2021-2022 T3 Upper-Intermediate Guideline For Essay Types

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Unlock Reading & Writing 3 – Upper-Intermediate Guideline for Essay Types

Unit 1: Comparison and Contrast Essay


Writing Task - 4 paragraphs (Introduction + 2 paragraphs of differences + Conclusion)

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Differences (2 to 4 features)

Paragraph 3: Differences (2 to 4 features)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion

CMDO Sample

4 paragraphs (Introduction + 1 paragraph of differences + 1 paragraph of similarities + Conclusion)

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Differences (2 to 4 features)

Paragraph 3: Similarities (2 to 4 features)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion

Unit 2: Cause-and-Effect Essay


Writing Task - 4 paragraphs (Introduction + 1 paragraph of causes + 1 paragraph of effects + Conclusion)

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Causes (2 to 3 causes)

Paragraph 3: Effects (2 to 3 effects)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion
Reading 2 - 5 paragraphs (Introduction + 1 paragraph of causes + 2 paragraphs of effects + Conclusion)
Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Causes (2 to 3 causes)

Paragraph 3: Effects (2 to 3 effects)

Paragraph 4: Effects (2 to 3 effects)

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Please note that this ESSAY STRUCTURE (Reading 2 - 5 paragraphs) is OPTIONAL. However, depending on
the pacing, it can be practiced as an extension to the structure of the writing task provided in the
CMDO Sample

5 paragraphs (Introduction + 3 paragraphs of cause(s) & effect(s) + Conclusion)

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Cause(s) + Effect(s) (for 1 cause 1 to 3 effects)

Paragraph 3: Cause(s) + Effect(s) (for 1 cause 1 to 3 effects)

Paragraph 4: Cause(s) + Effect(s) (for 1 cause 1 to 3 effects)

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Unit 3: Problem Solution Essay


Writing Task – 4 paragraphs (Introduction + 2 paragraphs of solutions + Conclusion)

Paragraph 1: Introduction (Stating the problem and referring to two solutions)

Paragraph 2: Solution 1 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 3: Solution 2 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion (Restatement & Summary)

Reading 2 – 7 paragraphs (Introduction + 1 paragraph of problems + 4 paragraphs of solutions +


Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Problem (s )

Paragraph 3: Solution 1 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 4: Solution 2 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 5: Solution 3 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 6: Solution 4 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 7: Conclusion + Statement of the best solution

Please note that this ESSAY STRUCTURE (Reading 2 - 7 paragraphs) is OPTIONAL. However, depending on
the pacing, it can be provided as further practice to the essay structure.
CMDO Sample

6 paragraphs (Introduction + 1 paragraph for the problem (s) + 3 paragraphs of solutions + Conclusion)

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Problem(s)

Paragraph 3: Solution 1 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 4: Solution 2 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 5: Solution 3 (Explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the solution)

Paragraph 6: Conclusion + Statement of the best solution

Unit 5: Balanced Opinion Essay

Book & CMDO Sample

Writing task & Reading 2 & CMDO Sample - 4 paragraphs (Introduction + 1 paragraph of ideas in favor +
1 paragraph of ideas against + Conclusion)

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Position 1 – Supporting arguments and details against or in favor of the topic

Paragraph 3: Position 2 – Supporting arguments and details against or in favor of the topic

Paragraph 4: Summary of both arguments + writer’s point of view + prediction and recommendation

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