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& eee el 16. Travel and Transport 17. 18. 19. 20. + Ds 3. Our font 44, Health and 5, Keeping Safe ‘¢ Test Paper! 12. 13. 14. 15. Habits Meck me peel tece’ col dea Weather and Seasons Plants Around Us Know about Animals Festival Time Test Paper - 3 ee een tee eet iy ICATION WITH WORLD Means of Communication Talking about Time Knowing Directions My Country Test Paper- 4 F Assessment - 2 Re yy hem tam, geht ys Hello ! Iam Sonal. Jam seven years old. Would you like to be my friend? ‘Yes, then tell me about yourself : Now, I am in class II. I look different from the way I looked last year. How different are you now? Paste your last year's = | photograph. My name is Istudyin class ~~ lam “years old. My father's nameis. 2 Paste your ~ Tecent photograph. My mother's nameis. My birthday is on. & Istudyin school. - ‘Time to Find ») Find out three things that make you look different from last year : Howareweall unique? I share many common things with my friend. We both have two eyes, two ears nose, two hands and two legs. Yet we look different. We like to do different thin This makes each one of us unique. Howare you and your friend different? 8 » ON Qo to Learn When you get up in the morning, wish you parents ‘Good Morning’. When you go to bed at night, wish them ‘Good Night id Word Power Different : not the same Favourite : which is liked by someone @ Time to Revise “1. We look different fr 2. We all are unique. — 4, Tick () the activity that we like to do : 1, | like to drawa picture / sing a song in my free time. . | like to watch television / write a story. . | like to eat bananas / chocolates. . | like to play cricket / badminton. . | like to listen toa story / play a game. wbwn 3. Answer in ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ : 1. Do you enjoy playing with your friends? 2. Can you write with your left hand? 3. Have you ever grown a plant? 4. Do you like to drink milk? . 5. Do you like to tease animals? 5. Questions based on text and extended thinking : 1. When do you celebrate your birthday? 2. Who is your best friend? 3. Why are you unique? 4. What is the name of your school? 5. What is your father's name? 1. At what time do you do these activities? a.m. p.m. 2. Make a greeting card for your mother and give it to her on her birthday. 3. Colour the circles red below the things that you cannot do on your own : What does your name mean? Think Green-2 Gs Our Families Parents and their children make a family. We all live in a house with our family members. All members of a family may or may not live in the same house. But they love, care and help each other. iy Time to Try Tell us about your family : @& Howmany membersare there in your family? c 4 Doyour grandparents livé with you? 7 le & Doyou have a younger or elder brother or sister? ALA / & Doyouhaveapetin your family? Types of Families Nuclear Family Seema is the sister of Raj. Seema and Raj live with their parents. Such a family in which parents live with their one or two children is known as a small nuclear family. In a big nuclear family, there are father, mother and their three or more children. Joint Family small nuclear family “Seema's friend Soni lives with her parents, grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousins. Such a family is called joint family. It has many members. They stay together in the same house. Your, father's parents are your paternal grandparents and your mother's parents are your maternal grandparents. Single-Parent Family Teena lives in Seema's neighbourhood. She lives with her mother and her younger brother. Her father docs not live with them. She often visits her grandparents and other relatives. Her family is called a single-parent family. All family members share a common family name. It is called their surname. Ranbir Kapoor's surname is Kapoor. Whatis your surname? Having Fun Together Members of a family spend time with each other. They love to have fun together. They take meals, play and watch television together. They celebrate festivals and special days together. The family members should shar js 2 What do you call these in your mother tongue? care and help each other. Sharing ar - Mei = caring bring happiness tothe family. & your mother's father & your mother's mother & your father's sister Family parents and their childrei Relative : a person belonging t your family _ ‘A small nuclear famil A joint family has gran iving together. ean teatnica he haSn A. Tick (¥) and fill the correct option : 1. A group of people related to each other makes a a. family [VJ b. sumame C1 c. sibling G 2. A common word for a family name is . a. nickname () -b.-sumame {Zc pen name 6 3. Ina family, children live either with their mother or father. a. single-parent b. small ©) ce joint B 4. Grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins live in a _ ~~ a. joint family b. nuclear family [| c. small family 8 5. Your mother's son is your b ‘ a. sister [5] b. cousin [ c. brother Vv B} Fill in the blanks : 1. [have ne 9.155 sister / sisters. _.2. Ihave De brcetlns brother / brothers. 3. My father is a ye. 4. My mother is a Yhod ilo. C. Unjumble the words in column ‘A’ ant then match them with column 'B' : - “ 'B 1, ULAECNR (2) common family name 2. RUNSAME (b) mother's relatives 3. AERALNTM ~ (c) father's relatives 4, AENARTPL (d) small family >. Questions based on text : 1. What is a nuclear family? 2. Which family is called a joint family? 3. Write the difference between paternal and maternal grandparents. 4. What do you mean by single-parent family? ap xternal Organs The heart is inside the chest. e heart pumps blood to all the ‘arts of our body. It beats about 0-72 times in one minute. We ‘an listen to the heart beat with help of an instrument called tethoscope. | We all have a wondarfl ay, Our body works like a machine. It has different parts . Different body partsare known as body. ‘organs. ere are-some parts of our body- that we can see from outside. ey i called ernal organs. Eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, feetare some of our: Cola ass Our Wonderful Body Lip —— rgans. Internal Organs There are some parts that are inside our body and we cannot see them. They are called internal organs. Brain, OAS heart, stomach, lungs, bones QB are some of our internal organs. Inside our head brain is the brain. The brain helps us to think. It controls every part ofour body. Yogic exercises keep our body and mind fit, fresh and healthy. ‘We have a pair of lungs in our body. They help us to breathe. They take in oxygen and give out carbon- di-oxide. The food we eat is collected and digested in the stomach. Our stomach looks like a bag. It is located below the chest. lungs), ed Jeo All the external and internal organs work together to keep us fealty ce should Jgokafter our body and allits parts. We should keep them clean, Sense Or: He ee i ( elidin Our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin are of jsense Mrs Our sense organs are ‘ windows to the world. They help us to know about the world outside. 4 ? Our eyes help us to see. Ournose helps usto smell. Our tongue helps us to t Have you heard of eye donation? Ask you teacherand find aboutit. Our ears help us Our skin helps us to hear. to feel. ~ Time to Learn 9 UCC ile 7 There are some people who are not able t use some of their body parts. A blind ma cannot see with his eyes. A deaf perso cannot hear. A dumb person cannot speat We shouldnot make fun nese people. External Organs : paris of body that we can see from outside Internal Organs : parts of body. that are inside the body {. All the external and internal o 2. The heart beats about 70-72 3. Eves, ears, Nose, skit 'gans work together to key times in one minute. ‘in and tongue are our sense organ: ‘€P us healthy and alive, Tick() the correct option : 1. Our nose helps us to sgfell / taste. . 2+ The brain is an infernal / external organ of our body. + The food we eat is digested in our lungs / stiyhach 4. There are fe / six sense organs in our body. | Write (T) for true and CF) for false statement : 1, Eyes are external organs of our body. 2. Heart pumps blood to all Parts of our body. 3. Our brain helps us to breathe. 4. Our tongue helps us to feel. 5. It is not necessary to take care of our body. Circle the odd on eyes, nose ngue,) lungs, stomach, heart "3. hands, legs, feet, 4. eyes, ears, nose. Questions based on text : \ 1. What are extémal organs? Name any two of them. 2. What are internal organs? Name any two of them. 3. What does our heart do? 4. What is the function of lungs in our body? 5. What is the role of stomach in our body? \ Gd 4 Jod has given all of us a wonderful body. We must look after our body. It should be ept clean, healthy and strong. [ime to TH] Number the following daily activities in the correct order : 1. Takeabath. 2. Have breakfast. 3. Brush yourteeth. 4. Gototoilet. 5. Wearuniform. 6. Getupearlyin the moming. 7. Doexercise. 8. Sayyour prayers. Jealthy Body Habits fo keep our body healthy, we should follow some good and healthy habits. Set up carly in Brush your teeth Do some exercises Take a bath daily. he morning. twice everyday. daily. Somb your hair daily. Cut your nails regularly. Go to bed at night on time. Healthy Food Habits / ® Take plenty of green vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, pulses and other foods. ® Avoid too much junk food like burger, pizza, chips, etc. @ Wash your hands before and after meals. ® Don't cat stale food. ® Don't eat the food kept uncovered. ® Drink plenty of clean water. Some Exercises Exercise daily to keep your body and mind active and healthy. Some good exercises include walking, skipping, dancing, jogging, swimming and doing yoga. Drinking unclean water causes dis like typhoid, jaundice and diarthoes, can purify water by boiling or filtering j Good Posture The way we keep our body while sitting, standing or walking is called our posture. It is important for us to keep a good {Find out the name of India's mo posture. A wrong posture often leads to _- | popular yoga guru: bad health. 2 Always keep your Do not stoop or bend G back straight when your shoulders while Wi ; yousitor stand. reading or walking. Gi Word Power psture : the way we keep our body while Iting, standing, walking, etc toop : to bend your head and shoulders rwards and downwards We should follow good habits to stay healthy and clean. =We should exercise daily to keep our body and mind active and healthy. = i The way we keep our body while sitting, standing, walking, etc is called our posture. § Tick ( “) and fill the-correct option : 1. We should get up in the moming. : a. late [J b. early [] c. at any time 6 2. is a junk food. a. pizza [] b. fruits [1] c. chapati & 3. is a good exercise. a. sleeping [4] ». fighting [)_ c. skipping & 4 water can make us ill. a. fresh [5]. diny [-] « clean & Shoose the right word to complete the sentence : 1, We should eat food. (healthy / junk) 2. We should take-a bath . (daily / sometimes ) 3. Exercise daily to keep your body and mind active and - (unhealthy / healthy ) . Never eat food. (covered / uncovered ) 5. Keep your nails 7 (long / short) & = C. Match the following = 1, clean water 2. bad posture 3. cough or sneeze 4. brush your teeth D. Questions based on text : (a) use hanky on face (b) twice a day (c) free from diseases (d) bad health 1, Why do we need to eat healthy food? 2. Write any three healthy body habits. 3. Write any three healthy food habits. 4, Name some good exercises. 5. What do you mean by posture? 1. Check how clean you are. Write 'Yes' or ‘No’ in the chart for a week : Daily Activities Sun | Mon | Tue Wed Thu Fri Washed hands before and after meals Brushed teeth twice Took a bath Combed your hair Went for exercise . Make a list of five healthy and five junk food : healthy junk qi) (i) (ii) (i)- (iii) (iii) (iv) (iv) (vy) (vy) PL We are advised to keep our nails short. Why? 2] n accident usually happens when we are careless. Accidents can cause injury and arm to our body. To save ourselves from accidents we should be very careful. There sesome rules and methods which help us to be safe. They are called safety rules. Paste pictures of any four sharp objects here: /AFETY RULES afety rules should be followed on road, at home, in school in a bus, etc and yerywhere we go. afety on the Road ' Use the footpath to walk | onaroad. Cross the road only at zebra crossings. Never runacross the road. Obey the traffic rules. sagictight © Aboy is walking Children are crossing the Stop when the traffic light on footpath. road on zebra crossing. isred. Gowhen itis green. Wait patiently ifitis yellow. Gp Safety at the Playground ® Do not push or pull each other while playing. © Always follow the rules of the game. ® Don'tquarrel with your friends. © Fly kites in open fields and not on the rooftop. Safety at School ® Donotstand on desks and chairs, Never fight with others or bully them, @ Donotruninthe corridors oron the stairs, @ Never break the queue or push oth, ate ers w waiting in the queue. Safety atHome @ Donotplaywith sharp objects like knives and blades. © Stay away from electrical wires and sockets. @ Donotplaywith fire. ® Donottouch electrical switches with wet hands. # Donottake medicines of your own. Safety in a Swimming Pool ® Never go alone for swimming, Alwayssn in the presence ofan adult. Swim with the help of swimming tubes floaters. = : ® Donotswimin the deep side of the poo: ® Donotpush anyone in the swimmingp® afety in the Bus/Car | Stand ina queue while waiting fora bus. | Do not open the door ofa moving vehicle. “Never disturb the driver of a moving | vehicle. Do not push others while getting on or off abus. Never put your head or hand out ofa moving vehicle. Always get in or out ofa bus when it has stopped. rst Aid you or someone else gets hurt, inform elder such as your teacher (if you are school) and your parents (if you are at | 4 box that contains all the items needed me). In the meantime, make the | to give first aid to an injured person is sient comfortable and help him to | called a first aid box. ax. The immediate help that we give to injured person before calling a doctor is called the ‘first aid’. The first aid provides mediate relief to the hurt person. | mmm Write the telephone numbers of the following people and places. In case of an mergency, youcancallthem: » your residence » hospital lice station ®p & fire station V le aoe Time to Learn ccident: an unpleasant event elief : the removal or reduction of pain, orry, etc Government makes rules for our safety. So we should always follow these rules. 1. Accidents happen when we are careless. 2. We should follow safety rules while on the road, in school, at home, at the Play the swimming pool and while travelling by bus or car. ‘Stoy, 3. Firstaid is the immediate help we give toa person who is hurt, before the doctor, come A. Tick (/ )the correct option : 1. We should use zebra crossing / footpath to cross a road. 2. We should not play with toys / sharp objects. 3. Always / Never go for swimming alone. 4. Always get in or out of a bus when it ismoving / has stopped. 5. If you get hurt, tell your adult / start crying. B. Write one safety rule at the given places : 1. At home + 2. At school 3. While playing 4. On road 3 C. Fill in the blanks : 1. We should not in the corridors or on the stairs. 2. Stand ina while waiting for a bus. 3. Do not touch electrical switches with 4, Do not take of your own. D. Questions based on text : 1. How can we avoid accidents? 2. What are safety rules? ‘Think Green-2 Ga 3. Write two rules of safety while swimming. 4. Write two rules of safety while sitting in a bus. 5. What is first aid? Draw traffic lights on a chart paper and colour them red, yellow and green. Write what each colour means. Make a colourful poster and write on it the different safety rules that we should follow. Use different colours to make it effective. Make a first aid box with the help of your parents : You can take an old empty shoes box or plastic box. Take some glaze paper and cover the box. With the help of a red tape, make a plus sign on the top of the box. Put a pack of cotton, a bottle of dettol or savion, a bandage, a tube of antiseptic cream, scissors, band-aids, medicines for common cold and fever in the box. Your first aid box is ready. |? aap Zebra crossing is named after an animal. Why? ; va Test Paper-1 a Max, Marks : 30 (Based on Unj._ A. Define any four of the following : 1. family 2. extemal organs 3. posture 4. first aid S. sense organs B. Fill in the blanks : 1. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins live in a 2. There are sense organs in our body. 3. Keep your nails 4. Accidents happen when we are 5. Our____ helps us to taste. C. Tick (’) the correct option : 1. Your mother’s son is your cousin / brother. 2. Our nose helps us to smell / taste. 3. Never eat uncovered / covered food. 4. Always / Never go for swimming alone. 5. We should use zebra crossing / footpath to cross a road. D. Answer these questions : [2x5= 1. What do you mean by single-parent family? 2. What does our heart do? 3. Write any three healthy food habits. 4 5 family. . What are safety rules? How can we avoid accidents? —. Match the columns : (A) (B) 1. common family name (a) feel 2. skin (b) use hanky on face 3. cough or sneeze (c) stop 4. red light (d) see 5. clean water (e) surname 6. eyes (f) free from diseases

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