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alm NAME NAME Institute In front of Singhdurbar, Putalisadak Tel: -01- 4231144 Model Questions for Common Medical Entrance MBBS/BDS/BSc Nursing/BASLP 2078 Day Shift (Set-XXxXiIl) Date: Chaitra 10%, 2078 (Thursday) Duration - 3 hrs Venue: NAME Time-12PM INSTRUCTIONS There are 200 multiple-choice questions, each having four choices of which only one choice is correct.@ill(_) the most appropriate one. Note: According to new MEC evaluation system, there is a percentile system with deduction of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. 10. " 12. 13, 14. Curved portion of the Henle’s loop of the nephrons are lined by: ‘a) Squamous epithelium b) Columnar epithelium ©) Ciliated epithelium d) Cuboidal epith Striped muscles are a) syncytial b) uninucleate ©) binucleate d) anucleate What is the function of neuroglial cells? a) Formation of neurons b) Destruction of neurons ) Protection of neurons 4) Transmission of impulse along with neurons The outermost sheath of connective tissue that surrounds a skeletal muscle is: a) Epimer b) Epimere ©) Epimerite 4d) Epimyseium In AIDS, HIV kills: a) antibody molecule b) T-helper cell ) Bone marrow cells d) T-cytotoxic cell Characteristics of cancer are: a) all viruses are oncogenic b) all tumours are cancer ©) cancerous cells shows property of contact inhibition 4d) cancer cells show metastsis Which of the following disease is spread by housefly? a)Dengue fever _b) Encephilitis, ©) Amoebiasis 4) Filariasis Identify the odd one from the following? a) Labia minora —_b) Fimbrae ©) Infundibulum d) Isthmus Which among the following has 23 chromosomes? a) Spermatogonia __b) Zygote ©) Secondary oocyte d) Oogonia The primary dentition in human differs from permanent dentition not having one of the following type of teeth? a) canine ) Premolar c) Molar 4) Incisor Reduction of pH of blood will: a) reduce the blood supply to the brain b) decrease the affinity of haemoglobin with oxygen c) release bicarbonate ions by the liver 4d) reduce the rate of heart beat Choose the incorrect pai 8) Dupp- opening of semilunar valve b) Lubb- sharp closure of AV node ©) Initiation of heartbeat AV nodal tissue of heartbeat d) Pulmonary artery- Deoxygenated blood artery Which of the following is also known as antidiuretic hormone? a) Oxytocin b) Vasopressin «) Adrenaline 4) Calcitonin What is the function of Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus? 2 15. 16. 47. 18. 19. 20. 24 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 4) Filtration of blood ) reabsorption of hormones from blood Glenoid cavity articulates: a) clavicle with armomian ©) clavicle with scapula Corpus callosum connects tw: a) ventricles of ‘brain ) cerebellar hemispheres wi the balance of body and posture? a) basilar membrane and otoliths ¢) tectorial membrane and macula ) reabosrption of ions from blood d) reabsorption of water from blood ) scapula with acromian d) humurus with scapula b) cerebral hemispheres 4d) optic thalamus h of the following receptors are specifically responsible for maintenance of b) hair cells and Organ of Corti d) crista ampullaris and macula Which of the following pituitary hormones works indirectly? a) MSH b) TSH In Plasmodium, Schizogony occurs in: a) Asexual phase in Anopheles c) Asexual phase in Homo. Exflagellation occurs during: a) Maturation of female gametes ©) Ookinete formation ©) GH d) Oxytocin b) Sexual phase in Anopheles 4) Sexual phase in Homo b) Formation of micro- gametes 4d) Growth of trophozoite Fertilization and development in earthworms occur within the: a) Spermathecae —_b) Cocoon ©) Prostate gland) Seminal vesicles ‘The waste collected by nephridia is poured into: a) anus b) Clitellum —c) Pharynx 4) Digestive tube Which of the following metalloprotein found in the blood of earthworm? a) Haemoglobin —_b) Haemerythrin The dentition of frog is: ‘a) homodont, acrodont, polyphyodont c) homodont, thecodont, diphyodont c)Haemocyanin —_d) Chlorocruonin bb) heterodont, thecodont, polyphyodont d) heterodont, acrodont, diphyodont From which embryonic structure develops the vertebral column in frog? a) neural canal b) archenteron ©) notochord 4d) blatocoe! Rana tigrina displays all of the following habits EXCEPT: a) camouflage b) aestivation ‘A metazoan without tissue organi: a) parazoa b) protozoa ) hibernation d) endothermy tion is called: ©) eumetazoa d) dermatozoa In Hydra, undigested food and nitrogenous waste materials are removed respectively from: a) mouth and body wall c) mouth and nematocyst Cysticercus is the larval stage of: a) lvertluke b) pinworm b) mouth and tentacles 4d) body wall and mouth ©) tapeworm d) roundworm, 30. 34. 32. 33, 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39 40. a 42. 43. Which one of these is an insect? a) mite ) crayfish ©) silver fish d) goldfish Echinodermata is a group of animals which are: 1a) coclomate, spiny and marine b) Acoelomate, spiny and marine ) Coelomate, spiny and freshwater 4) Colemoate, homy and marine Presence of two types of nuclei, micro-and macronucleus, is characteristic of a) Sporozoa b) Flagellata ©) Ciliata d) Sarcodina In Tunicates, notochord is found a) tall in adult b) test of adult ) head of adult d) tall of larva Choose the correct statement: a) all mammals are viviparous b) all reptiles have a three-chambered heart ©) all pisces have gills covered by an operculum d)all cyclostomes do not possess jaws and paired fins From a long time, it was believed that life came out of decaying and rotting matter ce straw, mud, etc. This was the theory of: a) catastropism b) spontaneous generation ) panspermia 4d) chemogeny Animal husbandry and plant breeding programmes are the examples of: a) reverse evolution b) arlficial selection _c) mutation d) natural selection ‘The most recent era in geological time scale is: a) Mesozoic b) Coenozoic ©) Palaeozoic d) Proterozoic ‘The chronological order of human evolution from early to the recent stages is: a) Ramapithecus — Australopithecus— Homo habilis— Homo erectus b) Australopithecus—> Ramapithecus— Homo habilis—+ Homo erectus ©) Pithecanthropus pekinensis—> Homo habilis-» Homo erectus 4d) Australopithecus -» Ramapithecus-» Pithecanthropus pekinensis -» Homo erectus The interaction jual gives up or sacri which an indi reproductive potential to benefit another individual is called: a) agnostic b) Territory ©) Hierarchy 4) Altruism Forelimbs are less developed while the hind limbs are greatly developed in a) Fossorial animals b) Cursorial animals ©) Volant animals 4) Scansorial animals Sequence of call division can be studied with the help of a) phase contrast microscope b) compound microscope ©) interference microscope 4) electron microscope The best reservoir of bacteria is a) water b) air ©) soil d) human body ‘Smallest pathological agent is a) virusoids. b) virion ©) viroid 4) prion ‘The common mycobiont in lichen belongs 4 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 52. 53, 54, 56. 56. 87. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. ‘a)ascomycetes _b) green algae Which is not present in algae? 1a) Chloroplast b) Mitochondria Sexual spores are not produced in a) Mucor b) Penicilium Moss differs from Dryopteris in being a) vascular b) seeded Indusium is found in a) gametophyte of bryophytes ) sporophyte of pteridophytes Female cone of Pinus has a) carpels, ») pisti Aestivation is arrangement of a) leaves during bud condition ©) floral buds at mature condition Fruit wall is produced from a) ovule cavity b) nucellus In grassiand ecosystem peacock is a a) primary consumer 6) final decomposer The green houses gases a) keep the planet warm ) decrease the temperature Major ecological challenging issue Is a) global climate change c) nuclear weapons Eutrophic lakes are a) devoid of plankton ) low level of microbes Most stable food chain is. a) detritus food chain ) parasitic food chain c)blue green algae d) bacteria ©) Golgi body d) Lysosome ©) Altemaria 4) Puccinia ©) non-vascular d) gametophyte b) sporophyte of gametophyte d) gametophyte of pteridophytes ) megasporophyll_— d) microsporophyll b) floral whorl during bud condition d) placenta in ovary ©) carpel wall 4d) integument b) primary decomposer d) tertiary consumer b) radiate the heat of earth d) trap the harmful rays b) global pollution 4d) terrorism b) excessive minerals d) rich in organic material ) saprophytic food chain 4d) grazing food chain Karyokinesis and cytokinesis are not distinct in a) meiosis b) amitosis ) meiosis Il d) mitosis Mitochondria is autonomous organelle, because it a) contains ATP ¢) has enzymes for respiration 'b) has metabolic pigments d) has DNA. The organelle associated with protein packaging Is. a) ribosome ) chloroplast, RNA has a) ribose sugar ) ribose sugar and adenine ) Golgi bodies 4) endoplasmic reticulum b) deoxyribose sugar 4d) ribose sugar and cytosine ‘The types of phenotypesin dihybrid cross is at b)3 02 a4 According to Watson and Crick model, the single turn of DNA strand is 63. 64, 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. nm. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81 @)20A b) 10A Enzyme involved in RNA replication is a) DNA polymerase _b) RNA polymerase Genetic code consists of a) 3 nucleosides b) 3 nucleotides Mirabilis jalapa and snap dragon show a) back cross ©) co-dominance Mendalismincludes all except a) law of segregation ©) law of dominance Euploidy is multiple of a) number of chromosome ¢) basic set of chromosome Monogenic inheritance is applied in a) single gene b) several genes The phellem cells of plants are a) fving cells ‘) mechanical cells ‘Stamata are mainly responsible for 2) ascent of sap ©) absorption ©) 12A 4) 344, c) DNA ligase d) Endonuclease c) 3 amino acids d) 3 base pairs b) dominant cross d) incomplete dominance b) linkage d) law of independent assortment b) nucleus of a cell d) cells in organisms ©) several characters d) several alleles b) living secondary cells d) dead secondary cells b) transpiration d) food conduction Requirement of ATP and NADPH, in C4 cycleto produce glucose is a) 12, 18 b) 30, 12 Light reaction does not produce a) oxygen b) glucose Number of ATP produced in cytoplasmduring aerobic respiration is a)1 b)4 When respiratory substrate is organic acid, then RQ will be a)4 ©) hormone d) metabolite ©) tissue culture d) grafting b) female gametophytic generation 4d) female sporophytic generation ©) Cycas d) Anthoceros ©) flowers d) organisms ©) antibodies d) genetics 400mL of 1.0M HCI are mixed with 75mL of 1.0M Na,CO,. The resulting solution will be: a) acidic b) basic ) neutral d) amphoteric 82. 83. 84, 85. 86. 87. 89, 90. 1 92. 93, 94, 965, 96. 97. ‘The rate of diffusion of methane at a given temperature is twice that of a gas X. The molecular weight of X is: a) 64.0 b) 32.0 4.0 ) 8.0 ‘The oxidation of SO, by 0, to SO, is an exothermic rxn. The yield of SO, will be a) Temperature is increased and pressure is kept constant b) Temperature is reduced and pressure is increased c) Both temperature and pressure and increased 4) Both temperature and pressure are decreased The solubility of CaF; is 2 x10 molellitre. Its solubility product i a) 2.0 10 b) 4.0 x 10" ©) 8.0 x 107 d) 3.2% 10" A reaction involving two different reactants can never be: a) unimolecular reaction b) first order reaction ¢) second order reaction 4d) bimolecular reaction For an adiabatic process which of the following is correct? a)pav=0 b)q=+w 0) AE=q d)q=0 In galvanic cells: a) electrical energy is converted into chemical energy b) chemical energy is converted into electrical energy c) chemical energy is converted into heat 4d) electrical energy is converted into heat ifference in density is the basis of a) ultrafiltration b) molecular sieving c) molecular attraction d) gravity separation Irrespective of the source, pure sample, of water always yields 88.89% mass of ‘oxygen and 11.11% mass of hydrogen. This is explained by the law of a) conservation of mass. ) multiple proportions ) constant composition d) constant volume AtS.1-P. the density of CCl4 vapours in g/L will be nearest to: a) 6.87 b) 3.42 ©) 10.26 d) 4.57 Elements which generally exhibit multiple oxidation states and whose ions in aqueous medium are usually coloured ar a) metalloids b) transition elements _c) non-metals d) gases Bessemer converter is used in the manufacture of: ) pig iron b) steel ) wrought iron d) cast iron H,0 acts as a reducing agent in its: a) reaction with a ferrous salt b) reaction with iodides ©) reaction with lead sulphide 4d) reaction with KMnO, in acid medium A colourless salt gives violet colour to Bunsen flame and also turns moisture litmus paper blue. It is: a) Na,CO, b) KNO, ©) K.CO, d) CuO), On heating quick lime with coke in an electric furnace we get: a) Ca and CO, b) Caco, ©) Cao d) Cac Diamond and Emerald are: acc b)C, ALO, )C, Si d) Si, Al Which one of the following is not an isotope of hydrogen? 7 98. 99, 100. 401. 102. 103. 104, 105. 106. 107. 108, 109. 110. am. 112, 113, 114, 115, ‘a) Deuterium ) Tritium ©) Ortho hydrogen) None of these Which of the following is the most abundant ion within cell fluids? 1a) Sodium ions b) Potassium ions c) Calcium ions d) None of these Which of the following is non-metallic? a)B b) Be ©) Mg 4) Al NH and BF3 form an adduct readily because they form ‘a)a coordinate bond b)a hydrogen bond c) anionic bond —_d) a covalent bond Which one of the following is not an allotrope of carbon? a)Carborundum —_b) Diamond ©) Soot d) Graphite Dry ice is a) solid SO2 b) solid NH ©) solid O2 d) solid CO2 ‘An example of an oxide ore is a) Bauxite b) Malachite ©) Zine blende d) Feldspar The natural materials from which an element can be extracted economically are called a) ores b) minerals ©) gangue d) None of these The isomerism which exists between CH,CHCI, and CH,CICH.Cl is: a) chain b) functional ©) positional d) metamerism Which of the following is not electrophile? a) BF, b) Hot ©) AICI. d) NH, During ozonolysis of CH, = CH, if hydrolysis is made in absence of Zn dust the products formed are: a) HCHO b) HCOOH ©) CH.OH d) CH,OHCH.OH lodoform test is not given by: a) Ethanol b)Benzophenone _c) Ethanal d) Acetophenone ‘To prepare 2-propanol from CH.Mgl, the other chemical required is: a) HCHO b) CH,CHO ©) C:H.OH 4) CO, Aldol condensation between the following compounds followed by dehydration gives methyl vinyl ketone: a) HCHO and CH,COCH, b) HCHO and CH,CHO c) Two molecules of CH,CHO d) Two molecules of CH,COCH. For benzaldehyde which of the following is incorrect? a) Itis an aromatic aldehyde b) Its used in perfumery c) On oxidation it yields benzoic acid 4) On reduction it yields phenol ‘The product of addition polymerisation reaction is: a) PVC b) Nylon ©) Terylene d) Polyamide Which one of the following types of drugs reduces fever? a) Analgesic b) Antipyretic ©) Antibiotic d) Tranquiliser Which of the following orders regarding relative stability of free radicals is correct? ays<22r>1° or<2>3 d)3r>2rpra b)p>are cera>p d) none of these If particles are moving with same velocity, then maximum de-Broglie wavelength will be for a) Neutron b) Proton ©) feparticle ©) a-particle ‘The work function of a metal is 4.2 eV, its threshold wavelength will be a) 4000 A b) 3500 A ©) 2955 A d) 2500 A ‘The shortest wavelength of X-rays emitted from an X-ray tube depends on the a) Current in the tube ) Voltage applied to the tube ) Nature of gas in the tube 4d) Atomic number of target material 172. 173, 174, 175. 176. 477. 178, 179. 180. 181 182. 183. ‘The Bohr's angular momentum in 5" orbit is. a) b) 0) 25 d) 10 The half life of a radioactive element is 6 years, The fraction of the sample of this. isotope that will remain after 30 years is a) b) °) 4) ‘The fusion of hydrogen into helium is more likely to takes place at a) high temperature, low pressure b) higher temperature, high pressure c) low temperature, low pressure d) low temperature, high pressure Barrier potential difference is the potential difference across a) terminals of a cell b) depletion layer ¢) capacitors plates d) ends of a conductor For a transistor, the value of f= 99, then the value of ais a)0.1 b) 0.99 ot 4) 100 AC is a converted into DC by a) transformer b) rectifier «) diode 4) triode When antimony is doped with silicon, then resulting semiconductor will be a)ntype b) p-type c) pn-type d) n-p-n-type The quark combination of neutron is a) udd b) wud c) uuu d) ddd Which of the following theories is the most satisfactory about the origin of the universe? a) Big bang theory _b) Pulsating theory __c) Steady state theory d) None of these 1S figure (X) as its part. ~ a) (2) (3) (4) at b)2 Or 44 Find out which of the figures (1), (2), (3) and (4) can be formed from the pieces AAS 74 oO @ @ @& (4 a) b)2 93 a4 Choose the correct water image of the given figure (X) from amongst the four alternatives. 184, 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191, 192. ANE «© a) 2) (3) «@) a) b)2 3 da Choose the figure which is different from the rest. TA (2) 3) 4) 5) a) b)2 03 qd) Choose a figure which would most closely resemble the unfolded form of Figure @. * . Zz CaS Baas BSH EEE E28 a 02 as as BBas|aBB6 |Baga|aa ? aB 948 BB Ba a @ @ (4) a1 b)2 03 4 Which word does NOT belong with the others? a) Core b) Seeds ©) Pulp d) Slice Look at this series: F2, _, D8, C16, B32, ... What number should fill the blank? ayate b) Ga Ol a) ES Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be: a) Wednesday b) Saturday ©) Tuesday d) Thursday Which of the following is not a leap year? a) 700 b) 800 ©) 1200 ) 2000 In a 500 m race, the ratio of the speeds of two contestants A and Bis 3: 4. Ahas a start of 140 m. Then, A wins by: a) 60m b) 40m ©) 20m d) 10m ‘Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number. The ratio of the two numbers is: 193. 194, 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. a)2:5 b) 3:5 4:5 d)6:7 Which one will replace the question mark ? 7 | 9 | 2a] 27 4] 2] 30 | 1 9 | 4]sa] a) 18 b) 24 ©) 36 d) 58 Which one will replace the question mark ? 64 at b)2 03 da A boy rode his bicycle Northward, then turned left and rode 1 km and again turned left and rode 2 km. He found himself 1 km west of his starting point. How far did he Fide northward initially? a) km b)2km )3km d) 5 km A tailor had a number of shirt pieces to cut from a roll of fabric. He cut each roll of ‘equal length into 10 pieces. He cut at the rate of 45 cuts a minute. How many rolls would be cut in 24 minutes? a) 32 rolls b) 54 rolls ©) 108 rolls d) 120 rolls Deepak said to Nitin, “That boy playing with the football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter of my father's wife." How is the boy playing football related to Deepak? a) Son b) Brother ©) Cousin d) Brother-in-aw Find out the two signs to be interchanged for making following equation correct 54+3x8-12/4=3 a) + and - b)-and/ o) + and x d) + and/ How many 4's are there preceded by 7 but not followed by 37 5§93217426974613287413832567439582018 7463 a) Four b) Three ©) Six 4) Five Ina certain code, '247' means ‘spread red carpet"; '256" means ‘dust one carpet’ and 234" means ‘one red carpet’. Which digit in that code means ‘dust’? a)2 b)3 os 4)5 mms (Best of Luck

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