activities and approach will work best for them. Also, this serves as a
determinant whether they have learned and their improvement all throughout the given

Why should students know about their progress?
Students should know about their progress as it would inflict realization for them on
their academic performance. This would enable them to appreciate their skills and work
on developing aspects they are not too proficient with. I also believe that our manner of
delivering our students’ performance matters as it will help them realize we eagerly
monitor their progress.


Complete the table below based on your class observations at the ITL. Your observations
from your co-preservice teachers may count.

Date Grade Level & Subject Observations on Methods Used

Monitoring and Feedback Mechanism


11/9/2021 Grade 10& ESP “Interval Questions during Positive feedback -

Discussion” Teacher Pinky and partner
(Week 4)
Support better (me) provides suggestion to
planning and their queries and gives
relevant feedback & reaction
decision-making to students’ responses.

11/15/2021 Grade 10 & ESP “Boy, Meron Akong Kwento” Positive feedback -
(Week 5) Support learning and Teacher Jaymie activates the
exchange 4Cs skills of the students and
freely compliments them with
the continuous flow of the
make-story activity.

11/22/2021 Grade 10 & ESP “Dignidad Ko, Pagyayamanin Negative feedback -

Ko!” Teacher Rubylyn opted to
(Week 6)
Provide promptness ‘authoritative’ mode during
and accountability to the activity to remind
students that they should
learners access the link in that very
moment and reduce
Is/Are the feedback mechanism/s used by the teacher appropriate? Why?
Yes, the feedback mechanisms used by the teachers are appropriate as they are all
plausible in the situation. There are times that the teacher should tolerate good
performance and encourage students but there are also time when we should remind
them of their duties as a student and be more prompt about it in order to bring the
process back to its stable and proficient state.

How did the teacher monitor the learner’s progress and achievement?
The teachers monitor the learner’s progress and achievement immediately as it was
done during the synchronous sessions. For example, the students recited or shared
experiences during the discussion, we give relevant feedback on their response then
process their answer or experience for the whole class to percept them.


Reflect on your observations above and analyse how did the teacher facilitate monitoring
and feedback based on the RISE model of feedback shown below:
At which level where most of the strategies of the teacher belong?
The ‘suggest’ & ‘reflect’ are the level where most of the strategies of the teacher/s
belong. It is because they are more on giving immediate feedback during the
synchronous class session. They tend to give suggestion in the part where they initiate
sharing of their experience or asks questions during discussion. Most teachers acquire
the reflect level as they are more on giving

What can you suggest to help the teacher improve his/her monitoring and feedback
The activities used during the synchronous sessions are conducted within limited
timeframe and for this reason, they have not been able to take it on the highest level of
meaningful feedback which is ‘elevate’. Maybe it can be achieved with a much deeper
and engaging activity next time or allot an asynchronous tasks for them to do within a
week and teacher will give feedback on the next synchronous session.

How about you, at which level is your skill in monitoring and feedbacking? What do you
plan to do to improve it?
I think I am more on in the ‘suggest’ level as I am in the state of enabling our students
to improve in their current state and as I am also developing myself as a teacher. Soon, I
would like to be proficient enough to give an ‘elevate’ feedback which is the highest level
of meaningful feedback. If I will be given a time or opportunity in the future, I would like
to guide my students to develop their self more just like our supervising instructor did to
us within the couple months of Term 1.

Find professional readings about feed-backing, monitoring, and evaluating learners’
progress and achievement.

Title: Teacher Feedback to Improve Student Learning: A Guidance Report

Author(s): Joe Collin & Allex Quigley

Reference: Collin, J., & Quigley, A. (2021). Teacher Feedback to Improve Student Learning: A
Guidance Report.

What insights have you learned from the research you have read?
The insight I have learned from the research I have read is that teacher feedback to
students’ progress is an important component of teaching and learning process. This is a
top goal for us, teachers and is frequently related with with the goal of increasing student
achievement Furthermore, data to date has failed to identify precisely 'what forms of
feedback are likely to be relevant in a specific context'. It also states that feedback
supports learning yet poor delivery of feedback could hinder it as well.

What specific strategies have you learned to improve your monitoring and feedbacking
There are various strategies that I have learned in the research to improve my own
monitoring and feedbacking skills. Firstly, I must understand the foundations of effective
feedback and the manner of delivering it as it is vital for us to execute it properly. As we
do this, we must also plan & perceive how our students will take our feedback on their
progress, making sure that it must be purposeful and efficiently in time. The study also
proposes that the school policy should contribute to the betterment of feedbacking and
monitoring of its students by prioritizing and exemplifying the principles of effective
feedback among their teachers.

How will you apply what you have learned from the research?
I will apply the insights and ideas I have learned from the research by starting to
improve myself in the aspect of delivering and manner of speaking as it is essential for us
to deliver feedback in a precise, professional and encouraging manner. Specially, I have
learned that we must also have a course on action depending on our feedback for each
student as we need to level them up to contribute to their academic progress.

Prepare a copy a written and performance task you have conducted in your class and post it
in this section. Describe how you have conducted the monitoring and feedback in
facilitating the said activities and which principles of assessment you have followed.


This is the task that I have prepared for my students to assess what they have learned
on that day’s discussion. I am glad that they have been able to access the technology
integration though some students who are having difficulties with internet connectivity
input their answers in the Zoom chatbox. While answering the task, I give feedback to some
of the early answers in the application though we are constraint in time, I still read their
responses asynchronously. I think the “Flexible” Principle of Assessment best suited my way
of executing the tasks as we are able to conclude the activity within the limited timeframe
and conducted synchronously online. I am very glad of our flow and realized that effective
assessment is a two-way process between the teacher and the student.

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