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Research Methods

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Summary of the Three Articles

Article 1

Kour, P., Lien, L., Hjelde, K, H., Pettrsen, H., Kumar, B. The Use of Substances at an Early

Age: A Qualitative Study among Young Men Living with Substance Use Disorders in

Punjab, India. Addict Addictv Disord 2021, 8: 061.

This article presents a qualitative study on the use of substances at an early age among young

men that live with substance abuse disorder in Punjab, India. The researchers note that

substance use disorder is a major health problem among the youth. In India, the problem has

been seeing a rise. The researchers thus aimed to explore the reasons why substance abuse is

being induced in the lives of young people at quite an early age. The researchers thus

undertook individual interviews that were carried out by young people. The data collected

from the study were thus analysed by thematic analysis from which four main themes were

yielded. These are inclusive of adolescent behaviour, peer group influence, family influence

as well as social and cultural contextual factors. Amongst the four identified themes, peer

pressure emerged as the main factor in early substance abuse that contributes to substance

abuse disorder. From the study, there is a provision of a better understanding of the

experiences that young people have with substance abuse disorders. The study presented in

this article is evidence-based and of high quality. The researchers considered ethical

guidelines that defined the scope of the research study. The strengths and limitations of the

study are also provided. The study thus provides insight into future research on the issue.

Article 2

Leban, L. and Gibson, C.L., 2020. The role of gender in the relationship between adverse

childhood experiences and delinquency and substance use in adolescence. Journal of criminal

justice, 66, p.101637.


This article is a study on the role of gender in the relationship between adverse childhood

experiences as well as the delinquency and substance abuse amongst the adolescents. The

study notes that adverse childhood experiences is primarily a construct of measuring the

adversity of childhood through abuse as well as household dysfunction and the association

that it has to future health problems and behaviours that are maladaptive. Adverse childhood

experiences have been theorized as a cumulative stressor. Besides, the researchers note that it

promotes a series of negative outcomes across their lives. The study aimed to examine the

relationship between adverse childhood experiences and delinquency as well as the role of

gender in the same since they are rarely explored areas of research. To meet its objectives, the

study adopted a primary approach via a longitudinal cohort study from which extensive

behavioral as well as psychosocial data were collected from children, adolescents as well as

young adults with overlapping ages. The data collected were analysed and conclusions were

drawn effectively. This study is of utmost importance to the search topic. It is of high quality

based on the research methodology that ensured the findings are evidence-based.

Article 3

Wolff, K.T., Baglivio, M.T., Klein, H.J., Piquero, A.R., DeLisi, M. and Howell, J.C., 2020.

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and gang involvement among juvenile offenders:

assessing the mediation effects of substance use and temperament deficits. Youth violence

and juvenile justice, 18(1), pp.24-53.

This article discussed adverse childhood experiences as well as gang involvement among

juvenile law breakers through an assessment of the mediation effects of substance use as well

as temperament deficits. The study by Kevin et al. aimed to explore the role that adverse

childhood effects has in contributing to gang involvement among juvenile offenders. The

researchers undertook a longitudinal study that involved a sample of 104, 267 juvenile

offenders as a way of examining the effect of adverse childhood experience exposures on two

distinct measures of gang involvement at the time they are aged 18 years. The researchers

made use of structural modelling for testing the possibility of higher exposures to ACE at

time 1 predicted the possibility of the juveniles getting involved in gangs and whether there is

a mediation of ACE-gang involvement relationship by problematic disposition. From the

study, the researchers found out that exposure of juveniles to ACE are predicting factor for

gang involvement at the age of 18. This is better explained by the impact of ACE on

substance abuse as well as difficult personality. This article is a well-structured and well-

actualized research study whose findings are of high quality, valid and reliable.

Summary Table of the Three Articles

Article 1

Autho Aim of Design/ Sample Key Comments/strengths/

r and study method findings limitations


Kour To Qualitative 10 The Strengths

et al. examine study young reasons The study provides insight into

2021 substanc men for early the experiences of persons

e abuse aged 18- substance living with SUDs that start at

at an 25 years abuse early ages.

early age with a include The results are evidence-based

in young history adolescen and based on experiences of the

men of t participants.

living substanc behaviou Validity of the findings is

with e abuse r, peer enhanced by triangulation

substanc disorder group Limitation

e abuse Influence Biasness n the recruitment of


disorder , family the participants

influence, Lack of generalizability of the

and study findings





l factors.

Article 2

Autho Aim of Design/ Sample Key Comments/strengths/

r and study method findings limitations


Leban to Longitudinal 6000 ACEs may The data collected were

and examine cohort study randoml be analysed and conclusions

Gibso the role of y uniquely were drawn effectively. This

n. gender in sampled associated study is of utmost importance

2020 relationshi youth with to the search topic. It is of

p between and delinquenc high quality based on the

adverse their y for boys research methodology that

childhood families and ensured the findings are

experience substance evidence-based

and use for

delinquenc girls.

y as well



abuse in


Article 3

Autho Aim of Design/ Sample Key Comments/strengths/

r and study method findings limitations


Kevin to examine Longitudinal 104 267 ACE One strength of the study is

et al. the effects study juvenile exposure that the findings are

2019 of ACE offender at Time 1 consistent with those from

exposure s. predicts other state-wide study of gang

on two Mean gang membership.

different age involveme The study is evidence-based

measures of 16, nt by age thus of high quality.

of gang 76% 18. The research findings are

involveme male, reliable and valid.

nt by age 46%

18 Black



, 15.7%



CASP analysis of the three articles

Article 1

Questions Response and Comment

Was there clear statement of the aims of the Yes

research? The goal of the research was to explore the

use of substances at an early age among

young men living with substance use


Is a qualitative methodology appropriate? Yes

The research methodology is appropriate for

the study as it answers the research questions


Was the research design appropriate to Yes

address the aims of the research? The research design has been justified


Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to Yes

the aims of the research? The researchers have explained how the

participants were selected and they were the

most appropriate for the study. There are

discussions around the recruitment.

Was the data collected in a way that Yes

addressed the research issue? The setting was not justified and the way data

was collected has been sufficiently explained.

The methods of research have been


sufficiently explained and they are explicit.

The form of data is also clear and the

saturation of the data has been explained.

Has the relationship between the researcher No

and the participants been adequately The role between the research and participant

considered? has not been considered sufficiently since

their role and potential bias has not been


Has ethical issues been taken into Yes

consideration? The researchers have sufficiently been

explained to the participants for the reader in

assessing the ethical standards that have been

extremely maintained throughout the study.

Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous? Yes

The data analysis is described rigorously.

Sufficient data has been presented for

supporting the study findings.

Is there clear statement of findings? Yes

The findings from this study are clearly

defined as they are explicit and are

adequately discussed. Also, the credibility of

the findings has been discussed. The validity

has been enhanced via triangulation. More

than one analysts and research has taken part

in coming up with the findings.


How valuable is the research? The research is very valuable since it

discusses the impact that the study findings

on the knowledge in existence on relation to

the current practice and is thus relevant to the

topic study. The study also identifies areas

for future research on the issue.

Article 2

Questions Response and Comment

Was there clear statement of the aims of the Yes

research? The goal of the research was to explore the

role of gender in the relationship between

adverse childhood

experiences and delinquency and substance

use in adolescence

Is a qualitative methodology appropriate? Yes

The research methodology is appropriate for

the study as it answers the research questions


Was the research design appropriate to Yes

address the aims of the research? The research design has been justified


Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to Yes

the aims of the research? The researchers have explained how the

participants were selected and they were the


most appropriate for the study. There are

discussions around the recruitment.

Was the data collected in a way that Yes

addressed the research issue? The setting was not justified and the way data

was collected has been sufficiently explained.

The methods of research have been

sufficiently explained and they are explicit.

The form of data is also clear and the

saturation of the data has been explained.

Has the relationship between the researcher Yes

and the participants been adequately The role between the research and participant

considered? has not been considered sufficiently since

their role and potential bias has not been


Has ethical issues been taken into Yes

consideration? The researchers have sufficiently been

explained to the participants for the reader in

assessing the ethical standards that have been

extremely maintained throughout the study.

Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous? Yes

The data analysis is described rigorously.

Sufficient data has been presented for

supporting the study findings.

Is there clear statement of findings? Yes

The findings from this study are clearly


defined as they are explicit and are

adequately discussed. Also, the credibility of

the findings has been discussed. The validity

has been enhanced via triangulation. More

than one analysts and research has taken part

in coming up with the findings.

How valuable is the research? The research is very valuable since it

discusses the impact that the study findings

on the knowledge in existence on relation to

the current practice and is thus relevant to the

topic study. The study also identifies areas

for future research on the issue.

Article 3

Questions Response and Comment

Was there clear statement of the aims of the Yes

research? The goal of the research was to examine the

effect of ACE exposure on two different

measures of gang involvement by age 18.

The aim is relevant to the topic of study.

Is a qualitative methodology appropriate? Yes

The research methodology is appropriate for

the study as it answers the research questions

appropriately. This is so since it aimed to

examine the perceptions of the participants.


Was the research design appropriate to No

address the aims of the research? The research design has not been justified


Was the recruitment strategy appropriate to Yes

the aims of the research? The researchers have explained how the

participants were selected and they were the

most appropriate for the study. There are

discussions around the recruitment.

Was the data collected in a way that Yes

addressed the research issue? The setting was not justified and the way data

was collected has been sufficiently explained.

The methods of research have been

sufficiently explained and they are explicit.

The form of data is also clear and the

saturation of the data has been explained.

Has the relationship between the researcher No

and the participants been adequately The role between the research and participant

considered? has not been considered sufficiently since

their role and potential bias has not been


Has ethical issues been taken into No

consideration? The researchers have not sufficiently been

explained to the participants for the reader in

assessing the ethical standards that have been

extremely maintained throughout the study.


Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous? Yes

The data analysis is described rigorously.

Sufficient data has been presented for

supporting the study findings.

Is there clear statement of findings? Yes

The findings from this study are clearly

defined as they are explicit and are

adequately discussed. Also, the credibility of

the findings has been discussed. The validity

has been enhanced via triangulation. More

than one analysts and research has taken part

in coming up with the findings.

How valuable is the research? The research is very valuable since it

discusses the impact that the study findings

on the knowledge in existence on relation to

the current practice and is thus relevant to the

topic study. The study also identifies areas

for future research on the issue.

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