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Name : Ali Sulton

NPM : 07.2021.1.03667

I. Write the numbers

1. forty-two: 42
2. Seventy-seven: 77
3. One thousand and five hundred: 1500
4. Six hundred and thirty-five: 635
5. Third: 3rd

II. Write in words

1. 1 : first
2. 5th : fifth
3. 2nd: seconnd
4. 12th: twelfth
5. 7.895: seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-five
6. 2020: two thousand and twenty
7. 1.500.000:
8. 68: ______________________
9. 55: _______________
10. 23: _________________________

III. use “What or Where” to complete the questions.

1. ________ do you work?

2. __________ is your complete name?

3. ______ does your father do?

4. ______ do you usually meet her?

5. __________ did you put your car key?

IV. Fill in the blanks with adjective/ adverb.

1. Sam is a _________ (slow/slowly) learner

2. Thomson sings a song _________ ( beautifully/ beautiful)
3. She drives her car _____________ ( careless/ carelessly)
4. They are ______ (smartly/ smart) students
5. The story goes ___________ (dramatical/ dramatically)
6. Diane speaks English __________ (well/ good)
V. Use simple present tense. Mark I (incorrect) or C (correct).
1. ____ She brush her teeth everyday
2. ____ They goes to school in the morning
3. ____ We has two children
4. ____ Does they stay in the apartment now?
5. ____ Is you happy?

VI. Give your opinion about the following statement and questions. Use any tenses to
write your opinion. Write at least 2 sentences for your answer.
1. Electric car is produced world wide and the price is really expensive. What are the benefits
of electric cars for the environment?
2. Computer and robot are being used to humankind. Do you think people are going to
substituted by robot?
3. Smartphone, aeroplane, and vehicles are important inventions. Which is the most important
invention for you? Why?

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