Feng Shui & Destiny For Managers The Indispensable Guide For Every Businessman

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The Indispensable Guide for Every Businessman

by Raymond Lo

PUBLISHERS: Times Books International 1996 Times Editions Pty Ltd

Chinese Metaphysics.
p.9 ‘Destiny is the inborn qualities of a person.’ We are all born with different intelligence, temperament, aptitudes,
physique and character; qualities which each of us carries to this world at the moment of birth. This does not include
our biology, which is more or less similar. But includes character, potential, position in society, relationships, fortune
luck and fate.

p.10 The origin of the 5 elements is lost in ancient Chinese history but predates the period of the warring states
preceding the Chin Dynasty, about 240 BC.

‘la’ the musical note is the element water

Chin Dynasty is water

‘Destiny can be revealed by variations in the composition of the 5 elements.’

This theory is also applied to Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, the medical skills of which have been used
for thousands of years, such that the effectiveness is now being investigated by Western medical experts.

If the kidney/water is weak then water will not be able to keep fire under control. The result is illness related to the
heart, such as irregular heartbeat or high blood pressure. The remedy would be Chinese herbal medicine and

The moment of birth is the birth mark and starting point, our identity and cosmic code or blueprint, a unique
identification through which the composition of an individual’s fortune, destiny and future life pattern can be

Western Astrology uses birth data for the horoscope to reflect the position of the planets in the solar system, these
star charts also reveal destiny.


‘The Chinese have adopted two different calendar systems. The one used by laymen is the lunar calendar, which
divides a year into 12 months, based on the motion of the moon as it orbits the earth. There is another calendar which
is not only used to count the days, but is also used for farming and fortune-telling. This is a solar calendar which the
Chinese call the Hsia calendar, as it has been on record since the Hsia Dynasty about 4,000 years ago.
The main difference between the Hsia calendar and the lunar calendar is that the former is a solar calendar, meaning
that the year is counted according to the motion of the earth round the sun, and each month is divided according to
the position of the sun relative to the earth. The Hsia calendar is unique because it is closely related to the five basic
elements. Each year, month and day on this calendar is expressed in terms of two Chinese characters, each
representing one of the five basic elements. For example, the year 1993 is expressed in the Hsia calendar by the two
Chinese characters “ & ”. The first character represents the water element while the second represents metal.
Any moment of time can be expressed in terms of the elements. By translating a moment of time - year, month, day
and hour - into the Hsia calendar format, we immediately obtain eight Chinese characters representing eight elements
prevailing at that time.’

‘By looking up a book called The Thousand Year Calendar we can translate.....time into the Hsia calendar format.’

e.g. a boy born at 2000 on 9 January 1913:


Fire Metal Water Water

Earth Wood Earth Water

NB Ray Lo says this is the correct configuration in his book. The above information was in stem&bra.bmp (info
unknown) wherein yang water and yin water characters were around the wrong way.


Famous scholar Tsu Ping (whose name means ‘balancing the water’ because the 4 Pillars is about balance), who
lived circa 800 A.D. established some of the ground rules used in Pillars of Destiny analysis.

STEP 1 Establish the self element, which is the Heavenly Stem of the Day Pillar, the surrounding elements are
the relatives and friends.

STEP 2 Analyse the position of the self element amongst the other 7 elements to examine the strength.
Excessive weakness or strength indicates disharmony and destiny misfortune.
• a. the quantity of the Self element. Add up the amount of elements same as the self element, then
also add the supporting element (i.e. the element that supports the self element. e.g. if the self
element is fire, then wood is a supporting element);
• b. the seasonal strength of the Self element:


SPRING die prosper weak born
SUMMER born weak die prosper
AUTUMN prosper die born weak
WINTER weak born prosper die
NB the earth element is prosperous in the third month of every season.

• c. the strength of the Self element in relation to the other elements in the chart. e.g. if the self is
fire and the fire is very strong, the favourable elements can be water, metal and earth. Water will
suppress the strong fire while metal and earth will also help to exhaust the strong metal energy. If
the fire is too weak, support will come in the form of wood and fire - wood is the mother of fire and
other fire elements are helpful colleagues.)

e.g. 1993 is a year of metal and water, therefore a weak fire person will encounter misfortune.

“These seasonal changes in the cycle of the five elements have been incorporated into the Chinese Hsia calendar
system. The 12 months of a year are defined by the different positions of the sun relative to the earth on the
imaginary circle called the ecliptic. The year commences from the first day of spring which normally falls on 4 or 5
February in the Western calendar, and ends on the last day of winter when the earth completes the circle. The 12
months are formed by dividing the ecliptic into 12 portions and naming them according to the 12 earthly branches.
The year which starts around 4 February is expressed by the earthly branch ‘ ’, symbolising the wood element. The
relationship between the Hsia calendar and the Western calendar is listed out in the following table:”
(Northern Hemisphere)
1 Wood Spring 4, 5 Feb - 5, 6 Mar
2 Wood Spring 5, 6 Mar - 4, 5 Apr
3 Earth Spring 4, 5 Apr - 5, 6 May
4 Fire Summer 5, 6 May - 5, 6 Jun
5 Fire Summer 5, 6 Jun - 7, 8 Jul
6 Earth Summer 7, 8 Jul - 7, 8 Aug
7 Metal Autumn 7, 8 Aug - 7, 8 Sep
8 Metal Autumn 7, 8 Sep - 8, 9 Oct
9 Earth Autumn 8, 9 Oct - 7, 8 Nov
10 Water Winter 7, 8 Nov - 7, 8 Dec
11 Water Winter 7, 8 Dec - 5, 6 Jan
12 Earth Winter 5,6 Jan - 4, 5 Feb


1 Rat Water 2300 - 0100
2 Ox Earth 0100 - 0300
3 Tiger Wood 0300 - 0500
4 Rabbit Wood 0500 - 0700
5 Dragon Earth 0700 - 0900
6 Snake Fire 0900 - 1100
7 Horse Fire 1100 - 1300
8 Goat Earth 1300 - 1500
9 Monkey Metal 1500 - 1700
10 Rooster Metal 1700 - 1900
11 Dog Earth 1900 - 2100
12 Pig Water 2100 - 2300



Fire Metal Water Water

Earth Wood Earth Water

e.g. a boy born at 2000 on 9 January 1913 (from above)

A metal person born in winter. Water is the most powerful element here as water is strongest in winter. This strong
water will exhaust metal, thus Nixon is a weak metal person, needing earth to support the metal, and fire as it supports
the earth and also injects warmth into the destiny. Thus earth & fire are favourable and wood and water are
1960 Nixon was defeated for Presidency by Kennedy. 1960 was strong water ( ). But in 1968 he became
President ( ), a year of the favourable earth element. In 1972 ( ) another year of strong water, he encountered
the Watergate incident which caused his impeachment by Congress in 1974 ( ), a year of the unfavourable wood

Notes and tables from Jodi Brunner

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