Dr. Rahul Sharma and Dr. Amit Kakkar: Report On: " Consumer Satisfaction Towards Online Shopping '' Sub Code - Mgnm832

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“ Consumer Satisfaction towards Online Shopping ’’


Dr. Rahul Sharma and Dr. Amit Kakkar
Mittal School of Business, Lovely Professional University,
Phagwara-144401, Punjab, India

Dr. Rahul Sharma and Dr. Amit Kakkar
Course Code: MGNM832 Course Title: Research
Course Instructor: Dr. Rahul Sharma and Dr. Amit Kakkar
Academic Task No: 1 Academic Task Title: Continuous
Date of Allotment: 29/04/2022 Date of Submission: 20/05/2022

Student’s Name: Student’s Reg no:

Evaluation Parameters: As per the Rubrics

Learning Outcomes: Developing an the ability to explore the underlying constructs and
variables to formulate a problem with the preparation of a research proposal.
Declaration: We declare that this Assignment is our work. We have not copied it from any
other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made
explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for me by any other person.
Name Reg. Number Peer Rating
Kshama dwivedi 12102291 10
Sakshi 12102193 10
Harsh Kumar 12102286 10
S M Athar Shabaz 12102189 10
Ria Hembrom 12102014 10

Evaluator’s comments:

General Observations Suggestions for Best part of assignment


Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained: ………… Max Marks: …………

Introduction to Consumer Satisfaction towards

Online Shopping
Online shopping is the process by which consumers buy goods, services,
etc. to a reseller in real time without the service of an arbitrator online.
Online shopping is the process of buying goods and services from online
retailers. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, marketers have been
eager to sell their products to Internet users. Buyers can visit web stores in
the comfort of their own home and shop while sitting in front of a
computer. Buyers buy a variety of items in online stores.

In fact, people can buy almost anything from companies that offer their
products online. Books, clothing, household items, toys, hardware,
software, and health insurance are just some of the hundreds of products
that consumers can purchase online.

Many people choose to shop online because of their fitness. Shopping

online allows you to browse for possibilities and even offer items that are
not available in stores.
Online shopping eliminates the need to exchange store products for possible
purchases such as pants, shirts, belts, and shoes, all in one hand. Online
shopping also eliminates attractive, yet annoying music, as well as
hundreds, or thousands, of other like-minded people who seem to decide to
shop that day.

The central idea of the app is to allow the customer to shop almost online
and to allow customers to purchase items and articles they wish in the store.
All information related to Product is stored on the server side (store). Server
processes customers and items sent to the address sent by them. The app
was designed to be two modules for the first time for customers who wish
to purchase articles. The second is for store owners who store and update
documentation and consumer information.

The end user of this product is the department store where the application is
hosted on the web and the administrator maintains the website. In an
application, installed on a customer website, item details are brought
forward from the site to view the customer based on menu selection and a
database & after each transaction product’s database is updated. Data entry
in the app can be done with various screens designed for different levels of
users. If authorized personnel add data to the system, a few reports may be
made as security.

1.2 Research Objectives

• Determining the level of customer satisfaction with online shopping.

• Know the specific reasons why customers make online purchases.

• Determining the level of customer satisfaction with online shopping


• Makes the company more aware of current styles and requirements.

1.3 Scope of the Study

• Know the reliability of their product.

• To know what kind of people you buy, be very selective.

• Finding a reason to buy products.

• Finding the range of pricing people most prefer.

Knowing what features they like in their product

1.4 Research Limits

• The study was conducted only in the Coimbatore region

• Research is based on consumer behavior on online shopping

• The information collected in the study is full of basic information

provided to respondents. There is an opportunity for personal bias. Thus,
accuracy is not a fact

• Due to time constraints and other constraints, the study was limited to
only 50 respondents.

1.5 Research Method

• Research Design Used for Research

The research structure used for the study is descriptive. Descriptive
research studies are those, which are about defining the characteristics of a
particular person or group. The lessons on precise prediction and narrative
facts and features related to each group or situation are all examples of
descriptive research.

• Population

Maximum population size is not limited.

• Sample size

This refers to the number of items to be selected from the population to

form a sample. The sample size used for reading is 50.

• Sample design

It is a straightforward process to get a sample from specific people. Refers

to the researcher's method of selecting sample materials. Respondents were
selected based on appropriate samples.

• Mathematical Tools

• Data collected from questionnaires were analyzed using percentage

analysis and level analysis.
Research Statements

This study aims to identify and analyze a major determine in online shopping in
Design / style / method Books related to the main features of the research are
considered useful and online customer satisfaction collected from active online
shopping respondents, the model was rigorously tested using structural equation


The findings of the study indicate that perceived performance has a positive
effect on customer satisfaction, while a negative impact on customer
satisfaction appears to have been positive.

Effective results

This research will help online retailers to attract and motivate new online
shopping customers and existing customers to increase their daily purchases.
Online retailers can improve post-purchase satisfaction and ultimately grow
online customers.

Actual / value
This is one of the first lessons on customer satisfaction with online trading in
India. The scale has been expanded to include things like satisfaction with cash
flow from a payment method that is not included in previous scales. The
perceived usefulness level is further enhanced by the addition of time
efficiency, product performance and promotional performance.

Page 6
Literature Review

Definitely online shopping has become a new trend now a days. People feel much satisfied
with the online shopping than with the physical shopping. Gone are the days when people
used to visit shops to get their needs fulfilled. Now everything is possible at the click and
from the comfort of our homes. Internet usage history also has an impact on the people who
prefers to go for online shopping. It has been observed that people whose internet usage is
more and who are tech savvy prefers to have the experience of online shopping more than the
people who are not that much frequent user of internet. Various studies and researches on the
same were conducted by various researchers around the world to know that after carrying out
online shopping how much satisfied the consumers are. Following are the findings of various
researchers after carrying out their research on the same.

CRAWFORD (1997)- As per his findings according to traditional consumer behaviour,

internet shopping has its own model, in which the purchasing process begins with problem
identification, information search, alternative appraisal, purchase, and finally post-purchase

SOLOMON (1998)- The study of the processes involved when an individual picks,
purchases, and uses items, services, ideas, or experiences to meet wants and desires is known
as online shopping. In order for the internet to become a viable retail channel, it is critical to
understand the consumer's mindset, intention, and behaviour when it comes to online

CHEUNG AND LEE (2005)- As per their findings information quality (accuracy, content,
format, and timeliness), system quality (navigation, ease of use, response time, and security),
and service quality (navigation, ease of use, response time, and security) were suggested as
main dimensions for customer satisfaction with respect to internet shopping (responsiveness,
assurance and empathy).

HSUEHEN (2006)-He has also stated that in creating the sub characteristics of each primary
element, they investigated the relationship between website quality, customer value, and
customer. Web consumer satisfaction can be divided into two categories: web information
quality and web information quantity.

GUO et al., (2012)- He proposed in his study that website design, security, information
quality, payment method, e-service quality, product quality, product variety, and delivery
service were found to have a positive relationship with consumer satisfaction.

AJITABH DASH (2012)- He discovered the important characteristics that influence online
shopping customer satisfaction Privacy, trust, and confidentiality are among them. Multiple
regressions were utilised to assess the impact of these characteristics on online shopping
complexity, product variety, risk, time utility, and reliability.

Page 7
HAMED GOLROKHSARI (2012)-His findings suggests that time efficiency, the ability to
buy at any time and location, direct access to information, and customer service are all
characteristics that contribute to convenience.

NIKHASHEMI et al., (2013)- Customer perceptions of quality, convenience of use, security,

and the online payment process all have a substantial beneficial impact on enhancing
customer satisfaction with online buying.

ASHISH PANT (2014)- In his study article, he found that a successful web business is more
than just a nice-looking website with dynamic technical features; it also prioritises creating
relationships with clients while making money. To begin, it is critical to comprehend the
customer's requirements and desires in order to establish a relationship with them. Keeping
company promises provides consumers a cause to return, and satisfying expectations offers
them a reason to stay.

AISHAMYLEH et al., (2015)- To determine the impact of e-services on consumer

satisfaction, researchers looked at website design, reliability, efficiency, and responsiveness,
simplicity of use, availability, and privacy. The study's findings revealed that all
characteristics, except ease of use, had an impact on consumer satisfaction.

Objective of the Study

The study was conducted primarily to know the behaviour of the consumer towards the
online shopping and what are the different factors which directs the consumer towards the
online shopping. There are millions of individuals online at any given time, and each of them
is a potential customer for an internet sales organisation. Because the technology that
surround the Internet are rapidly evolving, a firm that wants to sell products through its
website will have to constantly look for a competitive advantage. Because there are so many
prospective customers, it is critical to understand what they want and need.

The importance of analysing and identifying elements that influence a consumer's decision to
buy something over the Internet cannot be overstated. Because the Internet is a new medium,
consumers have set new expectations. As a result, understanding what impacts the online
consumer is critical for online businesses. Consumer behaviour analysis is not a new concept.
Philip Kotler, a well-known marketing guru, has written several books on consumer
behaviour ideas. As a result, a company's marketing strategy is strongly linked to its
understanding and identification of the consumer. Because online retailing is a new retailing
medium, and online customer behaviour differs from traditional consumer behaviour, it's
important to understand what motivates online shoppers. Analyzing the steps that an online
shopper takes to make a decision and purchase over the internet reveals some of the aspects
that they evaluate.

This study will also help to evaluate the preference of the people when it comes to various
alternatives of the e-retail sites or online shopping sites. With the help of this research we

Page 8
would also be able to evaluate what are the other factors which prompts the consumers
towards one E-retail sites more often than the other. And even after carring out their online
shopping are they satisfied with their purchase. If yes why and if no what are the reasons
behind the same. All these elements would also form the part of our research study.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected information.
Here the questionnaire was prepared for measuring satisfaction level of customers towards online
shopping. The primary data collected by survey from Christ College students. Questionnaire was
tabulated, converted into percentage and displayed both in table as by graphical representation for
analysis. Based on the data, interpretation was made.

Showing Gender of Respondents:

Options Number of Customers Percentage
Male 14 56
Female 11 44
Total 25 100
(Source: Primary Data)

The customers were divided into two categories Male and Female. In this 56% of customers
were male and 44% were female.

Showing Age of Respondents:

Page 9
Option Number of Respondents Percentage
15 -25 22 88
26 - 35 3 12
36 - 45 0 0
45+ 0 0
Total 25 100

In this table there are 22 respondents whose age group is between 15 – 25 which is 88% of
total data and 3 respondents are in the age group of 26 – 35 which is 12% of total data. There
is no respondent from the age group of 36 – 45 and 45+.

Showing Maritial status of Respondents:

Option Number of Respondents Percentage
Married 1 04
Single 24 96
Total 25 100

Page 10
There were on 1 Married respondent in this survey which is 4% of total data and 24
respondents were single which contains 96% of total data.

Showing respondents tendency to shop online:

Option Number of Respondent Percentage

Once a week 0 0
Once a Month 12 48
Twice a month 5 20
Prefer not to say 8 32
Total 25 100

Page 11
There were no respondent who do online shopping every week or once a week. There were
12 respondent who do online shopping once a month which is 48% of total data, 5
respondents do online shopping twice a month which is 20% of the data and were there who
prefer not to disclose their online shopping habit.

Showing Respondents favourite shopping site:

Options Number of Respondents Percentage
Amazon 12 48
Flipkart 6 24
Myntra 6 24
Others 1 4
Total 25 100

There were 12 respondents who prefer doing shopping from Amazon which is largest which
is 48% of total data, equal respondents prefer doing shopping from Flipkart and Myntra
which is 6 respondents each which containg 24% each for both. 1 respondent was there who
shop from some other website which was he did not prefer to say which contains 4% of the
data set.

Showing respondents biggest reason for online shopping:

Option Number of Respondents Percentage

Save time and efforts 14 56
Easy return policy 2 8
Cheaper price 7 28
Others 2 8
Total 25 100

Page 12
There were 14 respondents who say that shopping online save there time and efforts which is
56% of total data. 2 respondents says that because of easy return policy they shop online
which is 8% on the data. 7 says that they find find products cheaper in price on online
platform which is 28% of total data. 2 respondents did not mentioned there reason to shop
online which is 8% of total data.
Showing data for spending on online shopping each month:
Other Number of Respondent Percentage
Less than 2K 17 68
2K – 3K 6 24
3K – 4K 1 4
4K+ 1 4
Total 25 100

There were 17 respondents who say that they spend leass than 2k on online shopping every
month which is 68% of total data. 6 respondents say that they spend between 2K – 3K every
month on online shopping which is 24% of total data. 1 respondent say that he spend between
3K – 4K every month and 1 say that he spend more than 4K each month both are containing
4 – 4% respectively of total data.

Data for favorite Payment Method while online Shopping:

Option Number of Respondent Percentage
Cash on Delivery 18 72
Bank Transfer 1 4
Payment Gateway 5 20
Others 1 4
Total 25 100

Page 13
There were 18 respondents who say that they prefer cash on delivery payment option while
shopping online which is 72% of total data. 1 respondent say that he prefer Bank transfer
which is 4% of data, 5 respondent say that they prefer Payment gateway option which is 20%
of the data while 1 respondent use some other payment mode while shopping online which is
4% of the total data.

Showing data on Category of Products do shop the most:

Options Number of Respondents Percentage
Hygiene and Grooming 7 28
Apparels and footwear 13 52
Groceries 0 0
Others 5 20
Total 25 100

There were 7 respondents who shop Hygiene and grooming products which is 28% of total
data, 13 shop for Apparels and Footwear which is 52% of data no one shop for Groceries in
our respondents. 5 respondents shop for some other products online which is 20% of total

Showing respondents biggest Concern with online shopping:

Options Number of Respondents Percentage
Breach of personal 7 28
High traffic on the site at a 3 12
Fraud 11 44
Others 4 16
Total 25 100

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There were 7 respondent whose fear while shopping is the breach of personal information
which is 28% of total data. 3 respondent concern is high traffic on the site at a time which is
12 percentage of data. 11 concern about fraud while shopping online which is 44% of total
data. 4 respondent concern for some other reason which is 16% of the total data.

Device used by respondents while online shopping:

Options Number of Respondent Percentage
Smartphone 22 88
Laptop 0 0
Other 3 12
Total 25 100

There were 22 respondent who use Smartphone while shopping which is 88% of total data.
No one use lapto for shopping, 3 were there who use some other device foronline shopping
which is 12% of total data.

Respondent who take YouTube into consideration while buying a product online:
Option Number of Respondent Percentage
Always 5 20
Rarely 7 28
Sometime 9 36
Never 4 16
Total 25 100

There were 5 respondent who always take youtube in consideration while buying a product
online which is 20% of data, 7 respondents are there who rarely take youtube into
consideration while shopping online which is 28% of data, 9 respondent sometimes take
youtube into consideration which is 36% of total data, and 4 say they never take youtube into
consideration while shopping online whch is 16% of the total data.

Showing data for respondents who find ratings that are listed on the Sites Useful:
Options Number of Respondents Percentage
Yes 18 72
No 1 4
Maybe 6 24
Not prefer to say 0 0
Total 25 100

Page 15
There are 18 respondent who say that ratings liste on sites are useful wfich is 72% of total
data, 1 respondent say that no it is not useful which is 4% of the data, 6 say maybe it is useful
which is 24% of the data.

Showing data for rate of online shopping changed post pandemic:

Option Number of Respondent Percentage
Increased 12 48
Decreased 8 32
Same 5 20
Total 25 100

There were 12 respondents who say that their rate of online shopping is increased after
pandemic which is 48% of data, 8 says that their rate decreased which is 32% of data and 5
says there is no change in their behaviour which is 20% of the data.

Showing data for rate at which you return the products that you have bought online:
Option Number of Respondents Percentage
Always 2 8
Rarely 10 40
Sometimes 13 52
Never 0 0
Total 25 100

There are 2 respondent who says that they always return their product purchased online
which is 8% of total data, 10 respondent are there who says that rarely they return any
product which is 40% of the data, 13 are there who say that sometimes they return the
product which is 52% of total data, no one says that they never return the product.

Showing data for respondent who say that they faced a major problem with your online
shopping experience:
Option Number of Respondents Percentage
Yes 9 36
NO 13 52
Maybe 3 12
Total 25 100

Page 16
There are 9 respondents who say that they have faced major problem while shopping online
which is 36% of total data, 13 says they have never face any such problems which is 52% of
data, and 3 says maybe they have faced any problem which is 12% of total data.


Research Methodology is an outline of how a given piece of research is carried

out. It identifies the techniques or procedures that are used to identify and
analyze information regarding specific research topic. Research data comes in
many different formats and is gathered using a wide variety of methodologies.
“Methodology” implies more than simply the methods you intend to use to
collect data. It is often necessary to include a consideration of the concepts and
theories which underline the methods.

Primary Research

Primary research is a sort of study in which the researcher is directly involved in

the data collection process. The researcher in primary research does not rely on
previously collected data; instead, he or she gathers first-hand information that
serves as research materials for the systematic examination.

The primary research of our case was to know the consumer behavior towards
the online shopping and what are the factors that drive them towards online
retail market. The responses that we have got are both responded by male and
female which are somewhat equal to each other and most of them comprises of
the students who does not earn more than 20k. The target population of this
research paper was mostly from people of age 18-25 as we were focusing more
on younger generation as they are more into affiliate marketing. From the
survey conducted 56% of the respondents are male and 44% are female.
According to the survey 79% of the respondent are graduate and rest are post
graduate. Therefore, we can say that majority of the respondents participated are
highly qualified individuals.

Option Number of employees Percentage

18 3 6
19 2 4
20 29 58
21 8 16
22 1 2
23 1 2

Page 17
24 1 2
25 4 4
26 1 2
Total 50 100

In this table there should be 6% of customers age are 18, 4% of customers age
are 19, 58% of customers age are 20, 16% of customers age are 21, 2% of
customers age are 22, 2% of customers age are 23, 2% of customers age are 24,
4% of customers age are 25 and 2% of customers age are 26.

Table 4.3 showing respondents tendency to shop online.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Yes 47 94
No 3 6
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

94% of customers use online shopping and 6% of customers never use online

Table 4.4 showing how frequently respondents buy online.

Option Number of customers Percentage

Once a month 14 28
Once in 6 months 20 40
Once in a year 14 28
Never brought online 2 4
Total 50 100
(Source: Primary Data)

The customers how frequently buy online should be divided into four
categories. In this, there should be 28% of customers use once a month, 40% of
customer’s use one in 6 months, 28% of customers use once in a year and 4%
of customers never brought online.

Page 18
Secondary Research

Secondary research is a sort of research in which the researcher relies only on

previously published research materials rather than collecting data directly for
the study. Unlike primary research, this method is less expensive and time-

Secondary research data can be found on the internet, in archives, libraries,

educational institutions, and in company reports. However, the researcher must
take extra precautions to verify the data is accurate, as this might have a
negative impact on the study process and results.
Secondary data was collected from the different sources like electronic and print media respectively.
Primary data are collected from the respondents through questionnaire method. Therefore, the goal
is to better understand the concept, its application and its impact on the economy through our


The goal of this research is to figure out what motivates people to shop online
and what stops them from doing so. As a result of the studies, it was discovered
that consumers' purchasing decisions were influenced by many variables
Customers believe that convenience and time savings are important. The most
significant component in internet shopping motivation is that customers mostly
purchase cosmetics on the internet. Respondents, on the other hand, were asked
if it was products that were the source of the issues encountered while
undertaking online shopping. items with defects and poor quality Furthermore,
online safety is a huge problem. Customers, especially in terms of fraud,
privacy, and hacking

The internet's current technological advancements have given rise to a new

marketing strategy. Although the majority of online customers are educated
people and students who have a good attitude toward online buying, risk
perceptions, particularly concerns about online security, are deterring many
people from purchasing online, according to the survey.

Ensure proper safety measures in product delivery is a difficult issue for online
retailers that want to improve their sales.

Page 19
These issues must be addressed, as well as the introduction of a wide selection
of products with further savings. Customers will be more interested as a result.
According to the findings of this survey, internet clients are satisfied. This study
clearly shows that internet marketers should place a greater emphasis on price
and after-sales support. In this competitive period, all internet marketers must
focus on customer satisfaction in order to maintain existing consumers and must
offer fresh appealing schemes on a daily basis in order to attract new clients.


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2. Peterson, R. A., Balasubramanian, S., & Bronnenberg, B. J. Exploring
the implications of the Internet for consumer marketing. Retrieved June28
3. "Nielsen Global Online Shopping Report". Blog.nielsen.com. 2010-06-
29. Retrieved 2012-01-19.
4. Campbell, D.J. Task complexity: A review and analysis. Academy of
Management Review, 13-1-1998
5. Stephen F. King en Juhn-Shiuan Liou, "A framework for internet channel
6. International Journal of Information & Management March 24, 2004
7. www.google.com
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9. www.indianonlineshopping.com

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