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Chapter 7: Bones, muscles and joints

1. What are humans?
2. How are they supported/built?
3. What is attached to bones? How are they stimulated?
4. What is the function of human skeleton?
5. Give examples of each function.
6. What compromises the axial skeleton?
7. What forms the appendicular skeleton?
8. How many kinds of girdle?
9. Why do we need girdle?
1. What does bone marrow contain? What do they do?
2. Why is bone a hard substance?
3. Why is bone a living organ?
4. What do these cells do?
5. Why can they repair themselves if they are broken?
6. What are tiny bones called?
7. Give example of long bone and tiny bones.
8. What does the presence of blood vessels and living cells in the
bone means?
9. What happens if a long bone is left in a beaker of acid?
1. What does the middle of bone consist of?
2. What do they contain? Describe.
3. What do some larger bones have?
4. What does marrow do?
5. Why are large bones lighter?
6. What is the outside of bone made of?
7. What is ossification?
8. How are osteocytes arranged?
9. What is the function of osteocytes?
1. Where is cartilage present?
2. What is the function of cartilage?
3. What is cartilage? What do they contain?
4. What do chondrocytes do?
5. What is the periosteum?
6. When does the long bone stop growing?
7. What is essential for bone growth? Expand.
8. What is in the bone matrix?
9. What does lack of vitamin D cause?
1. What happens although bone stops growing in length? How?
2. How do bones grow? Fig 7.5
3. Why can the bone resist compression?
4. What can the bone do instead?
5. Fig 7.3
6. Fig 7.1
7. What is osteoporosis?
8. What happens to bones during osteoporosis?
9. Who is affected by this? 70 yrs old >?
1. Who are particularly vulnerable to this? Why?
2. Is there cure for this? How?
3. What happens if bone is affected by osteoporosis?
4. What is a joint?
5. What is articulate?
6. What does the movable joint need to be?
7. What are movable joints called?
8. What do they contain?
9. Why is there synovial fluid in movable joints?
1. Describe synovial fluid.
2. What does the end of each bone has?
3. What does cartilage do?
4. What is the joint surrounded by?
5. How is it held together?
6. What do ligaments have?
7. Why are ligaments tough?
8. What do they do?
9. What is the scientific definition of elastic material?
1. Fig 7.7
2. How many kinds of joints?
3. What does freely movable joint include? Explain. Give example.
4. What does ball and socket joint allow? How?
5. What does partially movable joint allow? Give example.
6. What does fixed joint allow? Give example.
7. How many bones does the cranium consist?
8. What do both ligaments and tendons have?
9. Give differences between them?
1. What is inelastic?
2. What are skeletal muscles?
3. How do they move?
4. Where are tendons?
5. What do tendons have?
6. What can muscle only do?
7. What happens when muscles gets longer?
8. What are antagonistic pairs?
9. Why does muscle contract while the other relaxes?
1. Give example of antagonistic pairs.
2. Fig 7.9 Explain abt it.
3. What is the origin?
4. What is the insertion?
5. What happens when a muscle contract?
6. What are other antagonistic muscles in the body?
7. When are antagonistic muscles used?
8. What muscles is used in running or walking?
9. Write about the muscle of knee.
1. Fig 7.11 Label.
2. In which movements do we need to bend the spine?
3. What happens when we bend spine?
4. What is spine made of?
5. How are these bones joined?
6. Give difference between joint in arm and spine.
7. How can the whole spine bend?
8. What is the main muscle responsible for moving side to side?
9. Fig 7.12
1. How are their shape and size related? How do they differ?
2. Fig 7.13
3. What is skeletal muscle made up of?
4. What are muscle fibres adapted for?
5. What is muscle fibre composed of?
6. How many types of filaments?
7. What happens when muscle contracts?
8. How many types of muscle in the body? Describe.
9. What does contraction of muscle fibre need? Where does it come
1. How does it respire?
2. What happens when we carry out strenuous exercise?
3. What changes happen when we carry out exercises?
4. What is muscle tone?
5. What does muscle tone do?
6. When does it help and how?
7. What are muscles made of?
8. What kind of diet is needed for muscle? Why?
9. Fig 7.14
1. Which jaw is movable in humans?
2. How is chewing done?
3. How many types of teeth do human have?
4. What is dentition?
5. Where are incisors? Shape? What is it for?
6. Where are canines? Shape? Function?
7. Where are premolars and molars? What are they called?
8. What do cheek teeth have?
9. Function of cheek teeth? How?
1. Types of food humans are dealt with?
2. What is crown of tooth covered with?
3. Write about figure of teeth. Fig 4.11
4. Where are cytoplasmic strands and how are they kept alive?
5. What are the first set of teeth called?
6. What happens when baby is a few months old?
7. When will the milk teeth be pushed out? How?
8. How many set of adult teeth is formed?
9. How is tooth decay formed?
1. Another word for tooth decay?
2. Process of tooth decay?
3. When do we feel the pain?
4. What is periodontal disease? What can it lead to?
5. What do bacteria form?
6. How can we prevent tooth decay?
7. How many hours does it take for plaque t form? How many times
to brush?
8. What kind of toothbrush is recommended?
9. What do electric toothbrush has?
1. What happens if plaque is left on teeth?
2. What does fluoride do?
3. How is fluorine added to now? What can we use?
4. What is needed for the teeth to grow healthy?

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