GenMath Performance Task Q2 2

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Note to the Teacher:

Performance Task 11.2.2 will be given after the learners accomplished the module 8. (see
the Teachers and Learners Guide in the utilization of modules for the recommended dates)

Note to the Learner:

Accomplish Performance Task 11.2.2 after you finished the module 8.

GOAL: Your task is to formulate conclusions and to make decisions involving stocks and bonds.
ROLE : Your job is to be an investor who will decide on which company to invest based from the
conclusions made using financial instrument involving stocks and bonds.
AUDIENCE : You need to convince the business owners that you are indeed right in choosing
their company for your investment.
SITUATION: You are challenged to formulate conclusions and make decisions on what
company to invest given an appropriate financial instrument involving stocks and bonds.
PRODUCT: You will present a conclusion and decision based from appropriate financial
instrument involving stocks and bonds.

Scoring Rubric
Criteria 5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Completeness Answer all the There is one There are two More than 2 No attempt or
questions. question not question not questions not below grade level
answered. answered. answered. work shown.

Precision and Calculated the Calculations are Calculations Calculations are No attempt or
Accuracy correct mostly correct, contain major completely below grade level
answer. may contain errors. incorrect. work shown.
minor errors.

Creativity The output is The output is There are more The output is No attempt or
very well well created. than one not creatively below grade level
created. It is There is one erasures. done. It is not work shown.
neat. erasure. neat.

Following Do the task as One instruction There are two More than 2 Not following
Instruction instructed. is not followed. instructions not instructions not instruction.
followed. followed.

Timeliness Pass on time One day delay Two days delay Three days One week delay
Instruction: Use construction papers for your output. No performance tasks that are the same.
Be honest.
Materials: Construction Paper, Scissor, Glue, Calculator
I. The data below shows the 5 stockholders given the par value, dividend percentage and
number of shares of stock they have. Find the dividend of the 5 stockholders.
Stockholder PAR Value (in Pesos) Dividend (%) No. of Shares Dividend
A 60 4 100 ____________
B 50 3.50 150 ____________
C 40 3.00 300 ____________
D 80 2.5 100 ____________
E 70 2.75 200 ____________

1. Which among the stakeholders gets the higher dividend?

2. Compare and Contrast the relationship of the number of shares to the dividend the
stockholder may get.
II. Pretend that you have ₱1,000.00 in your piggy bank. Over the weekend, several people want
to borrow money from you.
Read the stories and decide.
a. Your Mom is having a garage sale. She needs cash to make change for the day. She promises
to pay you back ₱1,050.00. You know that she has always paid back her loans.
b. Your older brother has a business idea, but he doesn’t have any money. He wants to borrow
your money to buy a lot of bottled water. He plans to put the bottles of water on ice in a cooler
and take them to the festival next weekend and try to sell them at a higher price. If he can’t sell
them all, he plans to save them and sell them the following weekend at another event. Since he
isn’t sure how long it will take to sell them all, he will promise to pay you back ₱1,050.00 in four
c. A classmate, whom you don’t know very well, wants to borrow your money to buy candies.
He plans to sell these candies at a higher price. He believes he can make a lot of money doing
this, even though he is not allowed to go out. He promises to pay you back ₱1, 050.00 in two
Decision: Who will you lend your money to? and why?

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