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Carbon monoxide Colourless, odourless gas

Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels The exhaust of vehicles factories

Health combines with haemoglobin and affects the transport of oxygen to body cells impairs alertness, causes fatigue and heandaches Health irritates eyes damages respiratory passages causes bronchitis causes wheezing, a shortness of breath and coughing causes asthmatic attacks Climate forms acid rain Agriculture damages photosysthetic tissues due to acid rain acid rain lowers pH of soil, rivers and lakes. Buildings Acid rain corrodes iron, limestone and stonework. Health irritates lungs, nose, throat and eyes cause respiratory infection cause bronchitis forms acid rain Agriculture Lowers pH of soil due to acid rain Damages leaves and roots Buildings Acid rains corrodes metal and destroys stonework on buildings


Sulphur dioxide pungent, colourless gas formed when sulphuric compounds react with oxygen during combustion

combustion of fossil fuels, particularly in heat and power generation facilities volcanic gases large industrial boilers factories

Use low sulphur content fuels Clean up emissions from power stations and factories with scrubbers

Oxides of nitrogen Nitrogen monoxide Nitrogen dioxide

Vehicle exhausts Action of bacteria on fertilizers Combustion of fossil fuels factories

Clean up emissions from car exhausts by installing catalytic converters to turn oxides of nitrogen into harmless nitrogen gas

Lead Added to petrol to prevent the inefficient burning of the petrol-air mixture Carbon dioxide An acidic, colourless and odourless gas

Combustion of fossil fuels Vehicle exhaust fumes

Open burning Combustion of fossil fuels

Fine particulate matters Dust, smoke and exhaust fumes Contains tiny carbon particles called soot

Incomplete burning of fossil fuels Motorized vehicle Quarries, sawmills and asbestos factories

Health Retards mental development and damages the liver Can result in coma or death Health Affects respiration Climate Leads to greenhouse effect and global warming Climate changes Health Irritate the eyes, nose and lungs Damage the respiratory passages Haze can cause conjunctivitis, sore throats, influenza and etc Agriculture Soot deposit on leaves and block stomata Lowers the photosysthetic rate Climate Forms haze and smog Buildings Soot darkens buildings

Use unleaded petrol

Reduce the use of fossil fuels

More efficient burning of fuels in welldesigened furnaces. Stop open burning

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