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UAL storyboard Title: Dean chains Sheet No. L—Garave lock ap We Aa eS \A) | elles on eat | | Shot vee widle Sol Srottee Md Shot SmeH PE Close UP Lowanng bil Sanding outside ire_warehouse Oil hobling- 4 Pickwe yg his dad billE looking down atte Preture \wed ) igs snot WP? CLOSE (WP SIN Lose UP low srotivee wc Shot car Oicbure Wills duck bil® looking Ke ab te cor wy te car Fade 60 black UAL storyboard Title: breaking Chenns Sheet No. 2 woods & PeANPE ik Shot Shot ive Aide Shoe Shot type wiele Shoé Pan} lefe bill cycline down A_Coadk yill® digmouné hig_bixe and Pushed bi ltY walkug hs, bike under {le Cran Ir}! Ef eso t\) rack — }—~ SAN Yo . @)\ earn ( \ | @ Ls CAG i i\ ef hp Hed Srottvee gig @ hol sot meal Shot shot pe mol So illY ina Sel wih wouse th te oa ¢ KG round boil? Culling uP ouksde hs house and Park ls bike uP AIAMSE Ele hose bill walking Grousene Sron€ door UNd looking to te side Sheet No.3 —billF hous e UAL storyboard Title: breaking chains Vv oe wy yo} shot? Loge UP Shot tWP° mil Shot SHOI YP? Cosco QP Pack QF Ci¥aretes billd Picks uP tee dil looks down on tle Gable Cigarette Pack atte Pack th his Nand H ai 4 4 || ee +\ Bey. | / \ ~sar\ h | y \ (Pl ‘ j MN Shot type close WP. Shot type mwa Shot Shot type md Shot vill? moves Ce Pack wround in Ws haud pill? then pub te Pack in his face! Pockeé and wal &s un bill¥ ranning UP te § air UAL storyboard Title: break? Chains Sheet No. 4. —bill# house Shot type long snot | Shot type mid Shot Shot type mia Shot | will Waoning onto bill? daring gf bill% then takes fle _lardiny and Wis Pron Wore ouk money Srom_a bo his room Clothes and Putting container Z his WobAtn Lothes s a i 4 i r SHPE LWwo Shot Shot type OS Shot PE Los @ Nue dill} running down he Stair with his Mum waking ag te pottom y the stairs wd bi Mun Sacine Lol® pitty Sacing WX Mur anc _condinw bo tat walk down ee aur UAL storyboard Title: breaking chains Sheet No.5 bill% house fe UT Ale ~ RK Msn ic ~~] /i\ SmoIWP® Close yp Shottyee Close YP Shol Pe bg Sho€ MUM S-acine billie villZ Facine mam bilt® amd Ws mam Facing pelachotie, 4! 1%: e» / re /X gtk Au @ 4) ial ["""° Close up ne Close_uP “ Closeus bill Facing mam mum Sacing bill bill Facne myn UAL storyboard Title: Breaking Chains Sheet No.G—bill? house v4 . 6) pet na — F € 4 ‘ee - A 4 vi \ Aa Hi dé d t ad as Sho WP> hwo Shot SHOP MCA Clot | Set Wich Shot trackny bY tarns arounct and Serms o4¢ mun Seats walk Gowaras door bill? walkiny Gowurds kR_door mum walking Coworas fle door Shouting fa fA A) 2 : “| °° /\ eth Cl} 0 ERS , ‘\ db Shot type close_uP Set BPE Mid Shot Shel? Wide Sho entle door Slaming close mum turning Ce Other way bill? Frabbing nis bike and C¥cles bill¥ house UAL storyboard Title: breaking chains Sheet No. 744M ~ nson’s Prive 8 (s\n ii \ . «€ S01 nl Shol_brackns- hole wn id Shoe Se Mid Shoe dill* C¥chng while UinSon Working on ViNSon in Sroné @ Ge cov Wwiine WiPing WS Gears wway his car bill? arriveng Wis hanes while bill¥-aPProch on his bike fn Ce background KA os , Ak, LSP Ad erg ere e+ snot Pe On aA Shot Shot type Wid Shot Shot type mid Shot bill® and vinson bill% bakes a step henson att VMS on Figg ling do a Nandshake back and looks with $e engine while looking Weta char cor at bill? UAL storyboard title Breaktng- Chains Sheet No. P—VvinSon’s Drive f O ie EX Ui en - | * wh ae fia\ An a Shot type close up Shot type mid Shot Shot type close we BILE Sacing Gowards vinSon Fjddling while dlose—up bill Vinson Sacin? _billF SaGnZ Vinson fy “ ie Sy & =. i | Oo ) Cathy an sat ee mid Shot Shot ype 1A Shoe Shot type Close ye Vinson get uP Sram billy con engine lich leaning wies hiS hands bo Vinson Slams Shue and akin? Ge RecStand Seen From he emgihe UAL storyboard title(Breaking chains sheet No. A—VinSon’s Worleshep : 4 yf - Toe is AZ we Shot h HPP Close UP lee Shot type Wid € Shot Sistine wid Shot doors oPening biG ama Vinson The car beth oPen be QAoors Y fy 2 & - =} Ae) 4 P i MY na \ \ \ > iSO x ] /}\ / 4 \ ‘oy \-§ Ae /}\ bhi be e Shot type MWA Stok Shot type Mid Shot Shot Hee sy mikshot bill? and vinson vinson (ontinues talking _ Ce enZine bay walking Go warts fe falkiny 60 bill while He car Fors €o OPen Cle boont UAL storyboard Title: Breakin? Chains Sheet No. | O—VinSon’s worksheo 7 4 i ef A Li Lah ee: HMA 4 Shot type. mid Shot | Snot Pe nik Shot - Shot type Close uP ; bill? lookin® aé vinSon if Front ¥ bill look throuhe CK, tk LW fle_bonneb Listind while winslow and then looks i ins ee be See i look Masi Gesie — bOWN v - Y ae ) My Poke C\ $ \ ( , A A citi y \ ¥ fx © - My SHINE loge UD SROIP® mich Shol Shot type close “up bot bolé on be pill} stands You VinSon _leoking Sloor bill Picks i with the bolé im hana ab tu bolt and throws uP amd Grothrows 16 over pyc him amd—lebs—btrhonnel UAL storyboard Tile: Breakin? chain Sheet No. {\— ViNSon’s workshee 4 iN los r \ —fo— f}— ; vs © a Lh \ /n \ Shot type mid Shot Shot type. mich shot Shot type mid Sho ViNSon (eS Fe. Someline Salls ofF bill look back From ew bonnee clown Cle Cor _sanavinSon Wack & Qe cor and Pull out Sore Peerer are hee cur to asm amd hands it to vincen€ s nh fs p= ot a i\ =@—@- f \ : jy\ ~@ Is Shot type. Close uP wat type mb Shoé Shai type mith Shot Vincent Slicking {hrourh billy Sacine vincent vintent Saan> bill2- tle Cash_and tubié ten le co in Wis Pocket UAL storyboard Title: Breatiny Chain’s Sheet No.\2 — VinSon’ werk shop ae ffir \\ i/ Shot ype “2 —Stroé billd geting exbea vingon looking a bil CB” Mik Shot bl% and vinson walk veto Ge 600 Shot type Ovey head snag Vinson OPenins- fe bonneé, with bill# neke&shia Shot type over Weak Suot Shot type Over head Shot Shot type - ev heat Shot bil Gurina pits Ke engine and Purés and but Cum on ve Floor and pill® taking YC Wheels @bools On feos vinson at GLE enging wit h__bill@ ih Ce Orives Posh Seat UAL storyboard Tile: Breaking chains Sheet No.!3 VinSo% werkshor © at vr head Shot willy and__vinson both Under te cow over heacl_ shod Shot type Shot ty Mover heat £4 Sho bill eal _yinsen taki anole wheel dja~ Bef =n bie atte, 7M wiGh VinSoh Under && cor Shot sy Sver head Slot | oe Po var head Shot Shot type Sue head Shot villa Undo Ae Carr Ad __VinSon ab Gee engine bill in Ge de driver Seat__and_vihson arte n7ing bie nde Re Con ViNSon at onbenging UAL storyboard Title: Breaking Chains Sheet No. Lk-WWSonS Work Stop Shot type over head ShoG Shot ly over head Shot Snot yer Mead Shot] bill at Ge engine Vinson Under Fe. Car BilZ Wry Ee car Vinson at Ce eheine billy in be driver Seat with — billd Wale alors Ge Cor / i Shot type Shot type (p< » © \ Over Wear Shot over Wend Shot- Shot type bill? ama _virtsen both al Ke meine VINSON Anat Pascenge- Seat and _ bill ab wang Co Sturt Over head Shot -whillP and yingon Shaking hana ant wiPine Them UAL storyboard Title: Breakine Chains Sheet No.] 5 —vins onswor ksh 5p c S f , { 7 [= (A [ 2a { | { [pea | AIO ona a ey oe “E16 Abie! =3 a mana | SA WZ Sho! HYP yey he Shek Shot type. wide Shot Shot type mid Shot VINSoN closing bill ane _vinson undue “bill% ance _VinSoh Ele __bonneé Ce cow berbing talkins- Uke, eye cor balkine -\ - Sy2¥l D ey Ip | (ize ' ir n ol ze} i S OL, aed 2 Shot type. close ue Shot type cloge uP Shot type Close up Oh VINSon welding bill? cove’ his vinson (isting his Mask and Consenbrabng 24e5 and talking and talking UAL storyboard title: Breaking Chains —VINSOn’S Work Sheet No. \6 0 Shep As vez, | \- = ( * a Wer C x “SS 8 bc Be Shot type close uP Shot type Mid Shot shottye loge YP bill uncer Cle cor Lalkine blllZana_vinsen Under The cor pill Galking- [gen J Nea ase w “ eS Soot ype Close we Pom SHIPS & Toe ¢ up Vinson Seni Senilins- dilly Ealkin g and balkins Vins Smilind ovine to Ge uP UAL storyboard Title: Brecene choins Sheet No.|7] - VitSon” work show =} OS Snel? Cloge we Shot type mick, SheG Shot type mid Shot tracking DiUlZ Moving 6 bide met Vikson ViRSon Siteins- on Ee 926 up +Céing up from Erne & Ce ca Under Cle cw vison _Movesto fle Front ¢-cow viPiny aw f cd } we) df Lneegh ; @ ale Shot WEA Shot Crack [21% mid Shoe Heli me Close UD bile Sit¢ing on bUle oma_vinsen bill laashine le Fron 4 Ww Cow Onéle Froné the CO (quann? UAL storyboard Title: BVeaking Chains Sheet No.lg—vin Son’ workShoP Ha § TA in 2 > a tL / me Shot type dlose up Shot type close uP Shot ye py of Shot insol hy bill? Cauynin & Bill and vinson langhing- oma taléing a bp i [ A { lOc oC} 4 SF | y Woe a Fan} iS o IA ij 5 Ce Shol lype Mid Sho€ Shot ype cd Shot’ Shot type MiAShoG bill ana vinson billy amd Vingen VINSON fuP6 Ete ma P &bandinr ue Cr 6a! . Wan Son tets—ther UAL storyboard Title: Breaking Chains sheet No. |4— Whson’s weyte,, iA HNP Mid Shot SHoI YP? Mik Shoe Snot Wee rides hot Abily Facing “bite ViNcent Sache DIU oma Vinee Cooking teow te. bar at tachotley and start we balk to wos we doorg Ys Te PS iv i . Lk \ ; { - N PNY " ae eb “ob al /] Ct ° c Shot type close ue Shot type. close uo Shot Pe Damnind— Shot bil Lees waltcing— vinSon [e75 walkg deoobiPre site o towns (le dovo/ towwess te doo” $e ww &ritne wbh bthe. door WClosing- UAL storyboard Sheet No.LO—Vinson S work ii i 53, QW [mete close UP Shot type close uv SnotiY? Close WD Shrok GolF stickers GEL nause burn Cle_sing On ble Side cor On ye } ~ | - «oe ph” Se Byer heat SSE Shot type mak Shoé- snotty Wide Sho Putting Cle cour WNGo Gare Feo He-$e tle _$olF ¢Peedira WY oe ¢ Ce 4rap YoVGE te Zol= Wwitky Patling- one& & fe bork shop heP OPen oacds UAL storyboard Title: Breakin% chains — Sheet No.2|—-waso. 1 ‘ , ) whip (Cy a Pour O- Ox Sel Go Pro Shot Shot ype. MI Shot Smot WPS Ae ek Shot on dls t4res Movirg Co AviVing Past COC _ACIVIND away = Om > OS Ge 20a Shot YP? evial Shot Shel ype ue_Go Pro Sue Shot type drone Sho cov _driviWy along ekhasé cow Arvin? Go wares Ce_VYoud tu Camera, UAL storyboard title: Breweha Meuns sheet No.272 — OPen roeety e i ae Shot Ye Ay rg Shot Shot type over heac shod Shot type close wRUP Conch ingore gent Chanees Foot Peclals o Sie RY car re— _ Ley fe )— Ce \ Le —-& ( a ( Shot type mid Sho Shot type Lowe angie Shot type wire Shot bow ort Coy Com Univin® Side bb cow driving on road Passed AriVing lone road UAL storyboard Title: BYeakina Chovins Sheet No23-~ OPN roaos f. Snot ve Wik e Sho€ Snothee drone Shot Shot WP° one Shae WY Ariving away _taw _ dvivin? Pass ev vy Ge Cow iat i \\ . : \ ) \ | | -, Shot type Shot NPE ARigh Shae snore close up 7 bill” looking in Silming—thto Pedals Ge “ha mirror Side miyror UAL storyboard Title: Brealew Chains Sheet No.2y =~ Been roc? = Shot type Wide soe Shot type [ settee over Sholole- shot virgen bill? Pulls ines os drive wate vinsoh Hot Fels out We cow and ens Chioure Ce winston bille Fe Cun Gy te engine ama Saces vinSon ~~ 4S ~s Snot? Over Shoulda: Shel} ally Shot var Sholder Shof vikson Shot Beer thoulda- ShoF bl Wison Sacine bill@- and pall ovkd20 DILLY Facing vin Son sen Feemnz bilg- UAL storyboard Title: Brecking Cheans Sheet No. 2H ~ yinson’s rene o , | 5 | \ Shot type over Shoulde- Shoe vin Shot PS ey Neuloter Sh the bil ne OS ee Shoulel4- Bhot vin billZ Facine vinson Vinson gets ou€ w Vinson leaning on $e Vindow with bill Sacin2 vinson and Ponts a€ bke CR Cor” hand Seashalee +~—~_ $8 2) ( La | f _ va O—~e ? 4 >> ‘EQ Shot type dose uP Shol type ver Shoulda pile spettvee wide Sleat VMSon lookin? vinson walks g- _ $F Arives of lack and Sees bike omd (ooking pack. AMICK Passe Comera UAL storyboard Title: Breakiny chains Sheet No.26- BUF house Shot type Shah VES a) Shot nese Shot type clos tut Car Pullin ixge iGo out side bwouse toby l% Yeaches Inge id Pockec and Pulls OUl his valec DULY OPening Wwalleé and Pall owe a Piceure F Ws dad A dG, hi M | shot Deg - SH Ce Up Shot WP? ML Shoe =O bill tye — att bill looxine Gown Dilly Path Pin breaking tom at tH Pidbare be _Pretare oy Che Screen Vid or UAL storyboard Tile: Greaking Chains Sheet No27~BillfS house Shol vee Cloge UP Shot? Close up Shot WP? aol SOE DiMY Vicewre 4 Dad. On Visor pill loo uP at 4k tren clees 1% ange our FY HE Car (oces & anol walks [née Ce house. efrkt pal at ey Snot WP? maid Shoe Sot NPE id Sao: Ww snot Close up BY mun washing dishes billy walks in sreehind hur bill¥ walks KP to his mum Pat money dont Nt Mum Pockeé UAL storyboard Title: Breaking Sheet No 2§— Bilt house a cu bo Shot type ma Shot Shot Pe yt @ Shoe: Shot type yh Shot bill talking While SeSlowle Wakking- ony bllg Walks _Oue gy fe house So See Che te cow Gone WARS dene down bill in Cu house one Phone be Fe Police cig LORD Shot type Mia ShoG Oe Shot WEE pate (GE WO Shot Pe ba wide Shoo bill wafking awounm Ce fou _balking ON Ge Prene vul%_saé on Ge bet _with tre Phone in had Ske look WO bye Shar Go lea’ _ bile on Ce Phone wag]uyA 29 eww 4N'F IA 99 4uyeg Viosuly sdO7S po APH SHIOM ANN FOUR priv, ‘eddy jous aw 4s yw ‘edA} 40US IUD PM ais sous 264% 2) 99U! pn ewaq was dt Spon Puls _ANOP wear ae See “SoMa USS Wp aiwagq Aq Swim L AVA A)! F0NS Poss pared BML, fous 9OMS OPM san sous S—-e oO oD > 3} gf ol re aeusysam— |,7'ON Jeous Sumy? 4urmval@ ZOU Pweg AI@}S TY) Mosuia Au2e$ 484 GMA Sires vosuin Goan Guimes p)pq 2S viw ‘edA| joys F2YS PW gov sous IONS PM oats us Ao \ ¢ es ‘ ea, —_ \ OW Zinsap VOSUIA COsu UTES AN AIT CUTE VOSA ONS IW edAl jous 7S Rw edd} joug. IOUS a) ed} jous I°UQ 4 AOM-OF ON Joous — Susmoyn SwiyIIQh “Olli, puDogAloys TN} Ud9SulA ONY usu) surngs 4) )'F AUS WOS YA MIMS AIG FOUS PML sous FOUS YIM onc FSW ae GO | \Y ‘ HR SUIS WOSUIR UeSuInN Gurup 2) GINO Gusvg UOC, P48 YY oa sous FOU S PW a sous BUF VW can sous CQO] a IC] \ ¥ \ = \ oeus POM 9 HoSuA —]E ON 199US Sueyo 4yqves§ soit pipoqdiojs TWN per A Aig 10 AQ UL Wwe 4} Poon! ays ao eye) ve Wo Sypam ey vay PAIROO) AIS Ty vo 3G AG © “nig] 09 d09S I9 ie aves FOU IW oc sous oF s PW. MH) cia jous CD + 6 (on - o “S GMA 41m BN 07 FMS 97 Ono FPYS ouoy wn) iii Mell aye iF Arua UosuyA FOUS PM cas sous US y? WEIR OWS IVD on Kp CO CY = Q@ IMS yaey - Ton ‘cous Suwova 4utsh09 IQ shit PinogAiojs TWN \anq 2 MAHI Pwo veq 97 yl 21d Vv woop an turn £4)! IMF Wras4.n)4 40109) NA ed jous AR PIA) a4, ous aoe oy ong g ( 1 y 7 | gral | wyw ( ‘Q—< (\ ‘i bvp PnI7Id D219 * a yO wp Pee SM te 2marg Ous4907 GF eulnoo) 4))'q nn? auqqurh 4) IM F3O)D 54 sous AN 259)? aK, sous | 3eUS WW on Ny \ | “i CD YASS PChHOY F/I — TL “ON Jays Sure? — — V WevkK Shon i Shot type wie Shoe Shot type ClosaP Uv Shot type Side Shoulclel- James Leahine” VINSON Shouéine buy l7seenting balk Sheubing fo Tames in \ 18 Shot type Shot type Side Shoulels) ele wiAe Shot dase ur Tomes leaaning- WS oh Shouting bill _tulkine back Shouethe te James tO Vinsen Sheet No.8 -V Work Shon UAL storyboard Tile: breatine Caains Gc Shot lype é6e Uo Shot type. sid e Should} Shot type C lose ue unsen &lkine to billG talking bd VMS y billy Eo vison Wahine NG HL it ia) Shot type Sf? wal? eng Shot type wide Shot Shot type LOW ° re erm she bill? ana Vinson Walk htowava the lotic UPQ Mg drives Past bill amd _urson SGoOK OU Side Ce wovenese car Pork on Ce Hour Cy billy APPonches onc Prs— Dices We UAL storyboard Title: Breakup cacins Sheet Nolpo— Wee hous — = 4 Ai). M . [| | Va SS Shot type clese wr Shot type Close yp Shel NP ate bill? in SPeleineyy On (OK Pick Vinson Wing be Corr Pore wie _ Go Pick fle (oce Vi ZEAE S GS DICE Cle (ook 0, NP? Close WP mid Shot Cay Shoulhey Shot billY Butls ove Vinten Picking UP th —ynSon looks Ove O Crow bar Vick BUY Dashes te ake bi (ld lock UAL storyboard Title: Brenig Cheng Sheet No. lel — wore honee f Br beth looking at A Shot Wye mia Shsé Shot type low unGle [ Set YP? Mick Shot billY omet_vinson MSide fe _Wwarenouse each oft Vinson oPers uP tte Wihson cp bi(l& Unie With ahohurac in ar gw) © Shot type L MA Snoe Shot type 6} j ©¢ lav Ports Ce@e uP lov fits Shot type Close we lar Puts UAL storyboard title: Breaking chads Sheet No.y2~wave house _ mene i A __ Shot PE ry tA ou of -_ [aoe close up_ Shot type Wie Bhoé billY anda _vihse valk tha Staré talking On bill® worm Sack WhSon weSecity Samethiny ama_WalkS ovr 60 1% mak LI Shotive AA. Sinck Shot type close Wa shot? lnc, yp MIA Shot _vingon Cures Vinson Ofenine be ke (erat 0K wall lett bill _looKino-_feeges lost UAL storyboard Title: QvcalQn%2— Chews Sheet No: 43 - warehouse V< vx Shot type ore aD Shot type (au Shoe. [SI , ae VinSon With 6& biNY — Cooniney oe billy looks WP leCeo tle Sloor a6 _vinsen - Lad Shottype ete Shoe Shot type. close up Shot YPC Oy SAE bill% Sat Owe Sian Fre DIY sid aling Men bile bun __ bebrng or KShop H he cw keeP eee Owe WAPe Gg da One & Wwalleg APO mama END sawoy — Cyyn9 a anny pin yaop yw FIs aq Aww AU, r)g YUN Wouryywm HA ag rua ATM ping AWWPAAS VOSA pA UO Luyovg VOSUN FAS PEW casos rae a0 FMR. s4) 04s AN P89) cas yous bi o a enn pur dv ~ ywoy uy UNFAZ vo BUFPh Ail Did vue 42> ume gvyAoo) A)'4 rl 2 pe edA} jous an 2509 ed ous ane aM 350) edAy Jous 5 l eo 4 a J 26nY 24mm -H2 “ON JO8US SUroyp Gu voy FOUL pupogdlojs 1VN os uin rte FIA PUM UDMA AWTS YA aay's Wao, M2UL ANG ““Ahatolety 913 OM aso FAIS PIW cca jous ous piv 9d} ous ) a Le e) * / Wo Avr V9 tus oo wosun WW as AMP rp BY YNOM — OBWIA IYO) ly OSA. UDwep VOSA PUP MW oa ous | 3048 PW sn ng POMS DW ai as D é7_ i ( za ie aeygason — FON 190us 4p pmeyT dow PI) ‘SILL. Suey 5 plbogAoys TWN Gb UAL storyboard Title: Breaking hans Sheet No: EG Work Shop & I /“& Lah Oe ; | Shot type Mich Shot Shot type. Nick snot Shot type. VUNson Dancin VinSon back bill © bil% lamrnine Vingon mes te AMA Wworknge Dancth> bill walks hi head bile Wwaks AF wof is be Spot Viton Gas nowy YNson Pubs is asic. chew Ory Vt dh Uese un sethee Mich Se oF SOP? OVE Seo lea Vinson Putting on, MoMns SuSPanders looking ae WARS ps tee Shot type “& Vinson’s Anive tray UAL storyboard Title: Breakin? chains sheet - cack Shy p Shot vob td Sho a te cur volling bo & Stoo outside Shot type Smet PE Shob CERNE ViNSon wakin” Cheong doo billig comes one ame Merfoloe gol, (tee _ fev eran Ane - — / eS oO _ Cf | Shot type wide Shot Shot Peete Mich Shot | Shotype med Shot vill Sebcing onl Vinsen __Patthhe bil® outswe te Y Ge ow ana WS hana on Front deor Walks 4P bo Ge APProcadung- (le house te He horn dow” cnc: GS UAL storyboard Title:Breakina chow'ns sheet No, BP— chourles howse. _ | B ez (a er Shot WPS gm Shet Sho! type ote anc She e| ShoFYOS Nav Fg | VINSOh__beediy x bill? lteuy Wg ~ bY Knocks agedn horn amc lansing. hand hewn ame bag Nethiny barning est be © 6 ET 2 . & A Shot type Mk Shot Snot A. Shoe Grete Shot ype Be Sho bil? (00ks around billd walk ne own WILY OpProcmins 6te_ Md Ged Yown tig te See fe Sreol SUS VEE hour& house towuds 6y_ &4 Sheet No. 4A ~ Chaniles howe UAL storyboard Title: QreakmMe chins (Beer CA) Shot type Shot type WW le Shot type Close_ uo OTA Sho k| OVLY Shenker. Srehé Di Grabbing Oe bill® looks Sor bill? Pick UP be locke _trting & ofen Gnd Dart tne _O Monber 46 Plake on Dubs Plate ® _t_ | Shot type IMPS Close AD SDP? Close WP Mik Shoé eee —tee—oy— bill NuMbs Plube eil('% droPPMr Fe de Wor WZ Led VUANder Place am vilkme Yt UAL storyboard Title: Breakin® Chowy3- 5e Sheet No: by — chaniles . , Ra | Shot oP de envd Shot: Shot type, . Sik WIE Shot Shot type, GA We Sret} bil? $s _backalr’ in€é& Cw Chowile Walkie Wh? Tle roan A pillZ leone Soy wewy 7 I om P Shot type mid Shot Shot type Ae Mia Shot | Shot type wd shot Chole walkinee UA Ge row bil reackny lade Sor hd helnee mar bill leawing— Ge, Cor

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