FOCGB2 AK Rtest S 4

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Teacher’s notes
Task 1
Both students are looking at six photos.
Prompt: Look at the photos of problems that people have. Talk about what the problem is in each photo and discuss what
you would do if you had each of these problems.

Supplementary questions
(Use these questions for further practice if necessary.)
Prompt: Now discuss these questions.
1 Have you ever complained about anything? (If yes) What did you complain about? What did you say? What happened
after you complained? (If no) What would you say if you needed to complain about something? What happens if you
complain about something?
2 How do you normally travel around your area? What’s the public transport like? What do you do when it’s crowded?
3 Do you live in a noisy area or a quiet area? Is that good or bad? Why?

Task 2
Prompt: Student A: Look at the photo and describe it to your partner. What do you think are the good points about buying
food in this way? And what are the bad points?
Prompt: Student B: Look at the photo and describe it to your partner. What do you think are the good points about buying
food in this way? And what are the bad points?

Further discussion questions

(Use these questions to open up the discussion.)
Prompt: Now discuss these questions.
1 What’s the best way to buy things, do you think – on the internet, or in a shop? Why? Does it depend what you want to
2 How often do you go shopping in your town? What sort of things do you like buying?
3 Do you ever buy things that you don’t really need, or you know that you can’t really afford? What sort of things?

Sample answers and mark schemes

Task 1
Can make a complaint.
Student A and B dialogue
A Right, let’s have a look at the photos, shall we? I go to school every morning on the bus, and it’s often really crowded, so I
know that’s annoying.
B Yeah, and that person listening to loud music – sometimes it’s so loud, you can even hear it through their headphones,
and I can’t listen to my music! And some people have really long conversations on their phones, don’t they?
A That’s right – I can’t read my book then – I can’t concentrate. And what about these things that you might buy? The
broken mobile phone, for instance?
B Well, I’d definitely complain about that. I’d return it and get a refund. And if something was wrong with any clothes I had
bought, I’d complain about them too.
A I know. Often clothes are reduced, but they’re not really a bargain when they have a hole in them! So finally – what about
the food? Have you ever complained about bad food?
B Yes – my friends and I had some awful burgers once, in a café near my home. They weren’t cooked! We told the owner
and he gave us our money back. We’ve never been there again!

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to the
descriptions below.

Marks Task Spoken Spoken Range Accuracy

achievement production and interaction

0-1 Describes some Hesitates a lot and Does not Uses only very Lots of errors even in
aspects of the does not seem engage with basic vocabulary basic language, which
and grammar, impede communication.
photos but confident. Is not the listener.
with a lot of errors.
doesn’t really easy to understand.
mention what
he/she would do
about these
Doesn’t fully
answer the task

1.5 Describes the Speaks with some Engages with Uses simple Generally accurate, but
photos and confidence and is the listener to vocabulary and with some errors,
mentions what comprehensible. some extent, basic grammar especially in more
structures advanced language.
he/she would do Some hesitation, and makes an accurately. Uses
about similar but not enough to effort to some more
problems. Gives impede communicate advanced
an opinion and communication. effectively. vocabulary and
answers the grammar
task question. structures with
2 Describes the Speaks with Engages fully Uses a wide A few mistakes in more
photos in detail fluency, with very with the range of advanced language
and talks about little hesitation. Is listener, using vocabulary structures, but generally
appropriately, and very accurate.
what he/she clear and gestures to uses a wide range
would do about comprehensible. help express of grammar
these problems. Uses some meaning. structures
Uses the photos intonation to add accurately and
to speculate and emphasis. appropriately.
give opinions.
Answers the
task question in

Task 2
Can briefly give reasons for explanations for opinions, plans and actions.

Student A
Well, my photo looks like an advert for shopping at a supermarket, but it doesn’t say which one. In the picture you can see a
supermarket trolley at the front. It’s full of fruit and vegetables – there’s a pineapple, maybe some lettuce, some peppers and
some apples, and a bottle of milk. The message seems to be that you can get fresh and healthy food from your local
supermarket. There’s a young couple pushing the trolley, wearing casual clothes. I can see shelves of food on either side,
so I guess they’re in the aisles. The good points about supermarket shopping are that it’s quick and easy, and you can help
yourself. It’s often cheaper than a local shop, too. But the bad point is that it’s really crowded at the weekends, and you often
need a car to get there. The really big ones are usually out of town.

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Student B
Let’s see – my photo is an advert for organic fruit and vegetables. There’s a display of fresh fruit and veg in a wooden box,
like carrots, tomatoes and maybe red onions. They all look very fresh and delicious. And even the box is wooden, so it can
be used again! Then there’s a man standing behind the box – I guess he could be the person that’s grown the vegetables.
It’s quite a sunny day, too, and it looks as if it’s somewhere in the countryside, so it’s all looks very nice. The good points
about buying food like this is that you don’t have to go out – the company comes to you and delivers it. Also, you don’t have
lots of packaging, like you do in a supermarket. But the bad points are that you have a lot of fresh food in your fridge, and
you have to eat it quickly! If not it’s goes bad. And I guess it could be expensive, too.

The task is worth 10 marks. Award up to 2 marks for each section of the mark scheme, according to
the descriptions below.
Marks Task Spoken Spoken interaction Range Accuracy
achievement production and

0-1 Gives only short Hesitates a lot n/a Uses only very basic Lots of errors even in
answers to the and does not vocabulary and basic language, which
questions. seem confident. grammar, with a lot of impede communication.
Doesn’t develop Is not easy to
ideas and doesn’t understand.
express opinions.

1.5 Gives clear Speaks with n/a Uses simple Generally accurate, but
answers to the some vocabulary and basic with some errors,
grammar structures especially in more
questions, and confidence and
accurately. Uses advanced language.
develops some is some more advanced
ideas with comprehensible. vocabulary and
examples. Gives Some hesitation, grammar structures
opinions. but not enough with errors.
to impede

2 Gives very full Speaks with n/a Uses a wide range of A few mistakes in more
answers to the fluency, with vocabulary advanced language
questions, very little appropriately, and structures, but
uses a wide range of generally very
developing ideas, hesitation. Is grammar structures accurate.
expanding clear and accurately and
through examples comprehensible. appropriately.
and expressing a Uses some
range of opinions. intonation to add

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

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