Bathing A Newborn Return Demonstration

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NCM 103 - Pedia Skills Lab

1. Wash hands to reduce the transmission of microorganisms.
2. Prepare the bathing needs.
a. Put hot water on the cold water on the basin.
b. Check water temperature using your elbow or the radial of the wrist.
c. Put a drop or two of liquid soap on the water and mix. Water should not be foamy.
3. Get back to the baby.
a. Remove the baby’s clothes including the diaper and wrap them in a towel.
b. Lay to the table near the bathing station.
c. Unwrap the baby’s towel one part at a time to expose only the area of the body where
you need access.
d. Get 2 cotton balls, dip in water, rinse off the excess water, then clean the eyes starting
from the inner canthus going outwards the outer canthus.
❖ Discard used cotton balls. Use separate cotton balls per area and use
only for a single stroke.
e. Check for any eye discharges.
f. Clean the forehead, side of the cheeks going downwards the chin, outer and back of the
ears, and inner neck getting sidewards.
4. Bathe the head part of the baby in the basin while supporting the neck.
a. Be cautious of the baby’s mound, make sure to not press hard into it.
b. Avoid contact of soapy water on the baby's eyes and ears.
i. Use the pointer finger and thumb to close the baby's ears to avoid entering water.
5. Rinse the baby’s head with the water.
6. Bring back the baby to the table.
a. Place on a soft towel and dry the head gently.
7. Remove baby’s clothing and diaper.
8. Wrap the baby with the towel to keep her from harm.
9. Go back to the bathing station.
a. Use a soft and clean towel to clean the baby's skin.
10. Get the baby, place your one hand on her neck, the bottom of the baby is supported by
your arm.
a. Soak the baby’s foot part in the soapy water and concentrate on cleaning the baby’s
folded skin areas.
11. Change the position of the baby, put her on your other arm, in a prone position.
a. Clean the baby’s back.
12. Clean the genital area.
❖ If the baby is a boy that was circumcised, avoid cleaning the baby’s penis to keep
the wound dry unless directed by your baby boy’s physician.
13. Return the baby on a supine position.
14. Lay the baby on the table on top of a soft and clean towel.
a. Dry the baby by patting the towel onto the skin.
b. If you have a newborn boy that was circumcised, follow his physician’s instructions
carefully to keep the area clean or dry until it has fully healed.
15. Wrap the baby into the towel.


1. Lay the baby on the table.
2. Unwrap the baby.
3. Clean the umbilical cord.
a. Get a cotton ball, dip in the water, squeeze excess water.
b. Clean the cord area in a circular motion.
c. Discard used cotton balls.
4. Clean the main cord with a downward stroke.
5. Diaper the baby and expose the cord area.
a. Lift baby’s bottom and slide the diaper under.
b. Pull the front part of the diaper and secure the adhesive.
6. Dress the baby.
a. Starting from putting on the top clothes.
b. Put the mittens so the baby will not scratch her face using her own hands/nails.
c. Put the booties.
d. Put the baby’s pants.

1. Find a flat surface.
2. Spread the baby’s swaddle in the shape of a diamond.
3. Place the baby in a supine position.
4. Straighten the baby’s left arm, then pull the left side of the swaddle and tuck it underneath her
right arm and back.
a. With this, the baby’s left arm is covered while the right arm is still free.
5. Bring up the bottom part of the swaddle and tuck it under the first fold under the baby’s chin, or
tuck it behind the baby.
6. Straighten baby’s right arm, then pull the right side of the swaddle blanket over the baby;s body
and tuck it under her left side.
7. Secure the blanket.


Wash or sanitize hands to reduce transmission of microorganisms.

Cradle Hold
a. With the baby positioned horizontally at your chest level, slide your hand from their bottom up to
support their neck.
b. Gently nudge the baby’s hood on the croom of your left elbow.
c. While cradling the baby’s head, move your hand from the supporting arm to the baby’s bottom.
❖ Your free arm will be able to do other things or provide extra support.
Shoulder Hold
a. Starting with the cradle hold, lift the baby’s head to your shoulder height.
b. Rest the head on your chest and shoulder so they can still breathe and look out behind you.
c. Keep one hand on the baby’s head and neck for support, and the other hand will support the
baby’s bottom.

Belly Hold
a. Lay the baby with her stomach down, across your forearm with head on the side toward your
elbow so the baby can still breathe.
b. Baby’s feet should land on either side of your hand, angled closer to the ground so the baby is at
a slight angle.

Lap Hold
a. Sit on a chair with your feet firmly on the ground.
b. Place the baby on your hip, supine position, the head should be at your knees.
c. Lift the head up with both of your arms while the body will be supported with your forearms that
are closed together. Baby’s feet should be tucked in your waist.
d. The baby can be raised, or simply on your lap as this is suitable for most elders.
The baby should be in a slightly upright position so you can put pressure on their tummy.

Burp between changing sides, or mid-bottle

a. Burp the baby between switching sides at the breast, or before they finish their bottle.

Hold on your shoulder/Shoulder hold - More easier to know if the baby has burped already as she
is near your ear.
a. Position the baby on your shoulder height.
b. Your other arm is supporting the head and neck, while the other arm is supporting the baby's
c. Use your hand that supports the baby’s head and neck to tap the baby’s back. Remember to
gently pat with your hand in a cup form.

Hold lower on your chest

a. From the shoulder hold, move down the baby on your breast area.
b. Tap the baby’s back gently to burp.

Rock on your arm/Sloth Hold/Belly Hold

a. Same procedure with the belly hold.
b. Move your arm that is on the bab’s back to top gently her back.

Lay on your knees

a. Sit in a chair.
b. Position the baby in a lying position on their tummy on your knees.
c. You can move your legs side to side to rock them.
d. Gently pat the baby’s back and wait for her to burp.

Burping for the babies only lasts for a minute or two. They sometimes burp as soon as you move them in
an upright position.

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